Home Athletics Scott Barnes Needs to Go

Scott Barnes Needs to Go


This guy has been a failure everywhere he’s been.

Remember in 2017 I wrote him an email about Heimlich, and he responded, “Um for the 3rd time we discussed 3:45 that makes us 15 to 20 min late . It starts at 5pm and takes 1:30 to get there.” and when I asked if this is how he talks to people he knows, he responded “Ab. My email below was obviously not intended for you.”

What a dick.

Ray is gone. Barnes has to go. There’s a lot of protectionism in the Athletic Department right now and it needs to be cleaned out.

By the way, here is my thread from when he was hired.

And here is the thread with the quotes above.


  1. By the way, YoungOrst — so much for hiring a bozo as a placeholder for a year rather than finding someone competent, huh?

    • You can’t possibly be this stupid?

      You do know (or you truly are this stupid) I was quite clearly discussing the Bailey hire in the context of it being a 1 year hire but feel free to make yourself look really stupid if it makes you feel better.

      I even said (paraphrasing) ‘if you’re arguing they should have told Casey if he is gonna retire it has to be permanent I don’t disagree’

      But sure, claim otherwise if you want, it is your blog.

      • Liberals calling people stupid. Yawn.

        Anyway, good call thinking Bailey was the right guy for the “interim”…lolz

        • Whatever dishonest argument you want to make to convince yourself you’re the smartest guy in the room.

          It’s quite sad, I remember when I first found this site. You seemed like a critical but fair blogger. Now you’re just a whiney little bitch who expects everyone to bow down to you because you have a blog.

          • In some alternate universe where OSU did sign some guy to a 5 year deal, still lost in the regionals, and you heard a rumor that Casey just wanted a year off you’re arguing that OSU was foolish to sign someone long term.

            You’re so predictable.

          • Nice counter.

            Exactly how have I moved the goal posts?

            My claim was no one any better than Bailey was going to come to OSU on a 1 year interim deal. That’s all I ever claimed, the rest of whatever you think my argument was only exists inside your head .

          • I don’t want to get in the middle of a debate, but Pat Bailey should fit Angry’s “George Fox” theory of coaches for Oregon St. I guess there is an exception to every rule.

            Can Scott Rueck coach baseball?

          • Which again means not giving Casey the option to come back. Which (to repeat myself) I already offered as an opinion I wouldn’t argue with.

            So again, how have I moved the goal posts?

            Unless your claim is OSU should have given someone a multi-year deal AND give Casey the option to come back.

            In which case I have to ask, how high are you?

          • Okay, so really high then?

            Got it.

            Care to explain the plan if you sign someone to a multi-year deal and Casey decides to come back?

            Because in real life when dealing with big money and real humans you’d need to have a plan for that when the 2 deals (new coach and Casey’s option to return) are signed.

          • You don’t let him come back if the other guy is good. I mean he left.
            If the other guy sucks you fire him and hire Casey.
            Way better options than having Bailey blow a home regional only to have Casey bail. But this is why we’re OSU.

          • What you just described is literally ‘tell Casey if he wants to retire he needs to retire’

            Which (again) I NEVER argued against.

            So one more fucking time, how have I moved the goalposts?

            If you’re gonna call someone out you sure as fuck better have a better argument then ‘you figure it out’

  2. One question……why doesn’t Pat just quit if he can’t stand Barnes? It’s not like he wouldn’t be able to find another job. Or is that anticipated soon?

    At this point, I would almost like to see Casey announced as another college’s head coach just to see the shit totally obliterate the fan!

  3. Isn’t there some stuff out there about Barnes running a once highly competitve Pitt basketball program into the ground? I hope the same is not going to happen with baseball.

  4. This is the moment oregon baseball takes over oregon state baseball for top program in the state. Barnes is going to fuck this up.

    • OSU baseball was over when Casey left. We just thought we’d be back when he came back.
      Things will never be the same.

        • I also agree that Beavs Baseball will never be the same, for the same reason.
          However, that doesn’t mean the program cannot ever have success again!
          Still………..GO BEAVS

          • At least Casey left us on a high note (well, before today).
            He left the program in good shape for someone else to be average. We’ll probably be like Apple after Steve Jobs left…Tim Cook plodded along a few years riding Job’s coattails. Bailey did that this year. Whoever comes in next year can do that a few years and win 30 games or so as we fade over time.

    • Let’s say, hypothetically, the best candidate in the country is down to OSU and UofO. Where is he going? And why?

      • Rebuild from the ashes of the Horton era (with plenty of $ and glitz) or try to continue a first rate program with little upside and plenty of downside?

        All in the shadow of a legend with very few warts.

        I’m guessing “the best candidate in the country” goes south; unless he’s got ties to OSU.

        • Pretty much exactly how I see it too. Oregon State’s biggest plus is they have a more supportive fanbase. Unless the next guy sucks

      • Oregon State, hands down.

        The reason is the fanbase.

        At Oregon you have a fanbase who has a religious determination to pretend like baseball doesn’t exist. They will NEVER show up in droves to watch a baseball game no matter how good they are.

        At OSU we LOVE baseball and pack the stadium no matter what. There is where kids want to play.

