Home Football Civil War (Game Thread)

Civil War (Game Thread)


If this were a home game I’d go Beavs, but they’ve been a really poor road team, so it’s hard to take them. Hope I’m wrong.

28-21, Ducks.


  1. 28-27 Beavs!

    Need to run the ball and protect Nolan. Nolan needs to protect the ball and have a good game without turnovers. Bray needs to show he’s for real and hold the ducks to 24 or less. Stuff the run and bring pressure on Brown.

  2. Watching a little bit of Michigan/Ohio State. That would be a fun game to attend. Packed stadium, light snowfall and Michigan knocking on the door of an upset.
    Would actually be kindof nice to see Harbaugh finally get Michigan actually back to being a top team. They’ve been down for so long

  3. Mention was made in the last thread that these two teams are rated the worst of the conference in tackling. Those ratings were likely accumulative for the season. I don’t expect quack to improve today, but any hope that Bray will show a significant improvement today in that area? One can hope.

    • I’ll probably be ignoring the blog most of the game. Working while I watch. I’ll probably do a running commentary on the discord though haha

  4. Did I miss the discussion of Smith’s contact extension?

    Per GT:
    “Oregon State football coach Jonathan Smith has agreed to a contract extension that runs through the 2027 season.

    Oregon State athletics director Scott Barnes announced the extension on Friday but did not disclose the financial terms of the agreement. The announcement did confirm salary increases for Smith, assistant coaches, and other football staff and noted that these increases do not include any state funds.”

    • 1

      Smith will make an average of over 4 million a year over the course of the new contract, which it was state dwoild put him in the middle of Pac-12 coaches, or perhaps 5th or 6th for upcoming years.

      Not bad for a Civil War or Platypus Bowl with nothing else on the line for OSU but a claim to share of Pac-12 North if we win and perhaps a slightly better bowl if we get picked.

      I expect OSU to lose today but hope it is a good and entertaining game. Would love to win and keep the Platypus Trophy in Corvallis until next year’s game.

      Thankful Smith got rid of Tibesar but this could and really should have been a special season with this game meaning much more.

      Beavs need a heavy dose of running and should limit Nolan to no more than 25 throws today if they want a chance to win.

      Prediction: Oregon 38, OSU 27

  5. 1

    IDK why people keep saying they expect to lose. The teams are trending in opposite directions and are basically equal in most all stats and thats before the switch to Bray. Bray is averaging 150 yards and 15 points less than yhe averages before him. I think that will be the difference. Ducks have had a hard time stopping the run especially against teams built like the beavs. All the duck pundits are picking the Beavs because of this. The ducks are down 3 receivers and a rb on offense. If Nolan doesn’t turn it over and makes the throws he should they win. Probably need to be +1 in turnovers tho.

    • We’ve been terrible away from home, Nike has way more to play for and the teams are pretty even in most areas. That gives Nike the edge.

      • Not a true away game and they definitely don’t have more to play for. I don’t think they care much about the pac 12 championship after losing the CFP.

    • …I think most of us have been conditioned to always, subconciously at least, expect the Beavs to lose.
      At least us Pettibone survivors do… it’s a form of ptsd.

  6. Hey Nuc, thanks. I’m good if you don’t want to run that Discord. Found a stream, and I am at a Starbucks in Souix Falls, SD.

    Kept my streak of never missing a Beav game. Hardest part of this was keeping track of all the time zones.

    • Big Jim on the radio said he’d be surprised if Levengood plays much, if at all. Doesnt think he’s starting but might be available if needed

  7. 2

    Gus Johnson is unbearable to listen call a game. He just yells the whole time and over hypes everything. If you weren’t paying attention you’d think a 3-yard pickup on 1st down in the first quarter was a game-winning TD with no time left to win a national championship.

    • Apparently the band has to be surrounded by police to protect them from said crowd, getting beer dumped on them seems to be a tradition as well

  8. FSU game is taking forever to end…challenges, incomplete passes, flags, timeouts, etc. I rearranged my entire schedule to watch this, assholes!

  9. 2

    The Oregon center moves the ball 8 inches to a foot forward on almost every snap. Refs should be enforcing it as being in the neutral zone and throwing flags. They do thus because the refs almost never call this on the snapper. More interested in receivers lining up too far forward. Smith should be batching about it. The center had the ball already over the line to gain for a 1st down when they were marked more than almost 15 inches short on the 4th and 1 earlier.

    Anyway, Beavs look like they are going to get beat handily in this one. Maybe by 17 to 20 points.

  10. For those talking about blitzes not being present we are blitzing about 40% of the time right now and rushing 4 the rest of the time. Oregons Oline is just way better than our DLine

  11. Ducks are executing, Beavs are not… I don’t care who’s coaching when players are getting beat there’s not much you can do… Terrible individual plays proving costly… should have had them off the field twice that drive alone…

  12. Fisher needs to come in for Roberts. He gave up that dye touchdown by limping to the hole. He looks slow and not healthy. Need to try something at this point.

  13. Feels like the Beavs will have to guess right or brown make a bad play to get off the field. Where is the crappy brown that can’t throw…

    • Really hoping new additions and some more weight room time can help. We have some solid players coming in on the line. If we switch to a 4-3 in the offseason we may be in pretty good shape. No idea how we are going to do in coverage with a 4-3 as our LB aren’t exactly coverage guys.

      Qunicy Wright, Takari Hickle, MMD, and Chatfield will all have a shot to play next year.

      I expect Sio, Lolohea, and Saluni to get much better. Hopefully McCartan will be good to go next year.

  14. Now need to follow that up with a long TD drive. Looks like they’re selling out on the run so Nolan will have to keep throwing well.

  15. On a reverse like Bradford just had I’d like to see the ball carrier keep on eye on receivers down field to see if something opens up when the CBs peel off to pursue the ball carrier. Easy peasy I’m sure.

  16. If they don’t stop them here, this game is already over. Hoping we can get one above average lineman on the roster next year. It makes such a difference.

  17. Nolan is missing. It looks like he is trying for the big play rather than the short plays. Players have been open short and he locks on to a predetermined receiver.

  18. Nolan can’t be the qb next year. Sure he has good stats and rating whatever but anything down field is low percentage. Gotta be able to find a better qb that hits the short passes and at least some throws down field. The run game is great. He is the weak link.

  19. Announcers are such Oregon homers. On the ducks punt return guy is tackled and like 5 people land on top of him. Announcers, well hard to say he was down there.

