1. 2

    Bored as I’m laid up for another week.

    2 things I am very interested in are 1-rounding out this recruiting class. I hope we can solidify Knaak at offensive tackle and Valakahi (spelling) the dtackle from Utah.

    Is there anyone beyond these 2 we are chasing after at this time for the 22’ class?

    And than 2- bowl matchups. Sounds like la bowl against likely San Diego state is the highest percent. Holiday or vegas are maybes? I like all of them but prefer the ladder 2 as I’d like to see a p5 matchup persoanlly

  2. 2

    OSU Football w/a 2 win improvement over last year…disappointing. Progress in ending several losing streaks and winning out at home.

    • Over 19’ that is. Definitely disappointing as we could have easily been 10-2. But it’s a step and a step in the right direction. Repeating this step next year and we will be having a lot of fun. I had fun this year too. Colorado game aside, that was abysmal

      • 16

        It’s not easy to be 10-2. Our Fiesta Bowl team was littered with not just NFL players but Pro Bowlers. This team doesn’t have that. We aren’t a few Smith decisions away from 10 wins as people like Angry keep saying. Not yet anyway

        • I somewhat agree. We were/are close though. A couple defensive players away from it. Like I said I think defensive 2-3 big time players can take us to close, to accomplishing this. We have a very solid base, just missing the couple dominate players right now on defense

        • True but the game has changed drastically since 2000-01 with the transfer portal and player movement. Consequently, there’s much more parity in CFB today than 20 years ago. So I’m not sure if it’s harder to get to 10 wins today than it was 20 years ago.

        • Finally, someone with some sense on this website. The idea that Smith was supposed to magically make this team a Rose Bowl team in 3.5 seasons is crazy. This was a good season and the trajectory is pointing up. A coach can only do so much. Talent will ultimately prevail.

  3. What I’m really interested in is DC. I think this is the most important thing in getting this team to the next level. If Smith can get the right guy here it would be huge. I think of us kind of like the opposite of Utah where they finally got their offense going. If they can get their defense going they can take that next step.

    Who are your favorites and what are you looking for?

    • 1

      I’d like to see an engergized, already-got-money Gary Patterson enjoy a 2-3 year stop where he just focuses on defense.

      Won’t happen, so likely need a bright, UO-and-comer….

      • I completely agree. We get the right coordinator in-plus 1-2 playmakers added- we should be tracking to be a top tier oac12 team for the next few hears

        • Neither of you mentioned Bray. Are we. It wanting him anymore? Disappointed in the defense during the civil war. I know we were missing some front 7 guys and Julian. The strategy to give such a large cushion to their receivers was head scratching.

          • I think Bray shoyld be considered but with how important this hire is Smith would be foolish to not test the waters and see if it’s possible to get someone with a proven track record. Someone that has shown the ability to stop Oregon and WSU would be ideal. I really think the importance of this higher can’t be understated. Smith can’t afford to hire another Tibs or else this program will stall at where they are. They were 7-5 with a top offense in the pac12.

          • 2

            Yep, definitely a poor defensive scheme and performance against Oregon. Surprising as fans eanted to see aggressive play. Instead large cushions, 0-7 on 3rd down and 51o yards of Oregon offense. Some mild improvements in 2nd half, but just was not all all like what we saw in his first two outings as interim DC. At this point, I think Co-DC may be best we can offer. Think you gotta find another proven defensive coach to help on that side of the ball. Beavs have the offensive side taken care of witb Smith and Lindgren. Why not Lake and Bray on defensive side or someone else who can button down that side of the ball so we can do enough to let our offense win enough games by scoring 28-35 points.

            If our defense can improve points given up by an average of 6 or more points we will be in position to take another step forward. That is doable with a smart DC hire. Spending 2/3 of the increased salary pool on defensive side of ball is way Beavs should go.

          • Could Smith hire Lake with the Lake hitting-player incident? I think its possible, curious if people think the AD would go for that. I’m sure Lake can say he’s learned his lesson, and Smith can say it won’t be tolerated. Or does Lake need a season of unemployment for things to cool down. Leach managed to find work, but I think he had a season of unemployment(?).

  4. 2

    It will be interesting to see if Lincoln Riley can build a program at USC. He just inherited Stoops’s juggernaut at OU and has maintained it pretty well (with a little drop off), but the USC situation he’s stepping into is completely different. Of course he’ll recruit well, but USC always has.

    • 14

      I think Riley will be worse for the ducks than the beavers.. The ducks seem to get more highly recruited players from So Csl than the beavers do.

      • 8

        I think so too. This is a huge hit for the ducks. Probably won’t move the needle much for the Beavs, but duckland is going to be feeling this for years to come

  5. 19

    This comment is bound to raise a few eyebrows and negative feedback, but I really want to see McKinley carried off the field in a stretcher against Utah. He is a dirty player and nearly caused a horrible injury yesterday in addition to gebbia’s injury that cost him the ’21 season.. This guy needs a huge dose of his own dirty play and tactics.

    • 6

      The hit last night was a football play you see very often. I didn’t have a problem with it. I had a problem with the refs changing the rules when it looked like targeting. Last year was a different story. The Beavs got smacked yesterday. It wasn’t a 9 point game. It was more than that due to a terrible start again and dumb coaching. I won’t be a sore loser about it. Ducks were better and found a way to win most their games this year. Hope the Beavs can replicate that next year so we aren’t saying what if about losses to bad teams.

      • 11

        Led with the crown of his helmet. Left his feet (ie. wasn’t just “running through” the play). That play is the literal definition of targeting.
        FYI for those that don’t know, targeting is not only helmet to helmet contact. So the fact that he didn’t appear to connect directly with Harrison’s head is irrelevant.

      • 2

        Who said he was playing the ball? Weren’t we jacked about a defense similar to Erickson’s where guys were lighting up the opposing team with huge hits? If a beaver player did that last night and got ejected for it would we be complaining like this? Serious question.

        • 14

          Part of the problem is that he was the same player who injured Gebbia last year. If not a dirty play, that was at least a completely unnecessary one after the play was over. So a pattern of behavior for the DB.

          And also, whether or not you think that should be a foul, it was textbook targeting. That gets called on the Beavs 100/100 times. And it’d be one thing if they missed it, but they threw the flag and picked it up. Just no excuse for that, and completely defeats the purpose of having a foul like that in play to protect players.

          • Agree 100%. The problem with the targeting calls is the inconsistency of the call by the refs. So the McKinley call was retracted, but in the next televised game between Notre Dame-Stanford, Notre Dame had a targeting call on a Stanford player that was not nearly as viscous as the McKinley hit on Harrison, yet it was ruled ‘targeting’. My guess is the refs figured if they made the call on McKinley, he would have to sit the first half of the Utah-Oregon game and they couldn’t have such a vital player out during such an important game. I know refs are supposed to be impartial, but how many times have you seen where 1-2 calls can affect the outcome of the game? PAC 12 refs are especially biased.

        • The rules are different then they were with Erickson. It was textbook targeting by rule. My Duck friends agree. I don’t think any rational Beav fan would disagree that it was targeting if the shoe was on other foot. It had a lot to do with how chippy it got to end game and the officials are partially to blame because of this botched call. Makes you wonder if Pac12 is trying to keep as many top notch players available for championship game.

          On another note, while I don’t think the D played great yesterday, give the ducks credit for great offensive play calling. It was our offense that let us down if first half. JS going for 2 after first TD was demoralizing. 24-9 doesn’t have the same look as 24-10 and instead of big momentum for Beavs the ducks celebrate the stop. Bray made good adjustments in second half and got the most out of the limited talent. Our D line had zero push which makes it hard on DC. He’ll be back depending on how impressive he is behind the scenes… game planning and preparation during practice plus recruiting. If I had to bet I’d say he’s our next FT DC

          • I think its way too early to call him the DC. Smith would be foolish to not search for and interview other guys. This hire is too important not to. If Bray ends up being the DC after a thorough search and plenty of interviews that’s fine. If Smith doesn’t search and Bray fails everybody will be looking back at that and faulting Smith for not searching and playing the field.

          • The d line got little to no push all year. That needs to get better or this team will always be a 6-8 win team. Good offense and mediocre defense does not project to a 10 win season no matter the coordinator.

          • It sounds like scheme and elite recruiting chops are required of the new DC. If Bray was an elite recruiter then they’d have elite recruits.

            With all of the HC turnover there should be some quality DCs and assistants available for an interview.

          • 5

            Chicken or egg… hard to be an elite recruiter when rebuilding a historically bad program with an unproven HC. Bray has been a good recruiter given the circumstances and will likely improve with DC title and winning program and perception JS is up and coming HC. From what I understand, JS has a lot of respect for Bray and feels he’s on track to be a top DC. If so, I think he’ll go with Bray… grass isn’t always greener and part of being a great HC is recognizing what you have and not chasing the flashy hire that the fan base might want

          • That’s what I am thinking as well. Hopefully chatfield makes a huge difference and maybe Gumbs plays one day. Still think a 300lber like a paea is needed and we can be a dominate dominate team.

          • Of course we would love someone like Paea but players that set NFL combine records don’t come around often. We have plenty of guys that are 300lbs plus with Sio, Skelton, and Wrigt coming in and then like 6 or so teetering around that. The fact is that those big guys don’t play that much especially against teams like Oregon. That wasn’t our problem. The athletic ability on the Dline is lacking. There isn’t anybody there that possesses great speed pr quickness. They proved this year that they can be more stout at the point of attack in the run game but can’t beat their man and apply pressure on the QB.

          • 2

            Liked Bray in first 2 games but he was 0-7 on 3rd down. That is biggest down in football by far. He also let Oregon have 510 yards of offense.

            Give Lale a hard look if he is open to getting a new start and forming a new Pac-12 allegiance. He knows JS well who would ne fair to him. Probably the best use of increased salary pool. Otherwise maybe looks at SDSU DC.

            If Bray really is worth keeping around and is lukewarm on being LB coach, maybe he could be made Co-DC with Lake or the SDSU DC. Didn’t UW have Co-DCs not too long ago?

          • I imagine Arnett and lake will have quitr a few options at DC and I’m note sure they would take a co DC role. What would that even cost? Arnett is very intriguing to me as I wrote below but is somewhat of a risk with not much of a resume and no P5 experience.

  6. Next year’s USC @ Reser just got more interesting w/Lincoln Riley hiring.

    Going to be odd, and quiet, w/half the stadium gone. Maybe out the visitors by the student section next year?

  7. 9

    How is Smith going to evaluate Bray’s results? Three games isn’t quite enough to make a definitive call. He didn’t earn the job for sure. Two games were good and one was bad. The bad one was a regression to the mean.

    Even with ASU and Stanford hurting at the time, Bray should get credit for shutting down those teams. I would expect any decent coordinator to shut down depleted opponents.

    vs Oregon, there was only one true stop on defense. They made Brown look like all PAC12. No sacks, no turnovers. It didn’t look much different than Tibs as DC.

    Smith will need to bring in as many candidates as he can. This is going to be a critical hire. If the new hire costs Bray and other defensive coaches, so be it. The defense needs a wholesale change. I get that Smith may want to keep Bray on as he’s been good to the program but Bray has said he wants to be a DC. He may have to leave to do that. I don’t think any of the other defensive coaches have distinguished themselves enough to warrant staying on.