        Also the Oregon field sucks the life out of batters which hinders recruiting, or so I’m told.

    • Take an Ambien and get your ass back to what you do best! It worked for Urban Meyer, well at least for a couple more years!

  5. Frick,Frick ,Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick, that’s all I got right now. Baseball is the only men’s sport we’re good at,and now this happens

  6. Can anyone confirm that Casey even wanted the option to come back? I personally felt that it was an odd and awkward arrangement, but one that seemed to point to Casey returning after a year. I would think that Casey will be pissed if Bailey doesn’t get the job, right? This is fucked up and bad. End of an era. I’m getting that same sinking feeling when Gary Payton graduated and I knew Jimmy A. was no Ralph MIller. Fuck!

  7. So Angry, you trying to rewrite history by deleting comments? I had the first comment on your post yesterday saying you had a source confirming he was coming back asking how reliable the source was with your replying “very”. Both are now gone.

    • Didn’t delete anything so you might want to check again and check yourself before making such accusations.

      I did edit the title so people who google “Pat Casey Return” don’t get false results. If you need me to write that’s the reason why I’ll go in there and do it. This site was coming up high in those results.

  8. Checketts seems like the guy to go after.

    There are plenty of good options out there, though. I think one interesting candidate would be Cliff Godwin from ECU.

  9. So wtf happened? Many of us here know people who know people that all said he was coming back. Kendall Rogers, who broke the retirement news last year, basically said he was coming back. Eggers and Bob Lundeberg believed he was coming back yet Barnes said it became obvious in recent weeks that he wasn’t. Why such a big disconnect? The only thing that makes sense is Casey thought he had leverage to get some program needs met and Barnes decided to play a game of chicken and we all lost.

  10. Everyone relax, the search firm barnes uses has always been amazing. It’s money well spent. I have no faith. Glad we won last year and I got to meet the team for autographs.

  11. Has there been any confirmation he was offered by the Ducks? I just heard he was offered sec type money to coach their team and hasn’t said no..Beavs might have to take down Casey’s corner if that happens.

  12. I’m sad. Casey’s not coming back, Barnes still has a job. Pac12 networks is a scam. That shithead commissioner still has a job. Jack was murdered. My cat still hasn’t come home. Luck o’ the beavs.

  13. So I saw Pat Casey’s name trending on Twatter, and I saw that people were *shocked* that he’s not coming out of retirement, so I came to check this site for the first time in a minute… I am so fuckin’ irritated. I can’t sleep. This is annoying.

    He coached for 30 fuckin’ years. People say he seemed “burnt out” at the end of the 2018 season. He gave us 3 championships, a year with no championship but one of the best win/loss records ever in college baseball, and lots of great memories. Also, half of his last 12 seasons were on par, or–in a couple of cases–even WORSE than this year. That’s right. in the last 12 years since the back to back championship seasons, the Beavs didn’t even make the playoffs.

    Quit your fuckin’ bitchin’, for fucks sake. You sound like spoiled duck fans when they were only up by a field goal against Stanford some time in the 2000s, when Jim Harbaugh and Mike Belotti were still coaching. You’re BEAVER FANS, not spoiled-ass duck fans. Start acting like it.

  14. I think they should take a good look at Mitch Canham. Former beav under Casey. Currently the AA coach for the Mariners minor league team (Arkansas Travelers).

    Would he be interested? Having played for Casey he knows what Casey demanded out of his players.

  15. Man, did I have a bad dream last night. Casey decided not to coach the Beavs and Barnes is going to pick the new coach.

  16. This is the perfect shit storm.
    Casey tangentially involved in picking his successor. Who would he chose between Yeskie and Bailes? So if one of his guys does not get the gig he will be pissed off.
    Was the big raise Yeskie got last summer part of a handshake deal to keep him around for this eventuality?
    Casey had to be appalled by the team’s play in the latter half of the season, particularly in the regional.That has to give him pause about his bud Pat B’s ability as the lead dog. Can he look beyond his friendship and make the tough call?
    Grenier has endorsed Yeskie. I wonder how the other recent players feel? I would imagine he is gone if he does not get the HC gig. Would Bailey step back and work for Nate?

    • Does Yeskie want to be a head coach is my question. In the past he has been content as a pitching coach. Are there scenarios where the head coach is also the pitching coach in college baseball? Another assistant could do some of the head coaching duties if that is case, maybe?

      Hearing from former players that is a really good case to make Yeskie the guy. Therefore, Barnes will pay a search firm and string this thing out losing Yeskie, Baily, and hiring some guy with no connection to OSU. I have faith Barnes can execute his ultimate plan. Anyone have access to Barnes bank accounts? Just curious if Uncle Phil is funneling him money to make bad choices for the program. You can’t buy a championship but can you buy getting your arch rival to burn down the barn?

      • I can’t answer if Yeskie wants it, but John Savage at UCLA was a pitching coach first. It definitely can work in college baseball.

      • Yeskie has always been more than just a pitching coach. That is indicated by the support of three non-pitchers mentioned above, and by Yeskie’s twitter activity wherein he often has given kudo’s to guys who aren’t pitchers. I believe I’ve even seen him comment on batting approaches as well.

