1. I believe Jermar, AP, Noah, and Hodgins will all have big games today. The run defense has gotten better the last 4 games. If they play like they did against UW, they will keep us in the game today. GO BEAVS

    Beavers 45 – Ucks 38

  2. My hope is the Beavs come out and play the game of their lives.
    My fear is Luton gets hit a few times and folds and starts throwing the ball up for grabs.
    My other fear is the ucks running the ball over the top of us with very little resistance.
    Hopefully because we are playing for a bowl we show up and the ucks don’t.

  3. When a good team meets an aspiring, developing team the better team wins. The Ducks have a lot more and just need to use it. I think it will look like the UW-WSU game last night. Cougars just couldn’t hang in the long run. Ducks win 48-24.

  4. Interesting drama with the Luton injury. Defense being able to compete for the duration feels like the x factor but tough circumstances for the offense/Gebbia. Godspeed.

  5. Bend but don’t break D… They won’t be able to keep it up. We will need to score on every drive. Let’s see what Gebbia can do.

  6. In this circumstance (starter out etc), IF (and it’s a big IF) OSU wins this game, it would go right to the top of all time CW wins.

  7. Damn. Can’t give those up if they expect to stay in it. Lot’s of pressure on Gebbia/Offense to put together a good TD drive in response.

    • maybe Hayes wasn’t the better kicker earlier in the season, but as the season went on, Hayes got better? It’s hard to tell with practices being closed.

      • IMO Smith has been ultra-conservative across the board with personnel moves as a remedy to the toxic culture he walked in on taking over for Anderpants. He’s spoke a lot the last two seasons about “building trust”, and I think he’d prioritized establishing a healthy culture with his players over a cut-throat meritocracy, which is what many fans seem to prefer. As this season has drawn on we’ve seen a changing of the guard as some of those warts have been demoted and even transferred out (Choker/Hicks-onu), and others have emerged out of obscurity to take a bunch of minutes (Riley Sharp). There’s arguments to the merits of both those approaches, but it’s also pretty clear that JS has been successful at building a healthy relationship with the locker-room and has continued to get great buy-in and effort.

  8. Frick let’s hope that doesn’t happen again. They gotta play great in all aspects of the game in order to pull off the win

  9. That 3rd down play by the beavs with the motion man getting the ball was very obvious. need to disguise that better or not use a set up play on a 3rd down.

  10. wow, our special teams is the opposite of special. We’d be better off going for it on 4th down instead of punting. well, that hands to the face penalty really hurt us.

  11. Welp, Beavs are going to need a miracle to prevent the blowout. No offense, no defense, bad special teams = no win.
    Maybe Herbert will start throwing picks?

  12. The slot receiver on the left side needs to do a shallow wheel route while the outside receiver does an inside slant. There is no one within 8 yards of the slot receiver and Oregon is playing man coverage.

  13. OK so far- Penalty nullfied TD
    Special teams suck
    Receivers have dropped 2 passes
    Running backs not running hard
    All = blow out in the making

  14. Gebbia locked in on Lindsey there and missed Pierce opening up some space in the flat where he probably could have converted. Good on the D to get a stop tho.

    Oregon is out-classing them physically a-la Washington (and Utah of course), especially on the line-of-scrimmage. They’ve got to find a way to settle down and get the ball moving somehow on offense, even if it’s scrappy. Otherwise yucks will really run away with it as they’ve got a lot more Offense than Washington did.

  15. 2

    If Gebbia had gotten some actual game time playing in games when OSU had no shot at winning, his tuck and run decision-making would be crisper. He’s got a good “clock” but it’s still just a tick slow.

  16. I. Hodgins was open for a shovel pass on the 3rd down as Gebbia was approaching the line of scrimmage. The beavs are being completely over matched/out coached this half big time.

  17. Defense has actually did ok. Special teams have killed us and offense is struggling with dropped passes and penalties.
    Play calling is questionable as well.