    With Riley coming into the PAC12 and the other schools likely hiring offensive coaches, the Beavs will need to get a strong DC they can afford. Jimmy Lake is a good candidate. He’s always had good defenses. He didn’t ride coattails of predecessors. The DC he worked under is about to get fired at Texas. His UW buyout is offset by any new salary so OSU doesn’t have to pay top dollar as he’s getting a head coaching salary no matter what. Wouldn’t have to worry about Lake talking because he’s not the face of the program. Would only see blurbs from him once a week. The worry is that he hasn’t learned from the lessons that got him fired.

    • “Smith will need to bring in as many candidates as he can. This is going to be a critical hire. If the new hire costs Bray and other defensive coaches, so be it. The defense needs a wholesale change….With Riley coming into the PAC12 and the other schools likely hiring offensive coaches, the Beavs will need to get a strong DC they can afford.”

      Agree with all of this. Many programs in the PAC were down this year, and programs like USC and UW are likely to get better. UO and Utah will remain threats for 9-10 win seasons…WSU will likely continue to flummox teams occasionally with their passing game, and maybe Stanford will get good again.

      Competition is good, and the OSU D will need to get faster athletes and as you say, major change to get to a meaningful bowl game. As much as I loved the OSU run game this year and found it very entertaining, a similarly effective defense would be SO enjoyable.

  8. I’m glad to see USC hire a top tier coach. Even though I hate USC in general, it’s extremely important for the conference to have a strong USC team. I’m just glad they’re in the South so we’ll still have a chance to win the North in the coming years.

  9. One of the names I think Smith needs to seriously consider and at least get for an interview is Zach Arnett the SDSU coordinator. They’re having a great year and are tops in most all defensive categories. He’s only in his 2nd year as a DC so not a latge sample size bit is very realistic. Thr question is can he produce over a large period of time and at the pac 12 level? The run and shoot offense that WSU runs is unique and somewhat rare can he scheme well against it? He will probably be a hot name after the season they’re having.

    A couple of other smaller schools that are having good defensive performances this year without looking at names.

    1. Houston
    2. LA Lafayette
    3. Liberty
    4. Fresno
    5. Cincinatti? Not sure how likely that is but they are in a smaller conference but obviously are successful and probably have quite a bit of money.

    • Bleed, isn’t Arnett Mississippi State’s coordinator?

      I am with you 100% that Smith needs to interview and find the best candidate possible. Bray is a sentimental favorite, but he hasn’t done enough to be handed the keys in such an important decision. Plus, the poor guy hasn’t exactly learned from the best under Tibesar the last 4 years.

      Kick the tires on an up and coming coordinator from the Mountain West. Or even another P5 program. Lake would be a short timer at 1-3 years, but at least Bray could learn from someone solid. Worked for WSU in Dickert, as I believe he came from Wyoming.

      • They have the same name I think. His resume is very short but very promising. I really think they need to aim high and open up the pocket book this time around. We know what we have in the offense and when they lose Lindgren I think it will still be fine with Smith’s guidance. Defense is a lot harder to find these days.

        I’d like someone who can recruit, get sacks, turnovers and adjust to personnel and be flexible. The last I think is important when you play against the wide variety of offenses in the pac 12. And can’t compete with the top of the conference for the best players. Need to find ways to play to the strengths of your players. I like the idea of a defense that can be multiple. A 3-3-5 could work as its easier to find athletes than it is DL.

  10. 5

    Interestingly for as frustrating as the defense could be at times this year, this was the first season since 2010 where they did not give up 40 points or more in a game. Take the small improvements where one can with this program.

      • 1

        I could be speaking too soon since they do have a bowl game. I hope to God they don’t give up 40 points to a Mountain West team since the LA Bowl is seeming more and more likely.

        • That would be a crazy stadium to play in, but I imagine it will be less than half full.

          The PAC championship should see an attendance boost over prior years with it being in a ridiculous dome in Vegas, and UO fans may want to enjoy the short, cheap flight and hoping for a grudge fuck after Utah ruined their playoff hopes.

  11. 1

    Who should be PAC coach of the year? Smith was likely in the running but took himself out by boning up at WSU and losing to a terrible CU team. I think maybe Wittingham, 9-3 overall, 8-1 was best in conference (UO was 7-2), especially if he wins the PAC and gets Utah to their first rose bowl.

  12. 3

    Anybody else think this 24 hour trip Mario Cristobal took to Miami to see his mom today is going to turn into a story?

    Wouldnt surprise me if he ends up leaving oregon to take the Maimi job, with the story turning into “Mario sacrificing all he has built at oregon to be closer to his ailing mother”

    He gets to be the good guy and has an excuse no oregon fan could be upset about. Win/win for Mario.

    • 1

      That’s the rumor. Christobal bolting to Miami. Can’t say I would blame him or it’s a bad decision now that Riley is at usc Oregon’s run of recruiting prowess should be over.

    • 3

      “Happened to run into the Miami AD in the airport at Chili’s Too, we had a couple of Miami Vice cocktails, and the job opening happened to come up. I wasn’t planning on it. Love Eugene, know we can be national champions, but this job opportunity and what with mom’s health, I decided its time to move on. I’m entering the coach’s transfer portal. Thank you U of Oregon, I’ll always appreciate what you did for me.”

      • 1

        Right, and the mom angle is a story that will prevent any media from questioning his intentions by flying to Miami for a day on a short week before the Pac12 title game. I mean, of course he has to go see his ailing mother. Who wouldnt?

    • If they lose in the pac12 championship next week and I’m betting he’s gone. It’s 50/50 if they win.

      I know a hard-core duck fan who has similar views as we do with the beavs. He’s said he won’t shed a tear if Cristobal bolts. He’s not impressed with the production compared to the recruiting he’s done. He calls Cristobal the underachiever.

  13. 7

    Another “to-do” for the off season and next year: put together a tighter rotation of play-making WRs(?). I think that’s needed for the QB AND the WRs to get in a better rhythm. Seemed like too many WRs experiencing infrequent targets and a lack of continuity.

    • 11

      You have more than likely never played or coached soccer and that’s why you don’t like it. Great athletes and a great game but I realize it’s not for everyone. It’s probably one of the most difficult sports to master…..

    • 3

      I made myself watch a most of that game. Scored a goal in the 10th minute, followed by 80 minutes of near misses and not so near misses, as well as about 50 or 60 fained injuries where the guy rolls around grabbing his body in agony, only to get up and keep playing as if nothing happened a minute later. Over and over and over….it really is the beautiful game.

      • I must have watched a different OSU game. Sure there was some fouls and prolonged laying around on the ground, not very fun to watch and puts the game in a bad light — but the guys played their hearts out in a game that was not typical of Beav soccer, if you spent the time to watch any of their other games. It was a very physical match — one of the Beavs did leave the game entirely due to injury. The Beavs are more of a finesse team, and UNH more physical — sometimes players will exaggerate the foul so the ref will notice it, otherwise the less physical team will lose advantage via attrition and injury. It’s hard to watch, but there is a strategy to it.

        • 3

          The Beavs are unique in how they like to play out of the back. It’s a little scary to watch until you realize they are pretty skilled passers. They don’t bash it down the field, only to give up possession easily.

        • 1

          I get all that, and I stuck it out. Like you said, it’s a hard watch. The one true injury gets less lost in the sea of faked ones. Only difference is the guy actually walked off the field rather than start playing again.

          • I noticed only two or three that looked like faking or maybe you saw “diving”, again not sure what you watched. There was a lot of time wasting for sure, but guys getting dinged up from a physical match. I’ve played the sport for 30 years, and won’t condone diving, it is a very cowardly act and shameful….imagine running around for 90+ minutes with hamhocks, knees, elbows flying around, the smaller/liter players get chewed up depending on the referee’s attention….a really good referee will hand out yellow cards for faking or diving. I saw at least two yellows handed to UNH, well deserved. Beavs already lost Diaz to broken ankle, and missing two other players to injury, so give the guys a break (pun intended).

          • Another big thing to lookout for is faking versus imbellishment. You can get fouled AND imbellish the shit out of it….again not something I condone. There is a little bit of imbellishment that does happen that is acceptable, think of being the recepient of a charging call in basketball, or putting your hands up during a PI in football – protest to show the referee. Because soccer doesn’t have stoppage (unless you go down), that’s what players have to do to get a foul noticed and stoppage in time by the referee — otherwise you risk playing injured and leaving your team down a man, while you rub out that charlie-horse. Of course not all fouls and embellishments are created equal – it drives me nuts when guys act like their leg got cutoff…it’s a European/Overseas thing — lots of Beavs from Spain and S Africa.

          • Sometimes it’s minor, but they are also smart, they’re catching a blow for themselves and their teammates. Soccer is an exhausting game.

  14. Lincoln Riley is going to recruit the hell out of Southern California (and Texas and nationally) and bring a bunch of Oklahoma commits with him. The PAC south is going to be USC’s, especially if Wittingham retires.

    If Cristobal leaves, and UW is breaking in a new staff, and Stanford likely still in recovery mode…the north could be pretty wide open. Smith needs to make the DC opportunity competitive and sell OSU’s run game to DC candidates.

    Who will UO pursue if Cristobal leaves? Other schools are locking up their coaches with 10 year deals. Phil Knights going to have to spend some SERIOUS money.

    • Impossible to tell right now. Hell it’s hard to tell who lsu, Oklahoma and Washington are chasing at this point. Besides the Cincinnati coach, I can’t think of a home run hire. Maybe Herman?

      But I’m that note who would have thought Lincoln Riley would leave Oklahoma for USC. That is way out of left field for me. Maybe stoops just comes back full time?

      Odd coaching year, hopefully Beavs can keep everyone on board coach’s and commits, bring in a nice d coordinator and sneak a difference maker on defense. Nice and quietly

      • Whoever the new DC is he should get to choose his defensive staff. If he keeps some of the position coaches should be left to him. You have to empower him if you want him to get the results that you want. It would be great to keep the class intact tho because there are some nice pieces there. MMD, hickle, Wright, Jordan are all important pieces to continuing to improve the talent on defense.

    • Funny, but I think U of W could be odd man out on the coaching carousal! How could their AD have whiffed on Riley, especially because they are such a ‘premier’ program?

  15. 1

    Anyone concerned about possibly losing Bray if he isn’t named DC? He has had the “Assistant Head Coach” title for quite awhile so being “Co-DC” doesn’t seem like much.
    And as mentioned above, if a new DC is brought in he should be allowed to choose his staff.

    • No. I think he’s a good coach but if Smith hires someone and they don’t want to retain him that’s fine with me. If you want them to cook dinner you need to let them do the shopping. I would be ok with it assuming the coach hired comes in and improves the defense. Seems like a good trade off. If Smith blows the hire and we lose Bray it will haunt us and him. If Bray goes somewhere and becomes a great young DC then that would suck. If that happens Smith’s hire will be compared to him. The thing with Bray is that he has no resume aside from the 3 games as a DC. I think this hire is so important for the trajectory of the program that you definitely have to at least interview a bunch of guys first instead of just handing the job over to someone unproven. You can’t just give it to Bray because you’re scared to lose him.

  16. 1

    JS should know what he has in Bray. He’ll need to trust his gut. The worst thing he could do is bring in an outsider if JS believes in his gut that Bray is the “guy”. Even if new DC is wildly successful, they’ll likely cost a lot and will use us as springboard to another job. Bray will cost less which provides more funds to keep other coaches and he’s more likely to stick around for a few years even if he’s successful. The potential to maintain continuity in the coaching staff with Bray is worth consideration and I’d argue hiring externally has a lot more risk than benefit. It all depends on JSs gut with Bray.