        Does he want to be HC? Hard to believe that he doesn’t; he has put a lot of his life into baseball at a high level, guys like that almost always have a competitive streak which drives them to strive for the very TOP of their profession. I have little confidence in Barnes ability (or even concern) to handle this well.

        ADDED: “In the past he has been content as a pitching coach”
        But, in the past he was working closely with an icon in the business and enjoying high success while doing it. Any way you look at it, that is now changed.

        • For what it’s worth, a guy in PO group suggests he is friends with Yeskie and says he doesn’t want a head coaching gig. Who knows know, things change given the circumstances. Yeskie may have said that out of respect for PC at the time.

  17. Seems every outlet had the same sources that Casey was returning, so I’m not sure the source was wrong. It seems more that Casey simply changed his mind at the last minute. Better issue to discuss is why? We speculate Barnes. Maybe, but he knew Barnes was in the picture. Maybe he liked being on TV and they offered him a gig? Maybe he feels he can’t give 100% and thought he could until the last minute? It had to be something that came up late or else it seems every news outlet had the wrong sources.

    • Maybe something last minute like Nebraska’s HC resigning Monday and Bill Moos putting a blank check in front of Casey before the Tuesday announcement?

    • It would appear he discovered a way to stay involved in the game without the stress of coaching. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him doing games on the PAC 12 network next season.

  18. Barnes radio appearance mentioned above was a disappointment, eventhough my expectations were rock bottom. “Dan and Nigel” pitched nothing but softballs, they even opined that Barnes is earning his pay because he has had to hire head coaches!

    Nothing about the search committee make up, Casey’s consulting, or anything significant. Anyone else listen, did I miss something?

  19. I don’t know if I am okay with how Casey handled this. On one side he did bring OSU 3 national championships so he should have privilege to take a year off to see if he wanted to coach. On the other side, he left the baseball program hanging and the demand for the head coaching job opening might not be as high as it would of been right after winning the national championship.

    There is always change in organizations. I’m sure many of you out there have worked in the workforce long enough that you can tell if the organization has good or bad leadership/management. Just from my experience, the way the department has handled situations, gives me little faith in the leadership in the Athletic Department and I think there is a good chance they mess up the new coach hire. If there was proven leadership, I would say yeah it sucks Casey is leaving, but leadership will make good choice and we will get a good coach to keep the program running at a high level.

    • Does seem a little disingenuous they announced it after day 2 of the draft was complete. Makes you wonder if any of our signees were expecting Casey to come back and telling MLB teams they were planning to attend college rather than sign, if drafted?
      Maybe that’s not a big deal, but the timing of the announcement seemed to coordinate with the ending of day 2, which ended just after 4pm, while the announcement was made around 5pm

      • Just my opinion, but I don’t want to read a letter from Barnes. I thought that Casey should have stepped up and held a press conference explaining what he had decided. In hindsight, the whole situation seems cluster-fuckish to me.

        The lack of love for Bailey getting the job is also interesting. The ex-players have spoken.

    • Technically, Casey announced his retirement in September and it was Barnes that put the provision in the contract about coming back. Barnes made it sound like that was his idea not Casey’s. I can see why Casey wouldn’t feel obligated to hold another press conference.

  20. I’d be good with Yeskie taking over though he’d be at least my fourth choice. He’d bring continuity to the program and youth at the same time.

  21. I don’t think promoting someone on the current staff is the way to go. If the program is going to remain a power I think it will take someone from the outside who understands Casey’s philosophy but will put his own stamp on the program as well.

    Mitch Canham should be the first call. He has demonstrated he knows how to develop players (reached AA as a coach in 4 seasons) and played for Casey.

    I just can’t think of a time where promoting from within has worked.

    • That said, the player tweets supporting Yeskie cannot be ignored. I wish I could think of a time that a promotion like that worked. It just always seems to fail.

        • Good call.

          I guess my only quibble with that example is that Swinney was taking over an established power. But he did build the power from within.

          Which might be easier because Swinney wasn’t stuck with Bowden supporters constantly comparing him to Bowden (I imagine, maybe they did).

          But good call none the less.

          Following Casey is likely to be a nearly impossible job no matter who is hired.

          I guess the better question, is can we think of examples of a new coach taking over a power (from within or the outside) and them not dropping off?

          • Bill Guthridge.

            Boise State does it in football time after time.

            Coaching hires are a crapshoot. Everyone thought Gary Andersen would be the bomb. Same with LaVonda Wagner. No one thought Rueck or Casey would accomplish anything.

          • Meyer following Tressel at tOSU. Almost identical to our baseball situation with the one year placeholder coach. That worked pretty well.

  22. Monster pick up! Have missed out on a few prospects recently so it’s nice to land one of their top targets. Hopefully this leads to a PG commit soon.

      • True dat! This plus the very real possibility that Acquino doesn’t ever play for OSU means we have to hit on our remaining targets. I wonder if they’re looking at the recent TX transfer. We were in her top 6 prior to committing.

        • Not sure if you saw, but incoming Serbian recruit Jelena Mitrovic recently posted a picture of her leg all bandaged up with some vague message like “In God’s hands”

          Wonder if God loves Beavs WBB, because a 6’9″ incoming freshman with leg injuries 2 years in a row isn’t a great way to strengthen a program.

