1. It’s not your appearance, it’s your actions. Guy has a decent track record. We should judge him on what he does or doesn’t do, not if his “look” doesn’t jive with what we want it to be.

  2. I don’t have a problem with him…….yet. If he brings in money and can schmooze the donors, cool. Let’s get some shit paid for……new roof on valley, finish the stadium, upgrades to gill and goss. Maybe a new training facility for other sports? And whatever else ADs do.

  3. I notice he is hired as “VP” and AD, did BDC have the VP designation?

    His department at Utah State in 2009 was judged the most economically efficient by Texas A&M and finished in the top 20 in four later studies.

    A little digging reveals that the study at aTm is called the Excellence in Management Cup. It ranks schools on a formula which considers the number of NCAA championships and conference championships in comparison to the total athletic operating expenses.

    Note that the study makes no distinction between major and minor sports, a conference title in competitive cheer, golf, or cross country is just as valuable as one in football. BTW, uncle phils toilet seat brigade was ranked number two in the nation in recent years by this study.

  4. The guy he replaced, Steve Pederson, might be the most hated man in Nebraska. He is the dude that fired Frank Solich. Got shit canned there, then went back for a second round at Pitt.
    I suspect the Wiki page was written by a Cornhusker LOL:
    Steve Pederson has spent more than thirty years ruining college athletics. For seventeen of those years, he was the athletic director (AD) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Pittsburgh .

    • I thought they were better than this……Poor little Idaho is taking the wood to them. I wonder if idaho regrets dropping to fcs after next season?

      • there is a significant portion of the Idaho alumni/student fan base that is upset with the decision, in part because it is inconsistent with the Idaho “brand” which is to serve as the flagship state university.

        • I think they are only fbs level in football, but fcs (1-AA) level in all other sports…….in fact I think they are a part of the Big Sky in all other sports.

        • What the hell does football have to do with a dumb monicker that only has to do with what land-grant school was the first in a state?

          Football is not the loss-leader many proclaim it to be. It’s simply a drag on finances for most. And that drag combined with how the FBS runs business is not sustainable. The FCS is a much better system and hails much more to the traditions and spirit of the sport and its history than does the FBS.

  5. Barnes SUCKS! We used to beat the crap out of that guy everyday back in 5th grade. He always had that patented move of immediately falling on his back and squealing like a stuck pig! Haha! We used to follow him home from the bus stop and throw him in Mr Edwards sticker bushes, Jumbo Jet Barnes always dressed like a church choir boy and would get so mad and run away crying because his slacks would rip or get muddy! Can’t believe people now trust this guy to be more than a dog catcher!

    I’ve done great for myself since those days, I was the number one inside sales rep in my region until I took a spill in Subway 12 years ago. It has taken awhile and many appointments with lawyer and back doctors and specialists, but I’m finally expecting a big fat settlement check soon! I drive a Mopar and have a mortgage like most of you but in a few months I’m going to be parking my GTO at the governor’s mansion, paid for in cold hard cash!

  6. with tonight’s game and the goings-on in Minnesota you have to think that the toughest of the pre-season games next year is the one against Portland State. Seriously.

  7. this is Gary’s hire and if it makes him feel more comfortable about the direction of the football program so be it. After all, Dr. Ray has to be within the horizon of his retirement and this is a kind of insurance policy for Gary.

  8. Heard a rumor Barnes wants to consider having the Civil War Platypus Trophy on the sideline to heat up the in-state rivalry even more. Like this kind of fresh thinking and willingness to be creative. Barnes, if he implements a strong agenda, has a chance to shake up the culture and show that Oregon State is plenty capable of being seen as #1 in this state over a multi-year period. Just takes the right moves, a ‘we will do this’ attitude and some big wins. Excited for all sports, but especially football, and to see what happens next.

  9. Folks at Pitt were allegedly pissed that they lost their coach to TCU under his watch.
    Seems reasonable that he went back to his alma mater though.
    Sounds like media banter.

    I’m glad they went with someone outside the stagnant boys club.

  10. RE the AD, I’d be interested to know who the “deep pool of highly qualified and interested candidates” was, but that probably won’t happen.

    It would also be interesting to hear perspectives of the panel that was included in developing the AD search criteria and hiring process. Wasn’t Steven Jackson on that? Pat Casey? Can’t recall the others on the list…

    • Other coaches were on the committee too. A few donors.

      Don’t think you’ll get a full list. In college sports, loyalty is big and once your name surfaces as a candidate at other jobs, you’re branded a traitor.

  11. OT: Stopped in the coffee shop by my office this morning. After a couple seconds I realize the guy in front of me is Paul Molitor. Man he looks like hell. Too much sun and not enough sunscreen.

  12. Since a lot of people are saying Barnes is a good fundraiser, I wonder how he will appeal to a person like me, a longtime small level donor.


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