    • I hear what you were saying, but don’t we WANT the next DC to be wildly successful and leave after a few years? That only gives us more quality options to replace them down the road. If we can get a proven DC then pay the man and let Bray learn from him.

      My biggest concern about Bray is that he hasn’t really learned from any good coordinators. Banker, Diaco, and now Tibesar. Am I missing anyone? Obviously, his dad, but he hasn’t coached in a very long time.

      If Bray is honest with himself, he could probably benefit from learning from someone like Lake or another seasoned DC. If Kwiatkowski (sp) from Texas gets canned, I’d look at him too. If/when they move on then I’d feel more comfortable with Bray.

    • 6

      I’m more concerned about the lack of overall team speed and talent than I am about the DC. Bray had nice timing to make his debut against two injury-riddled teams. Nothing looked improved against the Ducks. In fact, 4 and 5-star freshmen with minimal in-game experience overwhelmed the Beaver back seven repeatedly. If Bray stays, he needs to heed the strategy of DE and recruit speed first and develop from there.

  17. 2

    From what I could find, it looks like the LA Bowl has 6th pick of the PAC-12, so I’m thinking and hoping that’s where we’re going.
    Anyone have better info? Really want to get the jump on travel plans.

    • It’s mostly speculation right now, but…..

      If Oregon beats Utah, it will be Oregon to the Rose and Utah to the Alamo guaranteed.

      After that the picks in order…..

      Vegas, Holiday, Sun and LA bowls. Those 4 could pick any of the remaining 4 bowl eligible teams.

      Holiday officials were at the Territorial cup watching ASU.

      My guess is no matter what happens in the PAC-12 title game, ASU and UCLA wind up in the holiday and Vegas bowls. That leaves the Sun the choice of WSU or OSU.

      if Utah wins the PAC-12 title game, the Alamo could pick anyone of the bowl eligible remaining teams except Oregon State.

      The only bowls that are not possible for the Beavs are the Rose (obviously) and Alamo.

      Are the Vegas and Holiday bowls possible? Yes. Likely? Probably not. Make plans for either Hell Paso or LA.

  18. Not too worried about who the beavs play in the bowl game. This is all about development for the younger guys esp in areas where new starters will be needed. If it’s the LA bowl, then the team should be able to practice this week. There aren’t limits to how many practices, just hours per week. Just get in as many reps as possible

  19. The portal is crazy today. Anyone the Beavs might lose? Wondering about some wide receivers like Irish. Possibly a defensive back or some defensive line guys that are too small.

  20. The recruiting home visit period has started, so for the next 2 weeks you’ll start seeing posts from kids with pictures of the coaches at their house. Should help give an idea of who the remaining priorities are.
    Still think theyre interested in at least 1 more JC or transfer DB, and they are likely going to try to bring in another transfer OL.
    Sam Mason is supposed to announce sometime soon and I think the Beavs are a favorite there. I could see potential for a Sterling Lane flip(at least a home visit should happen)

    No idea who plans to transfer out of OSU at this point but would think WR/QB/TE are areas with log jams that could stand to see some attrition.

  21. Matt Campbell a new name popping up in relation to the UW opening. I’d imagine seeing Iowa St dominate Oregon in their bowl last year got UW interested

  22. Spencer Rattler leaving Oklahoma, probably to follow Riley to USC. Riley is going to build that program back up quickly. Glad we played them this year on the road. Wont have to do that again for another 4 years

    • I doubt he goes there. I bet Williams will, the current starter. He was willing to walk on at Oklahoma just to be coached by Riley. And Lincoln already benched rattler.

  23. That Cornell grad transfer OL Hunter Nourzad that I mentioned a couple weeks back is announcing new offers left and right today
    Wouldnt be surprised to see an OSU offer go out among them

  24. 2

    With coaching carousel going nuts now, the transfer portal will be even more crazy. Beavs could end up net positive with the inevitable transfers out.

    If a great QB comes along, Smith has to go all in for him. They won’t get the Oklahoma guy but they should try.

    • Yes and I think the year after. I’ve mentioned it a bunch of times but they are getting gutted. Losing like 17 starters, coaching staff. 30 total seniors on the team.

      • Wonder if Haener moves on too. Doesnt he have a year left?
        Perfect opporunity for the Beaver defense to give a new starting Fresno st QB a career day.

          • Looks like he has a year left. Husky fans are already theorizing he’ll be heading back to UW(started his college career there)

            If Smith could find a way to land Haener or Rattler, I’d be down. I really like both QBs better than anybody on our current roster.
            Coach Yray started following Rattler today on twitter, so we’re at least looking. But so is everybody else.

          • He’s listed as a senior everywhere including their roster. He lost a year transferring so I suppose the NCAA could grant a year?

          • Looks like:
            2018-played 4 games for UW
            2019- sat out(transfer rules)
            2020-non counter(covid)
            2021-played for Fresno St

            So only 2017/2018/2019/2021 have counted against his eligibility, including the redshirt year. He should have 1 left. Plus depending on why he didnt play most of 2018, he could potentially apply for a medical year(doubtful)

          • Hugh Millen on KJR this morning gave a rather concise breakdown of Huard’s first outing as a Husky – was less than stellar for sure. I was surprised they left him in there to throw that many picks; they hardly played any/many seniors, though. If Haener returns, the Huskies have instant experience at that position for at least one more year. I wonder if Millen’s kid would hit the transfer portal out of Oregon if Mario goes to Miami? I think Chance can get better, but will be up against Gebia coming back, too, next year.

        • Sure hope haener moves on. He is a really good qb. I would think this year being a pretty weak qb draft class would be a good opportunity for him to get drafted fairly high

  25. 4

    Dennis Erickson spoke with Eggers between the ASU and UofO games, says this about Trent Bray:

    “Trent is a born defensive coordinator,” Erickson says. “He has made some positive changes. The energy was real high on both sides of the football Saturday, particularly on defense. I’m not usually for changing coaches, but their defense has been pretty darn good since he has taken over. Take the ‘interim’ off Trent’s title — that’s my suggestion as the old coach to the young coach.”

    Erickson is in good shape and has time on his hands, he has much to give even if you think he has a blind spot regarding Bray.

    Worth reading the whole thing:

    • Good story. Too bad some guys couldn’t make it back.

      And I would expect a full endorsement of Trent from DE. They go way back. But you can’t hire nostalgia.

  26. Nice beav- what’s your opinion on radhad Cheney? If we can get him plus charfield, gumbs, Oliver and Julian back. I think the defense could become a dominate one in the pac12. Maybe get one more big body just incase

    • No opinion on Cheney yet. Until I see our coaches going after a transfer, I dont usually bother looking very closely. Just not enough time.
      No idea if we ever see Gumbs. I dont want to count on him, but rather view him playing as a possible bonus.
      Chatfield should help, but we really need some stud pass rushers if we want a dominant defense.
      Any word on Julian’s injury? If it was serious and required surgery, I wouldnt count on him being back to 2021 form next year either. But i have no idea what his status is

      • Julian posted something a few weeks back about surgery went well, thanks for the prayers type of thing. Carter with beaver blitz said rumor was acl but team had made a statement. Not sure any updates beyond that. So if it’s an acl, be a 9 month recovery to be game ready, is that about right?

  27. With transfers picking up now Smith should target a few key positions

    OLine – if starter ready guys are available, go get them.
    Dline – need to get some beef up front
    RB – if Baylor leaves, any available RB will be breaking down the door to get here
    QB – competition is good to have. Not a guy for depth but to challenge for the starting role. There’s a few really good options out there.

    • Looks good to me. I do feel we should be solid at qb though with Nolan, gebbia, gulbranson and vidlak.

      Running back is only needed if Baylor leaves, and if he does it has to be an elite one.

      If neither of those happen I’d personally like to see a speedy mlb added to the dline and possibly 1 oline spot I would think. Someone that can bring a bit more speed to pass rushing and/or drop if coverage. Basically a really good 3rd down mlb

    • Good quick replacement for Oklahoma wow.

      If I’m Mario right now seems like the perfect time to take advantage of a down Clemson team, losing the best d coordinator and as you mentioned a bunch of their players. Prime opportunity for a team like Miami to take advantage and get back to being a powerhouse program

    • I got duped, haha. Somebody went and made like 4 or 5 different parody accounts and posted that he was going to Oklahoma. I saw a fake Bleacher Report one that had 1400 likes and 700+ retweets and thought it was legit.

      • What internet rumors weren’t true??

        But Venables would be the easy front runner for OU. This is his last best chance at a top role. Only his son would follow him. If Clemson is going down, then best to jump ship.

      • Venable was the only reason Clemson still got to nine wins. It was their offense that sucked this year. There was some stuff about Cristobal being Oklahoma’s first choice last night.

    • 14

      As long as they’re bringing in top 5 classes every year, we’re not beting them. They can overcome most coaching deficiencies in talent alone. I’d rather see that program have a continual 3-5 year revolving door at Head coach so they can’t build.continuity.

      • 1

        Right now they have great recruiting and mediocre coaching. I would be afraid of them pulling in someone who excels at both. I think Oregon can recruit pretty well simply on reputation and Phil’s bling. If they get a high-level coach then they would likely break their current ceiling.

    • I don’t necessarily think it would be a net loss or gain for them. I think this Lincoln Riley to usc is a huge huge hit to whomever coach’s Oregon though. And christobal probably is at his peak in terms of “prowess” or national perception. Lincoln Riley and usc will only hurt that every year from here and if he doesn’t strike while the irons hot he is likely not going to be at this “peak” again in his career. That’s my personal opinion.

      • 2

        Canzano already has an article up downplaying the Riley hire with of course “unidentified” coaches around the league supporting his view. God forbid if he can’t pimp the playoffs for the Quacks to start every season, down goes some clicks for him and the paper.

  28. 4

    Something interesting I noted over the weekend. Oregon State’s 6 losses in basketball came against opponents with a combined record of 30-8. I decided to check the NET rankings which currently has them ranked 50 at 1-6. They are 1 spot behind 7-0 Duke at 49. Pretty crazy, but these advanced systems look at a lot more than just wins and losses and it bodes well for them if they decide to turn things around and start winning basketball games. I think the basketball program currently has quite a few problems. Foremost being their poor 3PT shooting and 3PT defense. Both massive factors in their run last year. The other glaring problem is they lack a go-to guy/leadership. They have a lot of guys that show flashes. But no guy that we can depend on when we need a basket.

    • That advanced system is broken if it has Duke at 49, after wins against top 10 Kentucky and then #1 Gonzaga.
      Nobody who has seen these 2 teams play would say OSU is just a hair behind Duke this year.

      Side note, Tinkle got Paulo Banchero to visit OSU early on in his recruitment. Now he looks like a potential #1 NBA pick

      • Well, yes, and it should be noted that these advanced ranking systems don’t work as well earlier in the year when there is less data(NET especially seems wonky early in the year). Also, if the Beavers can’t win games, it certainly won’t matter at all. But yes you are correct in your statement. I think I was just trying to point out that they still have a chance to turn things around if they can find some mojo.

  29. Now UW fans think they’re getting Donte Williams to join their staff, after he started following Softy today.
    Forgot how entertaining the offseason can be. Except when you’re the Beavs and you basically do nothing till the dust settles.

    • Didn’t Williams join the usc staff to be close to family? Unless Riley doesn’t want him it doesn’t make sense to move to Seattle. Would help keep top level talent in that state though and away from you know who.