    • I’ve never heard that cold expands…does that mean heat contracts? The announcer is an idiot. The balls harden and the air condenses in the footballs.

      • The air pressure should be the same regardless of temp since the balls are inflated on the field to specifications. The football material though gets stiffer with the colder temps make the ball harder.

        • It’s not like a car tire? You fill up a car tire with the same outdoor temp and the more you drive, the air in the tire warms up and then contracts when it cools down, causing the tire to deflate, right? Well, a football never truly warms up and is the air being pumped into the football warm or cold air? Yes, the leather on the football gets harder and the cold air in the football condenses or compresses since the air pumps are not air compressors.

  18. Interesting how if Oregon hadn’t of ran back the kickoff and Beavers had gotten a TD instead of a field goal, this game would be a 3 point game.

    • No. Pressure will decrease because of cold. Then your reinflate and get heavy balls. Take an energy drink with you to be sure to return.

  19. 2

    So, Luton has gotten EVERY (and I mean EVERY) opportunity to show what he can do and improve his game over the course of THREE seasons, but there will guys in here criticizing Gebbia for a lack of polish starting his first game, in the Civil War no less, on the road. It’ll probably end up like poor Gundy back in 05, with the Ducks running up the score, but it won’t be because Luton was the right call for QB when the season began.

        • 1

          Please expand? Somehow the QB with 28 TD passes would not perform better than the backup in this game? But when Gebbia plays mediocre it’s again Luton’s fault for taking all the reps. The depths you all go to avoid acknowledging being wrong is comical. And where is Angry? Probably calling his host provider to register the domain delusionalbeavs.com

          • 3

            Doesn’t matter what the UNAVAILABLE QB would or could do; point is JS should have given Gebbia game reps which were available in order to better prepare him for what Beavs face today.

    • 5

      Trying to protect Gebbia. Just open it up and let’s see what happens. Oregon knows what’s coming and it actually is detrimental to Gebbia.

  20. Went to a coffee shop to get away from this crap football and of course they have the game on. Sigh.

    What’s annoying is that if not for 2 boneheaded plays (hands to face and kick return TD) it’s a 10-7 game. This is no playoff caliber team beavs are facing, not even close.

  21. 10

    Regarding Gebbia…he’s played fine for a first start. Not great or awful. Coaches not giving him much with the play calling and seem to be trying to protect him. If they open things up I’d like to see the flow. Considering it’s his first start he’s been fine to good…promising for the future.

    • I sure hope you are right.
      Does not help having the ball start behind the 10 yard line for the last two drives can’t open it up much from your own end zone.

  22. 2

    All I know is, Luton wouldn’t be at positive yards right now if he were in the game. Meaning, how many sacks would we have right now instead of getting positive yards? With that said, Gebbia is trying to do too much with his legs; when he tucks and runs, he doesn’t keep his eyes downfield. He looks where he’s running instead of looking for the open receiver. Bradford having 2 legit drops doesn’t help either, but then again, how has the chemistry been between Gebbia and his receivers all season compared to Luton and the receivers? Those two things are the difference makers. Gebbia also has tapped his chest 2-3 times in the first half after a bad pass. We need to find a way to get Hodgins the ball. I see our defense getting tired and wearing down in the second half. Luckily we get the ball to start the second half. We come out and score, we’re right back in this thing.

  23. Who has improved more as a qb over their career, Herbert or Luton? Defense is playing great. Morris with a pass break up and they may have held them to 3.

  24. Neither offense has been productive today. Cold weather does seem to be a factor.
    ducks with 163 yards of offense to Beavs 159.
    Pretty even game in that regard. Special team have been the killer with poor field position and the kick off returned for a TD.

    Tough game get a first start, but opportunities are there

  25. Tough blow for Morris. Guy can’t keep his feet healthy. This looks like another pretty bad foot injury. Last one took him out for nearly 2 years

  26. I don’t know how players could have any idea what taunting/excessive celebration is. Thibedeaux with the army crawl after a defensive play is totally cool in the middle of the field, and Johnson with the little Lord of the Dance move after his TD earlier.
    I’m fine with those being ok, but don’t call some bullshit excessive celebration after a TD later if the Beavs players get in the end zone.

