1. 2

    GP 2, 11 minutes, 4 fouls?? Yikes.

    I read the article on Brent Barry from Eggers. Maybe he wants to come back and do some college coaching…

    • I don’t know…the guy always seems aloof. He’s not one to carry the Beaver fandom torch as opposed to legends like Steven Jackson, Matt Moore and others.

  2. 2

    UO WBB defeat UConn @ UConn, 74-56. Apparently first time UConn lost at home in 7 years, biggest margin of defeat since they opened their arena in 1990.

  3. 2

    I’ve simply had enough of this nonsense! The women’s basketball team is supposed to be the best program on campus and they’ve slid to 4-5th in the conference. That’s not going to get it done and momentum is going the wrong way. All these other teams are passing us and safe to say the window has closed for ever being elite. Really sad because of how much I’ve supported these programs when they have success, what a waste of time and money! Another darn flash in the pan, I’m angry about it like all of you!!!

    • This is a situation where I wonder does the school have a choice? Obviously he wants the option to have another year and could always transfer but what if the team doesn’t want him for a sixth year? Has he played a down on either side of the ball?

      • I met his mom once when Cory Hall was coach. Sounded like the Anderpants situation really knocked his career sideways. She said he had an offer to Stanford, she sounded regretful about it. But she said he doesn’t complain, supports his teammates and never thought to transfer. I know he’s had a couple bad injuries too. Sounds like a good guy anyway.

    • 1

      I have no recollection of this, but apparently he got into a game in ’17 at QB? 0-2 passing and three rushes for zero yards! Another article implied that he excelled on special teams. When?

  4. I guess signing day is today.

    No surprises. A couple PWOs got some time in the spotlight.

    Looking around, a lot of analysts like the class. Better than prior years. Boosted up a lot due to transfers.

  5. Steve Coury and Karl Halberg mentioned in a catch all column by Eggers. Covers their experience coaching the West team in the U.S. Army All-American Bowl a month ago.
    Neither of the players highlighted are going to OSU.

    Coury says of Keanon Lowe: “He’s a personable guy with a good football mind. He’ll do a great job at West Linn. He wants to eventually get into college coaching; someone will get a gem when they get him.”
    Where do ya suppose Lowe ends up??


    • Is Super Bowl Champion Matt Moore going to participate again?

      Seriously though, I appreciate the guy comes back for that fairly regularly. Best OSU QB of the modern era.

      Also, the likes of Jackson and Cooks (and Hekker) had the Luck O’ Da Beavs, nice to see Moore get a SB ring and have new experiences he can share with recruits/commitments.

    • 2

      Another “All Name” candidate for the Beavers:

      “Auburn rising junior running back JaTarvious Boobee Whitlow has entered the transfer portal, according to multiple reports. ”

      Who doesn’t like boobee with their beaver?

    • If you remove the ill-advised Wayne contract extension, Barnes is doing a nice job moving things forward. Not exactly an easy job.

  6. Dang it gee golly. Was a week early. “Tesla Mania Cools With Record 21% Plunge”

    That’s a face melting lesson for gen zers day trading it on Robin Hood while in class. Youth is wasted on the young; wisdom is wasted on the old…or something.

        • 1

          Depends on when Hod Maden in Turkey can get up and running. They own 30% of it and have a 2% NSR, so they will basically double their revenue once it reaches commercial production, and they’ll pay back their portion of the initial CapEx in about a year.

          It’s a target-rich environment for anyone looking to fund gold projects right now. Private funds are avoiding the sector like the plague because of ESG requirements and a lot of the juniors don’t have the size or credibility to qualify for investment from bigger investment banks. If gold can at least hold ~$1450/oz, there are a lot of projects with nice NPV’s at that level in need of capital. They were put on the shelf from prices started crashing in 2011 and 2012, but they’re starting to re-emerge. Even some of the majors and larger mid-tiers are looking for JV’s and partnerships to help mitigate risk on some of their larger projects. The royalty/streaming players will have first pick.

      • FNV is a beast and first in class. SAND is nowhere near that, but a good speculation.
        Many miners are getting a boost from low oil prices. I don’t fully trust the latest rally, though it might hit $1650. Once oil rises I think gold has a hard sell off. That will likely be the last sell off before the next massive leg up — when your “safe haven” option is a 1% yielding bond in a 10% inflation environment or gold it becomes a no brainer.

  7. Some interesting XFL rules:
    The XFL has devised a completely new format for overtime, which is comparable to a shootout in soccer.