    • Man I typically don’t give up on the Beavs and this particular team. However, this reminds me of the 2017 game when they scored 60 on us in the first half. Just not even competing.

  20. I hate that we wrap up Brown rather than giving him a good pop when he runs. Any other player, wrap away. But dont let the QB feel comfortable

    • Not enough of them to go around, though. After USC, Bama et al are done picking through them, we’re left with the Sandbergs of the world……….

  21. 4

    Smith not making that new deal by Barnes look very well appreciated right now. Resting on laurels of guaranteed money and time and taking the day off so far it seems. Better get a Win in our bowl or this new deal will feel like it should have been announced after the Civil War result. Otherwise feels like anbase getting played a bit.

  22. 1

    In other news, our basketball team looks horrible against Penn State. Scored 17 in the first half and let Penn State get 2 wide open 3s to end the half. Lucas has been such a huge disappointment. I was encouraged by their play last night. But it looks like they are back to their old awful selves.

  23. 2

    It’s pretty clear the football team is deflated playing for nothing. As soon as WSU lost it was over for us. Oregon clearly is motivated and pissed off. I just hope they make it respectable.

    • 1

      Stupid to not try a FG. Was in his range by a couple yards. Can’t worry about fact Oregon has a guy in the endzone. You either are on target and clear the post by a couple yards or you miss it to the side. Game now too far out of reach.

      A 7-5 year on the pld contract already provided an extra year plus a bonus for a bowl. Why do we always treat it like a parting of the Red Sea and throw out a contract when the end result of a season is anything better than 50-50. We basically pay for the scenario where the Beavs go 10-2 when they are 7-5 by writing a much more lucrative contract fir fairly average results. Seems a bit much. Barnes probably thought there was a good shot of a letdown too.

  24. How can you not get motivated to play a rival and get to 8 wins?

    Also, no one considered Ore learned from Utah loss. OSU can’t just go out and implement Utah’s game plan.

    OSU’s running advantage is now out the window down so far. Ducks probably going to win 45-10 or something similar now.

  25. I guess at least I know now it was the circumstances with Stanford and ASU more than anything Bray came up with schematically, but man our defense is slow. Recruiting speed on defense has got to be the priority going forward.

  26. Defense waited too long to play a semblance of a defense. If they could’ve slowed them down sooner OSU could still run the ball but now havr essentially bailed on that. No Colletto FB yet?

  27. Well…Angry Beavs has plenty to lament.

    I think Nolan is playing awful. He looks panicked, and barely making it through progressions. The run game has been stopped. This team is a soup sandwich today.

    • I don’t think he looks terrible. No run game poor, pass protection. Agree his feet are super happy but aside from the terrible deep throw I don’t put this on him. He’s 8/13.

      • 1

        Yeah, he’s playing like a backup, which is his ceiling. I don’t blame him really. More the lack of heart, abandoning the run too early (again), and the coaches not getting the players mentally into this game after the Cougs won. Oregon is a very soft team. The way to win this game was to first be into the game, and then be more physical. They failed at both.

  28. In defense of Bray if you watch our players on defense they look weak and slow. Defensive line is being pushed backwards on every play. Linebackers are slow. Defensive backs have to cover to long because there is no pressure on qb. That being said I still don’t understand why we play 15 yds off receivers.

    • “That being said I still don’t understand why we play 15 yds off receivers.”

      Because 20 yards would make it look like we’re trying to lose.

    • So it’s not brays fault the players are playing crappy?

      Really if the offense starts going, it help the defense out.

      I really can only see the beavs tying the game late and winning in ot. Can’t win in reg now.

    • I think it’s a mistake still playing Roberts. I get putting him in to see if he can go but he clearly can’t. Beavs need to be attacking the ball and going for turnovers. That’s the only way they get back in this. Start pressuring the short routes. Brown knows where he’s throwing it ahead of time. Jump it and take it to the house.

  29. 1

    Smith owes Gary Andersen more than a steak dinner. GA set the bar so fucking low that Smith look like a genius that deserves a massive raise.

  30. Did I hear the halftime announcers right?
    “Any hope for the Beavers?”
    I thought they wanted people to stay tuned but I respect the honesty

  31. Oregon’s football team scored more points in the first half than Oregon’s States men’s basketball team did. What a time in life to be a Beav fan. Just feels great!

  32. 1

    Why is anyone surprised? The road games have been pretty awful for the Beavs and historically we’ve sucked ass in Eugene regardless of how good our team has been. Fun to go to a bowl for the first time in awhile but have a feeling it’ll be rough to watch as well. 1 win on the road this season. Yikes.

  33. Best bet for Beavers is playing their running game, but up tempo. Try to make it respectable. Chance will likely start falling apart.

    And get Roberts out of there. Hard to root for a coaching staff that plays an injured player over a faster one who played a pretty good game last week. I don’t care if Roberts is a senior or leading tackler….

  34. Did Smith use some of his new contract money for sports betting? It’s the only thing that makes sense. This is now officially worse than any Riley game I’ve ever seen. That’s saying something.

  35. Why do they insist on dumb shit like this? Is it written into his contract “attempt at least one ridiculous stunt play per game”.

    • Maybe it’s the Petersen BSU coaching tree, but with a lot less strategy and effectiveness…

      Dumb. Get your points, play straight up until there’s a need for that.

    • I think most of us saw it. For me, I thought he would evolve and learn. It’s just crazy how set in their own ways coaching are. I’ve never seen anything like it and it’s gotten worse.

  36. 1

    The Beavs need to at least put a big hit on Verone McKinely before this game is over. Let TQ do to him what he did to their other DB

  37. Well, back to the ‘ol beaver conundrum: keep watching next year? This team should be at 9 wins by now and in okay first a decent bowl. Smith is his own 2-3 game win cap, the defense tackles poor and is too slow across the board….

    Watching 7-win-team bowl games isn’t worth it.

    • 3

      I love all of you losers continuing to say Smith has a “win cap” even though his rebuild is the only reason we now have our first winning season in almost a decade. Since when did Beaver football fans become entitled to winning? Makes no sense to me.

      • I don’t feel entitled. I just think at some point an AD should get a hire right (Casey, Rueck, now Men’s soccer), and hire a competent head coach that gets to a Rose Bowl once in a while, decent bowl games occasionally, and doesn’t beat himself with incompetence.