  23. Here’s a scary development. ASU is looking for a new pitching coach and Bob has tweeted that Barnes misspoke about Yeskie being interested in the head job at OSU. Barnes better act fast on Yeskie or don’t be surprised if we lose him. Not saying he’s interested in ASU but it would be a good gig for him.

    • The problem with all of these former players campaigning for Yeskie is it not turns into Yeskie being head coach, or Yeskie leaving the program completely. I dont see a scenario where he stays on as pitching coach anymore, unless maybe Bailey sticks as HC(unlikely).
      Really f’s with our recruiting.

  24. I really think Casey just wants (wanted) to retire from the HC job but stay working in Corvallis where his life and family is now very much rooted. Best Casey scenario (see what I did there) is that Casey will take over as AD, and Yeskie, another Corvallis homeboy at this point, takes the HC spot. Continuity continues and selling recruits on the program becomes a whole lot easier.

    • Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t taking over the AD role require Casey to do more of what he hates? Fundraising, dinners, talking to boosters, managing athletic stuff all away from actually being on a ball field molding young men. I know former coaches have taken over AD roles (thinking of Wisconsin). I’d love to replace Barnes with Casey or anyone else that is a better human being.

    • He must have taken one of BlackBandits cat’s nine lives.
      Dude is a better con man than Madoff.
      It should take him out of the running to be our new baseball coach, but anything is apparently possible.

      • Honestly, he’s a good offensive coordinator and that’s what he always should have been. Good eye for quarterbacks, he was solid at calling plays until he gave that over to Langsdorf, which was always a bad idea.

        The Peter Principle was in full effect as a head coach, but for a grade Z league like the XFL, I think you could do a whole lot worse than Mike Riley.

        I’m just glad he won’t be fucking around with Oregon State for another year until the XFL goes under.

    • Are you fucking kidding? It’s like a reoccurring bad dream.except this does keep him out of osu football

  25. Another theory I haven’t seen posted on here, is Casey wanting to be available for any ambassador type work, etc for the MLB to PDX movement? Not as a manager but in some type of front office role, player development, scouting, etc. Seems like it would be less stressful and more flexibility. That would be a cool route if that is the case.

  26. Beavs signee Drew Gilbert picked in the 35th round by the Twins. His hometown team, which makes it a nice story, but I really doubt he signs with them.

  27. Beavs don’t have to worry about any of the recruits going pro.

    However it does create a log jam. More guys than spots right now. Fall ball will be pretty competitive.

  28. Eisert – 18th round to TOR
    Malone – 27th round to SD

    I wonder if either of these guys decide to come back for their senior year

      • It’s not that surprising. He doesn’t have much of a ceiling in pro ball. Average stuff that won’t get much better.

        He’ll get drafted next year when he has no leverage.

    • Malone should, if he can get out of his own head, when he’s up to bat. He starts hitting well and his stock will jump up slot on my opinion

    • Both of them should come back. Eisert just started to hint at what he was capable of this year and kind of ended on a bad note. He could rise very significantly if he comes back and shows that he’s as good as what he showed early on this year.

      I love Malone but he had a bad year this year. He would have been drafted higher if he had been drafted last year. Give him another year to get out of his head and he could get drafted much much higher next year.

  29. Joe Beaver SHow caller today made a reference to “certainly no love loss between Barnes & Casey/Yeskie”, and Yeskie has not put his name officially into the ring for the HC job. Mike Parker back-pedalled really fast from comments or commenting upon the situation.

    I think MP knows more than he can share because of the “voice of the Beavers” conflict of interest. It seems like everything could easily be traced back to the 2017 post-season torpedo by Oregonian/SJW/Canzano et al over Hiemlich. In all reality, Casey could have been a 2 time repeat National Champion with that roster and his AD/Administration did not back them up. I think Barnes and Ray are fully culpable for the whole staff being ready to walk out and look for other opportunities. Now Barnes announces a national search as if he doesn’t have any real options yet.

    It all seems like a charade since last year when Casey stepped away form the school’s presentation of it all. Maybe the whole thing was a stand-off between Casey and Barnes, and Barnes called his bluff, or Casey walked when Barnes expected him to buckle and come back. Either way, OSU loses because the wrong guy is leaving.

  30. Some interesting stuff on Talking Beavs show on Comcast. Both Wilson and Parker say the administration handled the situation perfectly. They seem to think the fire/energy he has to have to be the coach he wants to be isn’t there. That tells me he won’t be coaching anywhere else, fingers crossed.

  31. OT, FOOTBALL: Elu has lost 20 lbs, and other tidbits, per Eggers

    Elu Aydon, a 6-3 senior, has slimmed 20 pounds to 365. “We need something from him this season,” Smith says.

    Smith says. “Luton has really improved, and part of the reason is because of the competition Tristan has created. Tristan’s good. He’s an accurate passer. He’s smart. The game means something to him. He did some really good things in the spring. With both of those guys, I feel better about that position that I did last year.”

    Senior Jordan Choukair will open camp as the starting place-kicker, but after a shaky junior year will have to beat out Jeffrey Nelson, a walk-on true freshman from Clackamas. “We’re trying to create some competition,” Smith says.

