Home Football Final Season Thoughts

Final Season Thoughts


This was the season of “what ifs”…

  • What if Smith spotted Hayes as the superior kicking talent early on?
  • What if Smith had all the correct personnel on the field from day 1?
  • What if Smith punted vs WSU?
  • What if Smith put in Gebbia in all the 2nd half failures of Luton?

And on and on…etc.

Oh Well. Still it was a very positive season in that the progress was clear. Most impressive was the defensive performance despite a total lack of depth and only a few play-makers (Hamilcar, Speights, Morris), maybe Dunn. It was a motley crew of defenders that Tibs coached up and Smith got to buy in. Very impressive from Cal Poly onward, sans Utah.

Regarding Luton vs Gebbia. That’s been beaten to death. I’ve been over it since week 3 when it was clear stat monkey’s had the win. But in regard to the future, Gebbia went 26-40 for 243 and ran for 25 yards in his FIRST career start. Oregon isn’t a great defense, but they’re definitely fast and aggressive. Completely impressive debut. Luton was fine this season. Pretty much what I expected except I thought he’d throw more interceptions (so many dropped INTs…the guy must have paid the football gods dues for breaking his neck and back). Whether it was the right decision for Smith to start him? Eh. Maybe if we made a bowl you could justify that call, but interestingly, due to Smith’s errors we didn’t make a bowl. So in retrospect (or not for me) we were better off starting Gebbia with eyes on the future. I still think we win 5 games with Gebbia, so in a sense it was a total waste. Luton hindered the program his entire regime, and Gary Andersen still lingered until yesterday. We should be free from him now. Luton as a backup and Gebbia starting would have led to a magical season, but leave it to the Beavs to not see it.

What else…

Jack is dead. I’m upset. He pretended to know something about anything, which made everything interesting.

  • Hayes emerging is huge.
  • Dunn at CB is emerging. Not quite elite but getting good and playing with arrogance (psycho?).
  • Hamilcar was a 5-star recruit for me and lived up to it finally. Should return…he’s body isn’t NFL ready.
  • Lindsey showed flashed to take over for Hodgins. He needs Xanax to calm his nerves (he constantly is thinking downfield and run before the catch). Or a joint, or a shot of whiskey. He’d be elite if not for the nervous disorder. If Hodgins is back our receivers should be best in the conference.
  • Gebbia and Hodgins found chemistry in the second half. See above.
  • Musgrave looked like a Gronk light edition in limited time. Noah graduating should be fine. Noah did come on late, which was good to see.
  • Not sure it was mentioned, but we had a running back stable of Jefferson, Pierce, and Tyler…three presidents. Did anyone pick up on this in the media? I never saw it.
  • We officially became “Hurdle U” this year. Seth must be coaching off the books while he sirs his 20th kid.
  • Flemings has heart but he shouldn’t be involved in kick returns or much else but a gimmick/slot player here and there. Love the guy’s passion but he’s not a legit PAC player like the Rogers brothers were at that size.
  • Thanks to AB PayPal patrons. Need it throughout the year/offseason to keep this thing going so please don’t stop, as I now have a mortgage and refuse to work for free in any capacity. I’m getting older, more demands on my time, and simply can’t do it. If you like AB then keep it alive. I’ll keep working if you all keep supporting. If you haven’t yet donated please do so, and even better, become a monthly donor (whatever you can afford per month, even if it’s a few cents)
  • Finally, the future is bright. People accuse AB of being a negative site. I never understood it. Reality can be bleak, and reality can be bright. Right now it’s bright. There’s no reason to bury your head in the sand and pretend darkness is light just because you don’t like how darkness feels.

Go Beavs!


  1. 2

    I encourage everyone to read the full post and give commentary on the actual topic. After that, slightly off topic, but I’ve moved into a place with a full room dedicated to my #1 passion in life of music/audio studio. I’m considering an AB podcast. Not sure yet. I might do a few test runs and send them to people I trust for feedback before doing live. (a) How many people would be interested in this (b) does it add any value? (c) do you see enough niche market to try a YouTube platform, etc? (d) will the weirdo stalkers stalk me even more? I read there’s a 30% off Black Friday sock puppet sale they could be wasting valuable time on instead of on me.

    • “will the weirdo stalkers stalk me even more” – I thought you said Jack was dead? :P

      I’d be interested in an AB podcast. Would be interesting to give a shot.

      On some of your points:
      * Please no more hurdling. Anyone remember Jahvid Best and how he almost got killed getting tackled while hurdling? And when are players going to realize it is MUCH more important to secure possession of the ball than to get an extra yard?
      * We could always “what if” the ticky-tack PI wasn’t called against ASU at the end, or “what if” we played Cal when Garbers was in, or any of that stuff. Beavs did all right.
      * Looks like Tibs is coaching them up, after all. Thank goodness because last year was HORRIBLE. Curious to see if the trend continues.
      * Don’t agree the future is bright, but it’s looking better than it did last year. If the team can cobble together 6 wins next year, I’ll consider that a massive success. I’m expecting 4 or 5 wins. Didn’t know you were such a beacon of sunshine and hope, angry ;)

      Oh, and JS and crew need to figure out the Utah/Washington WTFs and figure out how to counter to get SOME offense. Anything.

    • Hey, buddy, you’ve made it clear that you don’t want to work for free. I doubt anyone would argue with that.
      So I’d be concerned how you could monetize a podcast or YouTube without selling out your long held aversion to including commercial advertising.

      Also, wouldn’t either of those channels restrict or eliminate the back and forth which makes this site so interesting? Not sure there is enough of a niche to support a one-way proclamation of your views on Beaver athletics.

      Caveat: I know very little about the mechanics of having a YouTube channel or a podcast. Lundeberg used a service called “That Cast”, it had advertising that was kept to a minimum, so there’s that.

      • I often see people use the Patreon site as a method to host their shows. Users can listen for free and patreon members can pay for additional content. Seems like alot of work though, considering the relatively small size of the OSU athletics audience. But who knows, if Smith starts bringing more wins, the bandwagon could grow.

        And yes, the creeps will do whatever they can to creep on you. You would be their main competition.

      • 2

        Thanks. The site will be free, and the Podcast free (just monetized via YT). I held those beliefs before I had a home and possibly kids on the way, so now time is money. Things change, you know? I don’t necessarily need AB $, but at the same time there is “opportunity cost” where I could be using the time for something else more productive financially. Just being honest. Having YT pay and then donors donate what they can/wish seems like a viable compromise to selling out. I’d personally rather use the donor model than get in bed with Google. So we will see if anyone steps up this off season. I enjoy the site, and I know many people do as well, so this could be a way to move forward into the roaring ’20s.

    • If you have a way to loop Dave in Tumwater into guest hosting your podcast from time to time, that could be pretty interesting.
      He always seems to have alot to say on the JoeBeaver show but they often have to shorten his time so he doesn’t dominate the show. I wouldn’t mind if he was given an open mic for 15-20 minutes just to speak about whatever is on his mind.

    • Angry, I for one probably wouldn’t be too interested in a podcast. I generally prefer to read comments (which often include the high points of podcasts) and/or make replies at my leisure. Although, that said, Dave from Tumwater would be tempting.

  2. 15

    Nice recap. You only missed one thing. Jack knew everything about everything. He could prove it with a 10,000 word post. Maybe he was the world’s first carpal tunnel syndrome fatality.

  3. On the original topic, I’m cautiously optimistic. Stability is a good thing in this league, for the most part. So many new coaches the last 2 years, and most had pretty sub-par seasons. Usually you can count on the stable staffs to have a decent season(Stanford and UW had season that were more the exception this year, compared to their usual offerings)
    Hearing ASU is going to have alot of turnover this year. Arizona probably will too. Leach is always part of the rumor mill. Could be a good time for the Beavs to have stability and take over some of the middle of the Pac teams and stay there more consistently. If they can stabilize as a middle of the road team, they may be able to catch lightning in a bottle on occasion and have a special team(10+ wins territory)

    I worry about OL depth the most next year. Does Hodgins come back? His last 4 games have been pretty ordinary, save for a couple highlight reel catches. Could really use his abilities on this offense 1 more year while Beason gets up to speed.
    Recruiting is still so-so, in my opinion. But I think we’re seeing this staff has been good at evaluating and identifying talent early in the recruiting cycle. Nearly every QB Smith has recruited but whiffed on, has played pretty well for their teams. That’s a sign that he knows talent when he sees it. Just needs to be able to close on their top guys. Andersen couldn’t identify talent and closed on the wrong guys.(save for a few who played key roles this year, Hodgins/Moore/Rashed/Brandel/Lavaka come to mind)

    I’m already eager to take a look at the 2020 schedule and start making predictions. That’s a good sign, compared to years past when I just wanted football to end.

  4. I think you’re overestimating Hayes. The sample size is just too small on him to draw any conclusions regarding him vs. Choukair.

    It’s nice to have someone at the position with some positive game experience going into next year.

      • I’m fine with Hayes moving forward but competition at the fg kicker spot is fine with me. He has somewhat proved himself in games so keep testing him to make sure he is solid. Did he technically red shirt this year? I wasn’t sure how many games he played in.

  5. I like the idea of a podcast, so long as it is additive to this site. I guess I’m just a text-based fan and I like the give and take with other fans, especially on game days when I’m not at the game in person.

