Home Athletics General Thread / Human Bias

General Thread / Human Bias


General thread, but I did want to discuss bias this off season. Here is a list of many/all human biases and examples of each. Please read through them, and think how they apply to our views of (a) one another (b) our view of Beaver athletics (c) day to day life (investing has a ton of them, but so does hiring an employee, etc).

Based on the comments in the prior threads, we know there was cognitive dissonance regarding Riley. I see a few more that fans and myself are guilty of, but see if you can spot some of them yourselves. It’s a fun read and a good time to self-reflect and realize we’re all victims of this faulty wiring.


  1. Some interesting stuff, but a lot is simple common sense bundled with fancy words.
    They need a new proof reader. Pretty sure they got a call from the American Cancer Society and not the American Cancel Society.

    • Yeah.
      Do you think you suffer from the Endowment Effect? You mentioned Packer ownership several times.
      Note: Not to be confused with the well-endowment effect…

      • I wish I suffered from the second one…..
        Perhaps, but I describe the Packer Stock Certificate to folks as being both worthless and priceless at the same time. It has more value to me since it was a Xmas gift from my late wife. It was the most perfect gift I have ever received.

        • I have a share of Packers ownership too. Several years ago I went on a tour of Lambeau field and the guide asked “do we have any owners with us today?” I raised my hand with enthusiasm.

          • Do you keep it on the yacht? Games at Lambeau are a blast. They have a college feel to them.
            I knew I liked you for some reason :)

    • Common sense is actually a bias too based on your own experience. Common sense is highly based on local conditions, culture, experience and pressures.

    • My roommate and I both took several social science classes at OSU as part of our minor field of study. We used to always say the same thing. Alot of what we would learn in Psych or Sociology classes just felt like “simple common sense bundled with fancy words”

      It is interesting when you see these phenomena used against you in marketing though. For instance, the middle price point on popcorn example they gave for the Decoy effect.
      Personally, I never buy the big popcorn because we cant eat that much, but the decoy affect price must exist because it actually works. Suckers

  2. What kind of bias did USC use to move on from Orgeron and go with Helton? Bet there are some pissed off donors right now.
    Fun fact, Orgeron is in Dennis Ericksons coaching tree.

    • 1

      That guy’s coaching record is terrible other than this year. He’s good when he inherits 5-star talent across the board, bad when he has to coach. Go figure.

      • Yeah, I have a hard time buying that things are on the up and up at LSU when they have Orgeron leading a team that many are calling an all-time great team, while we also have known evidence of players getting paid to play there. Even the OBJ cash handshake publicity stunt gets played off as OBJ being OBJ, but it’s not like the players were shocked somebody was handing them cash. Just part of the culture.
        Yes, they are an extremely talented team top to bottom and they play well as a group. They looked like the national champs to be during week 1 and maintained that status all year.

      • I guess we will see about Coach O the next year. He certainly lucked into a great talent with his QB.
        It may be that he will be successful because of simply being at LSU. It is a perfect situation for him.
        He is a great recruiter in a talent rich area. Rabid support from the fans and he is one of them.
        Changing his offense shows self confidence and flexibility. Two big factors in being a successful HC.
        Players love the guy. He was failure at Ole Miss, but did pretty well as the temp at USC.

    • SC’s bias against Orgeron is self-evident: the guy’s working class demeanor was thought to be a “bad fit” for the LA scene.

  3. Confirmation bias is rampant in sports. The industry, fans and most sports in general don’t want to recognize that the stats are mostly useless. Only sports where you play the same opponents multiple times and have 100 games a year are useful statistically (baseball, NBA) This leads us to search data to confirm what we think is true and it is super easy to do. I’m just as guilty as anyone and enjoy the fun of trying to Weedle out a fair conclusion.

    I find year to year trends for improvement to be the most interesting and helpful for forming opinions about.the direction of a program. See my rushing yards series or tackle by position analysis showing defensive improvements.

    I’m thinking about doing a height and weight average of rosters correlated to final record/rank/conf standings. It would be nice to have a predictive stat besides who spends the most.

    • Yeah, I tried to hammer home how useless stats are (unless you’re using them to try to win an argument) this past Fall…

      Not only is it a sample size problem, but a stat is simply a number, it doesn’t factor in all the variables of how that number came to be or the quality of that number. A great example of why governments love stats is because they can be massaged to mean anything they want. e.g. The “jobs report” looks fantastic month after month, but that stat does not show any deeper information, such as the jobs being created are as baristas and waitresses for the rich.

      • My economics Prof liked to say, “For a statistic to be meaningful no one will understand what it is”.

        It’s a way to condense large information sets to draw conclusions. If we had higher capacity we would draw all conclusions from a data set (infinite) and then form an opinion.

        • Pretty much. Only as you approach infinity (asymptote) can you gain any type of certainty from a stat.
          They’re basically a method to win arguments, in day to day life, but for governments they’re even more sinister in that they’re a method of propaganda.

          I’ll use them in an argument if it helps my cause, but I realize I’m being a manipulative dick if I do so. So, that’s a personal goal is to not resort to that. It’s hard because it’s so tempting.

