Home Baseball BASEBALL…Finally!, and Coach Rueck is pissed off!

BASEBALL…Finally!, and Coach Rueck is pissed off!


Rueck likes baseball as much as the next guy, more on him below.

The Mitch Canham era begins Friday and we will have reports from AB’s on the ground in Surprise, AZ. Let your fellow AB’s know how you are following the games…….video is available on something called FloSports, and once again Jon Warren will broadcast on 1240am.

Andy Armstrong, who many expect to be the starting SS, says, “A lot of W’s come from the chemistry in the dugout.” So, how will Canham and his “I’ll coach from 3b, not the dugout” approach do in the chemistry area? How about Rich Dorman? Should be fun watching the interaction of the coaching staff, not to mention the players.

Who is your pick for the leadership among players? Claunch, Armstrong, maybe Mulholland?

RUECK: Ever hear of the SeniorCLASS Award? Me neither.
For 18 years the award has honored Seniors for their achievements in “Community, Classroom, Character, and Competition”. This year they left off one of Rueck’s “Good Girls Who Shoot Threes” from their list of 10 candidates for the award and he was pissed (nearly as pissed as he was at the officiating last weekend!).

In an unprecedented move, The Committee today added Mikayla Pivec to their list. Fan votes count for a third of the final decision and you can vote as often as you like. A link will be posted in the body of this thread.

In a surprising move, Steve Gress of the GT actually writes like a beat reporter in two recent pieces. One on Pivec and the CLASS Award and another on the trials of this years WBB team. Links will follow below.

-MBB hasn’t had two consecutive W’s in conference yet, they’ll try Thursday evening in Gill.

-Eggers has a piece up on Chance Nolan, gives insight into his connection to Niner. **Podcast embedded**

-And, there are rumors that nikegon may offer their CB coaching position to Aric Williams, a 2005 Beaver grad. Potentially giving Phil’s Phoney Phools two Beaver related coaches for DB’s.

Have at it AB’s!
Wanna go general? Don’t ask,… it’s what we do!



    • Nothing against Nolan – he’s young, probably nervous in the interview – but his interview is much different than Gebbia’s. Gebbia sounds like an OC or “passing game coordinator” in the making, and has had the benefit of interacting with a lot of different QBs at the college and pro level. Nolan sounds like he answers questions the way he thinks they’re supposed to be answered.

      BUT, Nolan’s physical abilities are obviously impressive, Lindgren talks about the potential to open up the offense with his running ability, and Nolan LOVES football and leading as a QB, wants to get better as a passer (“…have to get exquisite as a passer for the next level….”). Nolans says he’s level-headed but has a chip on his shoulder. Claims a hand timed 4.6 40, but will “find out at Beaver Combine.”

      As summarized in a previous thread, its going to be a fun to watch these two compete and whoever wins is likely to be successful.

  1. “In his decade at Oregon State, Rueck has coached All-Americans Gulich, Ruth Hamblin, Jamie Weisner and Sydney Wiese.

    “From an all-around standpoint — rebounding, assists and scoring and playmaking ability — it’s hard to say I’ve coached somebody as good (as Pivec),” Rueck said. “I don’t know if I’ve coached a better rebounder. If you encompass all those things, it’s hard to beat what Mikayla has done.”

    From https://pamplinmedia.com/pt/12-sports/450026-365780-the-amazing-mikayla-pivec

    So who is the best player in Rueck’s tenure?

    • Yikes. I’m actually surprised at how “close” the numbers are currently ($33M/$44M/$55M) but man, 4 years down the road sure does look dismal.

      It’s nice to see guys like Wilner actually doing real reporting. Seems like less and less of that happening and not just in sports.

    • I was thinking the same thing exactly. Nobody bothers to point out (or care) that the sport is now all about money and if you can’t bring it in and spend it like the big boys then you have little chance of keeping up. It’s ridiculous.

      • Scott was a terrible hire and is always reacting to the other conferences moves.
        Complaining about the money discrepancy is like being mad that the neighbor across the street has a much better looking wife and a nicer car. Who’s fault is it? Be proactive and fix the problem. You have Phil Knight as an alum of two of the conference schools.

    • Over 40% already. Just a matter of time. Pretty impressive how quickly that has happened. And I didnt even set up a bot voter this time.

      • I think her getting added late helped. I’m not sure how many fans are voting everyday for the other players but with the news coming out Pivek was added, the voters are riding the wave in full force.

      • Approaching 43% now. The gal who was leading before the field was expanded to 11 candidates is actually pretty impressive. She stands at nearly 16% now, second overall to Mikayla.
        Voting continues through March 23.

  2. 4

    Canzano has a similar article up on O-live. He loves dogging Pac-12 Commissioner Scott (who doesn’t) and pointing out the revenue gap. Doesn’t even seem to dawn on him how insane it is that a $33 million media rights distribution to each school isn’t enough to compete with the big boys. I mean at some point shouldn’t the articles be about how out of balance that is, rather than bitching about how we need more of it?

  3. 1

    Rueck: Crybaby or legitimately Pissed Off? He hasn’t been reprimanded (yet) but a long time Arizona writer thinks he’s a crybaby and tries to make a case, pointing out “In the last four Arizona-OSU games, the Beavers and Wildcats have shot exactly the same number of free throws. Both teams are an identical 38-for-49.” Does that make his point? After all, much of Rueck’s complaint is for noncalls.