    In overtime, each team’s offense will have five attempts to complete a two-point conversion from the five-yard line, with each successful conversion being worth two points. The team with the most points at the end of the shootout is the winner. If one team clinches a win early, the unnecessary remaining rounds of the shootout will not be played.

    There will be no coin toss to determine the order of overtime. The visiting team will always make the first two-point attempt.

    Defenses cannot score in overtime possessions in the event of a turnover.

  8. Baseball picked 5th in pac12 preseason poll.

    As expected, with a new coach and lots of unproven players, it’s hard to know where the team will go.

    Program rep, Canham’s rep boosting up the votes.

    • Four points behind Arizona with their new Associate Head Coach Nate Yeskie.
      Interesting matchup starting March 13, too bad it is in Tucson.

        • Honestly I don’t know much about any of the recent recruits, but it just seems like an overall decline in talent and vibe. Bailey was a drop off in intensity, and that hurt. You don’t just recover from that, even if it’s just a year stint. Canham seems fine but a bit “aw shucks”. Casey had a few warts, but he was all business. Hard to replicate a legend. I don’t expect us to ever be that good again. Hope I’m wrong.

          • The recruits are as talented as ever. How many will actually choose school over pros will be important. Abel out of Jesuit probably has a tough decision but the kid and family are true Beavs. Some kids wanted to play for Casey over signing out of HS. Mitch won’t have same pull. Can he develop talent and manufacture runs? Probably but Casey was special with this. Our tradition and facilities combined with Mitch’s baseball IQ, passion and competitiveness gives his a chance to be great but it may take time to develop. I think we get back to Omaha in next 5 years.

          • This years freshman are really talented too. From the interviews with Mitch it sounds like pitching and defense is going to be very good and I believe him. Last year the hitting was poor outside of Adley, and I like that Mitch is addressing that directly with the investment in high tech swing analysis, something he said he’s been using in MiLB-AA with a lot of success.

            But there’s a difference between just being a good program and one that goes to Omaha 6 times. Casey motivated to the highest level, can Mitch do that too? I saw a Jake Mulholland interview and the guys believe in Mitch, him having two rings and being the leader of those teams. His Arkansas Travelers team last year was the 1st-half Texas League champion (before he left for Corvallis), with the best start for that club in almost 50 years. I’m optimistic about Mitch.

          • The recruits are as talented as ever.

            A breakdown from someone who follows baseball closely would be cool. Maybe would make me feel better.

            I’m optimistic about Mitch.

            Me too. He should be solid. But he’s not Casey. I’m hoping he’s better (i.e. more inspiring) than Bailey at least. When I saw we’re toast I’m thinking we’ll finish 3rd to 5th moving forward. Again, hope I’m wrong, but name an instance were OSU replaced a historic coach and kept the train rolling…

          • I figure Casey had a pretty long grace period to get the program up and running. Mitch should get at least a few years under his belt before we can expect Omaha trips again.
            Of course Casey was bringing the program up from ground zero with almost no support. I think he took over in 1995 and we didn’t go to Omaha until 2005.
            And this year, coming off losing the best player in the country, and not having one of the best pitchers come back from TJ surgery, not to mention losing several key recruits after Casey retired, it will take some time to get back to normal.
            Canham has already shown some recruiting chops, landing Tyree Reed for the 2021 class(although will Reed ever see campus? Potential 1st rounder)
            Anyway, my expectations are low. Canham needs time to find his groove and I’ll just try to enjoy the process from the stands.

          • @LA Pine, got a link to Canham and the high tech swing analysis?
            I’ve learned some about the analysis and think it not only is valuable but would be embraced by the current generation of SA’s. The kind of thing that builds coach-player chemistry.

            I’m with Nicebeaver, enjoy the process; and watch the discipline and mental approach of players and coaches.

          • Check out blast baseball. That’s an example of tech players are using now for their swings. There are several others out there too.

            Basically the the same concepts that pro golfers use. Swing speed, exit velocity, launch angle, etc. Gets players to have much more consistent swings.

            Same tech stuff for pitchers, velo, movement etc.