          • Yup about three or four years ago I wrote about the baseball pitching staff, and how the starters lacked key stats and figures and that there were some worries about depth etc. Ended up being the start of some of the best pitching over a season….like ever! Team had only 4 losses entering the post season and lost to an unpredictable/inconsistent ump calling strikes 10+ inches off the plate….the following year Abel has a so- so regular season then goes off leading us to the championship. As much as I love stats for making arguments, those are perfect examples where none of it mattered. Admittedly I have never been so wrong about a team….sure glad I was!!

  4. Do people who pay for Blitz and Sedge forums suffer from the Ikea effect? They’re willing to pay more for that shit because they contribute toward the creation of the product?

      • I’m saying maybe they’re more willing to pay to be part of the forum because they contribute to the conversation?

        “This forum is worth paying for because “I” am part of the community that builds it”

        I wonder if they have a higher percentage of active participants vs total readers (less lurkers) than a site like this where the product is free.

        Or maybe most of their readers are just people who signed up for a free account and are too lazy to cancel.

    • I quit that place because Bennyslovechild is a narcissist yet treated like royalty. Some rich kid from a rich family. Such a bag

  5. Here’s a thought. Bias is essential in making decisions. One of the parameters you solve for when generating a neural network is actually called “bias”. It is the amount something has to exist before we consider that it is truly existing. For example, if you go outside and are hit by a drop of water. Is it raining? How much to do you have to see or feel before you decide that it is. Or better yet, how much do you have to see before you base another decision on it… like, do I go back inside and get a rain coat?

    A correctly computed statistic is an answer to a question. It’s up to us to figure out what the question is.

  6. I see Gumbs and Reichner have been granted another year to play for medical reasons. That is probably a good thing but does that affect our scholorships?

        • I was just thinking this evening that USC seems have an “identity crisis.” I’m not sure their alumni and program are comfortable adapting to the modern game (mobile QBs, read option), and that perhaps they lean towards more standard offense and a ground game, particularly with their RB and WR history.

          I suspect somebody like Lindgren, who still schemes the run very well, would be an attractive upgrade after the current staff flames out in a year or two. I don’t think their “air raid” or staff are going to be around much longer.

  7. OT: More shit at Penn State. Players hazing players and threatening to “Sandusky them.”
    If anybody deserved a true death sentence it was that program.

  8. Moorhead to Eugene as OC.

    I’m curious to see if his prior success was legitimate, or just small sample size luck with good players. He sure flamed our hard at Mississippi State.

  9. Jumping way back to the posts on stats…it strikes me that we sometimes forget that while the numbers may be absolutely accurate (solid descriptive statistics) their ability to predict the future is limited by a number of factors — known and unknown — particularly when working with small samples sizes.

  10. A few more of our coaches have started following Tre’shaun Harrison in the past few hours. Maybe an indication that progress is being made? Or maybe an indication we’re getting desperate the make something happen. But either way, something appears to be happening.

    • Since we blew out a ranked Arizona team, it only makes sense we will lose by doyble digits to a UW team that is currently in a tailspin.

      • No.

        They’ll beat UW. Then everyone will be high on the Beavs again.

        Saturday they’ll manage to lose to lowly WSU.

        Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown.

        The way of the Beaver.

    • 1

      Hard to believe this is his fifth season in the NBA already (I know most were very partial). Also, it that correct, he’s shooting 42% from the foul line for his career? Yikes!

  11. 3

    Dunning-Kruger Effect: (uo)
    “A cognitive bias in which people who are ignorant or unskilled in a given domain tend to believe they are much more competent than they are.”

    I think it’s absurd that UO is ranked #5 in the final AP poll! How is oregon ranked higher than Florida, Alabama, Penn State, and Oklahoma? They would get destroyed if they went head to head against these teams. There is definitely an agenda and a bias to put oregon on a pedestal. If Oregon State had the same season result as oregon did, would they also be ahead of these teams in the final AP poll? Nope. And that is unfortunate. Pundits are saying that they will be a top 5 team next season and nobody in the Pac-12 is even close to them. Also they’re saying Mario Cristobal is such an amazing coach and the best coach in the conference. He is such a fraud playing with house money. Will we ever see them come back down to earth? Or is oregon too big to fail now?

    • Hard to argue in favor of any team in the PAC being better than Oregon, but that says more about the conference than the Ducks. I can’t believe they would be a top 5 team with a new QB and OL.

      • They’re creating the narrative now for the product they want to sell next year.

        It’s essentially marketing that biases viewers and voters and diminishes the ability of teams to distinguish themselves through actual competition.

    • I think this one applies to almost everyone involved in sports. The coaches, staff, trainers and players are the only ones who really know each other and the work they have done. Fans and media work off of tiny amounts of information and fill in by simplifying the situation or making many assumptions. Personal choices on the field is probably the best example.

      Rankings are pretty much the same as stock market coverage. It’s manipulation to make money for the right people.

    • 3

      I’m not overly concerned about the Ducks preseason ranking next year. They either prove it or they don’t when they play Ohio State. The game is in Autzen so they have that in their favor, but still, if they beat a loaded Buckeye team they will have earned the ranking. If they get blown out they will fall accordingly.