    There won’t be a visit to Bend for part of training camp this August

  32. I don’t see how Bailey gets the job with all the former players throwing their support behind Yeskie. Wetzler and Madrigal’s Dad have joined this movement. Looks like Yeskie either gets the job or we have a whole new staff next year. Hiring Yeskie would definitely be the safe move for Barnes. Don’t think he can risk upsetting the fan base with an outsider hire. I’m not sure even Checketts would be embraced like Yeskie.

  33. The best we can hope for at this point is:

    Casey never coaching college ball again – The best place for us is somewhere in the OSU organization obviously, preferably replacing Scott Barnes, but I don’t see him doing it unfortunately. The worse case scenario for us is that he ends up coaching somewhere else in the Pac-12, or (less-horrible), somewhere in the South in some big name non-Pac-12 program. If he coaches some other college program I’m afraid that the kids that grew up dreaming about playing for Casey at OSU would end up following Casey to whatever other school he ends up coaching at. The best case scenario is that he ends up our AD, or coaches MLB, or retires in Corvallis a legend.

    Bailey stays on as an assistant/recruiter – Anyone who threatens to burn down Adley’s parent’s house in order to get him here is a hero in my book. Say what you want about his coaching toward the end of the year, but you always hear about how this guy knows how to recruit and that’s valuable for us. I fear it would be hard for him to stay on as an assistant though if my next wish came to pass…

    Yeskie as head coach – I’d like this to happen based purely on the fact that the players seem to want it (Larnach, Gretler etc). They know the program a lot more than we do and if it’s what they want then it’s probably want the kids currently there want, so I defer to their wishes. If not Yeskie then who knows. Go see what else you can dig up at George Fox and start over? I just don’t want to settle for mediocrity.

    • Cadyn Grenier:
      Yo @BeaverAD you’re out of your mind if you think @OSUCoachYeskie can’t take over the HC spot. There’s absolutely no reason to look anywhere else because you’re not going to find anyone better.

      Caleb Hamilton (in reply to the above tweet):
      It shouldn’t even be a question!

      Trevor Larnach:
      I don’t really tweet at all, but this needs to be addressed. There is no one more deserving and better fit for the head coaching job than @OSUCoachYeskie. I’m positive Coach Case will not only agree but back this up. Listen to the players for the program’s sake please @BeaverAD

      It’s got to be Yeskie, right?

        • Technically ex-players…
          It is interesting that they are not endorsing Bailey, who is the guy that actually recruited them and was the kindly uncle to Casey’s hard ass father routine.

        • Well this is my fear. Do we really trust Barnes?

          I think that the thing I want most from this process is Barnes going away.

  34. If they’re gonna promote from within? I vote for Yeskie over Bailes.

    If they go outside then I think it’s either Canham or Checketts. That’s probably the only way they keep most of the current coaching staff intact. If they hire from outside the Casey tree I highly doubt we’ll see much, if any of the current coaching staff return.

    If they ultimately decide to look outside of the Casey tree then I’d look at Jim Schlossnagle at TCU or the Mississippi St coach who had the interim label last year and didn’t get the job. His name escapes me but I believe he is from Eugene.

    You can’t go hire a guy that is a bad fit for the NW. See Gary Anderson. But Barnes will probably fuck this one up.

    My worthless two pesos.

    For the record………….I was on-board and fully supported both the Anderson and Barnes hiring. Unlike some posters here I can fully admit when I was 100% wrong.

    Dear Scott Barnes,

    Fuck you!



    • Wasnt that MSU interm coach a around .500 lifetime and last year was a major outlier? He was somewhere like Tennessee or something and never really produced. I’m almost positive he was a head coach previously.

  35. Hmmm….

    Just heard from a source that Texas A&M offered former Oregon State head coach Pat Casey the head coaching job 2 weeks ago. This position is currently held by Rob Childress who is rumored to be Nebraska’s top candidate.

    • The thing with the rumors about Casey taking another job across the country is that Joe is still playing for OSU. I can’t imagine him taking a different position and missing out on the rest of his career.

  36. Former Beav recruit who committed to play ball at Vanderbilt just Informed the team he will be playing oversees instead of going to college.

  37. Just about every college that has baseball is going to offer Case the job, we will see if he is burnt out on coaching or barnes…

  38. Found this about Jorge Reyes. Wasn’t he the one caught using a 22 or something in his backyard while at OSU? Good memories….

    Reyes was drafted by the San Diego Padres in the 6th round of the 2007 Major League Baseball Draft.

    In 2014, he and his teammates on the El Paso Chihuahuas played a month-long prank on veteran teammate Jeff Francoeur. The prank was that Reyes was deaf. Reyes took elaborate steps to ensure the prank’s success, including not listening to music in front of Francoeur and having the catcher sign (which was most likely not real sign language) while talking to him during mound visits.[2][3] Teammate Cody Decker filmed and produced a seven-minute documentary, “On Jeff Ears,”[4] revealing the truth to Francoeur.[5][6] The prank documentary went viral, getting over 1.5 million hits on YouTube.[6][7]

    • Yep. I had this guy in a class. Will never forget him because his personality was terrible. Always thought he was missing a few marbles.