        WSU was very winnable, loss to CU inexcusable. The other team wants to beat you, no need to beat yourself. Smith is a masturbator of a head coach.

        • Obviously, I agree. But it’s Year 4 of a rebuild of a very, very bad program. All of you seem to feel like you were cheated out of a Rose Bowl this year because of Smith’s mistakes. That’s just simply untrue and you know it.

          • I don’t think it’s untrue. This was a season of great opportunity with change all over the PAC and OSU having the league’s best rushing attack.

            UW, Stanford, USC, UCLA (who have been most irrelevant for a while now), have not been what they were. Neither Az school was that good. Oregon is pretty good, but not a memorable team with a season of high, consistent play level. Utah is themselves as usual.

          • 2

            I get it. I think the problem is, we all got our hopes up after that 4-1 start. Did anyone on this forum really think we would win the North or even have a chance at it? I don’t think so. The self righteousness of all of you is just the funny part to me. This was a good season. It could have been more, but for where this program was, I am absolutely happy with a 7-5 mark. If we had a similar season next year, I’d be concerned. A very reasonable ask to start 3-0 with Boise, Fresno, Montana State. Lots of talent returning and arriving. I just have trouble understanding why you and other people in this thread seem to think this team should have just been an automatic Rose Bowl team. Makes no sense.

          • Yeah, this is your problem Angry. You’re just a lunatic fan that things wins/losses are direct results of only certain things. You choose to ignore certain things and magnify others as long as your agenda is fulfilled. Which apparently isn’t winning games, since you don’t even seem happy when we win but love to go for throats when we lose.

  38. Well a stop. But with a penalty I’ve never seen happen in a game. Beavs with another first in foul history along with 2 guys with the same number.

  39. Musgrave’s TD made up for that whiff on the Colleto play when Thibodeaux made him miss on the block for the tackle. Least effective Colletto play of the year.

    Smith gambles a lot because of a fundamental lack of confidence in his team; both offense and defense. He pulled the plug on the field goal because he had a vision of the Duck returner on the goal line taking it to the house.

  40. Did you guys know that KT might be the number one pick in the draft? These announcers are killing me. Good thing I didn’t drink for every time I heard that’s tonight.

  41. 1

    Do we start the fire Smith chant now. We hate degenerate gamblers. Fuck the two pt conversions. Fuck the not trying for a field goal at end of the half. We could have up to 6 more points.

      • 3

        That’s it though, Smith never learns. Always goes back to the same tendencies even though they have been costly in manysense. And his success at converting them thus year is less than 15%. If he just plays traditionally with a single smarter gamble per game is when we are at our best.

        Instead Smith likes a couple of complete head scratchers in most games that make little semse and drastically lower our odds of winning. Doing this when you have a 40% or even 70% chance to win a game doesn’t make much sense when you then lower your odds to win into the 5% range by stupid decisions when you are trailing or take a game that you should win and then make into a probable loss.

  42. It appears my preseason pick on wins best case scenario.of 7-5 stands. McKinley another dirty play for targeting and doesn’t get called which is complete bullshit.

    • 6

      Yep, can get paralyzed with cheap helmet to helmet hits like that. He saw it coming and wasn’t even able to make an attempt to catch the ball as he was protecting his bi-pedal life. 1,000,000 times that is targeting.

  43. I actually didn’t hate the game. Horrible decision to go for two. But beyond that the first half was what did the team in. Offense and defense was brutal that first half.

    Shows me we need to get a couple disruptive players next year. I think chatfield is 1 for sure. Be nice to add one more instant impact front 3

    • Depends on the dog and pony show. Who does Hell Paso want? OSU or a So Cal/Arizona team?

      If I were a betting man I’d guess LA.

      But the Beaver gods say no one wants us and it’ll be Hell Paso.

      • I don’t know. OSU travels well, and has been bowl starved for nearly a decade. If a bowl is looking for “butts in seats”, Beavs are attractive.

        • 2

          Small fan base = low turnout and minimal TV eyeballs.

          But you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

  44. 1

    Great weekend do far….lose the Civil war, MBB team loses, WBB on the verge of losing to ND after losing to Michigan…..it’s a good thing we are a soccer school.

  45. Hope Alabama loses this game. ESPN already had an entire article posted online about Alabama’s playoff chances as if they’d already won today. I want to see how quickly that article disappears.

  46. I think Nolan had a Hell of a game considering he was constantly under pressure, receivers had drops, and ther was little to no run game. Musgrave, Beason and Harrison also stepped up but he had a bad drop. Lowe had a nice play where he ran across the whole field as well. Grant and Sharpe played well on D.

    Wright and Arnold really struggled.

  47. 5

    Really makes it tough to win when you gift your opponent a 14 pt lead in the first quarter. I guess that forces you to go for 2 and fail several times also. I recommend not doing that anymore.

  48. 4

    I wonder if what McKinley did to Gebbia last year was some of the impetus for the fracas at the end of the game? I always thought what that little bitch did to Gebbia got blown over quickly by the media and even the Beaver coaching staff. It was NOT a football play. I’m assuming JS is looking at a medical redshirt for Gebbia and he can play at full strength next year. If it’s serious and even career-ending more should be made of the incident.

    • Imagine if Gebbia was a big time pro prospect how big of deal it would be. Could cost a big time pro QB hundreds or millions of dollars. I don’t think Gebbia should be treated differently. His family should look into potentially taking action with the law if they feel that it went beyond a football play but ultimately I think its up to them. If we were an Alabama or if Smith was an established big time coach I think his voice is heard a lot louder.

      • 3

        I’m assuming it’s not career-ending and that’s why the situation has been ignored, but it’s weird to me that it’s on video showing him trying to drag Gebbia off of a pile by one leg after the play is over. McKinley’s actions caused the Beavs to lose their starting QB for an entire season and it has never been brought up when Gebbia’s recovery is discussed.

        • 7

          Not only pulling but twisting his leg too…McKinley. is a dirty player AMD I want someone from Utah to go after his knees and take him out. I’m not in favor of intentionally trying to injure a player but I’ll make sn exception in this case.

  49. Now that the regular season is over and we are awaiting to find our bowl game/matchup. I’m curious where everyone thinks we are personnel wise to compete for a championship next season. Assuming Baylor and Kipper come back.

    My assessment is we are close. Return Julian and add Oliver to the safeties should add some really good depth to a solid position.