    • I think winning itself is a bias. I mean Wiscy pretty much played UO to a draw. A lucky bounce could have easily changed the game. Yet UO finishes way ahead of wiscy in the rankings.
      Baseball is a sport that magnifies this even more. I mean a line drive double play and a 2 run double are sometimes separated by 2 inches of trajectory, I don’t see how you can deny how much luck factors there.
      Tom Brady is a guy I think has gotten a lot of good breaks. I mean don’t get me wrong he is one of the greats. But a Raiders OT win, vinetari 47 yarder, seahawks interception. So many coin flip type plays that broke right for him. I mean don’t get me wrong he is one of the great and you can make the case for the greatest but it is silly to pretend like rings are the end all be all to greatness.
      I suppose that is partly just the world we live in. People don’t want to believe luck has any impact on their success.

      • It was already reported by the oregonian before i put anything out, but after I did post that “welcome” tweet, he sent me a DM upset that he couldn’t make the announcement himself and then blocked me…..

        So….i guess i’ll done down the excitement till it’s officially official….

        • Very nice offer sheet.

          Seems odd that he’d get butthurt about people announcing on Twitter, he’s obviously talking to someone that’s leaking info, or he’s doing it himself.

          • Looks like Blitz even wrote up a pretty detailed article on it this morning, well before i tweeted anything.
            It’s all based on the student directory thing. If he’s upset, he should let the team know it’s dumb to make that info public before an announcement is made.
            I was maybe the 4th one to even post anything and I get blocked for it?

          • I wouldn’t worry about it, NB. He should have blocked me I posted it before you. Sounds like a baby, though I get he wanted the excitement, etc. Why didn’t he announce it first then?

          • Andrew nemec recent quote.
            “Despite the recent trip, Beaver Nation shouldn’t celebrate just yet, as Harrison is still weighing his options.

            If this was oregon he was talking about, it would be a done deal and everyone should just stop talking to him.

          • I’m not worried about it. Was only posting info that already existed on a couple other accts/sites and wasn’t breaking any news.

          • This sounds like the other guy from USC that was signed up earlier in the year and then presto he ends up at Oregon. Sounds like a similar situation. We do all the leg work and Whoregon swoops in 11th hour and dude is a quack.

          • I wonder if maybe he wanted no announcements. Like Moore. I did not know about Moore, the dL from Auburn, until well after he was here. I am sure he is now getting a bunch of shit from the duck trolls.

          • Moore was pretty cool about it. Said “real hitters move in silence” when i asked him how he managed to keep everything so quiet for so long.

            As far as getting upset when fans get over excited about a player joining a program, i don’t know what to say. Enjoy it while it lasts, I guess.

          • Pretty cool line from Moore. I don’t really get the fanfare of a big announcement with transfers. You already did it once in high school, you here to work or just want attention?

            Its like announcing your engagement at your divorce party.

        • Curious, I’m no Twitter expert, but if you block someone that doesn’t prevent them from tweeting about you, right? It just means he won’t see your tweets? Not sure how that helps him…

          • Basically means i can’t view his tweets when i’m logged in as Beavrecruiting and he wont see anything i post unless he lifts the block. But it doesnt really do anything more than that.

            If i log out, i can still see his acct just fine, but once a guy commits, i usually stop following them anyway since theyre no longer being recruited

  12. Speaking of Hodgins. Not getting a lot of write ups for the draft. Most consider him a sleeper and everything depends on his 40 time.

    Looks like with a deep WR draft, he’ll go in the late rounds at best. Decent chance he goes undrafted.

  13. Re: the bias theme: In grad school I came to appreciate the difference between bias (which everyone has, in many dimensions; it’s the subjective human condition) and prejudice, which is closing one’s mind to evidence that runs contrary to your bias. The terms are commonly mistaken to be synonymous. The etymology of the words is probative: a bias is an oblique tendency; a slant; prejudice equals conclusive pre-judgment without cause or reason

  14. The honest assessments are starting to come out on Herbert:


    “We simply can’t see a team wasting a high pick on Herbert with all the bad play he’s put on tape this season and years prior,” PFF said. “In his supposed ‘big wins’ against Utah and Wisconsin, Herbert had passing grades of 58.3 and 64.4, respectively.

    • That might be the ideal situation for him. Sit a year or two behind Brady, like it used to happen in the old days when teams drafted QB’s.
      I’m convinced that if Aaron Rodgers had been thrown into the fire with his goofy Jeff Tedford throwing motion, he probably ends up with a career like Alex Smith. Decent but not great.

    • Honest assessment? Did y’all see that PFF rated the top three PAC12 QB’s as follows:
      #1 Tyler Huntley…………91.5
      #2 Jake Luton………88.0
      #3 Justin Herbert………..84.4

      • Herbert makes a lot of bad throws. My honest assessment is he’s a headcase. Makes some good throws, then makes some throws you wouldn’t see from a decent high school quarterback. He’ll be a massive NFL bust.

        I wouldn’t take him or Luton.

    • Yeah. He’s short with a high average. Altuve has more pop than Madrigal is ever going to have. Madrigal is a significantly better fielder and strikes out way less, which might not matter in today’s idiotic ‘true outcomes’ based game.

  15. Blitz listing Tre Shaun as a commit / transfer now on their OSU commitments page.

    Who would you rather have, TH or DW? I’d take TH, seems more polished ready to go. Who knows if Oregon hadn’t picked up Williams, would we have been in the market for Harrison or would he have ended up at Oregon? Had a lot of interest in them out of high school.