  9. https://www.oregonlive.com/beavers/2020/02/oregon-state-offensive-coordinator-brian-lindgren-talks-spring-practice-competition-with-quarterbacks-a-fast-but-small-receiver-room-q-and-a.html

    Lindgren on QB battle:

    “Lindgren: It’ll be starting out, day 1, Tristan will go out with that first group. But those other guys are going to see a lot of 1 reps. Tristan will have a leg up just because of his experience. He’s been in the system; he’s more comfortable than those guys. They’ll be learning on the run. But they’ll all get opportunities.“

  10. WBB
    This weekend could be a turning point, Crazy Realtor tonight and #12 Arizona on Sunday.:
    –Was the breakout in 3pt shooting against the mountain schools last week the real deal?
    –A lot of talk about the need to play more physically, will/can it happen with Scott’s “Good Girls…”?

    • Good question – I have doubts. There is nice, then there is too nice, and then there is a little bit mean. Kelsey Plum struck me as a little bit mean. Jamie Weisner a little bit mean also.

  11. At the half Beav gals have ONLY 4 TO’s vs 6 for ASU. No guarantee they’ll finish under 16 but a start.
    Shooting only 38% is the difference so far, down 5 with 20 minutes to go.

    Oh yeah, Beavs have 4 steals.

    Hope the best for Kennedy Brown, at least she is walking on her own.

    • Had to be helped off early, knee. Looked painful.
      Per radio she had ice on for a while and last report was she was walking on her own.

    • 2

      And why, with only 8 TO’s did it have to go down to the wire? This team has got to get into a first half groove and put some opponents away!

      Great to beat the Realtor and end her winning streak, but if this group is gonna go to elite eight they have got to improve their consistency.

      • 2

        They’re likes sweet 16 at best. They just don’t seem to have the focus and the intensity every game to play to their potential.

        • 1

          Maybe the only real hope is that Rueck does have a history of getting teams to play their best in March. But they are setting themselves up for a difficult seeding if they can’t pretty much run the table from here on out.

      • With Browns 1st quarter injury, beavers were really at a disadvantage as she’s their best defender and best rebounded besides pivec. The fact they won without rown was amazing.. ASU tough team plays physical and ISU shooting % wasn’t great either. Bottom line they won and that’s what it’s all about. Don’t forget they’ve been without taya all season too so being 19-4 at this point is pretty impressive.

        • 1

          Impressive?…….Yes, absolutely.
          Headed for Elite Eight?……Not without improved consistency of focus and results.
          Both can be true.

          • 1

            Certainly, 19-4 sounds consistent, it really does.

            OTOH, losing over 40% of the quarters played since the Jan 10 game vs UofA doesn’t sound like the kind of performance that will get you to the elite eight. Of course, that period covers all the losses for the season. That’s the point.

            Sure, that time frame also includes the best opponents (except, maybe Missouri St and DePaul), but that is the caliber of team to be faced in the field of 64 or at least the sweet 16.

            I’ll never count Rueck out, but getting this team to the sweet 16, especially with the apparent injury last night will take one of his better efforts. Maddie Washington and Patricia Morris are gonna get a lot of his attention, I suspect.

            BTW: I liked Rueck’s comment about taking the T. Said “sometimes you’ve got to do that to protect your team”.
            Also appreciated his response when a scribe asked the name of the play that tied the game at 62. He said, “…none of your business”

      • 3

        I was referring to the ESPN website, and I included the link below the previous post. Did anyone click on it and look at the entire website? Can you find anything mentioned about OSU WBB? On the contrary count how many articles are dedicated to uo, and their goddess Sabrina. Oregon is going to win the “Natty” unfortunately. It will prove that with enough money you can buy yourself a championship!

        • I went back to check and midway down the website there is OSU’s highlight video of the shot last night. But it’s still basically a duck wbb shrine.

        • ESPN is going to put resources where eyeballs are. And it’s not women’s basketball. There’s maybe 1 dedicated reporter for all ncaa and pro women’s bball.

      • 3

        I used that term “Natty” on purpose. The only fanbase I’ve ever heard using it is that team down south of Corvallis. Along with “sco” instead of let’s go.

    • I figured it must have been an ASU inbounds pass that never touched a player and went out of bounds again, so Beavs got the ball in the same spot.

      • Interesting tidbit is refs didn’t review the clock prior to asu inbounding so maybe they figured we can’t get a shot off with .1. However they still should have touched the ball to get the game to ot. The announcers themselves didn’t realize osu had the ball back until the Beavs were setting up for offense after the clock review. Great x and O’s by rueck. Maybe he can teach a clinic to certain other coaches.

    • ASU inbounded the ball but it went out of bounds after no ASU player touched it. The ASU guard was just walked away and didn’t see the ball.

  12. Just watched about 1 quarter of the first XFL game. QBs who can’t throw. WRs who can’t catch. Excessive use of replay.
    This league won’t last long.