    (Kipper is going to make sure we don’t find out though)

  27. This ought to be competitive next year and in the coming years. I’m not watching, but from what I see hear sounds like the D is holding its own. The D ought to be pretty good next year.

  28. herbert’s hand is bleeding. too bad dunn is hurt too. would have forced oregon to call a timeout. defense needs to flex and get a turnover.

  29. well, there goes the game thanks to Jermar not taking as much as he could get on a 2nd down screen; and now he’s hurt himself on that play.

  30. wow. Jefferson had a terrible game. too bad. valiant effort by the Beavs. OSU might have won if Luton had played but Gebbia got three games worth of experience in that cauldron

    • I thought Jefferson looked tentative on many of his runs, almost like he didn’t want contact. I’m not sure he’s totally healthy. I would sure the hell like to hear why Pierce only got four carries. He’s the homerun threat. Weird ending to his career.

  31. man, so many miscues by the beavers today. 3 drops by Bradford, Fumble by Jermar, and a hands to the face to start the game forcing the beavs to kick a field goal instead of getting a touchdown.

  32. A season of what ifs. At least Gebbia is going to be good. He already outplayed Justin “Messiah” Herbert is his first career start.

  33. 5

    Looking forward to a full season of Gebbia and Hayes. Problem is there will be other personnel errors. I’ll write Smith that I’m available as a consultant

  34. This team is going to be pretty good. Really only UW and Utah felt out of our league. They competed and could have won against any other teams on the schedule. Feel like 7 wins is completely within expectations for 2020.

  35. This game honestly felt like this was a chance to give next years players a chance to get game experience. This was a weird game from a personnel and play calling standpoint. It’s almost like Coach Smith Didn’t want to get the win today. The offense and special teams were not polished at all. If it weren’t for the Field Goal and Special Teams giving up a TD, this would be a 14-17 loss. Or if Oregon had made the field goal it would have been 14-20. so the game was closer than what the score board suggested. Still 2 more years until the beavers become relevant.

    • They were relevant this year. Other than Utah, every team had to slug it into with them. Even ok state. I have to strongly disagree with you unless you live under a rock and somehow have internet then I’ll give you a pass.

      • I would say Oregon State will be a threat to teams next year where they can’t have performances like the teams have the last 4 games. Relevant as in, they are in contention for the pac-12 title that year. I don’t see them playing for a pac-12 title next year, do you? Ergo, not relevant. I live in Nebraska, once people out here stop giving me grief about how Oregon State is a ‘middle of the road to lower pac-12 team’ then I will say they have become relevant outside the pac-12/NW.

  36. Uncle Phil is a ROI guy; he has to be disappointed in how close these two teams are. I’ll let someone else look up the comparison of ucks season averages vs today against a Beavs team that WILL BE BACK and BETTER.

    • 0regon is paying it’s coaches $800k per win. OSU is paying $1m per win.
      Interesting, but obviously not a total picture of the overall investment into the two programs.

  37. This team is a lot closer than I thought they would be when Smith got hired. Not perfect by any means, but we are competitive now.

  38. Nice in the post-game they called Jefferson out for not following his blockers. Said he missed a huge play. Man that would have been an interesting ending if he had just done that. Decided to be a lone wolf and go right…lone wolves don’t have good prognosis.

  39. 13

    Look out next year!!! Gebbia best qb in the land. Luton with the cowardly no show a perfect exclamation point on his career. Wow what an unbelievable yellow belly move.

    Lost the shootout but beavs will regroup fast and the progress will be evident next game.

    • 1

      I didn’t get the disappearing Pierce once again. It still did not look like Jefferson was 100% or else he was very cautious on some of his runs. Pierce ended up with four carries.

