Home Academics December Recruiting / New President

December Recruiting / New President


This morning at 10am we should hear who the new President will be. All I have heard is it is not a woman as earlier reports stated. You can watch the meeting live here.

Recruiting is probably the hottest topic otherwise, so we’ll do both in one post.

Go Beavs!


  1. Good job NB, you deserve it.

    Lindgren not leaving for ASU

    Arizona State: Multiple reports out of Arizona say Arizona State is hiring Boise State offensive coordinator Zak Hill as their next offensive coordinator. Last week FootballScoop first mentioned ASU’s interest in Hill.

  2. John Miller
    Great in home visit from
    thanks for coming and stopping by can’t wait to get to osu
    #scobeavs ??

    I am guessing he is going to qualify academically if he is posting something like this.

  3. Current list of verbal commits for the 2020 class:
    Position Verbal commit
    QB Ben Gulbranson
    QB Chance Nolan (JC)
    RB Isaiah Newell
    WR Zeriah Beason
    WR Trevor Pope
    WR Silas Bolden
    TE Tommy Spencer
    TE Jake Overman
    OL Cooper Darling
    OL Jacob Ferenczi
    OL Taliese Fuaga
    OL Korbin Sorensen (transfer)
    DT Joe Quillen (transfer)
    DE Sione Lolohea
    DE Shane Kady
    DE Tavis Shippen (JC)
    DE Alex Lemon (JC)
    LB John Miller
    LB Junior Walling
    CB Alton Julian (JC)
    S Johnathan Riley (JC)
    S Ron Hardge III (JC)
    Totals 22

    Sounds like Lemon is a maybe at best. Nemec says it’s for academic reasons rather than lack of interest in joining OSU.
    Also, not sure if Quillen is on scholarship or of Quillen and Sorensen both would count towards 2020. So that 22 total is a bit squishy.

    Early signing period is Dec 18th. We will probably sign most of these guys then, but there will be more recruiting after that period for the late signing day. Good to have most of the work done early though.

    Guys I’m watching(at least publicly known):
    Tanuvasa(LDS mission)
    Hala the mystery visitor
    Juergens(late signing period, should visit still)
    Theo Howard(may not sign anywhere till Spring)
    Brandon Casey
    Jaylen Watson
    Kaden Johnson(unlikely)
    Jaquari Godfrey
    PWO candidates will probably become more known as we get closer to the Feb signing deadline.

  4. 7

    Interesting background on the new president. Father was a university president, mother was an academic too and started the women’s athletic program at Florida.

    He was 38/39 when he first became a university president. That’s really something. Sounds like he wanted out of LSU because of state politics. Does seem like he thought this was a great opportunity. He or someone mentioned that Ray held his position for much longer than an average university president. So he may think he can hold the job until he retires like Ray.

    He’s got a lot of challenges/opportunities ahead of him. None of which include athletics. These are the things I’d like to see.

    1. Increase the endowment
    2. Increase research dollars
    3. Recruit more and more top students. OSU isn’t going to raise admission standards as a state university but they can increase the quality of students coming in.
    4. OSU does a good job with kids graduating will little or no debt. Keep that up.
    5. Keep building up the Bend campus. Make it the go to for eastern Oregon residents.
    6. Increase grad rates. More graduates mean more donations. And more credit to the school for uber successful ones.
    7. Don’t let OSU have large fiscal issues.

    The nice to haves,
    6. Would be nice to be regarded as the state flagship university.
    7. Rankings are dumb but get into the top 100 us news rankings.

    No opinion of him yet. But hope he can get things done.

  5. 13

    Brenda Tracy is out there being a victim again.
    I’m sure everyone agrees rape is horrible and all that, but shouldn’t she be advocating and educating on rape test kits the day of the event, etc? If she had done that nobody would question her, and those guys would all be in prison. That’s where it’s at. She’s super annoying, and it’s hard to be a rape victim and annoying.

    • Maybe first time ever but I agree Tracy is annoying as hell. However, rape kits the day of the event has humongous obstacles that can’t be overcome… like the victims themselves not saying anything for 10 years.