  13. 3

    Ucks women’s basketball probably will win the women’s bb national championship 2019-2020. They might make a good run at the men’s tournament. As the U of Conn wbb coach was quoted as saying UofO wbb (paraphrase) – “they are just too big and too strong.”

  14. If the mens team played this hard all year they would have a lot better record. This is the hardest
    I have seen them play this year.

    • That’s funny. I had already forgotten he hit the 3. Reichle will hardly be remembered as a civil war hero if he’s remembered at all.

      • 5

        He could have easily been the goat, not long before the made three, he missed a wide-open three that would have given the Beavs a five-point lead. I’m glad it worked out for him, he does seem to play hard, if not always smart and he misses way too many open shots. And we all know he’s going to be the starter again next season. It might be a long season.

    • Not on the twitters. Troll away…….

      Glad he made the shot. However his 3 pt shooting percentage is still less than average. Something about a blind squirrell comes to mind.

      Surprising win though.

      Beavs have now beaten the top 4 teams in conference play. And lost to everyone else. Pretty sad.

  15. Did anyone else notice how different the write ups about the game in the unmentionable were? That is, between those of Nick Dashel and James Crepea?

  16. 3

    Before the SnOregonian shutdown its comment section, several Duck fans talking crap about the MBB upcoming sweep. As usual, those duck fans were long on their imagination but very, very short on their delivery….that’s not unexpected though as they have a short-endowed complex.

  17. Unfortunately for a Tinkle coached team, a win such as that requires and actually solidifies a lack of effort loss as the follow-up. So bet the house on a Beav loss for the next one. Really no different than in-game mental mistakes immediately after a great play. This team can’t sustain any kind of brilliance or focus over an extended amount of time. They won, good, but the bad and the ugly are shortly to follow….

    • 2

      And the head coach has to fall on that sword, right? The team can beat, even dominant (at times) some of the best teams and then continues to come out flat against the middle of the pack in the P-12. I doubt Barnes will hold Big’ Tinks accountable either.

  18. WBB
    Good Gals split the first two quarters, up at the half: 36-31.
    Shooting 56% and leading RB’s by 6 (17-11) helps make up for 7 TO’s.
    Pivec has returned to form, a big factor if she can keep it up for the balance of the season.

    EDIT: Final, Cats come out on top for 3 qtrs plus the OT, Good Gals drop this one 65-58.
    Final shooting 39% and 14 TO’s tell the tale. (cats had 15 more points off of TO’s than did the Beavs. 18-3)

  19. PAC WBB is very competitive this year; loading the top 25. How they get distributed in tourney brackets will be interesting. Would love to see OSU UO in Final 4, with Beavs finally prevailing…

    • I’d love to see the same. But, while some here disagree with pointing out a lack of consistency, if they don’t find a groove they are gonna get sent across the country to face a long long road to even the Elite Eight, much less the Final 4.

      Winning only 22 of the last 40 quarters isn’t the kind of thing that can continue if Scott is to get these (impressive and nice) gals to even the sweet sixteen.

    • I don’t think Abel will ever pitch for the Beavs again. Not worth the risk. Rehab all year and then be healthy for the draft. I hope I’m wrong.

    • They should have enough talent to be a plus .500 team. How much effect Canham has is the biggest thing to watch.

      The concern I have is that there are no standouts this year anywhere. Can the team win in aggregate?

  20. 21

    Grew up with Scottie and anyone who knows him isn’t surprised his team can compete physically and get bullied. Scottie was always so tiny but pissed a lot of people off. We all think he looks like Adam Schiff now haHahah. He got in two “fights” in his life both ended badly and one was a local legendary yellow belly act of cowardice. Do the research, keep saying best of lock with him!

  21. 1

    Per @nickdaschel: “…coach Scott Rueck says physical play is getting out of control in Pac-12 women’s basketball.
    “It goes against everything we’ve been talking about wanting to be as a sport.”…”
    He has a piece up at the big zero where he quotes the coach, ” I know I’m supposed to lie and not share my true opinion for some reason, so I’ll lie and say it had nothing to do with it.”

    Oh, and both the princess and Kelly Graves got T’d up today. Graves said, ““I didn’t care, I wanted to play a basketball game…”

    • 5

      Of course the rivalry is the best now that the ducks are getting all of that attention. Where were these articles 3or 4 years ago!!! The quality has been there for a while — fake news?