  40. Was this possibly the best thing for us long term? Beavs know they’re close but also know what they have to work on vs making a bowl and thinking they’ve arrived.

      • 2

        Leach got a pretty bad Wazzu team to a bowl game in his second year and then they fell back to 3-9 his third season. I know Wazzu fans were livid, but when you are rebuilding from shit it takes time. I think the Beavs will have a similar season next year (5 or 6 wins), maybe catch a break and get to a bowl. The progress needs to keep going for the defense. I think JS will always have some tools on offense.

    • “Was this possibly the best thing for us long term?”
      Interesting take, Rev.

      IMHO, Smith will never let his team think they’ve arrived. The part about missing post season that hurts the most is the lost practices which the staff would use very effectively.

    • possibly, Rev. fact is, Beavs caught UCLA, Cal and Zona with QB issues; that’s not going to happen many years. I think next year’s over/under should be 5

  41. Next year Beavs lose Luton, Aydon, Shemar Smith, probably Hodgins, Brandel, and Pierce, among others.

    On the other hand, we lose Choukair. So it’s not all bad.

  42. Gebbia “not emotional” appreciated the opportunity and deferred to his teammates………per Jon Warren from locker room.
    As always, consider the source, no Ron Callan today as he worked the WBB win in Florida.

  43. That Jefferson fumble prevented this team from earning a tie of the NCAA all-time season fumble total. Were at 1 for the year, ended with 2. So close!

  44. 1

    Why doesn’t the NCAA allow non bowl teams to have the extra practices that bowl teams get? or Allow non-bowl teams more spring practices?
    It seems to be universally agreed that these practices are very useful in developing younger players.

  45. Speaking for myself, I will make an attempt to go to as many Home games As possible next year as well as an away game or two. Knowing they will be competitive in most games, I know it will be a good time. I expect season ticket sales to reflect the effort today/all
    Season and the improvement in the win/loss column.

  46. 2

    Comment of the day?
    “This is no playoff caliber team beavs are facing, not even close.” per scotty

    Or maybe:
    “What if” sums up the season. per angry

    Or even:
    “Gebbia has the “it” factor. Just needs experience and got a bunch today” from the yachtsman

    • 5

      My favorite was Texasbeav: “OSU football is fun again.”

      It’s been so depressing the last 5-6 years. Thank you JS for bringing us back to respectability.

    • From what I’ve seen? Overrated.

      Maybe he has a monster senior year but if thats the #1 LB in the nation then its a pretty weak LB class.

  47. Time for the offseason coaching carousel to get cranking. It’s actually one of the more entertaining parts of college football anymore.
    Which team is going to overpay for the next bust?
    Will there be any drama over Smith or Cristobal getting offers to move. Will USC land Urban Meyer? Will they try to poach Cristobal if they whiff on Meyer? Will Mike Leach stay at WSU?
    Hope the Beavs can keep some stability while the teams around them have to deal with turnover.

    • I love watching all the coaching changes and see how they don’t work out (Nebraska w/ Riley & Frost is particularly funny).

    • it was at this juncture that Riley jumped the first time. I don’t see Smith being tempted but surely some folks have noticed his coordinators.

  48. 3

    From a buddy of mine who is a duck fan

    “Ducks would have gotten violently prison raped against any of the playoff teams if its any consolation.”

    • What’s disgusting is that there’s a fair chance that no matter if the quacks win or lose the Pac-12 championship game, they’re headed to the Rose Bowl. Yuck.

  49. 2

    QB play should improve next year. Pretty set at RB, LBs.

    What about OLine, CBs, DLine? Some JC talent verbals on DLine, correct? No more Choukair, thank fucking god…

  50. 2

    Beavs finish third in the division; will miss a bowl game because the Pac-12 decided to bar 5-7 teams from going to the post season.

    What a stupid decision by the conference, in general. Dumber than playing 9 conference games when not all of the power 5 conferences abide by that practice.