    I’m thinking that there may be an analogy to the o,ff-stated proposition that a football team improves the most from game 1 to game 2; which is to say, Smith might have gotten his biggest improvement “delta” this, his second, year going from 2 to 5, which could have been 6 or 7. It’s gets much harder to improve from this stage of 5-6 wins to higher totals. I mean, look at Riley. Someone on the previous thread made the excellent point that it took a nationwide leading turnover differential to get that improvement. That’s not likely to repeat. Over/under for next year, I predict now, will be 5.5. They should come out of non-conference at 2-1 at worst, and if Gebbia is a good as he showed yesterday, me might catch Gundy with his pants down and start 3-0. Have to remember that OSU caught UCLA and Cal at the optimum point; with QB injuries and all. Could be hard to be beat them at home next year, though I like our chances of beating WSU and UO at home. My early forecast is a 6-7 win season next year. The actual schedule is a key variable. For example, we want three homes games in November: two of the following three (Cal, UCLA, Arizona), plus UO of course.

    • I’d have to see the schedule before predicting W/L for next year. Way too early. I think in Spring we can predict that. Last year I said 4 minimum and a case for a bowl if things go right. I feel that was spot on. But I made that around the Fall came when I had more info. At this point 5-6 seems reasonable since we got 5, and things appear on the upside. But a lot can change…………..

      • With the team’s propensity to suffer injuries at the worst time and place (where they happen to be thinnest) ; it is good to be mindful like this.

    • Shouldn’t next year be USC rather than UCLA, same with Colo rather than Utah?

      Conf schedule then could set slightly better than this year what with no Utah and, possibly SC in disarray.

      EDIT: Ooops, my bad. Thanks, wannabeav. Guess that every-other-year thing doesn’t apply. Probably means nikegon misses Utah next regular season too?

      • according to Future Football Schedules web site, in 2020 we are at ASU, Stanford, Utah and UW. Frankly, I see one win there MAX. 2020 is the rare season (I can’t remember the last time) we have 7 home games. Portland and Colorado State are eminently winnable, and as noted, we could sneak up on OSU. We have Zona, UCLA, CAL, WSU and Oregon at home. With a reasonably good squad, 3-4 wins out of that set seems doable. But as Angry said, it’s early yet, and the actual timing of the games is pivotal. For example, this year, if we play WSU after they are already bowl eligible, we win that game. Hell, OSU almost won it anyway. Getting an Arizona or Cal school in Corvallis in November is also vital.

  6. 6

    Fair enough on most of your points. My concern that i didn’t see in your list was the number of stale 3rd quarters on offense happened again yesterday so that wasn’t just a Luton issue. Is the coaching staff getting out-schemed at halftime and it takes them the entire 3rd quarter to adjust? I hope they address that as a staff in the off season.

    As far as a podcast, yes I would listen. And while we have our disagreements I’m not going to stalk you so don’t let detractors like me stop you.

    • Cool. I have no interest in stalking you, either. Or anyone. It’s repulsive, and luckily the law is making that illegal.

      In other words, I won’t be reporting you and exiling you to the countryside in Italy.

    • On stale third quarters, you are correct it’s a coaching thing. It was either Herm or Leach who commented on how we didnt do anything diffrent after the half. Like they had a plan and instead of making changes at the half, we stuck with the plan whether it was working or not.

  7. An interesting question for someone with more free time than me: what was our net gain/loss from going for it on 4th down? ie, if we got it, how many yards and points did we get after? If we didn’t, how many did the opponent get?

    Seems to me if you lose as many close games as we did, you ought to be pressure testing your strategy to figure out how to win more of those next year.

    • Smith will probably get more conservative with more success. Poor and up and coming teams have to take chances. I think the Giants went for it on 4th down 4 times today.

      • You reach a point where you’re hurting yourself more than helping by taking risks like that. We may already be there if you look at our final season results and what could have been. Risk/reward ratio needs to be closely scrutinized.

        • 100% agree. It’s also field position. Opponents goal line to the 45 go for it; Anything longer than that, punt. Field position is everything, even if it’s kicking out of bounds at the 20 yard line making it a 25 yard net punt. Better to make them go 80 yards than 55 yards.

  8. I called out the first two presidents some time ago (last year), I think Jack called out Tyler as the third. Never saw the media note it.

    I am probably one of the few people that liked Jack and miss his presence here. If he did pass, I hope it was not difficult, suffering.

  9. 4

    “Jack is dead. I’m upset. He pretended to know something about anything, which made everything interesting.”

    Some of us beg to differ.

  10. Next season schedule

    At OSU
    Colorado St
    Portland St

    Dates not set for league games yet:



    I would set the over / under at 5.5

    • 7 home games? That’s a pretty favorable schedule actually. Most of the 50/50 games are at home. UW and Utah have our number, so it’s nice to not waste a home date on those 2 teams. Maybe catch Stanford on another down year and ASU is going to have quite a few new people on staff.

      Speaking of PSU, I think there’s an upper classman OLineman of theirs in the transfer portal that we’re kicking the tires on currently.

  11. What if opportunities were the definition of this season. However, I went from seriously doubting JS and Tibs to being on the bandwagon in the span of about 6 games even while they lost games they had every opportunity to win. If the staff has internal info that explains the theory for personnel moves (Bad Luton playing, Bad Chokair kicking) then I am at peace with the Hawaii loss, even the Stanford loss. WSU loss will continue to sting especially after Cristobal punted in the exact same situation and came away with a 2 td win…

    Next year may be a step back unless the O-line coach has additional 3 starters transfer in. Most of Luton’s success was due to o-line play. Can the o-line get to an better level while replacing 3 starters?

    Success on the field translates to better recruiting, I think the best shot at immediate upgrade of talent continues to be the transfer portal. If JS continues to hit homeruns with 4*-5* transfers who have 3-4 years to play, things will get very interesting in Corvallis.

    I expect all underclassmen to return, several more big name transfers, an influx of hs talent for depth and a 8+ win season next year. JS is much more DE/Chris Peterson than I expected and I’m thrilled with the trajectory. Tibesar has me expecting a Wiscy west coast defense within 2 more years. Beavs will be a very tough out once the roster rolls over to JS recruits fully.

    Thank you for the site Angry. I really enjoy following along through the ups and downs with this group of Beaver fans.

    • WSU loss will continue to sting especially after Cristobal punted in the exact same situation and came away with a 2 td win…

      That’s a good point everyone missed.

      • 2

        actually, I pointed that out in the game thread yesterday. check the tape. But the larger point is this: Cristobal punted in a game where TD’s were scarce and his team had been holding OSU out of the end zone. Smith punted in a “track meet” and his D was stopping nobody.

  12. I think all the “What Ifs?” you pose result in at least 7 wins.

    The D trending upward was very enjoyable to watch. But without effective depth it seems like a fragile unit that with a few key injuries could trend downward. I’m hopeful that the JC lineman show up, make grades, and play. Seems like CB improvements in talent and depth are needed, I’m not sure who is on the practice squad that might offer some hope?

    Gebbia going 65% in the CW with key drops is pretty impressive, particularly given the lack of game time during the season. Going scoreless against UH in the second half was ridiculous, Gebbia should have been given at least 2-3 series at UH, if not the remainder of the game when Luton just went cold.

    If Jack is dead, I hope the guy went easy.

    Dunn at CB is emerging. Not quite elite but getting good and playing with arrogance (psycho?). – I hope so. He’s agressive, and I think he takes it up a notch next year. He seems to attract the PIs and I think the zebras will just be sensitive to that with him.

    Agree Hamilcar needs another year, at least 10 pounds, and showing the ability to keep it on. While he also did well in coverage, I think some more highlights in coverage would help the guy’s draft stock immensly.

    I’m not sold on Lindsey yet. Receivers catch the ball – that simple. If he hasn’t cleaned it up in the non-conference schedule sit him.

    Agree Musgrave has a lot of potential, and he’ll likely outproduce Togiai pretty quickly. Togiai didn’t reach his potential until the last 1/3 – 1/4 of the season. Guys like him and Choukair must practice well?

    People overreact to hurdling. It happens every week anymore, multiple times. Mariota did it to an OSU safety and put him on a book cover…Togiai did it to great effect. Its going to keep happening, and more than half the time I suspect people will have a net yardage benefit from it.

    Flemings is too light. He’s game, but he’s no James Rodgers. The Rodgers brothers were always pretty strong. James was not just quick, fast, and sure handed, he was a determined blocker. Go back and watch Jacquizz’s big first game against USC, James is burying himself into those DE’s off the fly sweep fake.

    The future deserves optimism. Another few classes of solid, across the board “3*” and this team will be going to a decent bowl game. I won’t be surprised if there isn’t some stalling next year; QB play more multi-dimensional, D increasingly confident, but O-Line play, depth, and turnovers (the lack of such a positive differential) may be an issue. 10/12 opponents won’t regard OSU as a “gimme” any more, and the team will be entertaining to watch. Reser should get near 40K a few times before the CW.

    • Also – thinking Grant may step up next year at CB. Would also like to see packages for a situational QB or two – Colletto, Moran (who played QB in HS, had pretty good speed)?

      • The 2 QB package in 2016 was one of the few good things McGiven gave us (or was that the consultant guy whose name escapes me?)

        Need more of that, once or twice per game. Moran is just as athletic as Collins. It feels like we’re missing an opportunity there.