  39. Hiring Gary Andersen is the worst athletic decision OSU has made that I can think of. Repercussions for years. Cratered football, brought in Barnes which will continue cratering other stuff. I find myself following OSU sports less, even the good ones.

      • I always wonder with Andersen if part of his downfall really should be shouldered by the OSU athletic department. If you go back to when he was hired by Bobby D, Andersen was energetic and seemed up to the task. He took on fundraising, he went on road show tours tours to campaign for OSU, he tried to renew fan support, all in addition to trying to resurrect an already terrible football team with little returning talent.
        Then OSU lets his AD Bobby D go, and we go through 3 different Interim or short lived AD changes(before finally landing on Barnes out of desperation)

        I think if Andersen were able to focus on just coaching his team and working with assistants, he wouldn’t have burned out so quickly and turned into a drunken mess who lashed out at people during post game pressers. I see this type of stuff happen frequently at the organization i work for, where we spread talented people way to thinly, so they get overwhelmed and then decide to go a different direction.

        I still think he was a snake oil salesman and am happy he is gone, but i dont think the OSU AD helped the situation, and still think those problems persist

        • Some of that could be the issue, but I think the big reason for his downfall was playing the wrong guys, running off McMaryion, abusing players, drinking, and impregnating cheerleaders.

          • Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t a good coach, but I lean towards the drinking and boning as more of a symptom rather than a cause.

            Wasn’t it a cheerleading coach rather than an actual cheerleader? Hard to imagine a 20 year old touching that guy.

          • Wouldn’t a cheerleading coach be in menopause?

            Doubt you can impregnate one. I heard a cheerleader. I can imagine a mentally broken one being impressed with his status.

        • GA was very successful at Utah State and Wisconsin. There was no reason to think he’d be an absolute disaster since he looked the part and spoke the part. Nobody knew his personality problems, though I do remember I commented that it was weird he said there was a god like “calling” to OSU. I remember asking if he was mormon, etc at that time. It was a red flag, and so were all the job moves in a short time period. Those were my only concerns, and now we see why those things happened. He has a flawed personality that got him.

          The lone positive of GA was the end of Riley. So for that I’m grateful.

  40. I lost my Pac-12 network when I cut the cord. Was going to go to Sling to get it back but I think I won’t worry about it. OSU is like the “Old and the Restless” soap opera and the the Pac-12 conference and all of college sports has sold their souls forming mafia families.

  41. 247 must read AB. The Juco CB i mentioned the other day, Nahshon Wright is now showing in their databse as an official visitor this weekend. Would be a much needed addition for our 2019 defense if they can convince him to come here.

  42. To be compliant with Oregon law how long does the baseball job need to be held open for? If it turns out to be an internal hire, just wondering what’s the earliest it could be announced assuming they also interviewed a minority candidate.

  43. Yesterday the Tecolotes Dos Laredos attempted to rally late but came up short falling 7-5 in their rubber match on the road against league-leading Acereros de Monclova. Luke’s ERA is rising and 115 pitches in 4 innings?? Wow!

    From the Laredo paper

    Luke Heimlich matched his second-shortest outing of the season with four innings, but he also threw a season-high 115 pitches. Heimlich (4-4, 5.53 ERA) allowed five runs, six hits and five walks with four strikeouts. He has allowed at least five runs in his past three starts and four of the past five.

    • I couldn’t have said it any better than Eggers explained the reasoning for hiring Yeskie. I agree with every point he made 110%, but knowing how Barnes is a jerk, he’s likely to screw up this hire too.

    • From the link:
      “Yeskie is his guy, and as he goes through the interview process, I’m confident the Oregon State AD will come to that realization”

      Wish I felt as “confident” as Eggers appears to be.

    • Was out all day yesterday but I’m sure you’re all caught up now. Still think we get “at least” one more this weekend or shortly after.

  44. I think the best choice would be Yeskie. As far as people thinking he is “too late Nate” that is an opinion and something people say when a pitcher doesn’t get the job done so they blame Yeskie. Many times Yeskie has left pitchers in and they do get the job done he doesn’t get credit for that. Also keeping Yeskie would keep the cohesion of the team and hopefully keep the recruits that we have coming commited. And I feel that the endorsement that the former players have given Yeskie says a lot about how he is respected by the players.

  45. Loook like that LB from Arkansas transferred and the #3 Juco DE committed. LB has played a little but he was a 3* and had a nice offer sheet out of HS.

  46. Coach Smith starts tweeting and hauls in 3 commits in the matter of a couple days. Maybe this social media thing is legit.

  47. If Yeskie is the best we can do then it once again destroys YoungOrst’s argument. The best guy for the job was apparently sitting next to Pat Bailey. Lol.

    I’m neutral on Yeskie but I do think he’s better than Bailey.

    • I don’t really know what to think anymore. Am I the only one who finds the situation awkward? I’m assuming (maybe incorrectly) that Casey wanted Bailey for his replacement, interim and permanently.

      Now prominent ex-players have spoken loudly for Yeskie. Barnes claimed at first that Yeskie did not apply, but now he has? I wouldn’t be shocked if Barnes blows it all up with “his guy” and throws tradition and legacy out the door. Weird, wacky stuff.