    Corners we should be ok-Austin has really stepped up late this year and seems like he will be really really good next year.

    Inside backers- I love Robert’s and like Speights. Seems we need to add some speed to this unit. The run stopping is good but more speed-more sacks and tfl

    Outside linebackers- I think we will be good here as well, adding chatfield (if he ends up here and not dline) will be a big upgrade. Possibly Gumbs back(I know will he ever play).. I think we are ok.

    Defensive line- it’s not a terrible unit, and we should be better next season. I would love to see a big guy with some speed added here.

    Oline- gray, levengood, brewer and kipper, throw in likely bloomfield we should be top tier again.

    Receivers- should get better, Bradford loss will hurt, but Harrison, Gould, bea son, dunmore tongue. Should be really good

    Tight ends- best group of the team

    Rb top tier in oac12 as well

    Qb- Nolan needs to make some improvements and limit errors next year.

    Basically I feel like this team should be competing for the championship next year. If we can get a couple difference makers added on defense, this could be a very special upcoming season

    • Losing schad will be the hardest loss to overcome. I hope the Beavs can find 1 difference maker at dend or Dtackle. If that can happen we will be 9-3 or better

    • 7

      I’m disheartened by how inexperienced Duck receivers just ran away from the Beav secondary. The routes they ran didn’t require any technique or finesse, they won on pure speed. Until the Beavs have speed on defense, they’re not going to win a championship.

      • 1

        I honestly felt it was more of too mich cushion, not enough pressure from the dline and linebackers matching up and being too slow.

        Maybe Oliver can become the Beavs Lloyd.

    • QB will be upgraded if Gebbia is healthy, Gulbranson, Nolan more experienced, Vidlak a year in the system and a talented freshman coming in.

      RB very solid. I dont think Baylor is big pro prospect to leave early.

      TE solid.

      OL lose the best one in eldridge but quite a few young guys with experience. Hopefully Kipper is back if not Fuaga is probable starter. Coach M we trust.

      WR a lot of talent and experience in the room but someone needs to step up and be the man (Harrison). Beason had a nice game. Hopefully champ leaves but I doubt it.

      DL still the weakest but Hodgins comes back and Sio, Lolohea, will get better and everyone but schad I think returns. Should have nice depth at least. Really need a game changer here. A star transfer could be huge at this position. Maybe the trajectory helps with this.

      OLB should be very solid but AHM was the best pass rusher. Hopefully Chatfield is the real deal that can win one on one’s and if Gumbs plays that could be huge. Some good freshman coming in.

      ILB starters are good and they’ve been recruiting well here. More speed in the future is needed because they’re a liability in coverage. Need to be used more wisely and maybe spelled more.

      CB Wright should come back and if he does I’m sure he’ll make more strides. Hopefully this game was a wake up call for him. Austin will keep getting better. Robinson was looking good before his injury. Will need young guys to add depth. They’re high on Thomas.

      S Lots of depth here with no stars outside of Julian. Oladapo is good and had a nice game. Should be interesting with guys like Massey, Riley, Oliver, Hardge Arnold and I know I’m forgetting others. Need guys to make strides here like Julian did last year.

      K Hayes needs to improve consistency.

      P loecher needs to catch the ball.

      Big question is who is the DC and what defense will they run. Would be nice to get it figured out as soon as possible but most importantly Smith needs to find the right guy that can be successful with the talent that OSU has and can get. Need someone that can stop WSU and Oregon as those are the biggest hurdles and hardest offenses to stop in the north.

  50. The game was a microcosm of the season. Ducks QB good at home and beavs not good on the road. No sacks, bad on third down, no turnovers.

    Pretty much where I thought they’d end up but with wins losses vs others.

    Just no sun bowl!!

    • Yeah, I watched it bit Kennedy brown missed four consecutive FTs that were very costly….two at the end of the game to tie it up…this team is going to be somewhere around 17-19 wins unless there is major improvement. Good comeback today despite the loss. ND is a pretty good team and they have two super freshman that start….

        • Mechanically, she’s very sound with nice rotation on the ball and follow through.. I can’t recall how she did the last game at the line but the bigger issue is this team doesn’t shoot the ball from the perimeter with any consistency. In addition, they’re still fairly young an inexperienced. Despite losing the past two games, they showed some positive signs coming back today against a quality ND team that is now 6-1.

  51. It’s baffling that Smith ignores a potential three points at the end of the half, but then suddenly has to have the two points on their very next possession. Smith’s gambling would be easier to take if there was some structure to it – it just seems random and based on his impulse control at that moment. Hope this off-season, JS really thinks about how he handles these moments. A long talk with Chris Peterson or Dennis Erickson would probably help.

    • It’s weird because he had the successful template with what they did at Colorado so beautifully. I know with CU it was more desperate, but the same principle is at play. Also, it’s the first time I remember shitty time management from JS. I think they had time for one more play to pick up 5-7 yards to give Hayes a closer try, but no timeout was called. Also, JS apparently told the ESPN numbnuts that Hayes had 60-62 range today, so why not let him rip one?

  52. 8

    Cal was a legit loss. Every other loss was on Smith’s poor decisions.

    I’m not saying we’d definitely be 11-1, but I do strongly believe playing things correctly we’d have won the North at the least.

    The conference was down. Smith squandered an opportunity for a magical season. The argument that he got us here so it’s okay is weak. Yes, he’s recruited well and changed the atmosphere. That doesn’t give him a right to put players in the best position to lose. I don’t want to hear about what the statisticians say a coach should do. Those numbers are skewed by coaches like Chip Kelly et al who had the personal to pull it off, and even chip played it straight most of the time. He had great intuition. A coach has to have some instincts for what is going on in the game; they can’t be captive to a statistical sheet that doesn’t really apply to their game, conditions, personnel, etc.

    I’m not saying to ditch Smith, but it should have been mandatory as part of his extension that he spends the offseason with someone who better understands statistics (ie. the limits and skew) and in-game decisions. What is also extremely disappointing is he didn’t learn a thing all year from his mistakes. This is a seriously strange situation.

    • The Beavs would have already had the bowl bid season in 2019 if JS hadn’t screwed up the Hawaii game so that discussion would have been done two years ago. Everyone talks like they’ve been shitty right up to this season. They were 5-7 in ’19 and the COVID season was competitive but weird. Really only 2018 was non-competitive shit. We should have had high expectations for this year based on how the league started to play out.