    • ObjCritic’s last paragraph hits two key points. This year OSU was able to sneak up on folks a bit. That factor will be lessened next year, though I don’t think eliminated entirely. And yes, Reser will be a more intimidating place to play in with 10,000 more people in the stadium. Teams will finally have to bring their A game to beat the Beavs, only Ed Ray won’t be there to see it. Too bad. (not). Actually, that brings up a possible X factor going forward: a new OSU president next summer. We might see a new AD before long, hopefully, Pat Casey.

    • Really good point about turnovers reverting to the mean. In order to maintain our current level, we have to improve in another area to offset that.

      Regarding defensive depth, we’re pretty loaded at LB, don’t lose anyone of consequence at DB (unless Morris retires) and we’re getting a nice influx of JC’s on the DL. I think depth will be fine; it’s the level of first-string talent at DB that concerns me. Dunn is coming on and Arnold had a good Civil War, but everyone else really needs to improve next year. Good thing they’re a young group.

      • I thought I saw Morris in at the end of the game which surprised me given the look on his face when he was injured. I could have misread a jersey number though.

      • Who’s on deck at DT? Aydon is gone and Whittley doesn’t seem like he has the personal discipline to get in shape and stay there. They need some replacement beef up front.

        • I think someone said Moore was destined to end up there (though he seems a little small for that to me). Evan Bennett was brought in as a DT, but he’ll need to put some weight on, too. Skelton is next on the depth chart after Aydon and Whitley.

          Whitley has another year to prove himself. It took Aydon some time to become a regular contributor, too. There’s no reason Whitley can’t.

        • Bennett and Skelton are the guys on the roster. I think we eventually see the lijnne consist of 3 huge DE/u dersized DT.

          We are recruiting DE in the 265-285 range. 270 is low end for a DT #2 in D1. It’s a shitload easier to find 6’3+ 270+ athletes than 300+ dudes that aren’t tubs of lard.

      • We’re also getting 2 CB JC guys in this class so far too. So defense should be better next year if talent improves in the spring.

    • Field position and special teams were definitely the difference. I didn’t realize Phil had 5 punts inside the 20. That’s crazy.

      Artavis Pierce ends his career with a 5.8 CAREER YPC. Better than Jackson, better than Simonton. Tied with Nall for best ever by an OSU back.

      • I’m gonna miss Pierce, he becomes one of my favorite players all time. I know Jefferson is great, but it still feels like Pierce was under-utilized. He never seemed to complain, and had a knack for breaking a 25-35 yard run when it was really needed. He was always a legitimate threat for going the distance too.

        • 7

          I agree, Pierce was chronically under-utilized. I hope it pays off for him in a professional career as he will be fresher. Scouts must have noticed some of his amazing runs (those two last year again Ohio St. especially). To only get four carries on Saturday was a crime, especially with Jefferson seeming somewhat off at times.

  13. Here’s a “what if” for ya:
    What if Choukair would have kicked every KO out of the endzone? No 98 yd return for the first uck TD, totally different vibe to the entire game.

    Back to the “candy and nuts” thing.

  14. Couple brief post-season comments going into next season, though I will defer to the others who have a more active handle on recruiting–

    I’ve noticed a couple of things in recruiting since Coach Smith took over:

    Players in general are heavier, are rangy and/or taller — especially OL, DL & DB. I think this shows staff is “getting the kinds of players they like,” and also are players whose body type(s) are more in line with the current trends in college football.

    The staff is tending to keep the school competitive (making top 3-5 on student lists now) for recruits who have fine offer sheets; this didn’t seem to be the case before?

    I’m a little more versed with HS football in SoCal area. While staff isn’t batting 100% on every offer, the Beavers are receiving interest/commits from students who have played at places like Servite, Mater Dei, etc. These are HS that have several /decades/ worth of fielding good football teams, in tough CIF divisions.

    These are all “little” details which I think will contribute positively in the next couple seasons.

    • I have noticed the recruiting too. Coming in Smith said he wanted to recruit length on defense and speed on offense. I think if you use that as criteria for judging his classes he has done well. The current class where he has had a full cycle really shows it. DE at 6’3+ 270+. CB/ATH all over 6′ and some in the 6’3 range. We have some fast dudes coming in but we know for sure that Irish and Gould are legit speedsters.

  15. 3

    A tribute to Jack:

    A thousand words won’t bring you back;
    I know because I’ve tried.
    Neither will a thousand tears;
    I know because I’ve cried.

    • 9


      The world is a better place without constantly angry, ignorant, know it all fuck wits like Jack.

      He loved shit music and himself. He was the smartest person he knew. Also knew everything about everything and your opinion was shit and wrong for that reason alone.

      Seriously? When those people leave this world their families are relieved.

      Ban me, give me, a timeout. Don’t care. Jack was a fuck stick to the millionth degree and assholes like him are 99.9% of the problems in society today.

      The world is a better place without him. If he’s not dead then then a world where he shuts the fuck up is just as better.

      Don’t miss his posts one bit. Ass cancer is too good for his ignorant ass.

      Fuck Jack. I hope he’s dead.

  16. Power 5 Conference Teams + BYU with lower Sagarin Ranking through 12 games than Beavers.

    I would think, based on this it seems reasonable for us to start recruiting Top 40 type classes instead of Top 60 classes. This does assume that most recruits would choose a Power 5 school over a Group of 6 which I understand is not universal. And how the heck did Arkansas get to be so bad!

    #59 Beavers
    #60 Boston College
    #61 Pitt
    #64 BYU
    #65 UCLA
    #66 Syracuse
    #67 Colorado
    #69 Purdue
    #70 Stanford
    #74 Duke
    #75 Northwestern
    #77 Illinois
    #81 Arizona
    #86 Kansas
    #95 Maryland
    #100 NC State
    #105 Georgia Tech
    #108 Vandy
    #114 Arkansas

  17. I think the theme of the year is “what if”.

    Short take on CW. Gebbia looked confident. Didn’t look overwhelmed in a rivalry game. He missed several throws that were just inaccurate throws or 50/50 balls that could have been ints. Smith kept the same mentality, go for it. Defense gave the offense a chance to win. Tibs did a decent job this year.

    So what does it mean for next year?

    I have convinced myself that the 4th down strategy is going to pay off dividends in the future. Players mentality will be we play to win. Players won’t be nervous on 4th downs because they’ve been there so often.

    QBs – still should try to bring in the USC guy. Competition always helps. If Gebbia gets that accuracy up in the high 60s, he’s going to have a good year. He’ll take more chances than Luton so expect more ints but also more game to game consistency.

    RBs – should be in good shape next year.

    TEs – would think you’d see more production out of this group next year. Don’t seen any guy ready for a breakout year.

    WRs – frustrating that there’s a lot of talent here but it’s not being used enough. I expect Hodgins to be back.

    OL – essentially three starters come back. This year only two starters returned and the unit played well.

    DL – JC transfers are key. They need to come in and take the starting jobs. Otherwise they are a waste.

    LB – in great shape here. Lots of depth. Couple all conf guys here.

    DBs – will see a lot of improvement if the pass rush can get pressure more often. Don’t see any guy becoming an all conference player. JC transfers might help.

    Special teams – who knows. Hayes looked fine in his couple kicks. Would be nice to have him be pushed with competition. Coverage clearly needs to be worked on.

    Coaches – pretty impressive job this year. By the end, they looked like a team that could compete every week. I figured next year would be a 5-7 kind of year. Not expecting any changes here. Other than Lindgren, no other team would be interested. Rebuild is ahead of schedule.

    A lot of what ifs this year. Could have been three more wins but the ASU game could have been a loss too. Breaks seemed to even out over the year. Didn’t feel like the Beavs lucked out though they did face three backup QBs.

    The mentality that Smith set this year, winning on the road, playing to win, you’d have to think with 7 home games, a bowl game is a reasonable goal next year. Win at ok st and the expectation becomes the division title.

    And the weird stat of the year, only three teams had winning conference records.

    • That JC QB Chance Nolan is visiting this weekend, and by all accounts he is pretty excited to check out OSU.
      Utah has also offered him recently. They’ll be tough to beat.

      Great name for a coach who likes to gamble.

      • 1

        I just checked his Hudl highlights and stats. His stats are very good. 66% comp rate. The big thing is he rushed for over 1000 yards. Led his team.

        I can see why he wasn’t a highly recruited guy out of high school but he has reshaped himself into a decent power 5 prospect.

        The good – very accurate on short/intermediate passes. Good scrambler. Doesn’t always look to run. Extends plays.

        The bad – runs fairly reckless, will go for the extra yards. Will get lit up bad in power 5 games. He’s got a weird throwing motion sometimes. Throws flat footed with just all arm from the pocket. Arm strength is good enough for JC ball. Doesn’t quite drive the ball downfield. Slight build, needs to put on 20pds.

        Potential is there. Could be great in the right offense and good coaching.

        Prob still take the USC guy over him though.

  18. Saw the OSU beaver store had a cyber monday sale (25% off and free shipping if you order before noon)
    Decided to look around to see if there were any shirts worth adding to my closet, but so much of what we sell now either has a GIGANTIC Beavershark logo on the chest, or “DAM” phrases. Dam Proud, Dam Strong, Dam Right, Build the Dam.

    Also, now I’m noticing we have 2 places to buy gear and each with a different sale?
    What’s the different between osubeaverstore.com and https://shop.osubeavers.com/ ?
    Both have different gear and different deals going on.

    I give up. Too much to filter through, not enough good options. The one shirt with the Block “O” design I like is only in XXL. Of course.