  30. 1

    Looks like we may get to see rattler in the pac-12 as a member of ASU. Are they ever going to get in trouble for recruiting during the Covid shut down?

    • Is that a rumor or definitive at this point?

      Never been a big rattler fan, always seemed overrated and kind of a punk kid. Know nothing beyond appearances, could be a saint…

      • Rumor. List of schools likely to land him and they are the leader. So early in the reprocess though. Is Daniels gone for sure? I wasn’t that impressed by him.

        In an interview his high school Coach said Oklahoma tried to change him too much last year and now he isn’t what he was. Might as well try a change of scenery.

        Watch qb1 on Netflix and it will Pretty much confirm your thoughts.

        • 5

          “In an interview his high school Coach said Oklahoma tried to change him too much last year and now he isn’t what he was. Might as well try a change of scenery.”

          That’s hilarious. Imagine that. A major D1 program and top 10-15 team trying to get a National championship tried to change a high school kid…

          Actually, rather than another transfer, I’d prefer to see Nolan/Gulbranson/Vidlak compete next spring and fall, with top performer of both camps getting the starting job. No fault of his own, but I think it’s time Gebbia moved on to a working life or Fresno. He Telegraphs his throws, his passes are batted down or he’s hitting his own linemen in the back of the head.

          Plus, IF Smith hired Lake, OSU QBs are going to have a bigger challenge in practices, which is a good thing. Maybe facing Timmy’s D wasn’t so good for Nolan’s development.

    • That’s an impact player to go with charfield and Oliver. Hard to tell if he’s a dend or olb/mlb but would be a great get and would impact the team right away.

      Get Jimmy lake bring this kid and have him bring one of those dtackles they had this past year and were competing for the pac12 next season

    • He wasnt allowed by UW to come back and play because of his injury and liability, which is why he had to retire from that program. But he appears to be cleared to play again. No idea if he can get back to his pre injury form again. Could be a risk, sortof like Gumbs

    • 3

      NB, you being serious or tongue-in-cheek about Lake?

      Jimmy Lake needs a chance to rehab his image. I can’t think of a more vanilla environment to do that than Oregon State. The two factors that only Smith and other insiders would know:

      – How do the UW players feel about Lake? Do they wish he was still their HC, or are they glad he’s gone?
      – What’s the real story on Lake and Niner’s relationship? I’ve heard everything from their great friends to they hated each other.

      Pros of Lake:
      – Knows the recruiting footprint of the PNW and P12 region
      – Familiarity with other offenses in the conference
      – Could teach Bray a LOT about coaching a secondary and another defensive scheme. Once Lake leaves (within 3 years I imagine, easily) then I would feel a LOT more comfortable with Bray taking over.

      Wilner noted that Fisch at Arizona is also likely making a hard push for Lake, although who knows if that’s a spot that Lake is even considering.

      • I was joking about the Lake part.
        But I do think he could help here and wouldnt be opposed to Smith hiring him.

        Smith was interviewed before the UW game and he made it sound like he and Lake are tight. I dont know where the rumors of them not liking each other started, but Smith seemed sincere.

        • 2

          I would like Jimmy lake here. As you mentioned let him mentor bray for a year or two. And I’m not sure who has been doing the brunt of uw recruiting, but they’ve gotten some really good defensive players. I’d lake can bring a highly rated dlineman or two that would be huge for the defense

          • 2

            I might be the biggest advocate of hiring Lake but even I don’t think it’s a high percent chance that he comes here. Another school is going to have the same idea and grab him. He’s a great DC and recruiter, but clearly couldn’t handle things as a head coach.

  31. Does Lincoln RIley recreate the 5 star magnet that Pete Carroll had and keep all of the CA guys home now? It sounds like he was already heavily recruiting CA while at Oklahoma.

    I think the window for winning the conference just closed to the next 2 years at best. JS needs to get a big time hire and recruiter at DC asap. We need some DT talent and speed at LB and Safetys for this year.

    It is interesting how the transfer portal has become the way old time free agency in MLB used to feel as a kid. Hoping of that mix of 2-3 key guys that can make all of the difference aand are ready to play right now. I might think Rattler would be a possibility for OSU. Or any UW DT available, or any of 100 guys who are leaving bigtime programs for whatever reason.

    I like the idea of Lake coming in and joining forces for a window of time to get his image refurbished and help JS bring a title to OSU. If Lake was available, or Kwiatkowski, JS should go with those guys and try to pull some poly d-linemen that they always have up there, or some big dudes form Texas. Perhaps the guys already committed from Texas are better than we think and could come in ready to play. We need a Paea type talent in the worst way right now, and elite speed at linebacker..i

  32. 1

    Critique of current coaching changes with Brian Kelly as the prime example.

    “The news conference to introduce Lincoln Riley as USC’s head coach on Monday was so full of grandiosity, athletics director Mike Bohn actually uttered the following words without even a hint of irony:

    “It was never our goal to change the landscape of college football with one of the biggest moves in the history of the game, but we did exactly that.”

    Bohn’s perch atop the mountain of coaching search bravado lasted approximately two hours. And yet, the larger story here is about a sport that is speeding toward the edge of an economic cliff while functioning in a manner that fundamentally devalues its core product.

    If the new standard is $10 million-plus for coaches who haven’t won a national championship, just imagine the extensions Nick Saban, Dabo Swinney and perhaps Kirby Smart are going to be looking for in their next round of negotiations.

    This isn’t a sustainable system. At some point, the notion that a coach can take a new job while his team is still in the championship mix needs to be addressed with massive financial penalties and contractual consequences. If not, it’s only going to sow more chaos in the coming years.

    As Bohn said, the landscape of college football absolutely changed Monday. It’s just that USC didn’t turn out to be the biggest culprit.”


    I think Kelly will “fail” at LSU, and be gone in 5 years or less. He’ll enjoy not having academic standards, but the absurd expectations of the SEC will catch up to him.

  33. Isn’t Alamo ahead of Holiday by a couple of steps?

    Almost looks like they have oregon and OSU flipped.

      • Ok, but Alamo is still #2?
        According to Daschel, the only possibilities for OSU are Vegas/Holiday/LA due to pecking order and some bowls having the ability to select from remaining teams while others take next best available. (Sun Bowl not a possibility, thankfully)

        And LA is by far the most likely simply based on other teams being more attractive than OSU due to market size and proximity. Still a chance Vegas or Holiday could choose us, but both are a long shot over UCLA and ASU

        • Alamo is out bc OSU wouldn’t be eligible based on record. Beavs are more than one game behind Oregon or Utah.

          Sun bowl is out because of record as well. If the beavs aren’t picked for the holiday or la bowl, sun bowl has to pick best record available and that’s not the beavs.

          So the only bowl that could choose OSU in a large upset is the Vegas bowl. Holiday would take UCLA or WSU ahead of the beavs. Vegas could work if they think ASU wouldn’t travel, or they all drive to the game or Edwards gets fired.

        • That is correct. It’s Vegas, Holiday or LA

          And I wouldn’t bet on the Vegas or Holiday with ASU and UCLA available.

          Plan on LA vs SDSU/Utah State

  34. I’m not convinced that UCLA / ASU would edge out Vegas & Holiday. Could be, but I don’t think it’s a sure thing. The Beavs are the team coming off a long bowl drought, and either bowl (especially Holiday) would be great weather and a reprieve from our dreary winter. I think we would travel well. I think there’s a lot of angles the bowl committees could consider and could see it going either way.

  35. Everyone getting an extension. Kentucky coach gets one with a couple things I like. 10 win seasons gets a auto 2 year extension. 7 gets a one year extension.

    I would be good with 8 wins gets auto one year add and 11 wins gets a two year add. Build that into Smith’s contract. Buyouts reduce for sub 500 seasons.

    • Sounds like the new contract has a 1-year extension for 7+wins. I like that a lot better than 6, but I agree that 8 would be better.

  36. Wonder how long this wait to announce a new DC will take. Seems like it needs to be pretty high priority if we want to capitalize on any transfer help. Who would come here before they know about their coach and scheme?

    • Doubt any hire would announced before early signing day unless it’s Bray.

      If a new dc comes in, some of the staff will leave and possibly recruits. Need to hold off on the official DC hire until the kids sign.

      • Thats a shitty way to introduce your new class. Thanks for signing, and now we’re switching things up on you. Plus they would be allowed to transfer without waiting once that period opens up this spring.
        What was the point in firing Tibs a month ago if if you’re going to slow play hiring Bray? If Bray is the guy, we should know by know. No sense in waiting.
        If it’s not Bray, what have we been doing the last month?

  37. 4

    My vote is for Lake as DC. Doubt it happens but after a few seasons of repair Lake could go off to greener pastures while Bray has another mind to learn and grow from. The defensive plan against Oregon did not look good. He had to k on he was in reasonable position and he seemed to play very “prevent” like and got chewed up for 7-7 on 3rd down for Oregon and 510 yards of offense. He has only learned DC duties primarily from Tibs for his coaching tree and a little from his Dad who has been out of the business for almost 20 years.

    I’d like to see Lake and a few others love the SDSU and UTSA DCs get interviews. Also think we should press the boundaries and explore use of real-time and game tape AI for defensive scheme and play calling. Think this type of Machine learning AI will soon be prevalent and can offer a performance edge for teams that explore its use first.

  38. Not confirmed yet, but I think Beavs are visiting Tyler Knaak tonight.
    Also, I keep seeing Jaydn Ott’s name pop up.
    Might make sense to take 2 RBs in this class if Damir Collins is indeed on the way out.
    (Where does Collins rumor originate anyway?)

    • I believe that GoBeavs has mentioned before that they have contacts on the team.

      I think it’s kinda weird for Collins to leave unless he’s just being told he’s too small or something. Seems unlikely with champ around. He was a practice player of the week before the civil war.

        • 2

          True. When he committed I don’t think Fenwick or Lowe were set yet either.

          They both have 2 years and Baylor has one. 3-4 years waiting to see the field is very rare today if you have talent.

          • I really hope the Beavs can get Knaak. He looks like the best lineman I’ve seen the Beavs close to landing in quite some time. He could become a very good college and potentially nfl level talent. In my opinion

    • Madison already left this year too. It’s great to have Baylor, Fenwick, and Lowe. But yeah there’s a lot jam. Younger players should be happy to see three backs getting touches each game. One injury and there will be some playing time.

      Curious if the staff would ever consider using a rb lower on the depth chart to return kicks. I know they love champ for some reason.

    • 6

      Re Collins- I have a few friends on the team and they’ve said Collins has told them he’s transferring, also Jimmy Valsin has decided not to transfer

      • Yup, I can’t confirm from Damir but from what I have been told hes said he’s transferring and isn’t on campus with the team right now I’ll try to figure out more in the next few days

    • Spot on as usual. Knaak just posted about the in home visit. Sounds like the full court press – Smith, Coach M, Cookus, and Yray.

    • Yes, he plays at the top level in TX and he’s in the DFW area, so he’s playing some of the best teams in the state. Of course, it’s still hit or miss and they’re public schools so it’s not like the Catholic leagues in CA, but still legit HS competition.

      • That said, they were thrashing teams early in the season and IRIC he only played the first half of some games. So it probably depends on which games you saw footage from.

    • He also missed some time with injuries. Think it was an ankle mid season and some type of hand injury more recently. He’s been playing with a cast on his arm the last couple of weeks.
      Like Beav inOH said, the early season competition was much lighter and he would have 200 yards and 5 TDs by half time and sit the 2nd half usually.