    • 8

      Didn’t believe her story then, don’t believe it now.

      Even the DA stated it was a she said/they said and refused to prosecute. If it did happen and she had gone to the police right away they’d have had a chance. She didn’t. That’s on her. Period. End of story.

      That said……………You don’t get to have buyers remorse the day after getting liquored up and willingly letting half the football team treat you like a pair of chinese fingercuffs. Which is what I believe happened from what I know of her “story”.

    • 8

      A few weeks back she was on some “influential Oregonians” list from Canzano. I thought it was an attempt by him to keep her name out there. I didn’t want to mention it here because I am still annoyed at what she did to Heimlich without even making a cursory attempt to understand the nuances of his case.

  6. For what it’s worth, Ducks have two 4-star decommits in the last 24 hrs — kids must be getting antsy with less than 5 days to early signing. Hopefully Beavs can hold on and surprise in a good way with some unexpected additions.

    • 7

      Nemec says they’re decommitting to make room for 5* guys who will commit during one of the all american games after signing day.
      He’s in full damage control mode. It’s almost like he’s working dor them. Hmmm….

      • Lol nemec is the best, he also claims arroyo was a terrible recruiter and it shouldn’t effect Oregon at all. I remember him saying something like that when they lost leavitt as well. That dude is insufferable. Can’t wait to see what he says about Hayward if he ends up leaving too.

        • He’s already been hedging his bet on Heyward, saying CB coach Donte Williams is the better recruiter actually and that recruits like him more than Heyward.
          Even though their top recruit in the 2019 class came to oregon over Bama because of Heyward’s recruiting.

          It’s really pretty impressive the amount of time he devotes to these topics on his radio show.

          And then he shoves in some oregon state news about 30 minutes later in the show.

      • 2

        Wait, Nemec actually said these players decommitted to make room for some 5* guys?? As if these players were so gracious that they would leave on their own accord so that Oregon could get some better players!? That’s such horseshit. He doesn’t have the balls to say that these players were basically told to leave by the Oregon coaching staff because they’ll just ride the pine behind better players. They probably told them Uncle Phil will take care of them down the road also.

      • More Nemec spin on that one. “They were always going to lose his commitment. He had family issues back in florida to attend to, and even since the day he committed, Nemec says he’s been telling people it wont last. Says he told everybody their first 3 commits in this class would all eventually decommit, which is what appears to be happening. But its all good because they’re going to replace them all with 2 5* guys and a 4* guy, and his new 16 year old buddy Keith Brown are going to celebrate signing day in the champagne room.

        What is with his love affair with Brown anyway? It’s more than borderline creepy at this point. Are reporters supposed to become besties with the kids they cover?

  7. Random recruiting question. How high would Oregon States recruiting class need to rank to compete for P12 title consistently? Top 40? Top 30? At what point do staffs start chasing stars instead of finding guys with the attitude and skillset that fit the system? It also seems like the more competitive you get for 4/5 star the more decommits and transfers you get. Thoughts?

    • Maybe compare Utah’s classes over the last 6 seasons? They haven’t won it, but are knocking on that door.

      I think the team does chase starts to a certain extent. They offer the highly ranked guys early, but they mostly get beaten by other teams and take their 2nd/3rd/4th option and settle for high upside guys they think they can coach up.

      • I think that’s a good comparison. We seem to go after the same type of player Utah likes. I think we will hit on a few bigger ones every so often like Hodges, Nolan, etc.

        • Utah 247 rankings.

          2019 – 42
          2018 – 33
          2017 – 33
          2016 – 37
          2015 – 45

          Seems like getting into the 30s should make it so we can compete for a Pac-12 championship on occasion with some player development.

          • 2001 would have been the year after the 11-1 season, but unfortunately, it didn’t propel the program into long-term elite level success. My guess is that if DE had stayed rankings would have stayed in the 20’s and 30’s most years.

        • There’s also establishing some type of relationship in case there is a transfer down the road. Not that it’s necessary but it certainly can’t hurt.