      • That’s true, just not something i need more of since that is what I bought in the past.
        They have some decent long sleeved black thermal shirts, but for whatever reason every one I like only comes in XXL or bigger. Guess I found them too late.

  19. 3

    I’m not optimistic at all. Every time I get optimistic about the beavers they let me down in depressing fashion. I will just assume 3 or 4 wins next year an take anything over that as gravy. Lots to like about Smith and the direction we are headed though. Will say though that taking 2 win talent and winning 5 games is one thing but taking 7 or 8 win talent and winning 10+ games is something different entirely, hope Smith has that in him.

    • Next years talent is 4 wins but smith should be able to eek out 5-6. I will be disappointed if we don’t go to a bowl game. I’m with you though, I won’t get my hopes up. It hurts less that way.

      • Regarding a bowl game next year, #metoo. Will be disappointed if Smith has winnable games like Hawaii, Stanford, and WSU go sour…..should get to bowl if he can steer the ship to 2 of 3.

      • although Peterson seems to be staying in the athletic department at UW and just stepping away from coaching. Like a Pat Casey type move.

          • I’m sure this season was frustrating for him. It’s normal for people to reevaluate their situation after a disappointing year.

            Realistically, he’s probably taken UW as far as they’ll ever go after their 2016 Playoff appearance. He’s loaded with money and has the chance to move into a lower stress job at the age of 55. Sounds pretty sweet to me.

      • it sure would be a shame if they were to lose some of those guys to us though. So many Husky commits are guys we chased early on but were beaten out by Peterson and co.
        Peacock flipped from OSU to UW recently.
        Smalls is a 5* DE (would hate to see oregon get him now)
        Hatchett is another OL we wanted.
        Adams was recruited by OSU
        Murao at OL
        Racanelli at WR
        Garbers at QB

        And that might just be a partial list

      • Good coordinators don’t always make great head coaches…this all seems very earily reminiscent of when Jim Lambright took over at U of W for Don James when he stepped down. Lambright was a great D coordinator, but not a good head coach and his hiring lead to about a decade or more of mediocre football at Montlake. (yes, they were co-national champs with Miami – but those were James’ recruits for the most part) This might be a good sign for the Beavs as I am sure that a few recruits are probably looking at plan B today, especially with the early commitment period coming up.

        Also, I cant believe that the Dawgs would just turn the program over to the D coordinator without the ‘interim HC’ tag and not start looking for a ‘name’ hire. Since Petersen stepped down today, does he coach the bowl game?

  20. Nicebeaver- what are our odds with Taliese Fuaga? I saw he just recently received an offer from us, already has offers from USC and Oregon. Is this a guy that was an option B for someone else and could end up committing to OSU? Nice size at 320#.

  21. I’ve crunched the numbers and I have the definitive perspective on our 4th down strategy (I didn’t include Cal Poly in this analysis).

    When we convert:
    Average yards to go: 2.5
    Net yards (how far we move the ball after converting): 20
    Success converting to points: 8/12 (75%)

    When we don’t convert:
    Average yards to go: 4.2
    Net yards (how far the opponent moves the ball on the next series): -32
    Opponent success converting: 5/11 (45%)

    Total season net:
    Net yards: -113 (so we gave up a net 113 yards after going for it on 4th down)
    Net points: 21 (out of the 31 we gave up after turning over on downs, 21 came against WSU)

    Other observations:
    -Outside of the WSU game, the 4th down decisions were pretty good. Against WSU, we went for it with 4, 6, and 7 yards to go and gave up TD’s after all of those attempts.
    -If you take away the WSU game, we were 58% on 4th downs for the year and had net positive yardage, while only giving up 10 points when turning the ball over on downs.
    -Anything longer than 4th and 2 was dicey. 4th and 1 or 2 we were 80%. On everything longer we were 31%. Even 4th and 3 was below 50%.
    -We scored after every conversion longer than 1 yard, and on 66% of drives after a conversion.
    -Opponents scored on 45% of their drives after we failed to convert.

    I think criticism of the strategy is most valid for the WSU game in particular, and going for it on long down/distance. Even on 4th and 6 on the opponent’s 35 yard line, the numbers say you’re better off playing for field position.

    Of course, in all of these situations, you have to take into account field position and the opponent’s probability of scoring after getting the ball in that location.

  22. I commented to my wife at the Husky game that Chris Peterson looked like death warmed over. Rail thin, pencil legs, sunken face. You don’t really notice on TV but in person he looked very unhealthy. I pray that he’s just tired and not sick.

  23. There was an O-Lineman, Leif Magnuson, who was rumored to be a potential visitor recently for OSU, who I’ve learned will not be visiting. For whatever reason, our coaches stopped contacting him recently and he’s focusing on other schools/visits before committing on Dec 18th. Could mean we already have our remaining spots claimed.

      • he’ll likely get offered by Montana this week when he visits with them, and so far San Jose state, Eastern Washington, Idaho, and Sac State are showing interest. It’s still pretty early since he’s a 2021 kid, but I’d imagine he’ll get more recognition pretty soon.
        I also noticed Mitch Canham already follows him, and he does play some baseball too. Might be worth keeping an eye on for that reason too. I haven’t checked out his baseball stats though. His dad is a coach.

    • My family personally knows the Vidlak family. He is a great kid, and can sling the ball. He comes from a line of athletes, and so do his brothers.

      His dad, Dan Vidlak, was a Pac-10 champion in wrestling at UO.

  24. Great content as always.

    I encourage people to look into the Brave browser and the BAT reward system. It has served me well and I recommend it.

  25. Artavis Pierce with only a combined 11 carries vs Wazzu and Oregon doesn’t seem right. He still averaged well over 6 yards per carry in both those games.

    • Doesn’t seem right?
      Seems flat out WRONG to me. His consistency, week to week, was better than JJ’s. The guy had the most outstanding “team first” attitude for his entire career, never appeared to pout even when circumstances would have caused many to do just that.

      Everyone makes mistakes, I think one of Smith’s was not giving AP more carries in what turns out to be the final game of his college career (not based on being a senior, but on performance). Somewhat concerning that Bradford was allowed to pick between WSU and UO games and AP wasn’t used in CW. (obviously not the same situations, but still could be viewed as favoritism)

      • 1

        And the Hawaii game too! Did Pierce even get a damn carry in the second half? I consider it one of Smith’s coaching mistakes that he let Jefferson have that much work in the game and he ended up injured also.

      • I like that Bradford had the choice… I truly don’t believe he was a difference in the outcome… we blew that with other bad decisions… As far as AP I don’t understand that, you wonder if it was a disciplinary issue, only thing that makes any sense

        • I could see it if he was arrogant in articles or post games hes been in on but that dude is super humble and just glad to be playing football.

          • I agree… that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have issues… I am not trying to create a false narrative but JS had favored AP most of the season, then he cut him off the last two games… just like Tiger Woods you never really know what’s going on behind the scenes… I think it’s related to something outside of football, his performance is too much to ignore

    • I thought he should have got 15 carries per game….hell, 3 of those are probably going 10+ yards….his decisiveness and acceleration were great. He and JJ’s styles complimented each other so well, I thought there carries could have been split without diminishing either’s effectiveness and WITH the ability to keep defenses off-balance. Pierce likely would have also been effective with a shovel pass and more screen passes. A lot of kids with his talent and physical ability likely would have transferred out closer to home (wasn’t he from FLA?). He must have really like it at OSU. I hope he gets a decent shot in the NFL if that’s his interest.

      • 2

        Even with the erratic touches, he still gained over 1000 yards from scrimmage this year. I checked out his stats on ESPN, tons of chunk gains throughout his career. Like I said, the limited workload might help him for the next level.

      • 2

        He’d say something about trumpers being reactionary and the entire cult-like response to trump is 99% emotion based, so the shirt is another projection from the trump followers. He would also ask if trumpism isn’t exclusively emotion based, to outline what policy and/or future goals and agenda items trump has talked about specifically in the last four weeks.

  26. 5

    Sounds like Luton’s getting a 7th year cause he sat out the civil war… huge news for JS, these new NCAA rules are amazing

      • I was just figuring that Angry would have another year to complain… I am hoping that Gebbia wins out so we don’t have that narrative and Angry will have look at the other 10 positions… but I have a feeling Gebbia may not win out, if we land some other recruits

  27. 3

    Eggers reports on Gebbia’s comments after the CW, “The goal is to win. If you fall short of that, it doesn’t matter if you throw for 8 picks or 8 touchdowns, the win is what’s important. In my first start, I didn’t do enough for us to win.”

    And Jaydon Grant said, “Sorry to Beaver Nation and most of all our seniors that we couldn’t get the job done. I promise you we will work harder than ever.. Next year is for yall”

  28. Think we’ll be getting the Jonathan Riley commitment announcement sometime in the near future.

    Anybody else notice his name is what people used to call Smith when Mike Riley was on staff?

  29. Updated the class of 2020 spreadsheet with Riley’s verbal commitment.
    Class currently stands at 17 total verbal commits(Moore counts towards 2019 class)
    I have 4 others who I currently predict will be OSU commits, leaving room for 4 more(or less)
    I could also see us landing the DT Nu Tanuvasa, but pretty sure he will be a mission kid and not count anyway.


      • I have heard that too, one of my friends played 7on7 with him and said he might not qualify academically. I played against him and junior walling this year and Miller made a way bigger impact then Junior did. Walling seemed to take plays off, especially on the offensive side of the ball.