  39. Riley attending USC practice, pulling one of his recruits from Oklahoma already:

    “Riley spent time on the phone during practice. Perhaps not coincidentally, touted 2023 quarterback prospect Malachi Nelson announced his commitment to USC later in the afternoon. Nelson, who attends Los Alamitos High School in Orange County, had been committed to Oklahoma before Riley’s departure.”

  40. “It is surely no coincidence that three USC commits reopened their recruitments Tuesday morning, with three-star WRs Kevin Green Jr. (Bishop Alemany HS) and Caleb Douglas (Missouri City, Texas) and four-star DB Ephesians Prysock (Bishop Alemany) tweeting out their news.”

    • I think Riley is going to close hard and replace any decommits with former Oklahoma commits esp ones from California. He already got his QB to switch and he should get a lot of transfers in to help fill out the class.

      If he keeps Williams, he should be able to grab a few more.

  41. 4

    Regarding NB and his question on the timing of the DC hire. I can only imagine that the delay in naming Bray the permanent DC is confirming the fact that Niner is evaluating other candidates. I think this is the right move, and he can have a straightforward conversation with Bray about this. If he doesn’t get the job, give him a nice raise from the increased salary pool.

    With all of the HC changes, I think there are a lot of moving parts right now regarding coordinators and position coaches. I’m okay with him taking his time if he gets a good candidate.

    We won’t get someone like Knowles at Okie State, but him, Venables (if he leaves), Marcus Freeman, and the Houston DC will be the first dominos to fall. Unfortunately, Niner may have to wait before he gets the final answer from who he is considering.

      • I actually watched that last night. Binge watching all the “bad sport” episodes now while I have down time.

        It was odd to see the Beavs on it. That headache guy seemed like a good player and shows just how easy people with money could capitalize on college specifically. I imagine there are thousands of examples like that, but he was one of the few that got caught. Basically would have been off free had he not been overly greedy-which is typically a trend for these criminal types it seems

        • Great show overall-all the episodes- it’s called “bad sport” on Netflix. Various episodes from college basketball point shaving by asu in the 90s, to Russia mobsters fixing figure skating in the 90s, a really cool one on a drug smuggler turned Indy 500 driver/team owner-he beat everybody Porsche, Ferrari etc.. with a team of stoners. Really good show

  42. Arizona hires UCLA DL coach as their new defensive coordinator. Seems like an underwhelming higher to me, does anyone else know more about this guy?

        • Lol….this team isn’t even close to champion caliber BB. Too many new faces and some youth too. No one has stepped up to assume floor leadership role, turnovers still an issue and no Kat Tudor or Aleah Goodman type shooters although Talia has the potential to be both….leader and good shooter/scorer. This team will get better. but it will take time. Probably finish in conference between 4-6th…..19-11 or 18-12 overall records seems realistic.

          • …turnovers still an issue…
            I’ll say, points off of TO’s favored Pacific 17-0.
            Nothing new for the Good Galls to have more TO’s than their opponent, but certainly somethng that is likely to bite them if it doesn’t become a bit closer.

          • Talia VO seems very promising, and her willingness to take the 3 pt shot then to hit FTs indicates her leadership potential as you point out. Her Soph – Senior years should be very productive.

  43. A lot of portal action. Still surprised I’ve seen no OSU players yet. I know we are going to have a few but just wonder who. The Damir stuff looks like it’s false atm so I’m not sure what the first domino to fall will be

    • That’s just PFF, right? No way Nolan gets first-team from the coaches or AP.

      Baylor had a nice season, but the OL deserves a ton of credit. They were conspicuously absent from PFF’s first-team.

        • Roberts graded absolutely awful in coverage- like worst defender on the team, at any position, starter or backup, and it’s not close awful. And he was in coverage just under 50% of his snaps.

          So that’s why he didn’t make the PFF list. A lot of it is on coaches in putting him in those situations, but playing amazing in run D and solid on pass rushers weren’t enough to compensate for a horrendous coverage score on half his snaps.

      • They kinda were. It’s based off what a olayr does each play not production. A receiver or even that sucks at blocking or takes plays off could still be the most productive in the league and have a mediocre pff. BJ could work on his routes and blocking.

        • Almost seems like Noyer got the recognition because Colorado surprisingly did not suck last season, but geez in this day and age how can a QB who threw more picks than TD’s get any kind of league honors?

      • I wonder if that means Daniels is done. Either way I think rattler and Daniels are about the same player. Would be a strange transfer if Daniels were to return though.

        • Herm needs to move on from Daniels to save his own job.

          I don’t get Daniels. He seems like a guy that just doesn’t care enough to be a star. He has the physical traits, but seems so laidback and basically hasn’t improved since he was a freshman.

          • Daniels isn’t Herm’s biggest problem. A lack of ethics in recruiting and a lack of team discipline ought to lead to him being relieved of his duties. ASU had so many self-inflicted penalties at Reser it was pathetic.

  44. 2

    What’s up with ASU basketball? They only scored 29 points against Wazzu and only 10 in the whole first half!

    Looks like the Beavs will have some competition for last place.

  45. 2

    As disappointing as hoops have been this year, I had no to low expectations in any event. But they must be dying in Eugene with how their pre-season is going with their various top recruits.

  46. Nuc- regarding Martinez’s highlights: the most recent highlight videos on Hudl are from the state playoffs (though film from the 52-0 beat down they got in the state championship is absent…)

    We need some of those Lewisville OL! Martinez looks like a man among boys, but he’s also running through some pretty big holes.

      • He’ll be a power back in college. We’ll see if he can develop breakaway speed. If he does that then he’s going to be a great one.

        • What makes you say that? He has pretty impressive sprint times and he’s getting separation from DB’s at the top level of Texas Hs ball pretty easily.

          He looks like JJ and Baylor to me. Hits the hole hard and if he has some space beyond that he breaks tackles well. Good vision to change up his lane at the LOS if he needs to. Not superlative in anything, but good all-around skill set.

          • Not saying he’s slow or anything but he doesn’t have a second gear (yet). Give him space and he builds up to his top speed but if he has to start and stop, he doesn’t have the burst to get to his top gear quickly. If he gets that, he’ll be the lead back by his sophomore year.

            I’d say he profiles close to Fenwick.

          • 2

            Hard disagree. On tape he’s the fastest guy on the field and he has pretty terrible sprint technique. He cleared a 11.37 with one year of track which means he’s pretty much guaranteed to be terrible at starts. He’s strong enough that he has very little drop off in field speed vs track speed. I clocked him at 17-19 mph on his breakaways which is plenty fast. That’s average field speed on a breakaway for a WR/RB in the NFL. Dereck Henry popped a 21.5 mph this year which is the third fastest for a rb in the season so far.

            He looks like a power back because he runs with a low knee and stays pretty flat footed. In sprinting terms we call it a shuffle which is common for running backs because it allows for quick direction changes and deceleration/acceleration. When you see a back with ‘second gear’ it’s because they get clear of contact and drop into good sprint form which is knees highs and ankles tucked with only the toes/front of foot striking the surface. He’s already fast shuffling, he pulls away from DBs all the time. If he develops the clear of contact sprint form he would be pretty terrifying.

            To put it in perspective Jermar also shuffles and the fastest I clocked him in highlights is the 20.3 mph.

            The fastest offensive player I clocked for the beavs this year was Gould on his fly sweep TD and I had 21.9 mph. Gould has very good sprint form.

          • I think you said the same thing I did. He’s fast if he’s in the clear but he could be faster.

            I don’t think he pulls away from college DBs right now.

          • Brandon Cooks topped 22 mph multiple times earlier in his career. he is likely at or less than 200 lbs., but damn that’s fast.

            What Derrick Henry did at 240 is absurd.

          • Faster than Fenwick, about the same as Baylor and slower than Lowe. I would call him middle tier speed in recent guys with Baylor, JJ, Nall. Top Tier would be AP and Lowe.

            Lowe ran an 11.04 100m as a Junior.

            Gould ran a ridiculous 10.49 as a Junior and a freaking dumb 21.77 200m as a Junior.

  47. PAC-12 Bowl selection process broken down…..

    The high points….

    Oregon must be selected ahead of Oregon State because of the two-game separation.

    — Oregon State (5-4) cannot play in the Sun Bowl, which is bound to pick teams in order of record and is guaranteed to have a 7-2 or 6-3 option available. If the Beavers aren’t picked for the Las Vegas or Holiday, they would automatically fall to the LA Bowl.


    • No mention of the scenario where 10-3 Oregon (with Ohio state road win, Kayvon Thib and being ESPNs darling) getting an at large bid over a 11-2 Pitt or Wake Forest(ACC wins and sub par non conference schedule).
      Not saying it will happen, but could see how they could justifiy it.

    • Always keep recruiting QBs. They may come back to you as a transfer or someone flips and have to go rerecruit guys.

      Nebraska QB into the transfer portal.
      Jack Sears who was a transfer candidate before is in the portal. Might not be a bad candidate to come in and compete in his last year.

    • Probably, but we already have 4 OL commits and Knaak as a good possibility to add to that.
      I dont know if there’s any chance that Strand could be a greyshirt like we’ve done with other OL in past cycles, but maybe that could open a spot for this class?
      My guess is if he flips, it will be to a Washington school

  48. NB – any word on Sterling Lane in terms of home visits or him visiting campus? Does not having a DC slow us down in pursuit of him?

    • No idea if we have a visit lined up. I hope we would.
      Arizona met with him yesterday(or day before? I forget)
      Dad seems to really like Arizona.
      Not having a DC cant help our cause.

  49. Hey all. I can only dive in here at AB for shorts stints while at work. So got a question that might have already been answered.

    How are we doing on defense recruiting? Specifically, are we bringing in any beef (DL’s)?

    I believe DL’s are the key for this team when it comes to winning more games.

  50. 5

    Still seeing new connections to RB Jaydn Ott pop up wrt to Oregon State.
    Add to that USC picked up RB Raleek Brown today, and Ott had been favored to go to USC over Wisconsin.
    Could see OSU being attractive if he wants to stay on the west coast. He and Martinez would be a pretty impressive platoon to throw at teams.

    • 1

      He was hired the same year Jonathan Smith was hired. No confirmation, but the rumor is he was the front runner for a long time before the decision was made on Niner.

      He did a pretty solid job at Virginia. That is a very difficult place to win, especially when you factor in their academic requirements.

        • Not going to lie, a part of me was wondering if he would be interested in a DC role somewhere a la Rocky Long.

          Bronco is an avid horseman and rancher. You would think Corvallis would be right up his alley.

      • No he was hired two years before Smith was hired.
        I never did understand him leaving BYU for UVA. Only went 36-38 while there. Maybe that’s better than they’re used to though.

        • Thanks for the fact check there, I must’ve gotten confused but I do remember reading some credible reports that bronco was seriously considered for the OSU job. From what I remember, he was very interested in the job and leaving BYU at the time.

          Virginia is an extremely difficult place to win, and he seriously elevated that program from where it was before. I believe he even took them to a New Year’s six bowl in 2019, maybe it was the orange bowl?

          It’s a basketball school, and difficult to recruit with the academic requirements. I’m not saying he was the worlds most amazing coach, but I think he had a really good job security there.

  51. 2

    Just did a speed comparison on Ott and Martinez. Ott accelerates faster for sure but Martinez actually looks to have higher top end speed. The difference is Ott looks like a sprinter and Martinez looks more like a freight train. Having these two as a 1-2 punch for a few years would be devastating. Ott is more elusive and Martinez is stronger in contact but both have really good vision and speed. Add Collins into that mix and we have a three headed monster that’s probably better than the current three headed monster.