      • I’m with ya on this one, Rev. Never thought even a .500 record should deserve a bowl, much less 5-7.
        Now OTOH, the idea that extra practices should be available to ALL teams makes sense to me.

        But, bowls make $ and we must play in the arena in which we find ourselves.

        • Game experience and additional practices are needed, particularly if the Beavs start the year in Stillwater next season. Probably would break even or worse in a lower tier bowl game.

          I still don’t understand why JS didn’t schedule a 13th game. Was he assuming that our players would get injured before conference play?

    • 2

      I’m not sure any 5-7 teams are going bowling. Many teams became eligible today. The 5-7 crap is based on an NCAA academic standard anyway.

  51. If you aren’t at least a .500 team, you don’t deserve to be in a bowl game, period. By every definition, the season is a failure if you lose more games than you win.

  52. 9

    OSU QB Play:
    At the beginning of the season, when OSU coaches said it was an even race between Luton and Gebbia, I thought that was just coach speak and didn’t believe. But now seeing how Gebbia played today, there really wasn’t much of a drop off compared from Luton. The only thing lacking was the in-game reps and timing/chemistry with the players (Hodgins). That kid has legit arm and is a definite threat with his legs. He played a heckuva game considering this was his ONLY significant playing time all season. He WAS the better QB on the field today, period. Almost led a game-tying drive had it not been for some drops / fumble. I’m more than excited for next year.

    OSU Defense:
    Hats off to the D and Tibesar. The guys are playing with a lot of effort and they’re improving every game. Glad to see them not giving up on plays which has been the norm under previous coaching staffs. I honestly think with Gumbs and some more JC transfers, this D is going to be something to watch. Just love their swagger.

    OSU OC:
    I think Lindgren is doing above average at his position for most of the calls. I think he could’ve gotten more creative during some of the series, with more motion plays and sweeps. For one of last couple series, we ran 3 straight run plays into the middle of the lines with Jefferson, which was a complete waste. He needs to continue to mix it up. If the Beavs have similar success next year I can definitely see teams wanting to pick him up.

    Overall: The Beavs are performed better than I expected this year. We essentially bring a lot of the same group of guys next CW and I think Beavs pull it off if they continue this upward trend.

    • 4

      Actually, there was a significant drop off in the first half as Gebbia couldn’t find Hodgins on three separate occasions and he was wide freaking open. However, given his inexperience, it’s understandable that he had some difficulty finding open receivers. I thought in the second half Gebbia actually looked pretty good but still without your starting QB with 28 TDs, to say it’s not much of a drop off is really not accurate. This team scored 10 points and with Luton, they’ve been averaging 30+ so there was in fact a huge drop off despite Gebbia’s improved play in the second half. QB play wasn’t the only issue though as JJ made incorrect reads especially on the play were he fumbled as the screen was designed to go to the left and had he followed the blockers (where he had three out in front of him) that could have been a huge gain. Instead, he goes to the right and the rest is history. Too bad for Luton as he deserved a much better ending to his college career. The kid was a warrior at OSU and had a great final season. Gebbia looks like he could be pretty good too, but he’ll need to do some extra off season work to develop chemistry with his receivers. The defense improved dramatically over the last 5 games of the season. I think next year we see at least 7 wins and a bowl game if we stay healthy and get some more depth in the program. All in all, a pretty good season given the outlook so I’m optimistic about the future for this program.

      As for the Ducks, they are going to get curb stomped by Utah. It’ll be somewhere around 37-17 and it won’t even be that close. Their D-line will dominate the LOS and Oregon’s offense will look even more inept than it was today. Other good news. Ducks lady’s basketball upset by Louisville today….you know they beat a team that is a lock for the national title (LOL).

  53. Never been a fan of Dwight Jaynes, but this piece is worth a read. He concludes this regarding the nikegon organization and it’s hype machine, “…their problem has always been that they’re never quite as good as they think they are. Which may be what’s keeping them from being the very best they can be.”


    BTW, he expected a three TD uck win today.