  8. The Advocate of Baton Rouge has two articles dated Dec 13 regarding F. King Alexander, the new president of OSU.
    Some tidbits:
    USNWR ranks OSU 139, the LSU campus ranks 153.

    Ray, at $809k, makes about $100k more than Alexander. BG has, above, already outlined the wide scope of Alexader’s current responsibilities which include overseeing “the private administrators for the state’s charity hospitals.”

    Alexander said Oregon supports its universities with greater annual funding than Louisiana.
    He said the constant fighting for state appropriations wore him down…”

    When the LSU board evaluated him in October they gave him ” A’s and B’s for his overall job performance. But supervisors also graded Alexander with Cs and Ds for the way he handled communications – some considered him as too controlling and not very open – as well as crisis management. ” And, he was criticized for unilaterally changing admissions standards. And leaders at colleges in other systems said Alexander often acted imperiously when higher education advocates wanted a united stand on some positions.”

    “… Alexander as well as luminaries like Nick Saban were uncomfortable with the endless rounds of crawfish boils, dinner parties and barbecues that come with having a top position at LSU.”

    A lot to unpack there, it will be interesting to see what local Oregon writers say when they write their “introductory” articles**(see below).

    Could be we are getting a somewhat private guy who will flourish in a more relaxed position (at higher pay) and who’ll be willing to counter the lockstep mentality of his peers. He appears to be more of an administrator than an academic.
    Maybe, just maybe, once he gets his feet on the ground he’ll deal firmly with the PAC12 and Larry Scott.



    **Local reaction from the GT, includes plenty of emphasis on diversity and an explanation of his name, “I’m named after a barbershop, and that’s as regal as it gets,” he said.

  9. 4

    Quick Stats on Smith Recruiting based on 247 Composite Score.
    2018 – 70th Nationally
    2019 – 52 Nationally (67/68 without Moore)
    2020 – 46 Currently, probably finish in the low 50s

    I’m impressed with the strides made in 3 years.

  10. The former USC OL commit, Kyler Juergens, is down to a top 3 of Boise St, Kansas St and Oregon State. He plans to visit OSU around the last weekend in January

  11. Up above, Nuclear Beav says Riley can’t be credited for the high ranking 2003 class because “all he did is hold together” what Erickson did. Actually, even that is an overstatement of Riley’s contribution. Dennis didn’t leave for SF until AFTER letter of intent day in 2003. (Something, Riley did NOT do, TWICE.)
    It’s therefore also worthy of remark that that 2003 class provided the senior leadership of the 2006 team, “Riley’s” best.

  12. So Alfieri visiting and 247 gives an osu lean (I know they are knee jerk anytime a her visits). Seems late in the game though to be visiting another program. I won’t complain if he commits but a taller WR or a lineman would be a nice addition as opposed to another LB.

        • Oh, you must have seen the recent reply to his old visit tweet in the twitter feed?

          Well, still not a bad thought. If we end up hearing he does visit before signing day, it would make sense.
          But I also have not heard any recent rumors of it.

    • Alfieri would instantly become one of the class headliners. Even though we have other positions of more immediate need, you can’t pass up the opportunity to add him.
      There are other ways to fill the other positions during the offseason.

    • Totally fine with more athletic 6’3 220 dudes on the team haha. Pretty sure we still have room for another WR and a lineman. I think Trevor Pope will end up giving us some height at wideout.

      • True, but sounds like a complicated situation with the Fed’s involvement, which allowed all in involved (except the victims of course) to enable the violator.

    • 2

      Canzano jumped on this today in The Oregonian. He was not very critical of the Quacks who I think passed the buck by negotiating with Wallace’s mom. Of course, he found a way to tie Brenda Tracy into this and also used a picture of her crying for the article instead of the player/rapist, which made absolutely no sense.

      • It was on OPB at noon today, with Miller I think.