      • 2

        Yes correct. Should have gone bowling that year, and trajectory was up. I believe my preseason prediction was 7-5 worst case with a +\-2 confidence interval precisely because of Smith. It turned out to be a 4 confidence interval. That is insane.

    • 5

      I’d just add we all lost out on experiencing something magical because of it, so it does infuriate me a bit when people justify it. It’s prodigal son syndrome so I get it, but we’re all the losers. A lost opportunity to experience greatness. There are old people here. Time is limited. Some beavs (not here hopefully) won’t be around next year. This was their shot at that experience. It’s not okay. So think about all that before justifying objectively poor decisions. Yeah it’s only a game but fans watch for emotions and experience.

    • 2


      PAC-12 was/is garbage.

      Tibesar was garbage and got shit canned. Smith gambling cost the Beavs at least 2 possible wins. Oregon isn’t all world. WSU either. The north was winnable.

      Probably a haiku in there.

      Never bet on the Beavs.

    • Key issues that have been the concerns all year arose again today:
      Are the right guys on the field?
      Is Nolan regressing?
      Is the defense able to stop anyone?
      Gambling on the wrong plays.
      Offensive game-planning.
      Special teams issues.

      JS has some explaining to do after the first half, but more based on his decision to go for 2 leading to chasing those points after each score.

      Thankfully the shine may be off of the Bray train, and maybe JS can find a legit DC.

      I hope Baylor returns, and VIdlak/GUlbranson get a real shot at starter next year. A qb that can have touch and hit the deep ball would create all kinds of issues for opposing defenses.

      • I am really curious how gulbranson looks. Vidlak too.

        I think it’s safe to say Nolan is a better option than gebbia. Gebbia is a great sideline type coach kid though. Gulbranson in his limited time looks like a better true passer than Nolan.

        I’m not down on Nolan really. My only gripe is the game seems a little bit fast for him still. Maybe another off season and it will slow down a bit. He started checking down more late this season, which seemed to really help.

        • I think Gulbranson has the best arm. Vidlak is probably next and with a year in the weight room should develop nicely. I think both are more true QBs that really fit this system. If we get a guy that can hit the deep ball this offense will be dangerous.

    • 9

      None of you guys want to admit that we just don’t have the talent that you think we do. Look at our defense. A lot of okay players, but no real difference maker. Limited speed at linebacker, no true go-to lock down corner like we’ve had in the past. I know we liked to blame Tibesar for defensive issues especially the lack of a pass rush, but honestly, do we even have the guys that are good enough to have a pass rush? I mean think about it. That 2019 version of Hamilcar is the type of player a winning team needs. Strong, fast, a nose for the football. That’s just talent. Same defensive coordinator then as we had for most of this year. That’s just a winning player making winning plays. Same with Hodgins and Jefferson. But that’s the problem with Beaver Football. We can’t get enough of those guys. I think we have a few guys on this roster now that are blue chippers that can singlehandedly win us games (Baylor and Harrison especially) but they are only as good as the other 10 guys on the field.

      I’m not going to sit here and defend some of the decisions by Smith. The fake punt against WSU was the start of a series of bad choices. But that fake punt wasn’t why we lost the game. Angry loves talking about the flow of the game and decisions made by coaches changing outcomes directly. Did that play change momentum a little? Sure. But we were up 10-3 at that point. Was Smith’s decision to do that fake punt a direct correlation to the fact that WSU scored every drive they had the 2nd half? Nope. But you seem to think it is.

      He needs to be checked a bit with the decisions. But I am just baffled by the attitude on this thread. It’s obvious to me that no one pays as close attention to this program as much as I do. I had season tickets through this whole mess this last 8 years. Didn’t leave early with the exception of one game. Anyone who thought a new coach was going to magically turn this program into a Rose Bowl team in 4 years had beyond unrealistic expectations from the start. This was always going to be a long process.

      We all want to win. I want to win as much as you guys. But the entitlement attitude, acting like you deserve some sort of success we haven’t seen much at all in this entire programs history is just insane. We’re Oregon State. Rose Bowls and such are just simply much harder for us than your average team. I’d hope that changes some day. It starts by getting talent. Because at the end of the day, players and talent win and lose games. Not coaches.

      • 4

        Wtf are you talking about entitlement? Who is writing entitled rants on this thread? Players and talent win games not coaches? Then why do they make millions of dollars? Apparently you think you could put anyone out there. You don’t sound very smart and you’re calling OSU fans entitled is laughable not the comments on this thread. Baylor is a blue chip? Do you understand football at all? Give me a break!

        • 3

          Coaches are supposed to bring in talent, develop players, put their team in the best positions to win. The coaches can do everything right, but if your players don’t execute or come through, then that is on them. Is it Smith’s fault his corners got burned on pure speed all day today? No.

          Entitled is maybe a little far fetched, but I have seen way too many Beavs fans that fell into the trap of having elevated expectations for this season after a good start. Look at those games in perspective now. Hawaii, Idaho, USC who likely finished under .500, 4-8 Washington. Yeah it was a fun start, but I think a lot of people bought into the fact that we were a legit North contender. We still could have been, but again, we just aren’t as talented enough for the big time yet.

          • I think you could easily put the WSU and CU games on coaching. I don’t think anyone thinks we have a super talented team but I do think it’s more talented than those 2 squads. Nolan had no business throwing it 38 times against Colorado.

          • I agree. Losing those games was inexcusable. But again, coaches aren’t out there playing the game. I know everyone on this thread loves the “do we have the right players on the field” game, but that’s such a cop out and so easy to do in hindsight. For example, Beason has had a rough season. But he played great today. We don’t watch these guys practice for 9 months like the coaches do. I’m saying I trust them 100% to always make the right decision, but we fans know exponentially less about the personnel than the coaches.

  53. Angry you need to get a press pass and ask Smith wtf he was thinking going for 2 and then chasing the points. Tell him this isn’t the first time and fans are getting very frustrated with his poor decision making and want answers with solid reasoning or to admit he was wrong. If they got the final onside and scored it would’ve been all foe nothing because they would still lose by one score. It’s time Smith got checked by someone and made to really reflect on his decision making or it won’t stop. Needs to be put out there like “what do you say to all of those fans that think this team could have won at least 2 more games if it wasn’t for your unnecessary illogical risks”?

    • Goe has an article up already giving JS kuddos for going for 2 so early. JS reasoning was he figured they “…would need to go for 2 eventually to win so why not try it early that way you know what you need to chase.”