    Ott had an 11.37 100m junior year.

  52. Reser Stadium Implosion…not like the Beavs blowing a lead. This looks cool!

    This from Steve Clark:
    We are writing to share that work to complete Reser Stadium is underway along with a permitting process to include the implosion of the existing westside stadium between 7 and 8 a.m. on Jan. 7, 2022.

    Instead of using a traditional demolition process to take apart such a large structure and tall roof canopy in pieces, implosion of the stadium by a licensed contractor will contribute to OSU community, worker and public safety during the stadium’s demolition. As implosion occurs, a series of explosive-like popping sounds will take place over approximately two seconds. Following these popping sounds, the stadium structure will safely fall vertically to the parking lot level around the stadium.

  53. 1

    MBB with their first league game against Cal. Andela is probably out for the season with a broken foot. Beavs already down 6-2 on three Cal layups so far.

    • 2

      Yikes feels like the season is unraveling already. Granted I haven’t watched a game yet, just the vibe around it. Elite 8 run isn’t showing up on the mental side for the Beavs this year

    • 2

      Surprisingly they ended the half on a 12-0 run and are only down one. Played some decent defense, but the offense is just random crap. Hunt got stuffed on a drive, but the block came right back to him for an easy shot. Now, I am going to half to watch the second half!

  54. Just turned it back on to check score and beavs down 34-33 at half and outscored cal 12-0 ti end the first half….watch. the beavs will lose by 1 point again….

  55. Beavs down one at half. It amazes me how often Lucas can be uninvolved. 1-2 shooting with 2 points. Not a rebound or an assist. He should be the leading scorer or at least right there with Alatishe (13 points).

    • 4

      Lucas seems lost without Ethan on the court. I wondering if ET got him the ball in good spots last year more than I remember (or paid attention to). Hunt doesn’t seem to have a clue on how to distribute the ball with proper space.

      And just like that, the Beavs are back down ten. Hunt is 3 for 21 on three-pointers this season. Montgomery made an interesting comment on how nobody on OSU talks to each other on the court.

  56. Amazing how this team cannot make a shot after a defensive stop. Cal scores, Beavs score….defensive stop, then nothing….nothing….nothing….

    • 3

      Daschel at The Oregonian had a small article showing how atrocious this team shots the basketball. Down 16 now with 8 minutes left, came out totally discombobulated in the second half. I don’t understand what Tinkle sees in Hunt, yet he’s played most of the game. Tinkle had no plan the year Lil’ Tinks went down and they finished 5-27. This feels the same, no plan on how to replace ET.

      • This feels worse. If the O/U for wins is 5… I’ll take the under. Can’t believe Cal was only favored by 2.5 tonight. That was easy money

  57. I watched that ASU documentary last night. It looks to me like the Beavs are shaving points.
    I need to put some money on the next game before anybody catches on.

  58. 1

    How do you watch that? Oh yeah, morbid curiosity. At least the Beavs aren’t OKC Thunder bad, who lost to the Grizzlies thusly:

    “As the final buzzer sounded at FedExForum, fans stood and cheered more history as the Grizzlies won by the largest margin in NBA history, 152-79. The 73-point win surpassed a 68-point win by the Cleveland Cavaliers over the Miami Heat on Dec. 17, 1991.”

  59. No intensity. Bricks being thrown up left and right, lazy passes stolen, and guys waiting for other guys to do stuff….better shooters in the 40+ league, good god!!!

    • “…guys waiting for other guys to do stuff…”

      That was a comment on OSU @ WSU football. What is with the Beavers being passive bystanders instead of taking action to compete? Perhaps its a leadership issue with both football and basketball?

      • Absolutely no leadership on this team….even Alitishe seems passive and going through the motions.
        The team’s passing lacks creativity — everybody very robotic and predictable — too much trying to force what isn’t there, forcing the scripted play instead of going with the flow. That last possession is perfect example, two guys penetrate but then don’t know what to do once inside….do a head fake and finish, draw a foul, or kick it back outside….or try to pass again to the guy 3 feet away from you, also under the hoop, WTF!

      • WT says as much in an interview after one of the recent beatdowns. Question is, who IS responsible? Hell, shake up the roster give playing time to anyone with a pulse and see what some heart will do, can’t be worse. A loss would just be another loss.

  60. 1-7…..they might go o-fer the rest of the season…..this clearly shows a coache’s strengths and weaknesses. WT inability to get these players on the same page says more about him than it does the players IMO.

  61. 12

    Tinkle is a disaster and a poser at this point, not a program builder.
    He will not get close to what happened last year in another 20 years of coaching, total luck on his part and an anomoly of team chemistry/success based on all other factors.
    ELite 8 run was a really fun time to be a fan, but it is coming at a terrible price that means Tinkle will be in charge for far too long. The only hope is he leaves on his own due to burn out and despair.
    He is bringing in athletes but unable to create a team out of the many parts.

    No need to watch anymore of it. Sub .500 and many lackluster losses are coming down the line for these guys. D1 players who can’t hit the broad side of a barn is offensive to the basketball senses.

    On to baseball…

    • 5

      Seems like two weeks of good basketball has covered up an OSU coaching career filled with mediocrity. GP-2 landed in Tinkle’s lap (Robinson recruit). With the coach’s sons, he had four Top 100 players (Lil’ Tinks, The Thompson Bros, and McLoughlin) and could do no better than around .500. His son gets injured and they go 5-27 and he evaluated Ronnie Stacy and Keondre Dew as D-1 talent. Maybe he can pull another miracle, but I doubt it. The trend would indicate otherwise.

    • I get what you’re saying, but can someone explain to me logically what’s going on? Conference tourney win and essentially manhandling high level teams in the tourney to where we are now. It just seems like bizzaro world that he can’t assemble some sort of offense. Like Mike Montgomery said tonight, the offense is just random and 1:1. Which we’ve seen before.

      • 3

        Logically? It’s pretty easy, he has no replacement for Ethan Thompson, just like he had no replacement for his son during the 16/17 season.

      • I don’t think they man handled teams. They won with defense, making free throws, and timely shots. Are they doing any of those things so far? He probably didn’t think Lucas would disappear. He should have known Hunt can’t be his starting pg.

  62. Well, Bronco Mendenhall left Virginia…didn’t see why so guessing it’s personal. Mediocre 6 year record at a Virginia,

    Coukd he become a D Coordinator candidate? Genuine question, I know he was mentioned in the past as a potential HC candidate.

    I tend to doubt Smith would look to him as a candidate(?), and go more w/someone he’s worked with.

  63. I think I’m going have 2 extra bars of pine tar soap from a batch I made for Christmas gifts. I know some people here loved it and wanted some, but I haven’t had time to make it until now. Here is the thing: if you are a donor to the blog, I will ship you a bar for free. Just shoot me an email with your mailing address and ideally the PP email or something to verify you’re a donor. Ideally I’d send one bar out to two different donors as a gesture of appreciation, but if we don’t have two people that want them, I’ll send them both to one person. First come, first serve!

  64. Looks like OSU is still pursuing Spencer Rattler.
    ASU was the favorite yesterday, but that changed with Daniels sticking around another year. OSU must figure that opened the door a little.
    Still dont think they’ll land him, but you never know

        • Gladly take a flier on him but would we risk losing gulbranson and/or vidlak? I’d rather have gebbia and Nolan move on if rattler is coming in. Not sure how you handle that situation without losing younger talent.

          Clearly not complaint about a former 5 star coming to the Beavs. We need a qb that can make throws. I was surprised to see the minimal improvement by Nolan from last year to this year. It’s not like he is a second year player. He’s already been in the college football scene for a few years.

          • 2

            I want Nolan over rattler. Rattler seems like a cancer to me in terms of locker room presence and such. Maybe not though, if trust the coach’s if he came here, just wouldn’t be super stoked about jt

          • Minimal improvement? That’s unnecessarily harsh. He was better in just about every capacity. He wasn’t perfect, but still at least in the top half of PAC-12 QB’s, if not top quartile.

            …at home, anyway.

  65. The christobal to Miami talk has sure heated up. Probably something to pay attention to Sunday/Monday. Will be a very interesting off-season for the team down south if that has legs.

    • 1

      He’s not leaving. Oregon will do everything he asks. They know they can’t make a home run hire like USC did after all the coaching changes.

      • Miami has an awful lot going for it compared to Eugene Oregon. And than the fact that’s where he grew up and all his family is, with a sick mom….. talent rich state, warm weather, and acc where you just have to beat Clemson and walk into a cfp(Clemson also lost venables). I don’t know Nike brand has some pull but I don’t know if it’s enough

        • In all seriousness if I was being as unbiased as I possibly can be. I think the Miami jump at this moment is one of the better opportunities there is.

          They gotta fire their coach first, which is really weird they’re doing all this without doing that first

          • One thing with Miami, is that they haven’t won in a while and their facilities suck compared to Oregon’s. It’ll only be for family that he leaves. Professionally he’s at a top job. Miami is not a top job.

            And it’s a real bad move by Miami if they talk to Mario when they haven’t fired their coach. They don’t even have an AD right now. Why go somewhere when the person who’s hired to be your boss didn’t hire you.

        • Eugene is a shithole. I don’t even like saying that, but even Corvallis is much nicer.

          The fact that so many highly ranked recruits choose it over other, empirically nicer cities/towns, always makes me wonder what Nike us doing.

          Sure, the football players are in a bubble of modern facilities, but they would be in other rich programs as well.

          I just don’t get why somebody with so many alternatives would choose to move there other than Nike benefits.

      • I wouldnt think so either, but Taggert made the jump from Oregon to FSU after a week of avoiding the topic publicly.
        So now Cristobal is in that same situation. If oregon has an extension on the table like Canzano is saying, why wouldnt Mario accept it and make a public statement he’s staying? Signing day is less than 2 weeks away, having uncertainty about his status cant help his cause at oregon.

        • Than add in the Lincoln Riley to usc thing in the pac12. That’s huge. It likely won’t affect the Beavs that much. But it will hugely affect the ability to recruit for Oregon.

          I’m guessing that about 10+ of the players Oregon has been getting the last 3-4 years will now be going to usc. They’ll keep about 5-10 of the same level and poach another 5ish from the georgia/Alabama/Ohio states. Oregon’s job gets lowered dramatically with a Lincoln Riley At usc

    • 14

      That’s Oregon offering, not Miami.

      They really need to put a cap on PERS for these coaches who get paid as public employees through privately donated money. Such a burdon for taxpayers when they get these massive deals

      • Sometimes I struggle to read. I was going to say though either way, oregon has to keep increasing his salary every year he is rumored for a coaching position. If he really wants to be at oregon isn’t 6m or 8m enough? Now it’s going to be 12 or so if similar to Riley at usc. He doesn’t love oregon. He loves the money and the facilities. If any of us left a job strictly comparing salaries then we don’t care the company we work for.

    • He should wait until Miami fires their coach and then make Oregon up their offer. That’s what I would do if one school really wants me and the other is desperate not to lose me.

      Utimately he stays but Oregon will have to pay a very heavy price.

  66. 1

    Fanbase is pretty split on whether they want a new DC. Seems to be about 54% who think we can do better and 46% who are content with Bray. Based off that Oregon showing if Bray does get the job, pay should be on lower end of range.