      • According to an article Kerry Eggers wrote yesterday, Casey is pushing for Yeskie to get the job and Bailey retained as associate HC. Former players are supportive of Yeskie too. There’s a link somewhere up above in this thread so you should find it and read it. The only reason there’s any “awkwardness” to this situation is because the media has portrayed it as awkward. The only thing that is really awkward is the so-called “national search” and then having to interview a minority. And, I don’t say that meaning any disrespect toward minorities, but from the sounds of it, Yeskie is going to be the guy after going through the motions. Personally, I think Yeskie is the right guy too because he knows the culture of the program, he has the intensity of Casey, and he knows how to develop talent. Bailey is a great recruiter so you get the best of both worlds if Yeskie and Bailey stay and the program wins to for continuity and retaining recruiting class coming in.

        • The thing that’s awkward is the need to do any type of search and interview process. If everyone knows Yeskie is the guy who the university, AD, and boosters want, then the search process is a waste of time and money for everyone involved. The whole requirement to interview a minority is meant to give them a fair shot at the job, but at this point nobody they interview other than Yeskie is getting a fair shot, so they should just skip the stupid formalities.

        • I read the Eggers article, I understand the dynamics. Playing Devil’s Advocate for a minute. Why not just make Yeskie the interim this year and keep Bailey as the loyal #2, which it appears he has no problem doing if Yeskie was the man all along?

          Hey Bales, you’re good enough to be interim, but not permanent. Thanks for helping for one year, dude.

          • >Why not just make Yeskie the interim this year and keep Bailey as the loyal #2, which it appears he has no problem doing if Yeskie was the man all along?

            Just a guess, but what if Yeskie had been the coach and we didn’t have a rash of injuries. Maybe we catch a couple breaks and make it back to the CWS, but Pat Casey decided to come back. Yeskie would then be the hottest coaching commodity in college baseball at that point and we’d more likely lose him, and we’d be looking for a new head coach in 5 years anyway, because Bailey isn’t getting any younger.

          • I think it’s telling that the administration has foregone the national search (and the resulting $$$ flow to Barnes buddies at the search firm) in lieu of an internal committee that remains nameless other that Barnes and Casey.

            They’re gonna pick who they wanna pick, and hopefully it’s more Chip Kelly than Mark Helfrich.

    • Yeskie has the support of many of the former players so I think that speaks volumes. On the other hand, hiring Canham, Brosias (sp), Checketts…..I’m not totally opposed to those options…but doing so potentially jeopardizes what appears to be a strong incoming recruiting class. There’s a lot to be said for building programs from within, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but I think Yeskie is worth the risk. If nothing else, you keep the Ducks from pursuing Yeskie and that’s a good thing. Ultimately, hiring any new coach is an uncertainty, so you can reduce some of that risk by going with someone already inside the program. We shall see….

  48. Casey being around (?) almost assures it will be an internal hire and Yeskie has all the upside.
    If Bailey agrees to be the the loyal #2, then it is a no brainer. Perfect for the skill of our AD.
    I spoke to Will Frisch’s dad at their game this week and they decided on OSU based on the values/culture promoted by Casey/Bailey and the coaching chops of Yeskie. He is seen as an elite pitching coach. As long as he is around we will be able to sign very good pitching prospects.
    Not hiring him could trigger a civil war amongst the boosters and alienate Casey.

  49. I haven’t read this whole thread, but is the consensus around here that Yeskie is the guy?
    Is everybody against a full national search where we consider every candidate?
    Feels like it’s short sighted just to go with the player favorite assistant coach. I’d feel more comfortable with a proven head coach with an experienced staff ready to go over a pitching coach with no assistants in place.

    I know Yeskie is well liked by our former players, and maybe the hope there is we’ll continue to reap the benefits of former players financially backing the program. Bit at some point we can’t just rely on Casey’s sloppy seconds keeping the ship floating. Just my 2 cents

    • If that is the consensus I’m not in that camp. I prefer a national search and Yeskie would have to blow me away/benefit from a lack of more qualified applicants to get the job.

      • Yeskie is a consensus, “I’d be ok with that hire” camp.

        His track record is strong with pitchers. Just no head coaching experience.

  50. Very little buzz about the 3 JC commitments from this weekend? These guys all had some pretty good offer sheets.

    JS seems to be executing on the recruiting blueprint better than GA did. The staff has done a pretty good job of getting immediate help in areas of need via transfers.

    • Very little buzz? Saturday was a pretty busy day on different Beaver group sites and on here. I don’t know if o-live did anything because they are dead to me.

      I am doing a backflip right now. The hype is crazy about these three commits!
      Kyrie Fisher-528 likes on his twitter announcement
      Tavis Shippen-436 likes
      Nahshon Wright-377 likes

      Coach Smith was on twitter announcing every time a guy committed. Thanks to @Nicebeaver it was predicted this weekend would be good to Beaver Nation.

    • I know you don’t really “tank” in college football but I think I would prefer to load up on High Schoolers for another couple years give them plenty of playing time then bring in the JC guys in 2 or 3 years to plug the holes on the recruiting misses. I mean I get that Smith and co are under a ton of pressure to win now but I think we are kind of capping our future upside if we dig too deep into the JC ranks.