        Can someone remind me why the U has “jurisdiction” instead of the city? Why did UO investigate, expel twice, stamp his transcripts (paraphrasing) “expelled for predatory sexual behavior,” later remove when his mommy threatened a Title 9 sex discrimination, instead of Eugene police, court of law?

        • The case ended up with the same DA as it would have if handled by the Eugene PD. The DA said, “The issue is consent,” deputy district attorney Katherine Green wrote in both case evaluation memos. “Based on the evidence both from the criminal investigation and the student conduct investigation and proceeding, the state cannot prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt.”

          That explains why the case didn’t end up in a court of law. Bear in mind the Lane County DA handles cases from either the Eugene PD or the UOPD.

          As to why the Eugene PD didn’t handle the case:
          From the U of O Police Department website:
          UOPD serves campus with sworn police officers, security officers, and civilian staff in a variety of roles…
          -UOPD is separate from the Eugene Police Department, and any other local law enforcement agencies.
          -UOPD is a department of the University of Oregon, and covers all campus properties as its jurisdiction.
          -…UOPD works with Eugene Police and other agencies to prevent and solve crime…
          -UOPD police officers may enforce the law anywhere in the state, as with all state-certified law enforcement officers…

          So, in theory, the sworn officers of the UOPD have had the same basic training (read: certification) as those of the Eugene PD.

          All this does leave open a couple questions,
          –Did the UOPD receive any assistance from the Eugene PD?
          –Does the Eugene PD have more experience and ability to deal with this type of case?


          • “U of O did not have to compromise.”
            Because UofO provided legal services to victims and not the accused the suit was based on discrimination. Seems the University decided to “follow the money” here; face a likely judgement (was it $750,000 ?) or alter the transcript.

            Just as significant, in my mind, is the fact that Prairie View A&M accepted Wallace when his transcript still noted, “Expelled for sexual misconduct”.

            Even more significant, from the post above, …the national organization that regulates college athletes has no penalties for sexual, violent or criminal misconduct. Even when expelled from school for rape, the NCAA allows athletes to transfer elsewhere and keep playing.

            Does the term “Lack of Institutional Control” apply to the NCAA itself?

          • Prairie View is effing messed up! Did you catch that they used Wallace on a prominent billboard/poster touting the program even knowing what they knew about him?

  13. Eggers up with a grab-bag piece. Includes speculation on Casey’s future after the coming baseball season (not thinking AD), and this from Terry Baker:

    “Jonathan is running that operation like a corporate executive,” Baker said. “I can see the job he’s doing. He inherited a pretty empty cupboard, but they have some talent down there. They’re making good progress — everybody would have to agree on that.”

    Baker’s interest in Beav Football seems rekindled by Smith’s approach and the reception he received when invited to visit the team.
    “Jonathan spent some time with us and showed us the facilities, which are all very first-class,” Baker said. “He asked me to say a few words to the players. I had a lot of the kids come up to me afterward and want to shake my hand and take a selfie.
    “And there was a group of linemen — I’m assuming that; they were big guys — who all wanted to get in the Heisman pose in a picture with me. They were all so friendly and made me feel so welcome. I was really impressed.”


    • 4

      Eggers on fire with a couple snarky shots:

      “When I asked to do a short interview with Robinson, the ex-Beaver coach was willing. But the team’s PR types said it was against company policy.

      For a franchise with one playoff series victory and four playoff appearances in 19 years, that’s wise policy. Wouldn’t want to give away any secrets to the club’s long-standing success.”

      “Congrats to Wayland Baptist coach Ty Harrelson, who allowed his star guard, J.J. Culver, to play 38 of 40 minutes while tallying 100 points in a 124-60 victory over Southwest Adventist on Tuesday.

      Culver took 62 of his team’s 77 shots in the game. No teammate scored in double figures. It was “get the ball to Culver” and get out of the way.

      Think of all of life’s lessons Harrelson imparted on his players in the 64-point rout of Southwest Adventist (1-12): Forget sportsmanship. Forget teamwork. Put personal achievement ahead of team play. Embarrass your opponent. Gain national attention for the program with a bush-league pursuit of a milestone that, under the circumstances, is shallow.”