    • Only 1 DT so far? Are they counting on Whitley and Skelton next year? Seems like a low number.

      Have you heard how Brock Wellsfry is panning out so far at OL? Guessing he’ll be a guard?

      Thanks for the consistent, great info and insights!

      • I think they still need a DT. Lost out on Bankston, but not sure who plan B is. One of the toughest positions to fill via JC or transfer route because there just aren’t many out there.
        No idea on Brock. Still on the team, but hardly hear anything about him
        OL is my other main area for concern next year.

        • I have a feeling we will hear a lot more OL names this camp. Really I’m not a fan of frosh/soph linemen starting anyways. Give those big boys time in the weight room and learning technique.

      • Also looks like JC QB Chance Nolan is visiting this weekend Dec. 6

        Safety Nicolas Session will be visiting Dec. 13 currently OK ST commit

        ATH Dezjhon Malone will be visiting Dec 7

        Would be nice to flip the safety since that’s a position of need right now and we can offer immediate playing time and the BEAVS play @ Stillwater next year.

      • Im not sure DT is a priority like it used to be. NT/DT is absolutely the most competitive position to recruit, it’s like a true center in college basketball. Our defense is a hybrid 3-4 that relies heavily on the outside LB for pressure and the ILB for run support. The three linemens job is essentially to take up blocks and disrupt running lanes not make pressure or tackles. It’s great when they can make tackles or sacks but that isn’t their job.

        If you look at the DE we are recruiting they are tall and heavy. Some of them are essentially NFL size DE already. So if you have 3 DE on the line averaging 6’3 270 it’s not that different than one or two guys in the 300 range at DT and acouple 250 lb rush DE. Another advantage is these guys are so long and quick that stunting, shifting, and masking LB becomes a big deal. With good disguise and movement it’s a nightmare fo a OL to keep track of. I’ll be really worried if we start having a majority of DE recruits in the 6′ 250 range.

        I think it’s smart to expand the potential pool of players in those three positions by locking into a body type/skill set that can play any of the spots in the line.

    • I feel like the long snapper, kicker and CB Khyree Jackson the JC kid will all commit soon based on who they’re following and who is following them. Seems like the coaches are all following the ones they are going after the hardest. It will be interesting how many of those on your list flip from UW and how many are surprises. When is early signing period?

      • The LS doesn’t have an offer yet. I think he has a few from big sky type teams, but no Pac12 level offers yet. LS often start out as PWOs and earn a spot.
        A transfer from Ruiz would be nice and wouldn’t affect this class size since he was an initial counter for ASU. not sure if we are content with Hayes next year, pkus we had that transfer from Pitt already.

        Safety is an interesting spot. We dont have much in the way of bodies, with Moore, Cotton and Moran. Can any of those 3 be counted on for a full season? Seems very doubtful. But the rest of our defensive backs are listed as Corners, including the new JC guys we are signing.
        Does this mean we’re planning to convert some guys to safety, or just play formations that load up on LBs and CBs( are there some coaches in the room who can talk about defensive schemes that dont relay on safeties?)

        • I actually like the idea of a hybrid safety/CB position based on size and speed. It seems the safety position is becoming more of a taller thicker CB with closing speed vs the shorter quicker version of a CB. playing a 3-4-4 instead of a 3-3-5 or maybe they will switch to a 3-3-5 in the upcoming years and then maybe back to a 4-3-5? having more CB on the roster would also account for the air raid and free up the linebackers to blitz more while the “safety/CB” covers his area/guy? Different defensive look for sure.

          • The link to 247 still has him visiting and that’s what I was going off of since your spreadsheet didn’t have upcoming visit(or) dates listed.

          • 247 doesn’t really maintain that section very well.
            Just look at how many official visitors we’ve had this year that never made the list.

          • I don’t think we go back to a 4-3. A serviceable DT needs to be strong and 300+. We saw Riley endlessly struggle to find those bodies and it was a huge issue.

        • At K: Scarton, the Pitt transfer, couldn’t beat our Hayes or Choker. The staff probably aren’t satisfied with him as the only competition.

        • We have some safeties in guys like morris and Arnold but with the size we are recruiting at corner and athlete (6′ +) I think we have tons of options. Recruiting length on defense is smart b cause it makes players more versitle. So yeah I could see these guys all over. We already play a nickle look pretty often. Dunn lined up at safety off and on in several games.

        • Looking a little close. Hardge and Riley are actually both coming in to play Safety, so that helps quite a bit with the depth there. Wonder what happens with Moran and Cotton. Has either seen the field on defense yet?

          • Cotton played this year early on, not much but he had a good body, technique was rough. I don’t think I have ever seen Moran play a snap. Seemed like Forest and Wright got most of the snaps for the new guys.

          • I didn’t even realize Moran was still on the roster. Many people where high on him when signed, but he was total garbage as a QB. I think I begrudgingly ranked him 3-star if converted to safety and maybe even that was too generous/falling for the hype. When doing rankings sometimes you want to rank a guy as a 1 or 2-star, but he’s so highly regarded you feel you must be missing something.

          • Forgot another player we need to replace. Hick Onu stopped playing mid season and is in the transfer portal now. 1 more player at the safety position.

  30. 4

    Has anyone heard the extent of Luton’s injury? I only ask because I was channel surfing last night and came across the sports show on KGW. Douche Canzano made a off-handed comment that the injury was just a forearm bruise and Luton has to play through it for the Civil War. He went on to say that the Beavs win if Luton plays. Don’t know if he had inside information or was just being an ass, he kind of mumbled it, so it’s wasn’t like he was playing for ratings. Luton seemed pretty upset about not being able to play in the interviews I saw.

    • My guess is it was bad enough to not play to risk playing in a potential bowl game/the game he was invited to play in after the season. Luton probably wanted to play one last time with his teammates, but at the same time, wanted to heal up before showing off for scouts.(though, you would think there would be scouts at this game looking at Luton and at Herbert, so really this might actually hurt his draft stock if he didn’t have a legit injury.)

      • From his comments, it didn’t sound like it was a situation where he was very concerned about further injury but just that he couldn’t grip/throw the ball hardly at all.

    • 4

      This is a little known fact about playing the quarterback position, so I can understand why Canzano did not know this — being able to throw the ball is important. So, while having a bruised forearm might sound like no big deal, and would not preclude playing any other position on the field, it actually hurts the team if your quarterback is unable to throw the ball.

  31. Looking at the size of players by position of current recruits Silas Bolden is the only player under 6′ tall. He’s sitting at 5’10” 175 lbs WR.

    The 3 heaviest recruits are:
    DE Alex Lemon at 6’4″ 275 lbs
    DE Tavis Shippen at 6’5″ 275 lbs
    OG Cooper Darling at 6’4″ 290 lbs

    The next heaviest are:
    TE Tommy Spencer 6’5″ 235 lbs
    TE Jake Overman 6’3″ 231 lbs
    LB Junior Walling 6’1″ 231 lbs
    ATH Isaiah Newell 6’3″ 215 lbs

    Some of these guys might not be done fully growing either. I really like the body height and weights with these players.

    • 100%. We are recruiting big frames on defense. I have a feeling we will get a lot more tipped balls and opportunities for interception in the future. Moore is also 6’4 275. That’s three DE the size of tall light DT!

      The height on the corners is huge too.

    • Zeriah Beason is under 6′, too. The reason I point this out is that if Hodgins leaves, that leaves us with only one WR over 6′: true frosh Trevor Pope.

    • Reminds me of the time i tried to paint the interior of my house in December, before moving in. It was before the gas was turned on in the house and the house was pretty cold. The paint just rolled off the walls. Bad idea

  32. I didn’t have a chance yesterday but when the Petersen news landed I had a couple reactions, both of them with an OSU connection. As someone also noted up above, when I would have occasion to watch UW games on TV Petersen did not look like himself this year. Glum, lifeless. There was none of the joie de vivre you saw on the sidelines at Boise. His announcement brought to mind Angry’s single best insight ever–the “Is Mike Riley Depressed” thread– because watching the Colorado game I said to my wife, “Petersen looks depressed, and not just because he’s losing.” His press conference this morning only served to amplify his “re-charge” phrase from yesterday’s announcement: he’s burned out. Husky fans should feel fortunate that they have a coach who knows when’s it’s time for a change unlike (ahem!) Mike Riley, who went through motions from 2011 through 2014 (actually 2017 if you count Nebraska) and didn’t realize he no longer had any passion for the game. His late teams reflected this with their diffident play. Hugh Millen, in the Husky Honks edition Scotty linked to after the Colorado game all but said something is wrong on the Husky sideline; no excitement, enthusiasm, passion. Now we know why. The coach had burned himself out.

    I also thought of Pat Casey, whose situation most closely parallels Petersen’s. In fact, I’d go so far to suggest that Petersen’s new deal is probably modeled on Casey’s new arrangement with OSU.

    • This is an excellent point. I remember Casey talking about how much energy it required to coach, and if you can’t give the effort anymore, you are short-changing the team. I think Riley hung on too long because he was not the same guy the last three or four years. Fortunately, we gave him a lifetime contract, so it didn’t matter.

        • The AD at UW is no dummy. In fact she is top notch, although an underpaid example of the “glass ceiling”.

          The fact that she didn’t attach the “interim” descriptor to the move isn’t an accident. Now, does she feel that interim HC would lead to loss of recruits or has she hitched her wagon to Lake?