    Hope we hear pretty soon about interviews for DC. Smith should be interviewing several qualified candidates with more experience than Bray. Giving that side of the ball serious attention is what program needs to take the next step forward to 8+ wins.

    I could see the announcement within a couple weeks of our bowl game. Maybe if we lose to SDSU or they play us tight, Smith intervies their DC. Lake still has a unique connection to Smith and hasn’t been much smoke about him recently to any particular job. He’ll need to go somewhere and Smith should definitely give him a call.

  67. Given this, it certainly sounds like we’ll be hosting visitors this weekend, but I’ve also had no luck confirming through the usual channels.
    My guess would be transfers and/or Juco guys, but I really have no idea at this point.
    Ott, anybody?

  68. 1

    Despite screwing up a game or two a year, I think if Cristobal keeps having success he has a good chance to replace Saban within the next five years. Which job gives him the best chance to not screw up and get the future Bama gig?

    • But bama recruits itself at this point, a shitty coach and good recruiter is what the toilet bowl has currently going on in Eugene, so that clown show moves to the south, that wouldn’t last long.

      • I would say at this moment in time Miami is head and shoulders going to be the easier job to keep looking good at.

        Oregon is good, but they’re ceiling is lower, and their much higher on the current ladder with a monster in the conference about to explode.

        Miami is a monster that’s at a low. In a recruiting hotbed, nice weather and where you’re from….

        It’s really not that close. Only thing Oregon has going for it is a Nike. And that has pull but I honestly feel like Nike as a brand already reached its own pinnacle and on the Downslide. Not a steep one, but one that in 10 years you will look at and be like, yeah Nike lost its “powers” around this time. Sort of like in the 90s when Jordan was a star and Nike started its upside. But the opposite

        • 2

          Basically like asking Lincoln Riley if Oklahoma is a better job if he was planning to take over at Alabama.

          And Oklahoma is a lot higher on the ladder than Oregon, probably on the Miami level. But leaving Oklahoma, where you’re probably not going to do much better than the last 10 years(granted its really good). But usc has been kicked down massively from their level. They’re top of the ladder with Alabama and Ohio state. He’s going to be a hero for “bringing usc back” whereas staying at Oklahoma, is either same old or you have a “down year” 7-5/8-4 and now no one wants you.

          Similar to helfrich. Had he left after year one. I believe he took them far? He could have gone to a usc easily and made millions.

          Just saying, if I was an agent I’d embed pushing Miami massively over being stagnant at Oregon, with likely only down from this moment

  69. Man if you want some shit football this championship game is all about it. 4 ints in the first half split equally. Criscoballs showed how bad he is with a throwing attempt with 15 seconds left in the half from his 15. Int, field goal, off to the locker room to sign the Miami contract.

  70. I like commentators say after duck ute fracas there was also fracas in beav game…caused by beavs? Wtf? Quick question… Whats the common denominator fucko?

  71. 1

    Cristobal has the pretend concern for his team’s showing, kind of with the cat the ate the canary look along with it.

    I agree with Nuc above, he gone…for about $100 million probably to Miami

  72. Serious question…..

    How exactly does all that 4/5 star talent be the absolute shit kicked out of them in 3 weeks by a combined score of 76-15????

    Enjoy the Alamo frauds. I mean ducks.

        • Not really, several on a quack blog have been calling out mario for his stubbornness and “micro managing”, they especially are down on Brown. No one pointing out the drops and the fact that the quack center (who I wanted at OSU) hurt them tonight.

          Once again, Mario spends a season relying on only one QB and not getting the backup reps. Sorta like Smith but the diff is Mario had opportunities more obvious than Smith.

          Loved seeing the quacks get stomped again, hating seeing #23 get that int. Not impressed with KT, a very good player but not Great, IMHO.
          Oh, and, Utah put on a tackling clinic, again.

          • Hell, even with Brown they went 10-2. Their Stanford loss was unforgivable akin to Beaver’s loss to a shitty Colorado team. Thank you Mario.

            The PAC was a bit of a discombobulated mess this year. There were opportunities for someone to have a really special season, no one seized it, unless you count Utah going to Rose Bowl. There’s nothing wrong with that certainly from an achievement perspective.

    • 10

      They’ll say injuries. They had to play their 2nd string 4/5 star guys instead of the starting 4/5 star guys at several positions.

          • Wow, nice. Too bad the Beavers couldn’t take care of business and get there this year.

            Smith could have really scratched his gambling itch.

            “Smith, going for it on 4th down for a record 10th time, this time from inside his own 15.”

            “Yes Bob, Coach Smith has got an aggressive mindset he said he wants to carryover to his players. And he uses analytics. Just 2 of 9 so far, lets see what happens here. If they don’t get it, he’s putting his defense in another tought position.”

          • Pretty full,, and yes plenty of Mormons, er, ute fans there…

            Better venue, better location, more centrally located for pac teams, more of a destination, enclosed, good decision to move, must not have been Scott’s call

  73. 11

    The ducks have 4&5 star recruits because of nike.
    The ducks are ranked high every year because of nike.
    The ducks are now on espn commercials all the time because of nike.
    The ducks can spend more of uncle phils money and hopefully keep cristobal so they will continue to underachieve .
    Maybe they should recruit 6 star players. Uncle phil could probably make that happen somehow.

    • 1

      I’m surprised they don’t start awarding/assigning “Swooshes.”

      “Nick Pinkerton, 5 Swoosh QB out of Southern Califorina, visiting Ducks this weekend, also received NIL offer….”

      Watch that start happening…

  74. I find Mendenhall’s decision to step away from the game refreshing. I think its healthy when people don’t want to be defined just by their employment:


    I saw in another article where he said it could make him a better person and coach, which implicitly leaves the door open for returning to the game.

  75. 3

    So if the rumors are true that KW is leaving Utah after the rose bowl, do we go after their DC? Seems like a win to me if we can snag him away.

    And if Cristobal leaves do they give the reigns to Moorehead?

    • I imagine the Utah DC would be a HC candidate for the Utes, but I like the idea!

      Toilet seats will go after Matt Campbell at Matt Rhule. They pursued Matt Rhule aggressively in the past, but he elected to go to Baylor. I seriously doubt he leaves the NFL this year.

      Matt Campbell would be scary, but he has turned down better jobs than Spewgene. My guess is that they end up with Wilcox.

  76. Listening to the radio tonight, sounds like Miami is a mess without an AD and can’t decide if they want ti fire Diaz or not. Also sounds like oregon has a qb mess on their hands. Questions about why Thompson never got a cha feel this year so he must not be that good. Might look in the portal. Funny listening to Mario answer questions from reporters about the Miami job.

  77. “I haven’t talked to anybody, so let’s not create narratives as we sit here in this press conference,” Cristobal said after the game. “Oregon’s working on some stuff for me, and that’s what I have right now, and that’s the extent of that conversation.

    “If there’s anything to report, I’d report it. I always have.”

    Let’s not create any narratives here. Like the ducks are actually really good. Or CFP material. Ya know like the narrative has been since beating Ohio State. Despite looking like ass against every opponent since.

    I’d like to report that I HOPE UO is working on some stuff to keep Fraudstobal around forever. Please give this guy a lifetime contract and 50 million a year lol.

    • “Oregon’s working some stuff for me so I can use it in negotiation narratives with other parties after they fire their coach. That’s all I’ve got about that. And I need to go see mom again in the near future.”

  78. 2

    I keep having this reoccurring thought that Nike gets selected for the fiesta and we end up in El Paso. I hope after there showing that isn’t true but Luck of the Beavers

  79. Kayvon Thibodeaux’s stats don’t look special, but I know stats don’t tell the whole story. I don’t see why he’s predicted as a #1-5 pick. Is it that he regularly requires double teams, and has the frame to put on more weight? Special quickness? Was he a legitimate game changer in big games?

    • His size and acceleration combination are pretty special. He was #3 among P5 edge rushers on PFF’s pass rush rankings (behind Hutchinson from Michigan and Bonitto from Oklahoma). He was also the only guy to really shut Colletto down this year, so that counts for something.

      On run defense, he was less special. Good PFF rating, but not anywhere close to the top.

      Psychologically, he seems like a guy with boom/bust potential in the NFL (e.g. the end of the CW game where he was flopping around, getting penalties, refusing to come out of the game, etc.)

      • Also, he has an unusually high missed tackle %. Compared to other players nationwide, he’s average, but not even close to elite DE’s like Hutchinson.

  80. 3

    I don’t get why everyone is excited that Cristobal might leave. He’s a monster recruiter but a terrible coach. If he does leave, there’s an unemployed hall of fame coach from Eugene who has to be thinking about how big a check Nike would give him. I can totally see Chris Petersen come out from retirement for $10 mill a year. He’ll probably bring Lake with him.

    • You make a good point because Nikegon has proven to be an elite destination for recruits no matter who the coach is going to be, so we might as well hope for as bad of an in-game manager as possible. That fits Cristobal to a tee. The Quacks aren’t going back to losing seasons anytime soon as that level of talent is good for 8-9 wins despite bad coaching. I like Nikegon to be in chaos, but it would be good for Cristobal to stay.

      • Helfrich?
        Didnt put much effort into recruiting but was supposed to be a good OC. But they also had a 4 win season with that combo and even lost to a GA Beaver team.

        I’m happy if they have a 2-3 year revolving door at HC. No way to build continuity, plus they often have to replace OCs and DCs during those 2-3 year windows as they try to find the right formula and coaches get poached. Let coaches use them as a stepping stone. It helps prove they aren’t an elite destination when coaches use them to land jobs in the ACC

        • It’s because these aren’t oregon guys. They use Oregon as a stepping stone. Their fans don’t want to hear it.

          I was talking to a true duck fan yesterday (graduated from there and was a fan prior to chip kelly). We were laughing at how bad the state of oregon is at football historically. The states California, Arizona, and Washington have football talent. They should be good.

  81. 6

    You are all missing the boat. Football takes a back seat today because of the huge soccer match. Clemson v OSU. I’ll stick my neck out and predict a final of 1-0. I would watch but am committed to rearranging my sock drawer.

  82. Didnt know this was a thing. Blocking flight paths for private planes?


    “Canes officials, flying around to try to close deals, have requested and succeeded in blocking their plane from tracking from web sites that monitor such things. Their hope is to get commitments from Radakovich, Cristobal in next couple days but both men obviously need to say yes”

    • Weird. Why not take some boosters jet instead of the company jet? It’s not like corvallis when everyone knows you’re leaving town cause it’s the only plane to fly out all week.

  83. Looking through PFF’s advanced passing stats, a very clear picture of Nolan emerges.

    He’s elite at not turning the ball over or getting sacked, has elite accuracy on short passes (under 10 yards), top 30 in the country on intermediate routes (10-20 yards), but he’s one of the worst deep passers in the conference and has a very low “Big Time Throw” percentage. I don’t use the word “elite” lightly, either. He’s a top P5 QB in those categories.

    Two words: game manager. Call him an Elite Game Manager :)

    That said, he very much looks like what Lindgren described he’s looking for in a QB (accuracy first, limit turnovers, run when needed). That raises the question: is this as good as our passing game is going to get?

    • Seems like the question will be….can Nolan improve his long ball accuracy next season (if he’s the starter)? I would also ask if PFF considers the receiver’s ability to create separation on 30 yard plus routes? I would think the Beav receivers would not rate out strong in this category, but I could be wrong.

      • 4

        I remember multiple instances of Nolan missing or not seeing wide open receivers downfield. Our WR’s can improve, but I think the majority of the blame is Nolan’s.