    Certainly his mention of the Beavs being called for fewest PF’s in the conference (by a significant margin) does not. Nor does pointing out the pedigree of the officials last weekend.

    To me, this particular passage from his piece actually works against the writer’s viewpoint:
    … if you’ve ever watched Charli Turner Thorne’s Sun Devils play, you know that (1) they play a platoon system… and (2) they run between the tackles.
    “The story of those four (losses),” said Rueck, “is that they were the most physical team. They play football, that’s what they do. It’s an absolute bloodbath when you play them. You either rise to it and play tougher and harder than them.
    “We’ve got to be the ones who dish it out.”

    Questions for y’all:
    1) Is Rueck justified in calling out physical play?
    2) Did ya catch the bicep flexing by the cat player?
    3) How likely do you think the Good Gals will be, “…the ones who dish it out”?


    • After Sunday’s loss to AZ, wife and I went to get some lunch and bar had UO v ASU on the tube. At the half Jelly Graves interview he commented on how the tridents “play football, not basketball” and how the ducks would “have to make line changes to match them in the 2nd half.” So it’s not just Rueck noticing.

      Both AZ schools are VERY physical, the Beavs don’t have anyone that can meet that intensity and physicality aside from Pivec and now Jones. One other thing I noticed during the AZ game, McDonald(?) #2, plays fast but out of control and was able to draw fouls that were either not fouls or completely of her own making.

  4. Any Roku users here?
    Just got one and I love it, but I’m just learning how to set it up.
    They have the ability to add “unregistered” apps through a back door function. Curious if anybody here has found one of these private channel apps that would play the Pac12 network?

    Otherwise it looks like I have to subscribe to Sling or find a bootleg stream on my PC.

    • Haven’t heard of unregistered apps so might have to look into it. I use the web video caster app to stream from my phone. Works well for the most part although last time I tried, the website didn’t like the app. Something about sandbox not allowed.

    • Have been using roku with YouTube tv for over a year now. Haven’t heard of those channels either. Usually get a free week of a fobu subscription if a football game is on pac-12.

    • I have Roku built into my TV, but I’m not sure if that’s the same as a dedicated unit. There are all kinds of channels, but I don’t think I saw any like that.

  5. Why do I get the feeling baseball will be underwhelming. The success we’ve had under Casey is flat amazing and it’s a very tall order to expect no drop off with a change in staff. Hope I’m wrong but my guess is it’ll get ugly amongst Beav fans if baseball regresses.

    • I’m glad you brought this up. I didn’t follow baseball too closely at the beginning of his tenure. Canham won’t be perfect. Casey made mistakes and had some down years. He had years his team underperformed and he was stubborn with adjustments. I think the true fans will stay supportive as long as if he is losing, he is building a program the right way with signs of improvement. Great programs don’t make the post season every year. Goss will still be a hard ticket to come by and Canham will work hard to improve every year.

    • It won’t get ugly at all, at least this year. There aren’t sky high expectations this year.

      Canham will get a free year due to his legacy.

      • I think the beavs will make it to post season this year. Talent is better than people realize. The low expectations should motivate the team and take the pressure off. A good year will go along way to jumpstarting Mitch’s OSU career.

  6. Just saw Mel Tucker advertising PAC12 on the basketball broadcast! A real class outfit, that PAC12 Net!!

    Oh yeah, Beav men up 19 with 9 minutes to go.

    • Interesting that Luke Fickell passed on the job when it was well known he covets a B1G coaching job. Have fun trying to beat Ohio State Mel.

  7. The Realtor weighs in on Rueck’s remarks:
    “It was incredibly disrespectful and insulting to our team,” Turner Thorne said Wednesday when asked about Rueck’s comments. “We did contact their administration. We’re in your own conference…I wish we were more physical. We aren’t We’re small, skinny and try to play hard…”

    The story goes on to say that she even requires any of her players who foul on an opponent’s made jump shot to write by hand 50 times “I will never ever, ever, ever, ever foul a jump shooter.”
    NOTE: that’s only if the shot goes in!!


  8. The lack of comments tonight about MBB vs Utah is pretty telling.
    Beavs win in a blowout, but apparantly nobody watched it.

    Also, I can’t tell if our BeaverCheer twitter account is run by a perv? Or if I’m just a perv for thinking they’re a perv?
    Probably somewhere in the middle.
    This post is a little odd. What does #BeaverRising even mean?


    Anyway, Happy Valentine’s day.

    • “Wow, that was amazing!” smoking as he types…..That was a pretty gratuitous photo to select for publication..

      I assume the beaver “rising” is because they lift up the cheerleaders?!?

      Does anybody really care about MBB anymore? I think some people here watch it just to get upset about how predictably under-performing it is.

  9. It definitely was a good win tonight. Although the Beavs have put together two fairly impressive wins due to defense really stepping up, they still have a few shit-shows in the rear view mirror. Not to mention poor consistency. I’m hoping the team has finally decided that they need to play defense in order to win.
    Next 3 games (Colorado, @Arizona, @Arizona State) will tell a lot.

    • The Washington road trip was a killer. Win those two winnable games and we suddenly have a solid tourney resume.

      We actually still have a bubble-worthy record against top opponents (4-1 against the top 50), but so many bad losses that we’re still at a point where the only way this team can regain any national relevance is to sweep the rest of our home games and win 2 of the 3 road games.

      The good news is the road games are mostly against teams we’ve already beaten. The bad news is we’re playing arguably the top four teams in the conference.