      JS is incredibly inconsistent on these types of explanations. He was planning on going for 2 at WSU if they scored, which he said post-game. He had the exact scenario at Colorado and didn’t go for 2 but played for the tie in the overtime, and now he decides it is just easier to go for 2 early so you know you need to chase additional 2 pt conversions throughout the 2nd half!

      JS needs a sports psychologist and an older coach who will sit down for the entire summer and go through these scaenarios. He makes it sound like he is going off analytics sometimes, but other times just a wild haired idea of backyard football strategery.

      I’m saddened to now realize that the win/loss cap is real and will not be overcome until JS sees his own flaws in it.

      COnsidering the Chris Petersen coaching tree, Harsin is now at AUburn but he doesn’t seem to be the same gambler mentality.

      • 8

        The local media is useless when it comes to hard questioning. I guess they need to preserve relationships over calling out WTF coaching decisions. There was absolutely no reason to go for two in that situation, even the ESPN announcers knew that.

      • Oh I knew that was his reasoning when he did it but he could’ve still waited til later to go for 2 early and got a better feel fpr the game and what would work. The play call was horrendous. They were getting way too much penetration all game to run a reverse like that. All of the other 2 point conversations were at least close and much better play calls just poor execution.

  54. Looking ahead I really hope the PAC 12 can clean up their OOC. We have one of the easiest OCC (thankfully). Keep it easy I’ll list the big ones


    Arizona: vs Miss State, @SDSU, vs NDSU
    Arizona State: vs OkayState
    Cal: @ Fighting Popes
    Colorado: vs TCU, @ Gophers
    Oregon: @Georgia, vs BYU
    OSU: VS BSU, @ FresNeck
    Furd: @ Fighting Popes, vs BYU
    UCLA: Soft as marshmallow schedule
    USC: VS Fighting Popes, VS FresNeck, vs Rice
    Utah: @ Florida, vs SDSU
    UW: vs Michigan State
    WSU: @ Wisconsin

    PAC 12 really really needs a good year or we are in danger of being irrelevant. A good OCC against these opponents would help.

    • We can expect all road losses and half the home games to be losses for the conference as a whole. Nothing will change by next year, too many new coaches coming in, at least 4 and maybe more after the season ends.

      • That’s our new strategy more or less. UCLA will test that theory next year for sure.

        Edit: found a slight issue with that thinking. No Pac12 team has ever gone undefeated in conference. The last time it happens was the ducks in 2010 before CU and UT joined up. So yeah, OOC does matter cause no one sweeps the conference with the 9 game schedule. I like the idea of the 8 game schedule with one big 10 match up and 3 high school teams.

    • I do not like either of those games especially at the beginning of the year and perhaps installing a new defense. As good as coach M is the Oline has struggled at the beginning of the season’s.

      • I hear you. Both will probably be very good MWC teams next year. Fresno is on the road. They both have a history of smacking the Beavs around on occassion.

      • It’s the softest schedule we have had in years though. Boise State is about as down as it’s been since Zabranski. They lose a lot of players. Off their 2 deeps they lose 3 WR (2S), 4 OL (3S), backup QB, DE, both MLB, 3 DB (2S) and their kicker. No major transfers yet.

        Fresno State is losing 30 seniors, and probably some Juniors, plus their coach most likely. They lose their qb, top two backs, 3rd-5th receiver, 3 starting OL and 2 back ups. Their offense is returning 2 OL and 2 WR. On defense they lose 3 DL starters and 1 rotation, SS, backup FS, Starting CB and backup CB. Hell they even lose their kicker. No major transfers yet.

        So yeah. I’m pretty positive about our OOC next year. We should be able to put some top MW programs in the dirt.

        • It’s a no win game. They win it’s not a big but they lose and it looks bad. Good MWC teams are terrible OOC games. Losing players doesn’t mean they’ll be bad by any means. But my main point is the beginning the season games can be dropped easily just look at the pac this year. Should win is a lot different than actually winning. Ideally we would have games that get out of hands and we can see what the young and bench players can do. Especially if we’re breaking in Gulbranson or someone and a new defensive scheme.

          • I never understood why OSU historically goes on the road to play Group of Five teams anyway? I remember Anderpants debacle in Colorado States’ new stadium. Just say no!

          • The only thing I could think of is the cash. No other reason to go on the road that far east and get your ass handed to you every year. I imagine the Beav budget being supplemented with an extra 250K+ for each body bag game — the possibility of winning just one of those games was a bonus.

          • Living through all of those road losses was awful — and yes, set the program back. Started with LSU in 2004 (should have been a win BTW), ass kicking by Louisville in 2005, another by Cincinnati in 2007, another by Penn State 2008, against TCU in Texas, at Wisconsin in 2011, at Michigan in 2015, at Minnesota in 2016, at Ohio State in 2017. All beatdowns except LSU and Minnesota. No thanks! Tired of that shit!

          • I can’t imagine they got much cash for getting bitch-whipped by Colorado St. CSU never even had to come to Corvallis for the return. Sure, we’ll come to Fort Collins so you guys can boast of slaughtering a power five team for the grand opening of your new stadium! I guess Hawaii is a nice trip, but another loss two years ago. Get some Conf-USA bottom feeder to come to Corvallis and stop going on the road for MWC games!

          • 1

            Yes at least Cincinnati, Wisconsin, and Oklahoma State, Beavs got the home game out of it — beating Wisconsin was a nice start to the season. The Colorado State situation was serendipitous for them — Beavs rebuilding, new stadium and decent team on upswing too. I can’t think of one of these road games where the team had a down year, all of them ranked pretty high or having experienced teams….or maybe it’s just been way too long of a Beav rebuild. At least this year’s team had a fighting chance against a decent Purdue team. Time to schedule a home-&-home with Illinois?

          • A 9-3 team losing 30 players, most of
            Their starters and probably the bulk of their coaching staff doesn’t mean they won’t be bad? Uhhhhhhhh

            I get it, it would be great if we could just play Portland state 4 times and then have 8 league games but
            This schedule has been set for like 6 years. I’m just happy we aren’t traveling east for body bag games anymore.

  55. So if the mindset is to go for 2 to stay in the game, what does that say about Smitty’s perception of the team? We need to have confidence that we can win regardless of the opponent. Above poster wants to say that it is all about talent and because we do not have the talent to compete we can only get so far. If that were the case then USC would be competing for a title every year with whatever interim coach they have at the time.