  54. 1

    If Luton plays, OSU wins that game. Frustrating that he wasn’t able to go today. On a positive note, Gebbia looks to have some ability to build off of next year if he wins the job.

  55. My final thoughts on the game (and season)…..

    My criticisms of Tibesar and the defense we’re probably short sighted. D got better over the course of the season. Today was probably their best game of the season (or UW game).

    There are some playmakers on that side of the ball.

    D line still needs depth to improve pass rush. Defensive backs as well. My biggest gripe for the season? How many 3rd and 7 or more did they allow the opponent to convert? It seemed like a lot.

    Offense…….Gebbia showed something today. First career start. Civil war. On the road. Kid did alright. I think we’ll be fine. If Hodgins returns a 1-2 of him and Bradford can be deadly.

    O line needs to drastically improve run blocking. Play calling on runs also. Doesn’t seem like much creativity there.

    Special teams…..Flemings should not be returning kicks. A stiff breeze is enough to knock him down. I don’t care how fast he is.

    Next season? I expect at least 6 wins and a bowl game. Training wheels are off for Smith. No excuses.

    Im still pissed about not punting at the end of the WSU game.

  56. Just liked up our recruiting class and commits on 247sports.com and beavers are ranked currently at 57 with 15 3* commits. 2 SDE JUCO and 2 CB JUCO players. So our defense will be just as good if not better next year. The other 11 recruits are high school commits.

    Isaiah Newell ATH 6-3 215 lbs (LB? TE? WR?)
    Zeriah Beason WR
    John Miller ILB
    Junior Walling ILB
    Ben Gulbranson QB
    Jake Overman TE
    Cooper Darling OG
    Silas Bolden WR
    Shane Kady WDE
    Trevor Pope ATH 6-1 165 lbs (WR? RB? CB?)
    Tommy Spencer TE

    What are some other needs other than OL?

    • DT will always be a need. Having an anchor they is at or above 300 is pretty useful. At this point we just need talent in this class. Next year we will absolutely need OLine, Dline, Safety, a Rb, a QB, a Kicker, and some OLB.

    • Also have that DE from the SEC, Charles Moore who transferred in. And possibly Gumbs, depending on his rehab. Probably cant count on him being available to start the year.

      Other needs: transfer QB, more Safety and CB depth and possibly a transfer WR depending on what Hodgins does. Long snapper and transfer kicker could potentially take spots if they land the guys they want.

  57. Thanks to NiceBeaver for hosting the CBS poll. Hope that continues next season and that more ab’s will set up accounts with their ab handle, and, let’s disqualify that kid Jacob!

    • It was fun, thanks for participating. I’m not sure if they have more games this week and through bowl season. Haven’t checked, but we may not be finished.

      I’ll try to keep these pools going whenever CBS hosts them.

        • I think i said i would mail the winner one of my 2018 OSU baseball “National Champions” poster.

          So what do you think for next year? Should I set up an entry fee where we play for a small pool? Something like $2 or maybe $5 buy in, winner takes the pot? Or top 2 split the pot?
          Would probably have to set up a beavrecruiting venmo acct and use screenshots of the account balance for transparency. Also it’s probably technically illegal, but i’m not sure who would care if, we kept the group small.
          (Uncle sam would care, but maybe if the entry fee isnt directly tied to winnings there could be some wiggle room?)

          • Maybe people could donate to the pool and entry is free. That might be legal since it would be a “contest” but I’m not a lawyer or anything so who knows

  58. 2

    One thing to consider for next season, a plus 10 TO margin is not likely to happen again. To only get five wins with that number is not great. The defense is really going to have to continue the improvement or six wins will be tougher. Turnovers by the offense are likely to return to the mean, so other areas have to get better. I’m not counting on only six for an entire season again unless Smith has some magic coaching for ball security.

  59. This was a down year for much of the Pac12, so I would expect the other teams to improve as well. Hopefully the Beavs can win 2 non con games, but winning 4 in conference isn’t going to be a cake walk.


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