      In retrospect, Jack’s comment about this team having the talent to be a tournament team but not the coaching is looking pretty accurate.

  10. Final roster is set for baseball.

    Kevin Abel, Zach Clayton, Greg Fuchs, Wade Meckler and Wyatt Young are no longer with the team. Weird they’re only carrying 34 guys.

    • Usually guys who were in the team last year and were in fall ball, then not on the active roster are usually injured. Like Abel. Never really hear about injuries from fall ball, but that’s the most likely explanation. Then they can take redshirt years. I think they can still be with the team. Drew did when he was hurt and wasn’t on the roster.

    • There was somebody on here last month who mentioned a parent complaining about a player getting their scholarship pulled over on Pure Orange. Does anybody remember who that was?
      Or maybe I’m not remembering the post correctly.

        • Ober reached on a fielder’s choice (2-2 BKBS); McMahan out at second 2b unassisted.
          McGarry flied out to lf (1-1 KB).
          McMahan singled up the middle, RBI (1-1 KB); McDowell scored, unearned.
          McDowell singled to right field, advanced to second on a fielding error by rf, RBI (1-1 KB); Armstrong scored.
          Mascarenas fouled out to c (1-0 B).
          Armstrong doubled to right center, 2 RBI (1-2 KFB); Valero scored; Claunch scored.
          Valero doubled down the lf line (0-2 KK); Claunch advanced to third.
          CAMPA, I. to p for DYE, C..
          Claunch doubled to left center, 2 RBI (0-2 KK); Casey scored; Ober scored.
          Casey walked (3-2 BBBKFB); Ober advanced to second.
          Ober singled up the middle (1-0 B).
          McGarry homered to center field, 3 RBI (3-1 BFBB); McMahan scored, unearned; McDowell scored.
          McMahan reached on a throwing error by 3b, advanced to second on the error (2-1 FBB); McDowell advanced to second, advanced to third on the error.
          McDowell walked (3-2 BBKKBFB).

  11. Not a bad way to start the season….1st inning and score 9 runs and then turn a double play in top of second with runners on 1st and 2nd and nobody out.

      • Sometimes for non conference games the teams will agree to play with a mercy rule. I was at a SDSU-OSU game that ended early a few years back… More of a glorified batting practice. Not sure about today’s game, I imagine both coaches want as many reps as possible though.

    • I think his rating scale is on his site. It’s something like
      5* = D1 kicker
      4* = D2
      3* and below = NAIA

      Or something lane like that.
      So basically everybody in D1 is a 5* kicker

  12. Not that we need more WRs, but local guy Darien Chase is leaving Nebraska. It’s been rumored to be happening most of the year but he made it official today.

    Since he is from close to this area, he could be one of those waived sit out year guys, potentially.
    Will be curious to see if OSU pursues him

    • A downvote? C’mon!
      Let me be clear. I’m suggesting that fans may want to cast a vote, in the Senior CLASS awards, for Mikayla each time she gathers in a rebound.

  13. 1

    We should fire Rueck… just not getting it done… terrible coaching tonight… we lost to USC, bottom half of the PAC… 1 game over 500 in the pac… pretty pathetic

    • 1

      That’s all I get for the comment… one down vote lol… I just love how Tinkle, Smith or Casey is judged and Rueck gets a free pass… sometimes it’s on the players… everyone knows Rueck is an excellent coach… it seems like it’s always black and white, nothing in life is that simple

          • 1

            Again no real arguments… just downvotes… pretty sad… Beavs fans are just like everyone else, sheeple.. pretty sad, i thought we had a better fan base… apparently we are no better than duck fans… as long as the coach is doing good we don’t question

      • 1

        The turnovers, just bad coaching… that has to be the reason… simple stuff all of life is black and white… you should know this

        • Oh yeah, the turn overs. Remember that time Rueck inbounded to Rueck and he lost the ball? Or that time Rueck tried driving the lane with 3 players on him and got stripped? Yeah me neither.

          • 1

            I guess age difference shows the understanding of sarcasm… you made my point 100% lol… better than I could articulate… Thanks bro

      • 1

        Not saying you but many people were trashing the FB team this year on the defensive side… not realizing that losing key players makes an impact, I don’t care how good a coach you are, you lose key cogs it makes an impact… same with baseball last year, all the blame went to the coaches… when the circumstances were out of their control

      • 2

        Yep, losing Kennedy Brown was the back breaker. It broke the team’s spirit. combined with a few of the programs closest boosters dying have been tough on the women. Given TC and now KB season end injuries is just too much to overcome. This team will be solid next year.

  14. SC upsets the Good Gals, 72-66 scoring 22 pts off of 20 Beavs TO’s.

    Beavs have now lost 20 of the last 44 quarters, and while some here thought a 19-4 record was reason not to worry about consistency, the record now stands at 19-6. The hole gets deeper, the chances of a first round bye in Vegas are fading.

    Next up (MONDAY) is a UCLA squad that is being pushed around by nikegon tonight, then Stanford on short rest.

      • “the players have no impact on that stat?” Really? Players have no impact on that stat? I’m hoping that you’re really winking on that comment.