    Maybe everything worked out pretty well.

  16. 1

    Sit down tonight to watch another exciting episode of Tinkle ball take on the Huskies. 3rd Tinkle’s out of control passing into thin air as the human statue Kylor Kelley slowly responds and lurches down the court. They will get rolled by at least thirty!

    PS: Taking BG’s sage advice and hoping it has the same effect as my wildly wrong Arizona forecast. We’ll see??

  17. OT: For those that have been to games at Gill, how have the refs been in person?
    Went to the Barn last night to see the game against Pedo State. The refs were terrible! Missed travels, double dribbles, and obvious fouls.
    Let some really bad stuff go so that towards the end of the game there were almost two fights. Tons of make up calls to compensate for the original shitty work. This crew should not be working HS games.

  18. Football Schedule for 2020 is out, whadaya think??

    -9 days to recuperate/celebrate after facing Ok State before going against Colo State
    -7 home games, all on Saturdays
    -bye exactly mid season, Oct 17, after UW and before Cal
    -only 6 days between Cal at Reser and traveling to Stanford
    -8 days between Stanford and UCLA
    -play Utah on the road
    -no games vs Colo or USC


  19. Beavs MBB coming out flat again tonight.

    Could swear I saw UW commit a 10 second violation by more than a full second and Pac12 refs completely missed it.

  20. Beavs scrounge up 21 pts in the 1st half. None of them easy. Husky’s arent very good either but they’re playing better defense and have been making every prayer 3 pointer they put up.
    Beavs down 11.
    Still plenty of time but shots need to start falling

  21. 6

    PFF rates all college QB’s. Look who is #19.

    Preseason Rank: 49; Week 6 Rank: 18; Week 12 Rank: 16

    The best quarterback on what equated to a losing team this season, Luton was terrific in 2019, completing 61.8% of his passes for 2,714 yards and 28 touchdowns against just three interceptions. That success was mirrored in his advanced data as well as he hit on 19 big-time throws compared to just nine turnover-worthy passes as well. There were times that he disappeared against some tougher defenses but when he was on, he was nearly unstoppable. He threw at least three touchdowns in six games this season and has thrown only 15 interceptions over 797 attempts. He benefited heavily from his first back-to-back seasons with the same offensive coordinator and utilized his big arm to make nearly all the throws on the football field. He was terrific on deep shots, finishing as the eighth-ranked quarterback on all throws 20 or more yards downfield, completing 26-of-51 deep attempts for 836 yards and 13 touchdowns against no interceptions. He was the only quarterback in the country to throw 11 or more deep touchdowns without an interception this season.

  22. Someone just emailed me this bit: “Poster on Facebook commented that Harrison is in his online class this term.”
    Sounds like this won’t be another Williams situation.

  23. Nice comprehensive list of biases. Part of the fun of sports is biases, though. The tribalism and gut evolutionary responses within us that have to be managed and controlled while we function in modern society, but on Saturday we let them loose while rooting for our team.

    That being said, confirmation bias is probably the one that drives me the most bonkers when I see it. Really, you’re going to ignore all this other information out there?

  24. Nicebeaver
    January 15, 2020 at 5:25 pm
    Since we blew out a ranked Arizona team, it only makes sense we will lose by doyble digits to a UW team that is currently in a tailspin.

  25. 3

    Sabrina Ionescu is one fugly bitch. That pic on the cover of oregonlive is not very flattering.

    • 10

      WOW!!! Completely classless comments like this give bias a whole new meaning. She plays for a rival and is arguably one of the best to ever play the game. She graduated in three years, passed up an opportunity to go #1 in the WNBA draft last year to return to school for her senior year. I hope for a great two game battle next week but will not stoop to the absolute embarrassing level of degrading remarks such as this.

    • 4

      I don’t see any reason to comment on a player’s physical appearance. She’s a very talented player. That should be the only thing that matters. That and her courage. It takes balls to be the best player in women’s basketball these days.

    • 1

      Anyone that hasn’t watched the Aaron Hernandez Netflix episodes needs to do so. No point in tearing someone down. It can lead to actions that are very sad. Be competitive and have fun with it. Don’t take it to a level that is straight hate and anger.

    • 2

      Yeah no need to take your rage/own issues out on someone else.
      Insult and criticize people for things that are actually within their control.

  26. Sounds like we may not see Banker at WSU. He’s interviewing for the Hawaii HC job.

    On 2nd thought, Banker will likely be available for a spot at WSU still.

  27. 1

    I was listening to a podcast regarding Dave Aranda taking the Baylor job. He mentioned in passing that Rhule picked Baylor over the Oregon job. If true, I bet that was a big ego bruise to the ducksters.

  28. WBB: Possible trap game vs Cal as Beavs could be looking forward to a big challenge on Sunday.
    Kat starts with a 4 point play and it’s Beavs up by three early.
    PAC12 net.

    • No trap game tonight! 81-44!

      Rueck used the bench more than usual, getting ready for Stanford with their extra days rest which equals half the prep time for Beavs compared to Stanford. Postgame Rueck questions why?? “We shoulda played this game Thursday…”

      Morris 13 minutes 13 points and not a single miss all night!
      Simmons 18 minutes.
      Goodman and Pivec got some rest, should pay off Sunday.