        • I actually think Lake is a bridge. His hire was a tactical decision, not strategic. They simply did not want to lose this recruiting class, especially on the Defensive side. UW certainly prides itself on being able to attract a “name” coach and Lake is not in the class of, say, Urban Meyer. I think they think that Petersen has established a floor under which Lake can’t sink. That’s mistaken in my view and good news for OSU.

          There is NO way Smith would have gotten this job if he had stayed. Though, as I believe I have pointed out before, and from a conversation with the former AD at UW (Barbara Hedges) she told me personally that if Riley hadn’t gone to San Diego they were going to take a run at him; and may have, but were beaten out by the Chargers.

  33. Another observation regarding Gebbia’s performance on Saturday:

    Oregon’s defense is a top 25 unit. I know a lot of people on here discounted them because of how they look on TV, but the numbers speak for themselves. Gebbia made his first career start on the road against them and threw for more yards than their season average with a QBR that would have put him in the top 20 nationally.

    Luton threw more yards than the opponent’s season average in less than half his games and his season QBR is lower than Gebbia’s. I still think Luton and Gebbia are roughly equal at this point (per the coaching staff’s assessment), but I have a hard time taking seriously the idea that we win that game with Luton playing instead of Gebbia. The arguments made in favor of Luton are usually statistical. I’m not sure how you can spin the numbers to argue he would have been more successful.

    With more game experience and more first team reps working with the receivers, Gebbia is going to be really good.

    • IMHO your last sentence is spot on! A shame he couldn’t have gotten some of those reps during a couple of the “lost cause” quarters this season.

    • I’ll have to rewatch and take notes but it n the 10 or so reps I counted he was getting the ball out in 3-4 sec. Lutons happy place is 4-6. That makes him better imo haha

      • I don’t know. There was an article from some national Rivals writer where he said Jackson had an OSU visit planned, but from what I have learned, Jackson never knew of these plans.
        This was over a month ago though, so things could have changed. I think he’s leaning towards Utah, but I also am just guessing on this one.

      • 11

        To the bitch who downvotes all of my posts (and apparently it was not Jack as Angry speculated). I am going to do the unthinkable and upvote all of my own posts to even the score!!!!! Hahahaha!!!!

          • 9

            You have one also? It’s sort of funny and sad that someone would take the time to do that. I can’t keep up with half the comments in here!

          • 7

            I’m an asshole so it’s understandable. Not sure what made someone randomly have a hard on for you, you’re pretty constructive around here.

          • 8

            It’s funny because I think most of my comments are fairly inoffensive, it’s been going on for a couple of years. It stopped after Jack went missing, so Angry thought it was Jack. I think it’s Angry messing with me, he probably set up some automatic down-vote system! He says it’s not him. I like posters like you and Whisky, it keeps the energy up in here!

  34. People keep talking about DT so I figured I would check out the current roster. Some of these have lined up in DT and DE so I listed those guys too. Listed in order of 2019 stats, listed school year is NEXT seasons.

    1) Isaac Hodgins, JR, 18 Tk-1 SK (6′ 271 lb)
    2) Jordan Whittley, R-SR, 13 Tk-1 PD (6’1 324 lb)
    3) Simon Sandberg, R-SR, 11 TK-1 SK-1FF (6’3 271 lb)
    4) Alexander Skelton, R-JR, 5 Tk (6’1 290 lb)
    5) Cody Anderson, R-JR, 4 TK (6’4 272 Lb)
    5) Evan Bennett, So (RS?), 2 Tk (6’1 272 lb)
    6) Kelsen Hennessy R-FS (6’5 275 lb)
    7) Jeromy Reichner R-SR (6’2 270 lb)
    8) Keishon Dawkins R-SO (6’5 286 lb)

    • Bennett is a weird case. He was listed as being over 300 lbs in HS, but now he’s around 270. Was he too big in HS to be productive or did he slim down at OSU to move to DE?

        • Nuke, thanks for the offer of coffee. We are back home safe and sound. Appreciate the generosity, let’s turn that into a beer or beverege of your choice during a Beav game down the road.

        • Oh, definitely. You just usually see weight going in the other direction unless the guy clearly has too much “bad weight” on him (like Aydon). I guess it’s also evidence that he could get back up to DT size, if needed.

  35. 6

    Pettibonehead will be interested in this….former OSU option QB Ian Shields is losing his HC job as Jacksonville University(FCS) is eliminating football. Alan Darlin DC (Riley era LB) was on staff with Shields.

    • Actually have known him, since he was twelve. He played against my son once the Portland area youth travel leagues started. Good kid and probably a good coach. May be a good chance to head west. Wish him the best.

    • Any idea why his rating has dropped like .02 something in the last year? With his offer sheet and size it seems strange. Hes also up for some nice accolades.

      • Seems like the ratings are often correlated with the amount of press the recruiting sites give the kid. There’s not a lot of info on him out there, which could be explained by a number of things (the kid wanting to minimize distractions, just not wanting to talk to the recruiting press, etc.)

        The offer sheet is a good enough endorsement for me.

      • I get the impression he’s doesn’t enjoy being in the spotlight and doesn’t seek out attention from fans/press.

        The rankings are based on a bell curve. They gather data on athletes throughout the year and calculate where every player at a position ranks on that curve at a given point in time. How do they get the data? Mostly from their own Rivals and 247 camps, where they observe kids in different skills and measurables and assign a number value. They also review hudl film if that’s the only data available to them(if a kid doesn’t attend a camp).

        So…what I think could happen, is a kid gets measured and ranked in one month, then more kids get measured and ranked higher in another month, skewing the curve.
        How do you get a higher ranking? Attend a Rivals or 247 camp and allow them to get more and better data on you.
        What does it mean? Camps use the desire for higher arbitrary star rankings to make money off these athletes and their families.

        There is value in being ranked a 4*/5* athlete by these sites(more scholarship opportunities) so they will keep attending the camps.

        I think Angry has always had a good view on the rankings. He looks at film and he looks at who else is offering an athlete, rather than star ranking.(at least i think that’s how you rate players?)

        Also, the listed offers on a 247/Rivals site dont necessarily mean those are all legitimate offers an athlete has.
        Some could be bad info or pulled offers, some could be missing because the athlete didn’t publicize they received an offer.

  36. Been reviewing some stats from this year and I think I have nailed down one of the most significant changes on defense. Tackles by LB in our scheme shows that the linemen are taking up blocks and the LB are making strong reads and tackling well. For a Hybrid 3-4/nickel scheme you want your LB to get around half the team tackles. I like the trend and also, holy shit DBs got a lot of tackles under Anderson.

    2019 Top Five:
    1) Roberts (84TK-2SK-2PD)
    2) Speights (71TK-3.5SK-1INT-2PD)
    3) Rashed (62TK-14SK-2PD-2FF)
    4) Wilson ( 59TK-1INT-1PD)
    5) Morris (42 TK-1PD-2FF) / Dunn (42 TK-8PD-1FF)

    LB Tackle Percentage: 46%

    2018 Top Five:
    1) Moore (101TK-4PD-1FF)
    2) Smith (85 TK-1SK-1INT-4PD)
    3) Rashed (53 TK-2.5SK-3 PD-1FF)
    4) Taumoelau (52 TK-1SK-3PD)
    5) Wilson (44TK-1INT-3 PD)

    LB Tackle Percentage: 42%

    2017 Top Five: 824
    1) Hungalu (97TK-2.5SK-2INT-4PD)
    2) Moore (75 TK-1Int-2PD-1FF)
    3) Morris (75 TK-1INT-1PD)
    4) Willis ( 68TK-3SK-2PD-1FF)
    5) Ugwoegbu (55TK-1.5SK-2PD)

    LB Tackle Percentage: 37%

    2016 Top Five:
    1) Saulo (95TK-4SK-1INT-3PD-2FF)
    2) Hungalu (83TK-1INT-4PD)
    3) Chappell (75TK-1SK-1INT-7PD-7FF)
    4) Crawford (70 TK-1SK-1INT-10PD-1FF)
    5) Arnold (68 TK-1INT-1PD)

    LB Tackle Percentage: 36%

    • Thanks for compiling that info, Nuclear.
      I’ve always thought Bray was a great competitor and seemed to be able to connect with recruits and SA’s. I know some here didn’t agree.

      Maybe many will give primary credit to improved DL play; I’d be interested in learning how much credit for the LB tackle trend folks here would give to Trent?

      • He got a lot of flack for poor LB play at Nebraska. We certainly haven’t seen that here. Tackling is improved and the LB’s have anchored the defense.

        • It’s the overall scheme and what the coordinator deems necessary to improve upon. The coaching staff really seems to becoming more cohesive on the defensive side of the ball. Wonder how much of the improvements is the players finally able to play reaction football vs over thinking assignments like containment on edges, run support, and knowing when blitzes are called. future on defense looks bright. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the defense is ahead of the offense by the spring game next year.

      • I think it’s a mix of Tibs and Bray. The scheme works well for the players on hand and that we are recruiting. There has been noticable improvement in tackling, reads, in game speed, getting off blocks and getting hands up on pass.

        There is personnel improvements with Speights and Roberts but I would also argue that Tago, Sharp, McCartan, Rashed and Taumoelau all made steps forward. Not sure about Smith, he got injured and then lost playing time to Speights.