        • For sure winking ?… sarcasm is hard for people to understand sometimes… I am just repeating lines that I have heard for every other sport than WBB

          • Well, I suppose that’s why this blog site is called “angrybeavs.com” as sometimes people get too involved with each win and each loss. The fact they are in a tailspin right now is no big surprise at least from my point of view. The loss of Taya C was huge but the loss of Kennedy Brown was even huger or bigly bigger or well, you know what I mean. Kat Tudor hasn’t been the Kat Tudor of old since her return, the continued saga of Andrea Aquino, the loss of TC and now KB….yikes as that can be difficult on the team’s psyche. There’s always next year I suppose. Hey, at least the BB team started out strong with 9 runs in the 1st inning. Next up, UCLA and the Beavers will hit the 7 of 8 losses I predicted before the season started but next year is an entirely different year and hopefully KB returns to her prior form which she should. I don’t think her ACL tear was as bad as Tudor’s based on the look of it when it happened.

          • 2

            My question as you laid out so eloquently, is why we don’t look at the other sports the same way? It seems Rueck can do no wrong… it’s always injuries or some other reason, which are reasonable… the part that bothers me is it seems others seem to judge the coaches of any other OSU sport differently… they won’t account injuries, or any other circumstances and don’t give the benefit of the doubt… I just find it hypocritical … that’s my point and that’s what all the sarcasm is about

          • 7

            I’m too lazy to look up it up, but as an observation, it seems like Rueck’s teams have always been “turnover heavy” no matter how talented they are overall. With the loss of depth/talent with the injuries this season, ball security becomes more important. I don’t know if it’s the offense he runs or the type of player he recruits, but he does need to get turnovers under control. With the parity in the league, Rueck’s not going to win as much as he would like with the team turning it over 17-22 times a game. They got away with it for a while, I think the issue is coming home to roost.

            Rueck is held in high esteem because he turned a dead program around. Very talented coach. College sports are weird, players screw up, coaches are held accountable. I guess it goes back to, if you recruit the player, you own the results?

          • Chuck, have you considered just making you point in the first place, rather than wrapping everything in sarcasm? We’ll grant that it shows you’re clever but it might make it a little easier for the rest of us to understand without you having to clarify for us.

  15. Figured Abel wouldn’t be back when you kept hearing “what’s important is that he’s in a good place mentally” when people asked Canham about the rehab. Always interesting watching the team come together when they lose a chunk of the roster, and see if any freshman jump out early.

    Really happy about how the Pivec story turned out – mainly to give fans a chance to do something for the program that has meant so much not just to the school, but to the community as well.

    Good to see Men’s Hoops get a win they didn’t have to grind out. I was hoping one or two underclassmen would break out this year giving hope for next season – but there doesn’t seem to be anyone who will come close to Kelly and Tinkle’s production. And if players transfer…

  16. 17

    In response to Chuck questions regarding Rueck getting a pass: Rueck has won in each level he has coached. He took a dumpster fire of a program from 6-8 on the roster added open tryout players to begin, added 5* talent, won conference championships, final four appearance, elite 8 runs, continues to recruit 5* talent and has been the true example of a class coach.
    He gets the pass because he still has a hunger and expectation to win, the gals know it and play with great intensity for that goal. What is happening this year is a result of the great run Rueck has been on and injuries. Anytime a team is so good for so long, the league strategizes how to catch up. The Realtor set the template a couple years ago when she decided to implement the “georgetown defense”. Refs will not call every foul, so keep being as physical as possible. UA has followed this tactic because they are facing their in-state rival, and both arizona schools now play an unenjoyable style of basketball, not to say borderline illegal style that goes against the spirit of the game to many.

    Rueck is not a whining coach, he is quietly confident in his scheme and team. He isn’t alone in commenting that the league is allowing too much physical play. Injuries to multiple frontline players is obviously the achilles for this years team.

    Chuck wants to create a controversy over the perception of Rueck compared to other coaches at OSU. Why? Rueck has been on an upward trend since he has been here. He hasn’t folded to the Riley mindset. He hasn’t compromised how he runs the program just for wins (Ionescu recruitment), he hasn;t done anything to embarass the school. Yet CHuck says unfair, he should be called on the carpet and ridiculed for losing football games against these teams because he coaches fundamental sound basketball instead and can’t adjust to a football on the court strategy?

    Casey was criticized over the course of years, and had things to be questioned simply because that is the nature of baseball and it is a different game with many more moving parts, strategems, and games each year. Casey was a HOF coach and accomplished great things for OSU.

    Tinkle has concistent holes in how he runs the program and in game decisions. Self inflicted wounds are his mo.

    JS is on the learning curve and needs time to prove himself. If Chuck is most concerned regarding the comparisons to JS and SR then give it some time for JS to win the conference, go to the Rose Bowl, fill to rioster with top level talent and have a 6-8 year run of unparralled success in his sport then you may not see quite as much to be upset about regarding other peoples opinions. I think JS is on the way to doing it, but he is not yet proven and insulated from questioning him. Rueck has proven his mettle. Not that we can’t question things he does, but it is often best to give grace since he has proven his staying power and leadership in the program.

    MR, GA, CR, Jay John, Bob DeCarolis, all crippled major sports at OSU. THey were a larger representation of an overall lack of fire, organization, purpose, and vision for major OSU sports. Scott Rueck and Pat Casey have carried the torch for OSU sporting success in the vacuum and they both deserve credit and great respect for it.

    Sarcastic criticism for effect doesn’t actually accomplish your gaol, because we aren’t sheeple as you assert. We just don’t see the need to critique SR while the team is in a tough stretch that is simply a reflection of major injuries and inconsostent reffing as well as the Pac/ESPN favoring UO on a national scale.