      • 6

        Yeah, they seem to present the difference as Ionescu(sp?). What’s funny, in terms of a sports PROGRAM, this seems like the Ducks catching up to the Beavers in relevance (something they also tried to do in baseball), but it’s not presented that way. When false narratives take hold, they’re so difficult to change.

    • Wife and I saw it last month. We dont get out to theaters much but we both really enjoyed that one. Something in it for everybody.

        • The factual story is quite a bit different from the Hollywood version. I won’t spoil the story here in case people plan to watch it. Check out the Ford racing history at LeMans in the late 60’s on wiki.

          There a pretty good documentary on Netflix on the Ford/Ferrari battles called “24 Hour War” if you’re interested.

  22. 8

    oregon loses their DB coach/top recruiter Dontae Williams to USC. Something about moving closer to home because his dad’s health is declining. duck fans and Andrew Nemec are in mourning, as if they just had their left nut amputated.

    Prayers up.

    • Nemec mentions commits that signed and were recruited by Williams can get out of those LOI. It’s interesting that he put that out there….Is he trying to lessen the blow of something he thinks is coming? I’m always curious he reasoning for wording.

      • Oregon State gets a new commit or signs a new coach, Nemec maybe gives it a retweet.

        oregon loses a coach and Nemec has something like 9-10 consecutive different tweets related to it.
        I’d say he’s sad for his team.

        I think one of the main questions people have for them is Dontae Manning and his status since he was recruited by Williams and seems like a candidate for flipping. Nemec is probably receiving alot of questions from fans about those chances, so he’s letting people know there is a chance.

  23. 4

    Updated salary pool for football assistant coaches. Copied and pasted because the boregonian can tongue punch my fartbox……

    Oregon State has increased its football assistant coaches salary pool by at least $400,000 for the 2020 season, and $675,000 for 2021.

    Oregon State 10 assistant coaches will earn combined salaries of $3.5 million for 2020. The pool increases to $3.75 million for 2021.

    That figure doesn’t include the salary of strength and conditioning coach Mike McDonald, whose contract was still in process.

    Last year, the 10 assistant coaches had a combined salary of $3.1 million, and $3.3 million including McDonald’s $200,000 salary.

    All of Oregon State’s assistant coaches signed two-year contracts earlier this month. In January, head coach Jonathan Smith agreed to extend his contract through 2025, with a salary of $2.4 million next season.

    The assistant coach receiving the largest raise is offensive coordinator Brian Lindgren, whose annual salary was bumped from $500,004 to $700,008 for the next two years.

    Defensive coordinator Tim Tibesar will receive $600,000 in 2020 and $625,008 for 2021, an increase from $575,004 last season.

    Receivers coach Kefense Hynson and running backs coach Michael Pitre received $50,000 increases over 2019 to $250,008. Both coaches receive another $50,000 bump next season to $300,000.

    The highest paid assistant coach outside of coordinators is offensive line coach Jim Michalczik, who earns $450,000 next season and $475,008 in 2021. Michalczik made $425,004 last season.

    Lindgren and Tibesar each receive a $15,000 bonus if Oregon State plays in a bowl game. The rest of the staff is awarded $10,000 in the event of a bowl game.

    As for buyouts, Tibesar and Lindgren must pay a $50,000 buyout if they leave before the end of the 2021 season, or $100,000 if they take an assistant’s job at a Pac-12 school. There is no buyout if they take a head coaching job at a FBS school.

    The buyout for other assistants if they leave prior to the end of the 2021 season is $75,000 if they take a job at a Pac-12 school, or $50,000 elsewhere.

    • 7

      Man football coaching is more profitable than being a doctor. University systems are out of wack in so many areas. They just keep raping our kids wallets and keep them in debt for years to come just to pad their own wallets.

    • I really like prioritizing OL as the highest paid position coach. That’s a good rule of thumb for relative value.

      Nice to see BL get a raise after such a huge offensive turnaround.

      • I don’t know if it’s so much that OL specifically is a “priority” as it is that Michalczik happens to be one of the most experienced active assistants with 30 years behind him and stints as a Pac-12 AHC/Coordinator.

  24. Not sure if this will get through, or how to get this to the readers. The following materials are very disturbing; The links are to the report by the US Department of Justice and Utah State University and its scandals involving rape, sexual harassment, and gross mismanagement of investigating the issues. Note the sections regarding the Athletic Dept at the time, and note that some of the incidents involved staff in athletics, along with students. Time frame – 2013-2017. AD at USU 2008-2015 – Scott Barnes. Trigger warning. Some of this report is hard to read.



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