        • I agree, it’s a mix.
          I was impressed with Tibs from the start. When asked about his approach, even before he’d coached a minute for the Beavs he had an answer that came so quickly and sincerely that I felt it wasn’t “just words”.

          He said he would emphasize four things: 1) Destroy blocks, 2) Get to the football 3) Make tackles 4) Create turnovers.
          The areas of noticeable improvement that you point out are well in line with those four things, no surprise. EDIT/ADD: I’ll be surprised if the D next season doesn’t create significantly more TO’s.

          As for Bray, watching him play was enough for me to be glad he returned. Only fear with him was that he’d be a trojan horse for Riley, doesn’t seem to have happened.

      • I think Bray is a good coach. He’s very engaged in the sideline. You can see him literally running for some guys to stop them from sitting down so he can get in their face when they screw up.

    • What is surprising to me for this years list is morris came in tied at #5. With all that he has been through and how much he has missed he is always around the ball. Need him healthy. Thanks for the effort on the list!

      • What? It’s nice to know a “fan” would rather have a player fail so he could pull some bullshit i-told-you-so just to be a contrarian prick.

        • 3

          I hope Gebbia is lights out and takes us to a bowl game. Don’t read into my comment. It’s simply, we’ve had since August angry’s theories on how much better gebbia is and will be… so, if he struggles, what will angry use as reason?

        • Gebbia had the second highest “career” total for yardage for a California high schooler

          edit: (this was meant as a reply to Alpha)

      • Weird, you dislike angry that much? Gebbia wasn’t some chump out of high school. He had much better offers than Idaho, unlike your boy…

    • There is always the obvious basketball topics. The Civil Wars, especially for the women, should be riveting this time around.

      How about a look at the personalities of coaches at OSU vs better know schools? Seems to me our major sports guys are a little more open about their personal faith and project more of a clean cut, all American boy (man) image than much of the competition. Tinkle may be an exception to the personal faith point. Are they too nice? Do good guys finish last?

    • I’d love to hear from others how they ended up a Beaver fan and what keeps them coming back despite the misery we’ve all been through.

      The offseason is also a good time to talk about longer-term topics like realistic expectations for the JS tenure, what program we’d like OSU to emulate, etc. Also, long-term thoughts on the future of college football in general.

      • Also, I seem to have more time to do statistical digging this time of year (much like Nuclear seems to). Are there any questions we’ve been discussing that need data to help answer?

        I’m currently looking into our 4th down decisions and outcomes to evaluate whether JS’s aggressiveness hurt or helped us.

        • I’ll spend most of my time on defense quantifying improvements and projecting future stuff. I think a deep dive on offensive blocking progression and schemes the last two years would be interesting but that’s loads of film review.

      • Went to OSU. From Oregon originally, played hockey growing up which led to me moving to Washington and Alaska starting when I was 12 to play for traveling teams. Finished up high school in Anchorage and wanted to come home to Oregon. Didn’t know a ton about campus, but I was a biology major and OSU checked that box. Being out of state I didn’t get to to do any campus visits, but right when I went over the river and saw the campus I knew I was home. Played lacrosse at OSU and developed a healthy dislike for the cheaters… Though I never liked them anyway since I had a bunch of crazy duck fans in my family who never went there…

      • Both my parents went to OSU. I grew up hearing how bad OSU football was, but I lived in the Midwest and never got the chance to see any games on TV. The first game I saw was the 1998 Civil War when we won in OT. I started following the team from there, but I had never spoken to another OSU fan in-person besides my parents until the OSU-Cincy game (/disaster) in 2007, and I haven’t since then!

    • over/under; game by game predictions; recruiting etc. of course, baseball is only two months ago. That’s the nice thing about being an OSU fan. The baseball program takes up a lot of otherwise vacant space.

    • During the off season maybe some AB shirt design ideas/contest?

      Also would like to hear what folks thought of the game day experience. I hope to see better attendance next year. Maybe we can compile a list of pros and cons from this year and get it to the powers that be.

  37. 1

    My thoughts on Hodgins declaring,

    On a pure football basis, it’s not the best decision. He would benefit from another year. Likely have better numbers next year. But it sounds like a lot of other factors pushed him to go.

    From a draft perspective, he’s looking at best a mid round guy. At worst undrafted. Nearly all depends on his 40 time.

    The good – he’s got great hands, good size, wins the 1 on 1 battles in the red zone. Lots of production.
    The ok – routes could be sharper, a little more strength will help
    The bad – not a burner, getting separation will be much harder in NFL

    Prediction – guessing he’ll run a 4.6ish 40. Probably a 6th round pick.

    It’ll take him a couple seasons but he should turn into a solid NFL wr, no matter where he gets drafted. I do agree with angry that he’s going to be a good player.

    I mentioned this earlier but NFL gms love to talk down guys they actually like in hopes they drop and obtain cheaper. Hodgins could end up being one of those guys.

    If he runs fast, he’ll skyrocket up the boards. 3rd round at best.
    And slower than 4.6, he’ll go undrafted.

  38. Not sure if this was mentioned, but I find it pretty damn funny we signed a player named Jonathan Riley… Didn’t angry refer to Smith as that exact name a few months ago?! Amusing…. Now Angry gets a real life Jonathan Riley for 3 years!!!

  39. There was another guy named Peyton Hogan who I thought might get offered. But Drosos is the first LS offer so far in this class and it’s a PWO offer. So looks like LS will not take up a scholarship spot, most likely.

  40. So far I’ve confirmed we’ll be getting official visits this weekend from:
    Tommy Spencer – TE OV(OSU commit)
    Junior Walling -LB OV(OSU commit)
    John Miller -LB OV(OSU commit)
    Chance Nolan – JuCo QB OV
    Dezjhon Malone – DB OV
    Taliese Fuaga – OT OV

    I also think we’ll see Jake Griffin(OL) visiting although I haven’t confirmed it yet.

    I could see all 4 of those uncommitted guys eventually committing to OSU, although I think Griffin is the most likely.
    This list may grow as we get closer to the weekend too.

      • He announced on twitter an offer from Utah State….

        Surprised he hasn’t posted any pictures or an update of the home visit with Smith and co last night.

        How many O-lineman should we be hoping for? I wouldn’t mind Smith using a walk-on spot for a lineman as well.

      • If you follow those crystal ball predictions at 247, you probably saw a bunch of their analysts picked colorado shortly after he visited colorado. Even local analyst Adam backed off his OSU choice and changed his to “undecided”

        Then, today, one of the national writers switched it from Colorado to undecided and Adam changed his back to Oregon State.

        These crystal balls always seem to follow where an athlete visited most recently, but we’ve seen the trend go from oregon state, to colorado and now slowly back toward oregon state.
        I still stand by my prediction it will be oregon state.

        • That’s good to hear. I got freaked when it went warmer right after that visit. Kinda weird to basically take his cousins spot haha

        • 10

          Crystal ball crap is such a load of crap, they change their prediction multiple times and then there are people like angie that “make a prediction” right after they have confirmations a kids in about to announce his choice. More like crystal faud, guess that name works well for the ucks coach as well.

  41. Nick Daschel has an OLive piece saying Barnes plans to rework Smith’s contract and increase the assistant coach salary pool, within the next 30 days. Also says he likes our chances of retaining the assistants who are finishing up the final year of their 2 year deals.

    Not much to speak of number wise.

    • There was a potential OL transfer I mentioned earlier that we were kicking the tires on.
      Korbin Sorensen is from Kennewick, WA and went to Portland State. Is in the transfer portal.
      6’6″ 305lbs, 3 year starter. Would be a grad transfer if he came here.
      I’m going to go ahead and add him to the spreadsheet as a potential option for OSU on the OL next year.
      Being from the tri-cities area, I figure he likely knows Wellsfry.
      Will try to learn more on him.


      • Brock Wellsfry, now there’s a name we don’t hear much. Will be a RS Jr if my calc is correct.
        Is he a good bet to start now that graduation has taken so many OL from the roster?

        Kipper is in the same class and seen by many (BIG JIM included) as a leader next season. With coach M and his experience this year I agree, but he’ll need others, like Wellsfry, to round out the group.

        • I have Welsfry, Levengood, Gray (should be a lock) and Vanderlaan as the guys who should be deep in the mix. Should be some good competition since there is 4 guys returning with decent experience.

          Returners with experience: Kipper, Eldridge, Clarke, Keobounnam.

          Dark horse is Thomas Sio. He was pretty raw and had some bad weight but if he has been working hard his size is impossible to ignore.

  42. Up above BlackBandits mentioned some good press for WBB, highlighting Mikayla Pivec; there is more love today in the GT.

    She has been named Playmaker of the Month by the Institute for Sport and Social Justice. Now social justice alone can be off putting, I prefer to tout her academic accomplishments along with community service. The story in the GT says she,
    “completed her undergraduate degree in three years, majoring in BioHealth Sciences. She is currently a graduate student working toward a degree in Biochemistry and Biophysics. Pivec earned academic all-America honors last season and is a two-time Pac-12 all-academic first team honoree.”

    She may not have a post college deal with nike like the princess down south, but she has the drive to be successful nontheless.


  43. 8

    I don’t like “What Ifs” as the results are unknowable. You can’t run these experiments twice. How many choices that were made resulted in wins? Beavs are what they are: a 5 – 7 team that made a lot of improvements over last year. I’m OK with that.