    • Agreed, lots of great points Ohio. I do take issue with one though, CR crippling basketball. He took the job when noone, I mean noone wanted it. From what I remember, even the coach at Indiana FT Wayne or something like that turned us down. He was able to get the practice facility built and brought exposure to the program that you wouldn’t have thought possible considering how bad it was. Did he make a postseason tournament other than the CBI, no, but he definitely left the program better than he found it. That’s all one can really ask.

      • 1

        CR gets criticized and ultimately was fired because he could not get the most out of the talent he recruited. Despite the good things CR did that’s ultimately what a head coach is judged on. Big Tink’s is in the same boat.

    • I think it’s safe to say Avenatti is a dirtbag for trying to cash in on Nike through extortion. But that doesn’t dismiss the fact that Nike was paying players through their travel squads and phony invoices for events that never happened.

      I think some*cough cough…duck fans*are trying to excuse Nike because Avenatti was found guilty.

    • Make that 7-0 heading into the bottom of the 4th. Perhaps Mulholland wasn’t quite ready to be a starter. Small sample size but his stuff didn’t seem to be working all day.

  17. Dukart early on looks the same as last year at the plate. Works the count well and can battle but can’t punish mistakes. Hopefully Canham isn’t too patient with him cause I don’t see things changing with him

  18. 1

    Jon Warren says the telecast tonight over FS1 will feature the HC’s miced up; no word on camera work highlighting Tinks pits.

  19. Off topic.
    Any tequila/mezcal drinkers around here?
    Curious if you’ve found any labels that you would consider must haves?
    Just starting to get into sampling different types of tequila. So far, I think the Fortaleza reposado has been my favorite, but I’m always looking to try something better if you have any recommendations.

    I haven’t dabbled in Mezcal much yet, but hopefully soon. From what I understand, tequila is the more pure form of alcohol distilled from the blue agave, and Mezcal has less restrictions and there’s much more variety and experimentation going on with that spirit. Sortof like the craft brew industry of agave based spirits.

  20. Interesting hearing literally everything the coaches say. Quite the insight to the adjustments made during timeouts.

    Also no commercials which is nice.

  21. 1

    Biggest game of the season for the hoops team and they look like they’re all completely nervous. Tres has been downright horrific. Not surprised this looks like a loss. Every time the team looks like they could be turning the corner, they come out and can’t make a shot. Colorado isn’t even playing that well. Beavs just beat themselves

    • 2

      Reichle is the best offensive player tonight. Making drives to the basket. It’s amazing how absent Ethan can be and then he has a big dunk. Time to hibernate again. Might as well get a 12 seed and try to shock some people. Tres looks really slow. His moves aren’t fooling anyone. No one cares about men’s basketball so yeah why did I post this.

  22. So ugly of a game. This better be the end of the Tinkle era. FS1 exclusive coverage that was non-interrupted for 2 hous and pit stain Tinkle and the team crap the bed in front of a primetime audience. Another embarrassment for OSU when it matters as team had a shot at NIT before this mess.

    Done with Men’s Hoops until Barnes grows a pair and cut’s bait. We can do much better. Let the search begin.

    • 5

      I thought the coverage highlighted which team had the better coach and it wasn’t OSU. Tres Tinkle needed to “work on his three-point shooting” to be NBA ready. How is that working out for him? Somehow he got 10 points so the precious double-digit streak extends. Sort of a made-up stat in my view.

  23. I wish the Beavs had a shooter. I’m really surprised drastic measures haven’t been taken – putting in another big to help Kelly, move Tinkle to guard – maybe try and fast break a bit. Nothing wrong with a lay-up. The starters have played together too long to seem to never know where their teammates are on the court.

    • 4

      I don’t understand what’s going on with Dastrup? He doesn’t play anymore. What was the point of transferring him in? I know he was out of shape earlier, but he actually looked like he had a nice shooting touch and some skill. He also did not look afraid to mix it up unlike some of the players out there. Three-point shooting is the name of the game and the Beavs have zero consistency.

  24. 3

    Just catching up on baseball. Already see we had a bad loss to Gonzaga. People got on me for saying baseball as we know it is done, but this is another data point to confirm that. I think the 4th/5th place finish prediction is very real. Did Canham make errors? I’ll have to try to check out the game today. Is the game televised?

  25. No Surprise in Surprise.
    On the ground in AZ. Great turnout of Beav fans again. Rumors that Mitch C wants to move it, which would be epically stupid. Very nice setup here. Went down to Tempe to see my Gophers beat the ducks, and the Angel’s stadium where they played was a dump compared to Surprise.
    Is the team good or bad?
    First game the hitting looked good. Chamberlain was good but not overwhelming. Spotty relief effort that the new coaches let them work through. My first thought was after a critical walk, the P.C./Yeskie staff would have pulled him. So more tolerance for mistakes?
    The frosh center fielder looks to be a potential star. His was really hitting the ball well with a quick, compact swing. Hopefully his is the impact frosh we have lacked the past two years. Valero, the other Canadian looks to have good bat, but looked pretty slow running the bases.
    Game two…..
    Jake M will be back in the pen soon. Got behind and stuff was not great. He has a huge tell with his fastball as you can visibly see him throw high effort to max out at 86. Mitch left him in way too long and the game got out of reach. Washburn had controls issues. Hit 94 early and the velo went down. I had high hopes for him as his dad was a MLB pitcher for twelve years and grew up around the game. Hopefully early nerves.
    My MN homeboy, Will Frisch, looks to be a stud if they can get him a secondary pitch and harness the power. First pitch was 97 mph. Second one was 97 and two feet to the right of the catcher. He was throwing 95-97 with a fairly easy motion. To bad we lost his HS teammate, because he was a more polished pitcher. Murphy was OK, but more of a Jake M style.
    First impression is we will struggle with our pitching, which after the brilliant run the last few years will be a bitter pill to swallow.
    Had beer with Wannabeav.
    Go Beavs

    • I noticed that Micah McDowell was the MVP of several tournaments he’s played in. Looks like we’ve got our starting center fielder for the next few years.