  29. Some details on the contract signed by Jonathan Smith a couple weeks ago:
    -Smith now earns $100,000 if the Beavers win 10 games, $75,000 for nine wins and $50,000 for eight wins.
    -If Smith wins at least six games during the 2020, 2021 or 2022 season, an additional year will be added to the contract, with a $100,000 salary/non-salary increase over the contract’s previous final year.
    -Also added to Smith’s new contract is a stipulation allowing him to use private air transportation for recruiting purposes, not to exceed $200,000 per year.

    WOW, seems a big reward for getting to 6 wins. Of course, I’m one who thinks going to bowls should require more than a .500 record.
    Nice to see the investment in recruiting.

    • 1

      So what’s the point of entering the transfer portal to go to a lower division school? I could see it if maybe you’re a QB who is pretty much guaranteed the starting job and you weren’t able to start at the D-1 level.

    • The SEC cockslob fest continues. 7 of the top 11 hail from the mighty SEC. You mean to tell me that almost half of the SEC is better than everyone else???? Riiiiiiiiight.

  30. From the Jekyll and Hyde files…………..

    Going into today’s conference games, Utah and ASU each have one conference win. Both over the Beavs. That will change tonight as the Utes and Debils square off in Tempe.

    By the same token, Colorado currently sits alone in 2nd place with their lone loss to the Beavs.

    Stanford is lone unbeaten team. Will that change today? Would you believe that Stanford is a 2 point road dog to USC? After they thumped UCLA by 15 Wednesday at Pauley? How in the fuck is a team so allegedly talented as UCLA so dysfunctional??? I am flabbergasted. But also not complaining.

    Today is a must win for the Beavs. Next weekends games both look winnable (LA schools at Gill). They keep saying they have time to figure it out. Guess what? After next weekend, time is running out as they’ll be one game from the midway point in the conference slate. 5-3 looks better than anything else.

    Better “figure it out” today.

    The whiskey golden ticket………..

    Cats > Buffs
    Ducks > Leg humpers
    Tree > USC
    Debils > Utes
    Beavs/Cougs is a pick em but I’ll take the Beavs

  31. Here is my hot take about this year’s b-ball team. We are marginally better than last year’s team and will win seven conference games plus or minus one. There will be no postseason, but lots of speculation late in the year about how we are “on the bubble” and only need to win our last x conference games.

    My hot take about next year is that we will be more than marginally worse than this year’s team and there won’t be much speculation about postseason.

  32. Watching the movie Tremors 6 and one of the gals is wearing a beavs beanie. Who knew they made Tremors 2 through 5? It’s also as good as you would think the 6th installment of any cheesy movie from the 80’s could be. Fantastically terrible.

      • Not a remake though, it’s a series of progressively terrible movies. Each one worst then the next. It’s so bad scifi channels runs the series in reverse so the cinematography gets slightly better as it counts down. I’m on tremors 5 now. Yikes.

        Update: Tremors 4 is set in the old west, but with the same characters. They’re milking this thing for every thin penny

  33. Back to the Human Bias angle, I’m beginning to think my evaluation of Super Mario may exhibit a degree of the “Elimination-By-Aspects” brand of cognitive bias.

    Am I letting my evaluation of his use of TO’s and other “in game” decisions skew me away from what he does well? Recruiting, emphasis on Line Play, apparent ability to keep enthusiasm at a high level?

    Naw, he’s an average or less HC overall.
    After all, he still employs the wild mustache man!

  34. 7

    I know it is said every game but how in the fuk does Zach Richel get on a D1 team let alone start? The guy is absolutely useless.

    He would be a bench player for a YMCA team.

    • I also can’t figure out how Reichle is on the team. And he starts? He is good for nothing. He is weak
      with the ball and can’t defend.

      • 1

        Unless Reichle is a deadly spot-up three shooter (which he is not turning out to be), he’s worthless once P-12 play starts. He seems to have a couple of good games in the non-conference, but he can’t compete with the athleticism in the league.

        • Something I’ve also noticed….

          Why does it seem like every other Pac-12 team has some freakishly athletic players and OSU does not. We always seem slow and unathletic compared to the conference opponent.


          • 2

            I know, I was thinking the same thing. Also, time and time again, some no-name player goes off on the Beavs because they are not fast enough to get out to the three-point line. I think GP-2 was the last “freak” and we all know he wasn’t a Tinkle recruit. Alfred Hollins had that potential, but WT has turned him into an inconsistent head case. They also never get a deadly three-point shooter either. I had hopes for Lucas, but he can’t seem to get open.

          • 1

            Dastrup doesn’t look athletic, but every time he’s out there, he’s mixing it up. He seems to have some toughness the others don’t have. Is he really that out of shape that he can only play three minutes? I’m not sure why the hell he transferred in for that? Given all the minutes that “the sons” get, I’m not sure who has the talent and who doesn’t.

    • 8

      Playing for the final shot of the first half, Reichle dribbles the ball off of his knee with three seconds left giving the Cougars time to hit the half-court three-pointer to end the half. Reichle’s career in a nutshell.

      • I’m just now tuning in for my first men’s hoops all year. Just a few minutes in and a few left, but so far not impressed.