  14. Blitz actually posted a free article on this very topic today. It’s worth checking out.
    They dont mention Jacob Ferenzci or Quillen (maybe Quillen is non scholarship?)
    I think Ferenzci is supposed to be part of the 2020 class however.


    • He was next in line for Smith and Lindgren after they missed on Bachmeier. I remember last year saying one or more of these ASU quarterbacks are going to want to transfer within a year after they signed 3 different 4* QBs in their 2019 class. What a waste of a year of eligibility.
      Would fit well for OSU if he came and sat for a year, since we didnt use a 2019 scholarship on a QB.
      Hopefully our Mission Viejo connections can influence him to move north.

      • I saw he played 2 games so he can use 2019 as redshirt year but yeah now he has to sit somewhere. It’s somewhat like the Gebbia deal, you commit to a program and get beat out. You leave, then you don’t know if you will start unless you go a much lesser program like Sears going to SDSU. Maybe Yellen should have gone to Duke as originally planned or a place like OSU who was hurting for a QB. Different situation now for the Beavs. Like you said though still take him if he is open to the idea. No guarantees Gulbranson works out. Programs need multiple serviceable qbs with injuries as well. Don’t blame kids for not wanting to be plan B or C.

  15. Seems that signing day will be pretty much strictly business and not alot of drama for OSU.
    Nemec actually had a decent recap of the class. He doesn’t cover every player but I agree with his assessment. Bottom line, OSU seems to be getting pretty good quality on Defense to address needs and some sleeper type offensive players. The area of main concern is with OL. We have the PSU transfer, Darling, and Fuaga currently.
    These aren’t guys we had to beat out other Pac12 teams for, except maybe Darling. Juergens is another late possible addition, but that won’t happen till the Feb signing period. He’s down to BSU, KSU and OSU.
    Most of the class will sign tomorrow. Wright is most likely the only new commit to happen tomorrow. Lemon sounds like an academic causality.

    Still trying to find out if Ferenzci is official tomorrow, and also don’t know if our mystery man, Hala, will be committing anywhere tomorrow. I’ve got some messages out that I’m hoping to hear back on.

    Bottom line, no drama is a good thing and OSU is getting a pretty solid group on Wednesday, all things considered.

  16. 2

    Does anyone have any idea how many people in the US are employed in sports predicting, polling, announcing, Big League Chewing, awarding (come-back quarterbacks?), interviewing, opining . . . I truly believe if they were all shut down there would be an economic crisis.

    • I was just going to post about that. I think the Beavs are in play for him. OSU coaches were at his school last Wed.
      Bottom line is that he seemed to be slow playing the home town Gophers and they just got a verbal from an equivalent LB from the IMG football factory in FL. So they are out. The rumor around here is that Wisconsin is slow playing him. Nebraska is all in for him, but he has not committed there, so something is up with that. Would not be totally shocked if he ends up in Corvallis. FWIW, a tailgating friend coached against him and said he is a really nice kid.

  17. 13

    Update on Jacon Ferenzci.

    He will be part of the 2020 class. His scholarship officially starts in January. He enrolled as a partial student on his own so he could get a jump on things and get a few classes done. He’s studying Engineering. He could only be a partial student to prevent his D1 clock from starting until 2020 – He’s young, just turned 18 in June.
    As a partial student he could watch practices, film and learn the playbook. He got his medical evaluation clearance done. Went through all the weightlifting machines got cleared for weight room on his time (couldn’t work out with the team – but he worked out daily his entire Senior year at the local community College weight room down here so he’s used to working on his own). Weight coach mentioned he hadn’t seen a big framed guy with that much flexibility come through very often, and the weight Coach was happily surprised he knew how to use all the machines correctly. He went through body fat/composition. Was at 295 in Sept. They wanted him to lose body fat. He’s down to 280 lbs and holding. They are very happy. They want the 15 lbs back on, but in muscle weight. (It’s easier to build muscle when the fat weight is down to a certain ratio, which he’s at now.) They expect he’ll be sitting comfortably at around 300lbs. They will start him on muscle building when he heads back in January.