      Jake Pfennigs starting today, we need him to be solid.

        • Lol… just like above already judging coaching when we aren’t even close to half way into a season… I’ll withhold my judgement till later… same shit JS was getting his first year…game one for MC he’s great, second game he’s terrible and has warts… baseball is different than all sports, give MC some time… Jesus I hate that we sound like duck fans, it’s ridiculous

          • 3

            Krol or Troll, I think they have a couple cartoons put out about you… we do sound like duck fans… I wish I had evidence but I am too lazy to look back on the blog… now that we set the precedent of national championships I see our fans getting more and more upset, just like the ucks… you can’t win NC’s every year, down years will happen, it’s all part of it… He might not ever be on Casey’s level but that bar is set so high… All I am saying is give the man a chance… what’s funny is the bar is set in a the opposite level for the football team, and JS was getting grief last year when he inherited a dumpster fire… God help MC, if this is how fans are gonna treat him… that’s saying something cause I don’t even believe in Jesus

  26. Hard to tell, given Jon Warren’s description, but so far Beavs D seems similar to previous seasons. Armstrong with the only E this young season and what sounds like some excellent plays by both IF and OF.

    Any opinions on Claunch’s D?….lookin’ at you, BG and wanna.

    A certain amount of shaking out the kinks is to be expected in AZ but things better get serious for the visit to Starkville next weekend.

  27. Pfennigs at 79 pitches through 5 complete, I’d pull him. Pitch count coupled with the fact that he has been given the opportunity to work out of a couple jams.

  28. Wannabeav reports on McGarry double to start the 7th: “I think it bounced off his glove. He might have closed the glove too soon. Tough play, going back and in the sun.”

    My bottom line: McGarry smacked it and deserves credit for a hit, there will be time when solid hits become a “long out” so it all evens up in the long run.

  29. I’m probably too late, but sounds like today’s game might be televised on some Roku app called “FloSports”

    Not sure if it is subscription or free and I won’t be home in time to catch any of this game, but maybe a future one will be on there.
    Anybody try it?

    • It’s 30$ a month. Their apps and site work great so far on roku, android and pc. Good quality image (4 cameras) and the play by play guy isn’t bad. No commercials.

      • Sounds like it bears watching. There are a few series on the Beavs schedule which, at this time, do not show any TV, maybe Flo picks ’em up later?

      • I’m just laughing because on the radio he says it was hit over the wall for a HR, but the official call was it bounced on the warning track with a tag out at 3rd.
        Not sure how you educate somebody on the difference there. Just sounds like poor vision or an angle he can’t see from the press box.
        I’ve grown to just accept Warren for who he is. Maybe they should pull Parker off of MBB for the rest of the season. Can’t imagine many people are tuning in anyway.

        • “I’ve grown to just accept Warren for who he is.”
          Same here.
          I’m guessing Jon is overwhelmed by being alone in the booth and finds it difficult to watch the play closely while trying to keep up with stats, who is where on the field, and other broadcast related duties. Jim has, in the past, educated him on things like strategy and players decisions…you know, things like why the runners are gonna go when count is full with two out!

          • I think his game calling has much improved and he speaks with good cheer. He will sometimes comment that he was looking down and it’s pre-season, after all. Besides, I don’t miss the old movie references.

        • He’s so bad it’s standup within a baseball game. Vaudeville baseball, a new genre. Put on some ragtime in the background, and it’s an incredible experience.

    • On another Horton related topic, I see his legacy down the road dies slowly; ucks, in just 3 games, have: 9HBP, and 25BB to go along with zero W’s.

  30. More OT:
    This, from a high school coach in Colorado:
    A lens into the Pac12 failure:

    Headquarters Rent
    P12 $6.9 mil yr
    SEC $318,000 yr

    Commish Salary
    P12 $4.8 mil
    SEC $2 mil ($3.1 w incentives)

    Top 5 exec salaries
    P12 $8.4 mil
    SEC $3.9 mil

    Team Payouts
    P12 $31 mil
    SEC $ 43 mil

    They are a reflection of their priorities

  31. This weekend has 4 games over 4 days. Similar to what the CWS will provide, but not as strong of competition. Losing 1 game in a 4 game weekend isn’t all that bad. Plus, the Beavs will have a 3 game non-con series against Gonzaga later on in the season. So that will be more telling on how this team will fare from the beginning of the season, to near the end of the season. New Head coach, new Pitching Coach, and relief and closers needing to step into starting roles. Leaving Jake in longer than they should have is a good thing. How is he supposed to get used to going from closer to starter if he doesn’t make it past 2-3 innings? The pitching should hopefully get better as the year goes on; otherwise, it’s going to be a long season. The hitting Friday night made us hopeful, but it appears it was the opponents pitching that allowed the beavs’ bats to come alive in that game. I was unable to listen to Saturday or Sunday’s game. So I only have the scores and stats to go off of, but as someone stated in the past, stats doesn’t predict future results; they just tell a story of how a particular game resulted in a win or loss.