      • They need to have some roster balance though, because you’re only allowed to bring in 25 “initial counters” max, per class. Unless they bring in a ton of walkon freshman, they need transfers to fill the gaps left by players leaving the program each year, and we have had several leave since the season ended.

        Plus winning now helps recruiting tomorrow.

        • No, those are good points. I guess I don’t mind the JC guys but we really need to find some foundational type HS talent soon.

        • Fiesta bowl team was full of JC guys. Had a decent run after that for some years. I’m hopeful. We need to start winning, that will attract higher end recruits out of HS.

  51. Eligible in 2019
    CB Nahshon Wright- BSU, CU, and SDSU offers. 6’4 185, so he at least has good length.

    Probably eligible in 2019
    LB Kyrei Fisher- Arkansas transfer originally recruited by Michigan State, CU, Minnesota; his offer list this time around was less impressive and never made an impact at Arkansas, so outlook is iffy

    Eligible in 2020
    DE Tavis Shippen- top 25 JC recruit nationally and #3 DE, had offers from ASU, Utah, and the Yucks.

  52. Cool, I’ll add them to the ’19 scouting report.
    I’ll give an opinion on the 2020 guy, too.
    On paper they sound like good gets but I have to watch the film.

  53. The thing I like about Yeskie is he has the same demeanor as Casey. He comes across as a kind of hard ass that you sure as hell don’t want to ever get on the wrong side of. Stubborn as a mule… lol. Think he keeps us as an elite pitching school too which has always been OSU’s bread and butter. Honestly the hitting has always been a bit of a weak spot for Casey. Sure we have had some stars and last year was obviously an amazing collection of hitters but for the most part OSU has got it done manufacturing runs the hard way and playing lights out D.

    • The fundamentals were not the same this year. Whoever takes over, I agree with Ean, pitching, d, and fundamentals will keep them competitive all the time. Watching some of the super regional games, teams were sloppy and it cost them (Stanford, UCLA). Oh and Arkansas last year :)

      • True and what you point out does give me some cause for concern. The results were fine really. I think if you would have said at the beginning of the season what the record would be and the team would host a regional most folks would have been fine. But the way it happened with the fade at the end and the sloppy defense does give one a bit of a cause for concern.

        • No matter who’s fault it was (players, Bailey, Yeskie) I am surprised coaches from Casey pedigree didn’t uphold the same expectations. Especially knowing they were potentially grooming players to play under Casey next year if he had chosen to come back. If Yeskie is hired, I hope he didn’t have much to do with the lack of fundamentals this year. Maybe the head coaching gig was too much for Bailey. When he was hired as interim he talked about continuing to do the recruiting duties as he had and the head coaching duties.

        • our whole offensive approach changed this year. It used to be that if we got a guy on 1st with no outs it was followed by a sac bunt more often than not. I remember Casey saying that if you get one run per inning you’ll be pretty good. We used to be so good at bunting that quite often everybody would be safe on a sac bunt! don’t remember any good bunts this year. We also had what looked like several missed signs on hit and run. And of course we seemed to have confidence issues at the plate watching strike 3 go by so many times. To me, Bailey seems more like the typical SEC coaches who just throw them out on the field and let them play and hope he’s got better players than the other team, …not much strategy.

          • Funny thing is the new thought is you don’t want to bunt. You go back a couple years and read the comments most people were not into how much Casey bunted. If you are into advanced stats and the like most people agree that sacrificing the guy over from 1st is a waste of an out. I think it was even called out as one of Casey’s “warts” at one point.

          • yeah but in college a lot of the teams we play will mishandle a bunt, or mis-react on a hit and run. Its worked well for us, even in Omaha. If Andy Armstrong hadn’t sac bunted in the 9th against Arkansas then Zach Clayton never would have been in scoring position to tie that game. And if we don’t have superior small ball skills, and we didn’t this year, then we’re just like any other team — just hoping somebody will come up and smash one.

    • Yep, Yeskie is more like Casey. Begs the question why hire Bailey for a year.
      If Yeskie is the ultimate hire should have done it last year. Can’t have a guy you think is better for the job sitting next to a guy you think is worse under any circumstance.

      • I wondered that too, why not Yeskie last year? Fact is, Yeskie has been much more a face of the program than Bailey ever has been.

      • Could it be that Casey was really pondering coming back and thought it would be easier to take it back from Baily then Yeskie? We were all under welmed by Bailey getting the step up but I bet there would have been more hip hip hooray with Yeskie… Casey maybe knew that? I’m not saying this is a fact and I have no facts to back this up… just more false news. But makes for a good post.

      • And if they’d hired Yeskie it would have been an even bigger unknown.

        Bailey won a national title as a head coach at Linfield.

        That (and not having the need to find an interim pitching coach) were probably the main factors.

        But of course you guys just know that had they hired Yeskie 2019 would have been such a better season, no chance Yeskie fails.

        Unless you were screaming for Yeskie last year it is disingenuous to now claim Yeskie was clearly better. None of us know.

        I’ll be disappointed if either Bailey or Yeskie get the job.

  54. Ran into someone well connected to the baseball program over the weekend. He says he fully expects Bailey to be announced head coach by Friday.



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