    • This is a good point. Sure there were games we should have won but there were games we could have lost as well. What would the 50+ year old Jonathan Smith say to his current self with 10 years more experience about what he could have done better this year? Hopefully the coaching staff does a thorough evaluation of how the season went to improve on next year.

  44. I could ask “what if either Eldridge OR Keobounnam had played the entire CW at Center?”
    But, in deference to marcodg, I’ll just ask if anyone has a count on how many snaps each one was involved in. I noticed fairly early in the game that both had made an appearance. Never heard a reason for the switch.

    Seems that move made Gebbia’s job just a bit more challenging, as I commented during the game.
    Situational? Equipment malfunction? Teaching moment? Anyone here know the answer?

    • considering the source is football scoop, I think this is more about an attempt to drive up the price for Lindgren rather than Herm Edwards having genuine interest in poaching Lindgren. Herm already hired a WR coach this week(guy from oregon’s staff who was an advisor at offensive at oregon)
      Seems like a weird move to hire a WR coach before you know who your OC is, doesn’t it?
      Football scoop exists to spread rumors so coaches look more attractive than they really are. In the end, I would imagine Lindgren stays with Coach Smith and gets a nice raise.

      • I don’t see Lindgren moving on just yet. He took the job here because of connection to Smith. I can see Lindgren moving on next year if the offense really takes off. No idea if he has any head coaching aspirations.

        • I obviously would love to have Lindgren for as long as he will stick around but eventually he will move (unless he puts environments over money, which is hard to find these days) on and I have faith Smith will find another guy to follow his schemes and style. My only worry is losing guys that can recruit or have connections with recruits therefore possibly losing commits in the current/upcoming class.

          • Wouldn’t worry about losing recruits if he leaves, the main recruiters are the position coaches. Few coordinators are seen as top recruiters.

    • ASU is a lateral move at this point unless the pay is better. Given the recent news about assistant pay going up, this seems like a low probability move.

    • Don’t really see Lindgren as the job-hopper type looking to build his personal brand. Every time he does any post practice media or anything he looks like he absolutely hates it.

  45. Another Safety we lost this year was Kee Whetzel. I forgot about him when talking about that position earlier, but saw today he posted he is now in the transfer portal.
    Its surprising we were even able to field what resembled an actual defense this year considering how many injuries we dealt with, as well as defections due to transfer. Add to that the number of guys who never saw the field, and we had a pretty small group of defensive players available to play game to game.

    • Lots of young guys and transfers stepped up. Kee was really a LB, idk if he ever took a snap at safety. He was undersized and basically got pushed out with the talent that came in.

      I’m curious to see if Murray ever sees the field again at OSU.

      • We need to stock the cupboard to where talented guys that are young are making plays on special teams. You saw Bradford playing special teams. To me that seems crazy. Put in some backups and have them go all out knowing they are trying to catch the eyes of the coaches. If guys like Murray are will you do that he could get some playing time.

  46. So USC keeps Helton. How would we be feeling if Barnes kept a coach who has had the number 1 recruiting classes in the conference 2014-2018 with those classes being top 5 in the nation, 3rd best conference class last year and you have seen where they end up at the end of the year. Their class this year so far is terrible but now that the coaching situation has been decided I expect kids to start committing.

    They do have a brutal nonconference schedule each year with Notre Dame each year, Texas a couple of years ago, and Alabama to start off next year. They do luck out avoiding the fearless Beavs next year.

  47. Just looked up the national recruiting rankings at 247 and we’re now ranked 52 in the country now that they’ve rated Jonathan Riley a 3* instead of 0*. so far all 16 commits are 3* per 247… rivals on the other hand is ranking beavers at 58 in the country and only 12 commits are 3*. Jonathan Riley not rated, Ronald Hardge III 2*, Shane Kady 2*, Tavis Shippen 2* and all 3 2* are rated at 5.4 and 3* is 5.5.

    • 0 star to 3 star overnight?
      He must have had a really good final game of the season.
      Or it’s the beaver bump.

      They’re also counting Moore as a 2020 class member even though he is 2019. And they’re counting Jacob Farensczi(sp?) as 2019, when he should be 2020.

      How do they get this stuff wrong when they have such a huge staff covering recruiting?

      • Beaver Bump=everyone’s a 3-star.

        4-star before committing? Now you’re a 3-star.

        Any other rating before committing? Now you’re a 3-star.

      • Going off decades old memory but rivals has always had a model that was based on subscription pool size per team instead of product quality. They were awesome and still are for places like Texas but if you have a small base of subscribers they didn’t give a bad word. 247 seems more focused on the product quality to me.

  48. Random thought that maybe Angry would be curious in thinking over, how will Gebbia look once teams have film on him. His performance in the CW was pretty good. I’m not talking the stats but his decision making, etc. Teams will get film on him and find his tendencies. I was very excited after the CW at the thought of him leading the offense next year. A few more games under his belt will give me more reassurance.

  49. I’ll be doing a stats look to see what players could trend towards top ten all time and what not. As a teaser a fun one is that Speights needs to average 94.33 tackles over the next 3 years to tie Siegler. That’s pretty outrageous.

  50. I remember seeing him in Surprise a few years ago, I thought his parents Just put a helmet on him to protect him from baseballs, until I saw the O2 hose, brave kid

  51. 5

    There’s a new football commitment coming tomorrow evening, around dinner time. So under the radar, the coaches don’t know about it yet. Not a tease, that’s just all I can share at this point.

  52. I think Trevor Pope has grown a bit. He’s listed at 6’1″ but in the home visit picture he looks an inch shorter than Woz (6’4)

  53. 1

    Oregon State University’s Board of Trustees will hold a special board meeting to consider the appointment and employment agreement of Oregon State University’s next president for a term starting on July 1, 2020.

    The meeting begins at 10 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 13, in the Memorial Union Horizon Room on the OSU Corvallis campus.

    The candidate under consideration for appointment will be introduced publicly at the Dec. 13 board meeting. If appointed, the candidate will succeed President Ed Ray, who announced in March that on June 30, 2020, he will step down as president after 17 years of service and join OSU’s teaching faculty.

    Following the board meeting, trustees will host a reception in the main lounge of the Memorial Union from 10:45 a.m. to noon to welcome the president-elect. The reception is open to the public.

  54. FootballScoop saying Lindgren desired by Arizona State. Their OC made 750K last year while Lindren made 500K at OSU. Beavers are expected to announce a significant increase in assistant coach pool within 30 days or less, but they may want to wrap that up sooner rather than later. Offense was still more impressive overall than defense this year even if the defense took larger steps forward.

    Lindgren has produced both years under Smith and is more proven than Tibesar who is now also trending more positive.

    Lindgren deserves 750K at OSU and I’d give Tibs 625-630K. Tibs isn’t very likely to get snatched up with just 1 improving year so far.

    Hope Smith and OSU do what it takes to keep Lindgren. He and Smith have good chemistry and seem to be in sync. Beavs have to score to win games with D still gaining and working towards higher consistency.

    • Agree with most of that. I think BSU needs to worry. Zack Hill makes 300k a year so a move to ASU would be a career move and probably double his income. His system at BSU would be complimentary to Daniels who barring injury is the key to their offense for the next 3 seasons.

  55. From the Eggers article:

    “There’s a lot to be pleased with, but I still think we have a long way to go. Each year is going to be different. There is no guaranteed bowl game for us next year. We have to grow and improve.”

    I’m guessing players felt the way many of us fans felt. We were this close this year to a bowl so that equals we will make a bowl next year. Some teams were down this year, some played backup qbs against us. We didn’t lose any major players to injury. Many things could happen next year. The Beavs aren’t good enough to stumble into a bowl just because it’s the next step.

    • 1

      I read this article also, did you think he seemed a little caught off guard by Hodgins declaring when he did? From Smith’s quotes, he sounded like he expected further discussions. The phrase used was that Smith was “surprised” by the announcement. It wasn’t a ringing endorsement.

      • Yes, I thought the same thing. And then he went on to say Hodgins had another what month and a half to gather information before making his decision? The decision must have been made and once the Beavs missed out on a bowl he figured he would get a head start on training with a pro.

  56. Pierce added to the Senior Bowl. Good for him!

    With his ability, running style, and light usage in college, he could make an attractive late round pick for someone.

  57. Anyone know if we have a shot with DeShawn Lynch or Kaeden Johnson? Both are leans towards Nebraska who are trending to the gutter. Seems like the sell should be easier post season than pre-season.

    • No chance with K Johnson. Neb?, Wisconsin, and Minnesota in that order. He has a starting position almost guaranteed if he stays home with the Gophers. Nobody around here understands the Nebraska lean.

  58. weird, thought I posted last night about the visitor list, but i’m not seeing it here.
    I was going to mention that it looked like another OL visitor was going to be coming that i was waiting on confirmation of, and then today he announced he’s visiting.
    2020 Montana OL commit Brandon Casey will be visiting this weekend.
    I’m still suspicious that Griffen will be visiting too, but he has a game tonight down in Arizona, so I’m not sure if that means he will travel Saturday, or another weekend.

    If you use that spreadsheet i had linked earlier, he’s in there as a potential visitor.

  59. We may need to start a new general thread. This one is getting a luttle buggy when using my mobile, probably because it’s so long.
    Should have several things to post about today with visitors arriving on campus. Expecting a minimum of 2 commits this weekend, but as many as 7(not likely)

    Also, the DB from Florida we offered yesterday will visit in January, but only if he hasnt already committed to a school on the early signing day, in which case that school wont be OSU


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