  32. How is WBB likely to fare today? Too many injuries? I’m hoping they can win at least the first round in the tournament, Sweet 16 might be too much with the losses?

    • Today vs #8 UCLA and then, on short rest, a Friday test vs #4 Tree.
      Tall order.
      At what point does Rueck focus on preparation for the PAC12 tourney? Will he adjust playing time to give experience to some of the gals who’ve not had many minutes while giving the first string some rest? Will be interested in Scott’s approach and in the use, over the next couple weeks, of Morris, Simons, and Thropay.

  33. 1

    Call me a bad beav, but baseball for me ended with the 2018 CWS championship. Knew it wasn’t gonna be the same after that, haven’t watched since.

    Max BIRG achieved, feels good :)

  34. Beavers lose a 3-1 lead in the 7th and had runners on 1st and 2nd two out trailing 4-3 and McMahon whiffs. Not looking great early in the season. Defense is strong only 1 error in 4 games, but lack of hitting again seems to be an issue although they out hit BYU 10-6 today and left 8 runners stranded. Next up…Miss State on the road. Yikes!

    • As if taking a loss today wasn’t enough of a disappointment, did y’all notice that the second base ump was Mark Buchanan? Yup, he is still in business, and probably still way too sensitive for the job.

    • 1

      Did Canham have warts today?

      Am I still an idiot for saying baseball is never going to be the same? Or do I need to study all the recruits to know that…

        • Like you, I haven’t watched since 2018 (other than post-season).

          I was told Bailey was a one year placeholder and Casey would be back, so I wasn’t too concerned last year. That’s why I’m bringing it up this year.

          • No you are not an idiot saying things won’t be the same, that’s obvious, we have a new coach. However you are an idiot for saying that he’s a failure 4 games into a baseball season… 10 hits is more than good enough to win most games, if you don’t hit in key situations that is not on the manager, that’s on the players… plenty of seasons under Casey that were sub par after really successful seasons… these sub par seasons sometimes lasted three seasons… 2008-2010 for example… last year wasn’t successful, if this continues in 2022 than we may have a problem… this season has just started, OSU has had slow starts before and this isn’t necessarily that slow

          • Oh okay Angry, yes you didn’t say he would be a failure but you inferred that he wouldn’t be successful and he wouldn’t win championships… maybe I am reading into your comments too much… you kinda have a way of being vague enough that you can defend your argument either way… but bringing up warts shows how you see Canham… if Casey wasn’t a good coach in your eyes than Canham will never even come close

          • Not a failure yet, but it doesn’t look promising. Everyone was talking up the prospects, and now I’m hearing we need a total rebuild and Canham needs 3 years (on Twitter). Why on earth would he need a 3 year rebuild when the program just won the NC. You guys can’t say we have top prospects and will be fine then as soon as someone questions the early results say that we need a 3 year rebuild because we don’t have the players.

          • Angry, that wasn’t me on Twitter, hope you understand that… people calling for a total rebuild are ridiculous… if at the end of the season we are below .500 then perhaps… I don’t see that, we have talent not NC talent but not a garbage team by any means… we will end up mid pac… recruiting I think Is the biggest test… one full year with then new regime, that will tell you what direction this program is trending

  35. Speaking of warts… OSU women’s turnover problem is ridiculous… Tell me again Rueck has no warts… this is a basic fundamental that winning teams take seriously

    • So you’re suggesting that Rueck doesn’t take turnovers seriously? Biggest problem with this team is they’re not very athletic or quick and that’s the biggest issue with turnovers. They put themselves in bad turnover position because of their lack of quicks and athleticism.

      • Swami come on bro we rank #336 in turnover margin… Are you saying that has no factor in our W/L record?… I am pretty sure there are a couple of more athletic teams out of 335 that have a better margin

  36. 5

    So is the league punishing Rueck now by calling every bit of slight contact? That ref had her whistle in her mouth before the shot even started to form.

        • 1

          Pretty simple… with even half the turn over differential, OSU wins this game, regardless of the BS calls… what is so difficult to understand? Yes it was a costly call but it wouldn’t have been if you take care of the ball… you’d be up by 10 and the call wouldn’t even matter… good enough explanation or do I need to repeat myself again?

          • Yeah, say it again!
            Sheesh, do you even read what you post?

            Your “it’s bound to happen” remark was clearly in response to a post about the refs “calling every bit of slight contact” and not about the calls being the total difference in this game.

          • I love how you say I have a lack of knowledge when this is a basic concept that you two can’t understand… The fact is you are always going to have bad calls by the refs it’s just a fact of life. The reality is you don’t have control over these bad calls… what do you have control over? Bingo, ball security. If you limit these turnovers, you win the game even with the poor calls. Not a lot of knowledge needed to understand what I am saying.

    • 2

      Am I imagining or is that blonde pony-tailed ref just standing there calling fouls on OSU? Pivec just fouled out. It’s over. Turnover count 23.

  37. Rueck did show warts tonight. Washington and Tutor should have sat and Simmons should have played. Washington is so tired she can’t get up and down the floor and UCLA doesn’t even try to guard her because she is no threat. Washington playing 37 minutes and contributing nothing. Tutor if she isn’t hitting 3″s does nothing else.