    • Not really, other than that article you mentioned.
      Maybe someone to watch for the late signing period if they have trouble filling any remaining spots?
      I get the impression Juergens is a more likely addition in Feb than Miller. But alot can change in another 6+ weeks.
      I dont expect he’ll be part of tomorrow’s class for us though

        • I’m not even considering Wright going elsewhere.
          If you take a look now, a bunch of new crystal balls are being switched back from Colorado to Oregon State today on 247.
          It’s been Oregon State in the lead since last Summer, but I guess they like to sell drama

          • I love it, and since he went to UCF recently of course some make the prediction he will go there. Like you said, selling the drama.

            Good for him taking his visits.

  18. MBB 39 in newest NET rankings, up from 40 last week. We’re 6th out of P12 teams. Oklahaoma is one spot above us.

    Texas A&M is ranked even lower than UTSA, but both are sub-250. There’s no reason we shouldn’t take care of business in Texas.

    Richie McKay has Liberty in the top 20!

    • Liberty is at 71 in kenpom ratings.

      Beavs at 61. Sitting on the outside looking in.

      Ethan has been the reason the Beavs have been winning comfortably the last 6 games. Nice to see them blowing out teams they should blowout. PSU looks to be an odd one but they never lost the lead in the game.

      Have some pretty bad teams ahead. Can’t afford any losses until Colorado. Going to have to get a win or two va UA, UO and UW in conference play to get serious consideration.

  19. This is for the folks on here that were saying OC don’t mean much in recruiting.

    “While Texas may be good with Robinson, the Longhorns suffered a big blog Monday night with the decommitment of top-100 wideout Quentin Johnston, who immediately flipped to TCU. Johnson had grown uncomfortable with not knowing who his offensive coordinator would be in Austin; the Longhorns’ pursuit of USC’s Graham Harrell fell short this week.”

    Happy Lindgren stuck around.

    • were people in here saying that? The OC and DC hires are the two most important decisions Smith, or any coach, makes. Even GA came to realize that. Those hires were my biggest beef with Riley. He put loyalty to them above loyalty to his employer and the players under his stewardship.

  20. Which makes more sense for tomorrow? Would it be better to have a fresh thread as soon as signing day starts? Or should those updates just continue in this thread and then have a new thread later with a recap of the day’s activity?

    I dont usually do much on signing day other than retweet the football team Twitter accounts’ official notifications. And if a player makes an announcement I’ll retweet that too. But otherwise, there’s usually so much excess noise on signing day, i just like to keep it simple.

    And fans seem to like posting updates here in the angrybeavs pages

    • I’m thinking a fresh thread, starting very late tonight or early tomorrow with a link (again) to your spreadsheet.
      Depending on how large it gets, maybe go with another thread when you are able to recap.
      Just my .02

      Hey, finally a productive use of the up/down votes. The community can let us know if they like/dislike this approach.

  21. OT: RIP Hayden Fry. Perhaps the greatest coaching tree ever. His ‘83 staff at Iowa included Barry Alvarez, Bill Snyder, Bob Stoops, Kirk Ferentz, and Dan McCarney.

    • That’s #39 on rivals and 45 on 247 sports. Either way, I feel this is a really good class for where this team has come in 2 seasons. 1-11 in 2017(GA/Hall) 70th recruiting class; 2-10 in 2018(JS) top 65ish recruiting class; 5-7 2019(JS) soon with a top 50-40 recruiting class. This coaching staff is making me excited for next season.

  22. Not sure how early the team will start announcing the received NLIs.
    Hardge should be pretty early, given the time zone difference. Most of the other guys are in the Pacific time zone or later. So as early as 5:01 PST, with most arriving around 7:01. And they’ll probably announce a few early, like the transfers. Although we saw how that worked with Devon Williams.

    I wont be up for the earliest part, but will be up for the 7:01 activity.
    See you in Angry’s new post which should show up after midnight.


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