    Look at Boise State. They didn’t have the 5 stars but they had Petersen in his prime and a good OC in Bryan Harsin.

    Obviously it’s not all about coaching. You can’t expect Belichick to win a title at North Texas but it plays a larger factor than most people give credit.

    I’m really not a fan of the contract extension. We are rewarding this result. Yea we get to go bowling but I don’t think anyone would be content going 7-5 every single year. I get that we are not a blue blood program but I’m tired of the aw shucks attitude that still lingers within the athletic department. I don’t like any extension for more than 2 years at any program unless the coach has proven to be elite. Smitty is not elite and unless he seriously examines his feel for game and his decision making, he will continue to cost us games.

    There is no entitlement among fans either. Entitlement would be expecting to win a national championship. We just expect consistent improvement and a Rose Bowl now and again. I really don’t think that expectation is too high at all.

    • I’m not a huge fan of the extension but not necessarily against it. A lot of what the contract is a raise for assistants, raise for staff, raise for Smith bringing him up to what an average FBS coach makes which I think he’s earned by building this program and taking us in the right direction. I think he was already signed til 25 so I don’t really like extending it any further until he can prove he can repeat and improve upon this season. Obviously it’s easy to say a hypothetical but I’m just trying to make a point. They still are lacking in some talent on defense but Tibs wasn’t the right guy and the important thing is that Smith made the change. Now he will need to do a better job this time around. The biggest threats in the north are Oregon and WSU so an emphasis should be on someone who can stop those offenses in hiring. If the defense can continue to get better we know the offense has been good since this staff has gotten here. I really think that this team is a little bit better of a QB and a solid defense away from a north win and chance at the rose bowl. The roster continues to get better and will be better next year. The only position that might slide back would be Oline but luckily our best coach is there. If they could get a game changer at DL a north championship next year is a very real possibility.

      The biggest thing this offseason is getting the right guy at DC. You would hope it’s a much more attractive position than when Smith first got here. There’s more talent, money and you know that you have a top offense that controls the clock with the run game on the other side of the ball. Now it’s time for Smith to identify him and bring them in.

      I definitely think coaching matters and we have a lot of the pieces already on staff namely lindgren and coach M. Think about how many more wins this team could have if they could shave a TD a game off their average.

      • 2

        I agree with this post 100%. The difference between competing and theoretically winning the north next year is going to primarily be on our defensive line. We need a couple guy to step into that role this off-season. Hopefully the addition of chatfield and emergence of another (rawls, shippen, hodgins) maybe a transfer? Just need this unit to take a big step forward and get pressure with 3 guys rushing. If we do that it can be more than a dream, it can happen.

        If it doesn’t happen, we will be similar to this year, probably win 2 more though. That’s my guess

        Next year looks like 7-5 floor. 9-3 moderate improvements/steady eddy, 10+ wins, we need a couple difference makers to emerge on defense.

    • 4

      I wasn’t saying coaching isn’t a factor at all. Of course it is. This forum just loves to get the torches and pitchforks out to blame coaches when things go wrong. But I get it, that’s sports. It happens at all levels of athletics. But like I said before, coaches can do everything right but if the players don’t execute, ultimately they decide the game since they are the ones who have to play it. But that goes both ways. Players can do things right but coaches can let them down by making poor decisions. You have to have the perfect combo or talent and great coaching. We just were lacking in both areas this season in key games and moments. I said in that post that Smith needs to be checked for his poor decisions. But Angry has a running tally of games “lost directly as a result of Smith” which is just untrue. One poor decision is never the sole reason why a game is won or lost. Same with officials. One bad call isn’t the sole reason why a game is won or lost. There’s always something you can do as a team on other plays where you could have played better and given yourself a better chance to win.

      Trust me, I agree 100000% on the awh shucks attitude of the program and fanbase. I’m not one of those people who are okay with losing because “we fought hard.” I’m sick of losing and want this program to be consistently great. But I also think it’s important to keep perspective and be patient. It’s a young head coach. A program still healing from a nightmare 7 year run of losing. Where we are today compared to 4 years ago when we came to Autzen is nothing short of a fantastic job by this coaching staff. And that’s my point. Fans are upset we blew some games this year and cost ourselves a shot at the North. I’m sad about it too. And I’ve said forever that if we are ever going to turn the corner and be the consistent winner I know we can be, we have to win those games. Purdue, WSU, Cal, Colorado, were all games we should be able to win. You have to find a way to beat Oregon in Autzen.

      I’m keeping it all in perspective. 7-5, while disappointing for what could have been, was a great season for this team considering the circumstances of where we have been. We were competitive in every single game we played in. I’m not scratching for moral victories here, but just the difference of wondering if we will even be in the game at halftime in 2017 to going into each game confident we can win in 2021 is a massive step forward for me. It’s too bad not everyone sees it that way. I just wouldn’t get your expectations too high. We all want to win, but again, we’re Oregon State. It’s extremely hard to win here.

    • 6

      Bingo. Smith thinks he’ll have to go for two later in the game. And the irony of course, which is lost on smith, is that decision is what took them out of the game.

      Even with the lack of talent we could have been 11-1 with standard decision making. The players had just enough talent to hang close in games, and the staff had just enough stupidity to make sure they didn’t seal the deal.

      • Hopefully we don’t look back after next season and this is more glaring. If next we we take another big step forward and say go 10-2. Than I think we can look at this year and say, this year was a building year. If next year is similar or somehow worse, we will look back and remember what opportunities we had lost

  56. 6

    Doesn’t really matter the decision making on going for two. The defense folded badly. Forced only one punt. Made offensive decision making irrelevant.

    • Wether it ultimately mattered or not is besides the point. Imagine if the Brown fumble stood. JS’s decisions could have cost us dearly. He didn’t give us the best chance to win which is silly.

      • There are no analytics to explain Smith’s decision to go for two after the first touchdown, just bizarre. Chipster would sometimes go for two after the Ducks stormed down the field for their first TD, nothing analytical, but it was an attempt to mind fuck the opponent and put them down by eight before they could come up for air. Kelly was looking for an emotional edge.

        • Kelly also had a high conversion rate. If your team can converst 70% of it’s 2 point tries, that’s much more valuable than being 90% on your extra point attempts.