    • Yeah he did, turnovers ( a fundamental part of the game), again the differential was 15 this game! If you avg 1pt per turnover that’s 15pts… UCLA averaged over 1 pt tonight… kiss my ass we all know why they lost, quit making excuses

  38. 6

    Rueck not addressing TO’s is like Riley not being able to manage the clock or commit to the run. It’s a consistent season-to-season issue and it needs to be called out because its creating a win ceiling for them. Its either the press, or TOs, or both.

    • 2

      Well put. What are we paying this asshole for? And he does kinda look like Adam Schiff. Bottom line is without being able to execute the fundamentals at this stage of the season, this isn’t going to go far. You expect it in the beginning of the season but for whatever reason they just haven’t improved much with it. Frustrating because they’ve shown flashes.

      So is this just not a great team collectively? Some solid talent but isn’t elite paired together? Other schools catching up in recruiting and/or X’s and O’s? Will next year be better, or are we starting to see them slide back to the middle of the pack in conference? (which happens to be the best conference by far btw) what can/will Reuck ultimately do differently next season and beyond to counter some combination of these things?

      • I’m not being extreme or suggesting his removal, of course he’s great for OSU and needs to stay. But when your team has this glaring weakness season to season, I think it helps to acknowledge it and make it a point of emphasis in practice. Hell, it they struggle with more physical, athletic teams, practice the press and ball security (ha ha) against some guys, though I’m not sure Tinkle’s team meets the physical, athletic criteria…

    • We’ve seen and discussed Rueck’s TO stats over the last several years.
      I’m as concerned about TO’s as the next guy (even CtM), but I see differences in Rueck’s TO problem versus the Riley warts you mention.

      The reason to hold Rueck in higher regard as a coach lies in the degree of difficulty involved in erasing the wart.

      Riley is the only one responsible for his inability to manage the clock or to follow through on his stated commitment to the run, he had COMPLETE and DIRECT control of those areas. He could have BY HIMSELF corrected those issue. Rueck, OTOH, doesn’t have as clearly direct and complete control over the TO’s commited by the available players facing the current refs and opponents. Rueck’s wart requires time and focus to address through both his own actions and those of his coaches and players.

      It is an ongoing problem which has often been masked by terrific D and, occasionally, very good 3pt shooting. The fact that it is ongoing (while Rueck says only 10-12 TO’s is acceptable) tells me that he simply does not focus on ball security as much as on other facets of the game. His judgement seems to be that DEFENSE and things like precision inbounding are the most important. His judgement has led to much greater sustained success than Riley.

      So, I’ll take Scott’s warts over Riley, any day. And I’ll continue to hope he’ll address the issue.

  39. I was at the baseball game yesterday but had to leave early. Bats are better than last year when it seemed we were hoping to take walks under Bailey. All hitters took good hacks except it looks like Valero Sanchez is still figuring things out. Unlucky that our hits just weren’t strung together. Nathan Burns was pretty good, hitting 92 on the gun into the 5th. Both losses have come from bad outings on the mound, Jake on Saturday and Mundt on Monday. Blows my mind that Frisch can come in with the game on the line and proceed to walk a guy to load the bases and then follow that up by hitting the next guy. What is up with Mitch Verburg? Still recovering? He should be an ace for us. Saw Joe Casey’s dad hanging out in the outfield berm just watching the game by himself. I think the biggest takeaway is that we still need to figure out who we can count on on the mound.

  40. Noticed that none of the non-network home baseball games have a “watch” link on the schedule. Are we at least going to have the backstop cam with Parker audio?

    • When a stream by The School is planned it is listed on the schedule under the venue as “TV: Oregon State Live Stream”. You can see examples early in the WBB schedule.
      I see the baseball away games at Arizona show: “TV: Arizona Live Stream-3”.
      Hopefully Live Stream for some games at Goss will be added later, but for now I share your concern.

    • I think’s it’s fair. I’m just curious how they’ll then handle a 2nd transfer. Will it be zero tolerance on the sitting period? Or will there still be transfer waivers if coaches leave 2 years in a row, etc?
      I haven’t read any material on the subject yet

      • The more I think about it, the 1 time transfer rule might hurt OSU more than help.
        Several of our top transfers have come to OSU because we were one of the few late options due to our academic calendar starting later than most schools. Guys could transfer in at the last minute of fall camp and not risk sitting out an extra year.
        But now, if the sitting requirement is waived for everybody, there’s no need to find an OSU with late enrollment.
        It’s one of our few competitive advantages currently.

        As a Beaver football fan, I don’t like it.
        But, from the player perspective, I think it’s better for the student athletes

        • Yeah I meant good for the players. It seems crappy they have to sit out a year if they transfer because of a new coach, for example.
          I’m sure it will hose the Beavs like everything does…lol

          • Would this mean if a player transfers say to OSU from say Nebraska before the deadline to enroll in Fall term they could play the next weekend? That could get very interesting.

          • I dont think the have the rule nailed down yet, so the specifics are up in the air. Seems like a player wouldnt be allowed to transfer and start playing a day later, but maybe that’s what they want to make the new rule?

            It would be so easy to build a super team if that was the case. Tua Tagovailoa gets injured? Just sign Joe Burrow to play this week.

            Teams would still not be allowed to contact players who aren’t in the transfer portal to set up these deals, but I doubt that rule is very closely followed currently anyway .

            Could very well be a rich get richer type of outcome. I guess to me, we’ll never have a level playing field in college regardless of the rules, so the impact ion the teams snt all that important. The have will always be the haves.


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