        This Coug’s court is heinous.

  35. 13

    Wayne Tinkle’s latest contract includes an automatic extension anytime his team makes the NCAA tournament.

    The optimist says at least we’ll never have to worry about that.

    Barnes ass should be fired for giving this schmuck his last contract extension.

    Dear Scott Barnes,

    Fuck you.

  36. as someone said way up top when it was announced that Thompson’s jersey was to be retired today, compounded by Steph Curry being in the house, OSU had absolutely no shot at winning that game. I’m glad I don’t follow basketball, (meaning I don’t normally watch the games or listen on the radio; I tuned in today because I’m a warriors fan) because it’s hard enough maintaining a financial and rooting interest in Beav football and baseball.

  37. 28

    I’m convinced that Tinkle is a fraud and the most unprepared of any Pac12 coach at tip-off. I thought Robinson was horrific as a coach, but Tinkle just spitballs substitutions/offensive sets/defensive adjustments into a hodgepodge of “throw crap at the wall and see what works” as the in-game strategy.

    He pretty much has limited recruiting based on the sons being at 3 starting spots since his 1st year. The answer to the question about crazy athleticism relates to recruiting downward in order to not expose the nepotism within this team dynamic. Riechle is the latest glaring example. Tinkle looks like a good athlete next to Reichle, and Reichle seems to be more complementary to ET. But if you had a dynamic athletic 3, neither TT or ET would get as many opportunities. Miller-Moore should be starting at the 4 and be that type of athletic guy. Hollins was that guy his freshmen year until Tinkle messed with his mind and benched him for outplaying the starters. Washington transferred out last year and he had a shot to start. Steven Thompson played out of position at PG for 4 years, now ET is doing the same. Tres has been the starting 4 since his 1st game, and we are surprised that teams like UCLA, ASU, UA, UW all have big athletic 4s that are quicker and seem to gobble up rebounds against the beavs. Tinkle has recruited to complement the coaches sons, rather than recruit to win the Pac12.

    He should have gone to Stanford after GP2 left. It would have been a gift to OSU. I don’t think he is a genuine coach because there is no improvement from game to game, nor is there any real preparation to show the team is growing. He tightens up as a coach and plays starters 40 minutes rather than trying to grow the team as a whole. I’m no longer surprised by the momentum killing timeouts after beavs score a big bucket, or the turnover after a timeout, or the wide open bucket given up after a defensive change. Tinkle jumping up and waving his arms to get the crowd into a play is no different than the cow on third down, instant success for the opponent for 6 years straight. Tinkle is a fraud and talks a good game just like Anderpants. Tinkle broke the NCAA streak, Anderpants broke the Civil War streak- Thank you now move on and go away. You are no longer needed here. Take the sideline daughters, the sweaty pits, the frosty white hair and the pampered son on to greener pastures. Unprepared, outcoached teams are a tradition at OSU MBB at this point, sadly.

    The answer is in the WBB locker-room. Rueck is the anti-Tinkle and more along the lines of JS. Cerebral, detailed, fundamentally sound and prepared. OSU needs a guy who is like this and will recruit the best players to try to win the conference. Tinkle has been the rah rah ex pro coach who has some kind of relatability to this generation, but he is exposed as a limited coach. He is preferential to the coach’s boys and has hindered the program overall.

    Tinkle may be the 12th best coach in the conference and I don’t think I could name them all…sorry for the sour grapes but that team is just aggravating.

    • 4

      Spot on OhioBeav regarding WT. He has also been a chronic “excuse maker” during his tenure. I had to laugh today, the camera showed him in his sweaty, red-faced glory spastically calling out a play when they were down 13 with 30 seconds left. Give it a rest, you’ve already fucked up the game. Stop with the fake coaching and sit down.

      Also, “the sons” were all ESPN Top 100 players, right? The best WT could do with them was 18-13. That tells you something about coaching right there.

      • Spot on with the sons comment. Tinkle doesn’t develop players. If I were Ethan I would grad transfer for my last year. I’m sure his dad would understand. Go somewhere with better coaching where you have a slight chance to make a g league team.

    • He’s crap, OR any recruit worth his salt and not a coach’s son wants nothing to do with Corvallis. Could be a combo.
      I watched five minutes today for the first time all year, and after Tinkle/Thompson who the hell can score or do anything? Looked like a bunch of bozos out there.

  38. Anyone have any guesses on the baseball lineup?
    Mine would be
    Pitching staff
    Relievers- Verburg Walling Frisch
    Closer- Mullholland

    • I think some new guys will play a lot. Will Frisch was drafted last summer, he threw in the mid 90’s in high school and is rated as high as Kevin Abel was. Ryan Brown got drafted too. Cesar Valero Sanchez is our highest rated infielder since Grenier and Madrigal. 7 of our new guys played in the area code games last year so we’ll have some good new contributors this year.

    • GoBeavs, your list matches up with Eggers reports from Canham except maybe Dukart starts off at 3rd. I see that George Mendazona and Wade Meckler aren’t on the roster but were both in fall ball so I’m wondering where they went.

    • Right again, nice.
      Another example of “good girls who shoot three’s” having a difficult time with physical defenses, especially when refs don’t do their job!
      Oh well, I got a great parking spot and a free coffee mug…….so there’s that.