  57. 4

    The bowl game should be all about prepping guys for next year. Seniors who want to play should, anyone who wants to leave and prep for the pros should.

    Make way for the younger guys. Let them get a lot of first team reps.

    • There’s another pac 12 coach they used to go for two a lot and he would screw his team a least once a year with odd decision making. I used to laugh at that team and enjoy when they lost. Don’t want the Beavs to be next.

  58. 5

    The more I look at next years schedule the more excited I get. It’s really favorable with only two really disadvantageous games.

    1) Boise State – Wish it was easier but whatever, not Purdue or worse on the road.
    2) @FresNeck. They are losing pretty much their whole team and likely coaches.
    3) Montana State
    P12 schedule isn’t set yet but…
    Away: ASU, Utah, Stanford, UW
    Home: WSU, USC, Colorado, Oregon, Cal

    Considering how down UW and Stanford should be Utah and ASU are the only brutal away games. It will be one of the most experienced teams in school history I think we have a good shot at a run if a QB emerges.

  59. Losing this game always hurts; I liked some of the intangibles of this team this season.

    A bowl game, does mean additional funding.

    I recall there was some discussion of this in recent thread; how many starters are returning to offensive line?

    • Three for sure. Levengood, gray and brewer who has been playing for the injured levengood. Eldridge and nous are gone for sure. Kipper is most likely gone but could return for one more year.

      A solid base to start from. But the new guys will have to step up big time.

    • We lose Nous and Eldridge for sure and it’s possible but unlikely Kipper moved on. Sorenson is also out of eligibility.

      That leaves us with Gray, Levengood, Brewer, Morano and Fuaga with starts or experience this year. Bloomfield has FCS starts.

      • Tanner Miller appeared in 11 games. A little short, a little light, but he should be back; Coach M must see something there to put him on the field. Saw him at center at least once, may have been mostly special teams appearances.
        Hey, Nuke, do we burn or frame those bet slips for P12 North? We got such good odds….for a reason it appears.

      • Morano has played? He does not look pac12 ready.

        Our line will be gray, brewer, levengood, Bloomfield and either kipper(if he comes back) or fuaga. Would be really good again if we can keep kipper. If not should still have a mid to upper tier pac12 line.

        If Baylor leaves fenwick and Lowe should be capable of handling the load. Maybe Newell can enter the picture as well

  60. 1

    Totally nailed it again yesterday. Yea me.
    Since I’m on a hot streak I’ll predict a 1-0 score in todays soccer match. The teams will run around in their little shorts and T-shirts for a couple of hours until someone gets lucky and scores. GOAL!!

  61. 1

    The Bowl game should be interesting – Rose will get the winner of next week, with the loser likely going to the Alamo – then it gets interesting. Vegas is the “bigger bowl” – but a 7:30 PST start time isn’t great for exposure. LA and Sun will have national broadcasts (CBS and ABC) will have more exposure (no other games going on than the Holiday or Vegas.

  62. Looking ahead to next season. It seems like most here are in agreement that the biggest thing we need is to figure out a way to get our defense-specifically defensive line- ability to get consistent pressure with 4 pass rushers.

    Whether that happens from development this off-season, adding a transfer or two, or adding chatfield and Gumbs. I think that is going to be the difference from being another good team(like this year) and potentially a great team 10+ wins.

    • I feel like we have a lot of bodies with experience coming back on the dline. I don’t think hodgins is that missing peice, but maybe this season off has been helpful for him as well

    • That’s a pretty good “biggest thing” but I’d add improved QB play and, more importantly, seasoned input for Jonathan Smith.
      Thinking Ericson likes OSU/Smith and Petersen likes Smith. A weekend spent with each of them to review in game decisions could be worthwhile and I think Smith’s ego would allow it. But who’d push to make it happen?

      • It should Barnes. Smith manages the football staff, but Barnes manages Smith. He just gave him a raise and extension, it should come with expectations of continued improvement and a plan to accomplish that. It’s what managers do. And if Barnes is perfectly fine with Smith’s erratic gambling decisions, then he’s part of the problem.

        • Should be a really interesting/fun offseason. I’m more stoked for next year than I have been for an off season. Beavs should come into this next season confident and ready to take a big step forward on offense. Defense “should” be taking that step forward as well. If that all happens we’re going to be a very tough team to beat for anyone

          • The speed on defense and tackling needs to improve. Are there faster players on the roster that haven’t seen the field yet? DEs and LBs w/speed, 3 NTs of adequate size and condition.

            Tackling may improve with a new defensive coordinator and a whole new emphasis on tackling, otherwise, expect more of the same.

            This team’s win cap is probably 7; drop 2-3 to teams with simply better talent and/or on the road, drop 2-3 based on OSU coaching decisions.

          • I’ve been thinking about it and I think it might be better for our MLB to drop some weight if they are going to be asked to do coverage duties. Speights and Roberts were playing around 235 this year. Might be better at 225 and work on speed.

          • 3

            Yeah, experience on defense doesn’t matter when the players aren’t P5 level and their game experience involves getting burned every game

        • I’m not super down on Nolan. Like most QB’s he most needs to improve in developing post-snap decision making and actually working through progressions rather than hanging on to and staring down option 1 until it’s too late. I do think there should be a “competition” in camp. He should be the guy to beat given how he performed this season, especially if he plays well in a Bowl win. If Gebbia and Gulbranson can get healthy, it’s a crowded room with Vidlak coming up behind them (assuming no transfers). Should be a fun camp.

          • 3

            It will be interesting to see where Gebbia is at for the spring. He obviously beat out Nolan before and it’s not like he’s Mannion/Luton slow. He was showing some nice things before McKinley pulled his crap.

  63. 16

    Andrew nemec is crying in a corner right now with news Lincoln Riley is at usc. If christobal goes to Miami, he will need to be put on suicide watch for a couple years

  64. Ha! “TrojansWire” totally laughed off the Lincoln Riley hire rumors as absurd, and speculated USC must way off from hiring a coach…

  65. Surprising move by RIley and USC.
    Watch how long it takes for Caleb Williams to enter the transfer portal and land at USC also. 3 years of that guy. Will he bring the Grinch back to the Pac12 also?

    I wonder if the PAC12 comminsh had anytihng to do with it…

    • If Caleb Williams goes to usc with Lincoln usc will be back in the national picture next season.

      Have to imagine he will land some big fish transfers all over the field and usc will look like a new team next season already.

      I wish we missed usc next year dang it


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