    • I think Nolan has reached his ceiling. He had what I think is perfect conditions for a QB. The line only gave up 10 sacks while producing the conference leading rusher. And it wasn’t because Nolan was escaping and extending plays or taking off to run all the time. They gave up 11 last year. Alabama gave up 33 sacks this year. (Smith should sell this stat to QBs).

      Good game manager is a good description. He can have an occasional breakout game but isn’t going to have them consistently.

      The biggest reason he isn’t a great deep ball thrower is because he doesn’t have a great arm. He can throw the ball far but has to put a lot of air underneath it. His best deep balls have been when he can drop it in. He doesn’t throw a deep post or a deep out. Can’t fit tight windows past 10 yards or throw his receivers open. Longest throw of the year was 67 yards, that was a screen pass to Bradford with 66 yac vs Stanford.

      The goods are that if the receivers get open underneath, he can find them at an extremely high percent. Seems to check into the right plays. He runs the offense they way Smith and Lindgren want. Don’t remember many procedure issues or scrambling to get plays off.

      • To me the qb position was played well enough to win the north this season. The reason we didn’t was the defensive lack of playmakers. Not saying there isn’t good players, but to win the north we have to have some true impact the game players. Julian was looking close. Austin came in late, Wright started early than faded. Linebackers and dline were just average. Obviously roberts was a beast but not big tfl or turnovers created by the front 7. That’s where the difference from 7-5 and this year being 10-2 was.

        Just my opinion. Took a step forward definitely, but that side of the ball will be the true difference next year. The qb position is good enough with Nolan to win the pac12(at least this year) if he gets beat out that means we “should” be in better shape, which would be awesome. But he is more than capable in my opinion.

      • I agree with you on Nolan reaching his ceiling. I hope Gulbranson recovers from his shoulder surgery and is able to participate in Spring drills. Same goes for Gebbia.

        The good news is I don’t think Niner and Lindgren will hesitate (too long) to name a different starter if Nolan doesn’t produce. Noyer was 2nd team Pac12 and lasted 2.5 quarters. Too long, but not as long as what Whittingham put up with on Brewer (3 games).

  84. 1

    Dave aranda just Jonathan smithed the opening drive of the second half. Up 21-6 on their our 36, 4th & 1, decides to go for it. I don’t get it, maybe it’s just not smith making these type of calls apparently

      • Than Baylor gives up a fairly quick score so no it’s 21-13 after they opened the half with the ball.

        If that was Beavs and smith in a championship game this board would explode haha. It is a bad decision though, I don’t get it

    • JS syndrome! It was an awful play call with that roll-out pass, really reduced the size of the field for a throw. Did I hear the announcers correctly that Baylor had been 8 for 9 going for it on 4th down in their own territory?

  85. CB Noble Thomas. Nice to pick up a decent HS CB recruit for once.

    We needed defensive reinforcements and we seem to be getting them!

  86. 2

    With OkayState losing and Alabama possibly losing it looks like the committees are going to be picking between Alabama ND. Reminds me of the south park episode where the choices were a turd sandwich or a d bag

  87. Conference championships just another cash grab. Sucks that many undeserving teams with worse records have a chance to win their respective conferences. Should end at regular season with rightful winners IMHO.

  88. 1

    Cash grabs and helpful for the committee to set up their preferred matchups.

    It will be argued that Alabama now deserves to be in even if they lose. OK St was an interloper and wouldn’t be welcome anyway, nor is Cincy welcome, they are hoping to keep Michigan in to match up with ND.
    Only Clemson is welcome from ACC until Miami rises again,
    only Buckeyes and WOlverines would be welcome form Big10
    only Oklahoma or Texas welcome form Big12, which will soon be irrelelvant and why Riley left to USC,
    only USC and Ducks will be pushed or welcome from PAC12, UW had their chance and will not be back
    It is kind of sad how few teams have actually participated in the playoff, the illusion is that 4 allows for more possibilities, but it really doesn’t

    Any word on a DC for OSU yet? Lake, Mendenhall, SDSU DC?

    Sadly even during the weekend of conference championships, it won’t really be decided on the field…

    • I disagree with this. If Beavs were 12-0 we’d be in the playoffs. Just like okie state had a chance, etc.. just gotta win all the games and you’re their.

      Once you lose 1-2 it definitely is harder for smaller market teams, but the chance is still there for wveryone

      • And you go 12-0 then lose in the conference championship to an 11-1, or 9-3 team…? Don’t think the PAC would get into the CFP at that point….

  89. 3

    And the SEC holding on to the status quo as tight as they can — why change to 8 or 12 team playoff when the bias is so heavily weighted in their favor? I don’t blame them.
    Larry Scott’s inaction has set the PAC-12 back a decade. What the fuck did he do for eleven years outside of setting up the pathetic P12 network….?
    Time for the Big 10, Big 12 and PAC 12 get together and form a juggernaut network….fuck the SEC and all the ESPN bullshit.

  90. I’ll root for Cincy to burst the whole illusion, and beat both Geeorgia and ALabama because they will obviously set it up to avoid an immediate rematch for those 2.
    If Harbaugh doesn’t blow it, Michigan will go in as the #1 vs Georgia probably, and Cincy will be matched with Alabama as the 2-3.

    I’d like to see Adam Sandler get a National Championship…lol and crash the SECESPN propaganda machines

  91. 4

    One thing the PAC12 needs to do to get back in contention is to win out of conference games.

    Overall the conference had a losing record. Only Oregon went 3-0 in non con. That’s what the other conferences have been doing.

    Maybe the conference should follow the sec schedule. Have a out of conference cupcake opponent around the end of the season. Upsets are rare bc teams have played a lot.

  92. I watched Georgia and Alabama. I’m glad we didn’t have to deal with the O and D lines of either one. I do, however, wonder where Alabama get the thousands of robotic women baton twilers.

  93. I’m just getting a chance to catch up on things. I saw the ducks got destroyed and we hate Wayne’s Tinkle again.

    What did I miss?

  94. So it looks like Utah State and Oregon State in LA Bowl on 12/18 – according to the bowl projections. Watched Utah State destroy SDSU in MWCC yesterday – this game won’t be any push-over as SDSU is a a pretty good team as well. The PAC 12 looks to have some good competition overall in the bowl games; Ohio State – Utah should be a good Rose Bowl and I think I saw Oregon – Oklahoma, too. Stoops looks ready to coach again, if his appearance at the Big 10 championship was any indication.

    • I really hope Beavs can pull the Vegas bowl somehow. Holiday would be awesome too. Just want a p5 matchup. Not trying to disrespect Utah state as I know their good and deserving of it. Just doesn’t get the juices flowing like a p5 team. Feels more like a non conference week 2 matchup. And not a super exciting one at that. Now if GA was there, oh man that’d be awesome

    • Will Oklahoma be missing their best 3-4 wide receivers? Seems like they all hit the portal. Wonder what an Oklahoma team will look like.

  95. If Smith took this long to shut down a rumor or sign an extension I’d be saying see ya later, you obviously don’t want to be a part of t he program. I know MC said nothings on the table from Miami so nothing to address but he could easily say Oregon is where I want to be and I’m confident we will get an extension signed.

    Conzano slowing changing his tune. Now projecting a MC replacement (Chip).

  96. 2

    Ok, next year or two may present as good or better opportunity as this year to win the PAC. UW in transition, UO in transition and likely to lose major roster pieces to transfers…USC in rebuild mode and in the south. Utah may lose its head coach to retirement.

    2022 Schedule:
    Home slate with about half of Reser standing: Boise state, Montana State (in Portland), Cal, USC, WSU, Oregon.
    Road: Fresno state, ASU, Stanford, Utah, UW.

    2023 has an easier non Con and Pac Schedule – https://fbschedules.com/ncaa-2023/team/oregon-state

    I hope D transfers Chatfield and Oliver are bringing some speed next year?

    Smith needs to take the off-season to work on his gambling addiction and get Lake or better as a DC. I wouldn’t settle on Bray at this point.

    • 1

      Coaching carousel continues to spin, but the major dominoes will fall in the next couple of days. Clemson will hire a new DC once Venables leaves for Oklahoma. Florida and others are pursuing the Houston DC very strongly.

      If Cristo-balls leaves, Wilcox will pursue that job strongly. I don’t think he would be their #1 choice. My guess is Matt Campbell or Tom Herman.

      I don’t feel Bray is the best DC candidate, but I guess this is why Niner is making the big bucks. It’s interesting that Noble Thomas, when asked why he flipped to OSU, said that he loved the defensive scheme. Was this a hint that Bray will be the hire? Or was he sold on something generic like “aggressive man-to-man on the outside” kind of scheme?

      • Probably not Campbell or Hermann. Hermann said he wants to stay in the NFL (he doesn’t like recruiting, ala Chip) and Campbell is widely thought to only want a Midwest job. He didn’t leave for Notre Dame, UW, etc…I doubt Nike will be any different.

      • I’m surprised there’s not a show on ESPN to announce all bowl game selections at one time since they own 80% of them. Maybe there is and I can’t find it?

    • I remember reading something in the summer of ’20 where he announced he was sponsoring a bowl game (it was canceled last year). I don’t know if that means he actually ponied up his own money or his network did it? I can’t imagine it’s that good of an advertising investment.

  97. Bad matchup for Beavs, and horrible timing as early signing date is 12/15 and bowl game is 12/18.

    Not much time for both recruiting and bowl preparation, coaches will be stretched for time and attention.

    Utah St has a qb that just throws all over the field, may have chances for ints but more likely a repeat of WSU game and our dbs will get burned a couple of times then back off about 15 yds for the rest of the game.

    Beavs offense will need to win this game by getting an early lead and grind the clock by running Baylor a lot, if Beavs spot a quick 10-14 pts for Utah St, I think Beavs will be in trouble.

    • Beavs will be in trouble so long as there is no pressure on the U State QB, nothing new here……sadly.
      Agree, the O will have to win this one if there aren’t significant improvements on D.

      Spot on regarding timing, a lot will depend on the team leaders to have the squad ready. Wonder how many upperclassmen are on the Utah St roster?

  98. MBB against Arizona just started. Already behind 5-0. Wildcats hit an open three, Silva missed from three feet away. Nothing to see here, I guess.

    Davis starting, Hunt on the bench. Beavs actually up now,

  99. We actually shut down a really good MWC QB earlier in the season against Hawaii. I know USU is better, but as long as their QB isn’t De Laura, I think we have a pretty good chance.

  100. USU’s QB is really bad under pressure. Makes a “turnover worthy play” about 10% of the time and has a really bad completion percentage.

    Time for Bray to do his thing and blitz all day.

    • Bonner? He threw 36 TD’s to 11 picks. Solid ratio at Arkansas St also. He’s a good Group of Five QB. You’re right, he will pick the Beavs apart if Bray lets him sit back there.

  101. Looks like Jemar Jefferson attempted a pass and had one carry for 4 yards in Lions’ first(?) victory if the season in a win over Minny.

  102. These refs aren’t doing OSU any favors, ignoring fouls on the Beav end and calling it all for Zona. I guess you don’t get the calls when you don’t run an offense.

  103. 2

    Nobody cares what the result will be for the LA Bowl – having the team in that market should be a huge plus for recruiting, throw in being on broadcast when half the country will be attending holiday parties of some sort and the game will be on – throw in some trick plays (perhaps throw in a “Guilermo” or “Matt Damon” audible call and you’re gold.


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