      • I thought the referees missed some big calls in the 4th quarter but bad officiating is part of the game. If not for Slocum, Beavers get blown out. As I said several weeks ago, this team is very young in the front court especially without Taya at the #4 slot. She brings a lot of tough defense and rebounding that the Beavers miss. I think the Beavers finish around 23-7 or maybe 22-8. Aleah is in a major slump but contributes in other ways. Kat is still trying to find her shot and the Beavers make too many lazy passes that result in easy transition and lost opportunities. Those turnovers come back to bite you in the PAC-12 especially vs the top teams. I expect Oregon beat the Beavers by 15-20 in the first game and I think probably gets swept too. I hope I’m wrong but…..

        • Good point about Aleah, she sure fought for a couple loose balls.
          Seven point differential in points off of TO’s favoring, of course, Stanford.

  39. Seem like I have heard something like this before HaHa.

    Kodey Gassaway @Kodeyfit4life

    If you look at the old site when he was committed to Michigan he was a 4 star all American. And now he his a 3*, I see this a lot win recruits come to Baylor, Stars drop for some odd reason. Any thoughts @DavidSmoak @BaylorBears247
    7:31 PM – Jan 19, 2020

  40. 1

    wouldn’t be a football weekend without this observation: Green Bay should have gone for it on 4th down on their first possession. Get some points there and it’s a different game. I wonder if BG will agree with me this time?

    • Missed that play due to waitress dropping off beer. Seems as likely to be as effective as a snowball bring a potholder to hell. This game was lost when the Seasquawks lost the game with SF and gave them the #1 seed. Nice run D.

  41. Just saw an old note on Luke Heimlich that said he arranged for his own release from Caneros de los Mochis in Mid-November so that he could attend the white house visit with the 2018 team and because he was around 150 innings on the year at that point. It said he doesn’t have plans yet for 2020.

  42. Baseball is going to have to tough it out this year.

    The guys who left took up a lot of space in the room, so to speak. So lots of opportunity.

    I’ll be curious to see Canham’s impact. How he develops players. Do they get better through the year? He’s got a rep of working well with young players from his days with the Mariners.

    Really no idea what a lineup would look like or starters. I figure a lot of guys will get playing time early and then it’ll be settled by conference play.

    Based on the schedule it looks like the Beavs will have to sneak into the tourney as a 3 seed.

  43. 7

    Morano doesn’t look that bad in film. Stays with the blocks and drives. Not much to see in pass pro. Two stars since he’s pretty undersized. I’ll bet he’s somewhere around 240 vs listed weight. Ironically his size is what gives him a decent upside. Since he’s not a fatso, he moves well and uses more skill than just being larger than the other guy.

    Three years away from even seeing the field. Needs to gain weight, strength and keep the athleticism. Otherwise he’ll help keep the team gpa up with those ivy league offers. High 2 star for me.

    • As I read recently, if
      Players aren’t attending camps or really putting themselves out there, they can go under the radar. It’s up to his effort if he plays in a couple of years.

      I do wonder if it’s better to hold that spot for a transfer end of summer/beginning of fall. Maybe that wouldn’t count towards this cycle though.

  44. I Ubered a young man from Corvallis to the airport today who’s brother is on the Beaver’s baseball team. I won’t mention the players name because he’s still on the roster. Good conversation, then he tells me that his brother told him, “Bailey is the worst coach he’d ever had, including Little League. By the end of the season last year nobody was listening to anything he said.”

    I really didn’t know what to make of it, second hand but from someone about as close to the team as you can get. I’ve Ubered a whole bunch of Beaver athletes and never heard a negative word. Makes we wonder what some of them are REALLY thinking while I’m asking them about the coaches.

    • Didn’t bailey win multiple national championships with George fox? I know that’s not d-1 but you gotta know something to do that. Maybe he is not a good coach in terms of strategy Or technique but his strength is more of a motivator. Seems to have good relations with recruits.

      I’m trying to think of which players fell out of the rotation last year…

      • Bailey’s record in 12 seasons at George Fox include:
        winning a Division III national title with the Bruins in 2004. Bailey compiled a 353-158 record – and is the winningest coach in school history – and earned National Coach of the Year honors after that 2004 national title. He was an eight-time Northwest Conference Coach of the Year honoree. During Bailey’s tenure, the Bruins won or shared eight Northwest Conference titles. In 2004, Bailey’s team became the first George Fox squad in any sport to win an NCAA national championship. (Rueck’s gals National Title came in 2008/9) The Bruins went 40-10 overall, setting a new single-season record for wins and tying the record for best winning percentage at .800.

        For comparison (at GeoFox):
        Bailey 12 years winning percentage .714
        Warts 7 years winning percentage .600

    • “I’ve Ubered a whole bunch of Beaver athletes and never heard a negative word. Makes we wonder what some of them are REALLY thinking while I’m asking them about the coaches.”

      Two reactions here:
      1) When a bunch of athletes say nothing negative and one guy who says he is a brother to a team member goes WAY negative I think a big grain of salt is called for;
      2)Always good to be a bit skeptical when asking a player his/her opinion of their Coach.

  45. Anyone watch video of Clay Millen, the WA QB we just offered? He’s a former teammate of Jesiah Irish (who retweeted the original offer tweet) that looks like a really good prospect. Big, athletic, and a very accurate thrower. The only knock to me is he’s a bit of a gunslinger in that he’s completing some really difficult passes in tight windows, but simultaneously making decisions that could very well lead to an INT at the next level.

    He also had a 28-1 TD-INT ratio and 70% completion percentage as a junior.

    Looks better than any of our QB offers from this cycle. I’m curious what others’ opinions are.


  46. I saw Vince Guinta announce via Twitter he is leaving OSU. Anyone know if this is a big loss? Or is this something Where Niner encourages him to move elsewhere?

    • It might disrupt coordination of visits/travel etc for a little while, but considering the time of year and our class is nearly complete, they should have his replacement up to speed soon enough.

      Just a guess, but Derrick Yray and Michael Doctor can probably cover in the meantime until they hire another person to fill whatever role remains vacant.

      I’ve noticed some of our staff has followed various recruiting coordinators from other teams in recent weeks, so maybe that’s a sign they were already interviewing candidates.

      • Also, Yray and Wozniak are the only remaining members of GA’s original staff. I think Wozniak was a grad assistant back then, and Yray has been in essentially the same role the whole time.

        • Thanks NB. It didn’t seem like a huge loss to me, but I’m not an expert on these things. I had remembered he was an original member of GAs staff. Since GA ‘a recruiting was so terrible, I was kind of surprised that Guinta lasted this long with Niner.

  47. Anybody have any recommendations for PC browsers and search engines to use?
    I had Chrome and used google mostly, but hate their lack of privacy.
    Is firefox a better alternative? Also, does anybody use Duck-Duck-Go for their search engine?
    I’m trying to reduce how much i formation I feed google basically and want to minimize invasive targeted advertisements.

  48. So the Pac-12 just announced a new distribution partnership with a new streaming service no one has heard of, Vidgo…


    What the fuck are we doing as a conference? Why has Larry Scott failed so miserably to do the simplest things… This “streaming service” is $50 a month for pure garbage. It’s shittier than sling.

  49. Does anyone have information about Sioape Vatikani? I saw his twit that he had been made an offer, but I haven’t seen anything else about him.

  50. 6

    Just wanted to throw out a quick mention for Matt Moore, playing (or at least riding the bench) for the Chiefs in Super Bowl LIV. He’s the only OSU alum on either side. GO CHIEFS!

  51. Just feels like some type of uniform reveal. It’a the same way most teams do these things lately to play it up for social media. Have somebody video taping a team meeting and then have a surprise announcement during the meeting where all of the players go ape-shit and then play the video back on social media

    • That’s exactly what I was thinking. Of course one can be hopefull and wish for something better. Pat Casey coming back? Kevin Able coming back? Nah it’s prolly just uniforms

  52. So Beavs offer a highly ranked offensive lineman. Will Smith and Co ever land these types of players out of high school? So far I’m seeing recruiting picking up in the areas of RB, WR, QB, LB, DE.

  53. Clearly today’s baseball announcement is uniforms. Unlikely to be stadium renovations because that’s not something you’d announce to the players in a meeting when they wouldn’t see the finished product for years. They wouldn’t be the most excited crowd for that.

    Only other thing I could think of was some player returning to coach? Alumni game?

  54. From OSU Baseball Twitter page

    Hints: not uniforms … not Goss.

    I am on the East Coast right now so I only have to wait 3 more hours. I’ll tell you guys since I will find out sooner.

  55. Eggers up with a piece on Smith’s newly signed contract; comes to a reasonable conclusion:
    “I’d have waited a year, though, to give Smith a contract extension. He still had three years left on his initial deal. Let’s see what kind of steps he makes in Year Three before going out on a limb and committing an additional $6.4 million and three years to a coach who hasn’t yet had a winning season. “

    He is also not crazy about the six wins gets you an extension thing, saying, “Six wins should be the expectation, not the standard of excellence.

    No new info on pay for assistants.


    • I mostly agree, but I guess when you’re climbing out of the hole we were in, a coach like Smith provides a lot of hope. But I don’t want to get into another perpetual mediocrity Riley contract.

      • Yeah that’s a detail that seems to have been missed, the year extension for 6 wins is for the first 3 years of the new contract. Still not a fan over all, but at least it’s not awarding mediocrity in year 6 of a contract.

  56. I do not know how recruiting works but is it common to have the running back coach offering an offensive lineman? I know they are on the same side of the ball but I don’t recall seeing Coach M mentioned when offensive line players announce offers from OSU.

    • Each coach has a region they are responsible for. They are the first contact for recruits. Then the position coach, then the coordinator and then head coach. Generally that’s how it works.

      Anyone can offer, if it’s a good prospect, it’ll probably be the region coach since they’ll want to be first.

      • Dead on. Not every team does it.this way but it looks like Smith let’s the coaches make regional connections and work past relationships.

        • Thanks for the insight all. Would it make sense to have let’s say Coach M identify some of his top o-line targets and even if they are in different regions, zip around making that first impression/offer? I guess I am wondering how other programs operate. Maybe I need to think of it as the guy in charge of a region makes the offer then introduces the prospect to his specific position coach.


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