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Basketball: Portland State @ Oregon State


Tip-off tonight is 7pm local time.

PSU beat common opponent CSUB by 14 point, Beavs beat them by 24. The transitive property doesn't apply, but if it did, Beavs by 10.

Beavs are 11-0 all-time versus PSU, and PSU is 4-45 all-time versus Pac-12 schools.

Considering this is one of the best beaver teams in 20 years, I don't think this is the year Portland State ends their drought. Beavs should take care of business handily. Figure a 20 point win at minimum.

Recruiting News


From the Oregonian:

The junior college early signing period for mid-year transfers begins Wednesday, and the Beavers hope to pick up commitments from several juco prospects that have already made their official visits.

December graduates looking to sign during the early period include: Walnut (Calif.) Mt. San Antonio College wide receiver Alonzo Agwuenu and defensive lineman Visesio Salt; and Palm Desert (Calif.) College of the Desert linebacker Cade Cowdin.

Looking ahead to January, expect the Beavers to make a heavy push for defensive players. Of the 16 players currently committed, 11 play on offense.

Some players who are expected to make a trip to Corvallis next month include 4-star DB Marcus Rios and 3-star DE Nate Lese both from Elk Grove, Calif., ATH Jonavaughn Williams from San Juan Capistrano, Calif., and 3-star DB Kevin Peterson from Wagoner, Okla.

Marcus Rios is the big news.

At this point, I feel safe saying the Beavs have little shot with Salt or Williams (and probably Peterson, too).

Basketball: Howard @ Oregon State



I’m on the road, so I don’t have the time to do a comprehensive write-up for Howard. The key points for them are that they are young, fairly active on defense, and they have about 20% focus in any given game… meaning they will find about seven or eight minutes where they will click and make a run.

Fortunately for the Beavs this run will not mitigate the other 80% of the game. Howard will miss a lot of shots, and they will lose the handle a lot. It may not be pretty.

The long and the short of it? The Beavs should win pretty handily.

Beavs 86 – Bison 64


There was a time not long ago when fans fretted Howard. Now we're licking our chops. Can the Beavs put up 100? Will they win by 40? These are the questions, rather than "Will they win?" It's refreshing. Hopefully the team isn't overlooking these guys like I am.

I'm with JackBeav: 80 something to 60 something.

No TV for tonight's game, but I believe it's available via the official site's stream.

New Commit (??)


Dyllon Mafi. JC Linebacker. Rumored to have committed.

Here’s his film.


He looks fast and gets off blocks fairly well. Another off the grid/low hanging fruit recruit, though. Not what we need or want to see out of Riley & co. He has zero stars and no D1 offers.

Email of the Day


This guy is so kind, I just had to share it. Beaver fandom at it's greatest! Can't you just feel the family atmosphere radiating from this fella?

Angry Beaver,

    Why so angry? I know Mike Riley, I have since 1979 when my brother played football at Linfield College. You are talking about a man who has dedicated his whole life to the game of football, but mostly because he loves coaching young men and helping them to succeed. I grew up in a family where my dad was a head coach of a local 5 A high school baseball team. In 22 years he had only two teams that won the Valley League. My brother was a two time All-American at Linfield College, Riley was the Defensive Coordinator during that time at Linfield, under legendary coach Ad Rutchman. The coaching philosophy Ad Rutchman instilled into Mike Riley is this; "If we work hard and continue to get better and each man does his job and executes it on any given play, beating his man, then that play will bring you positive results , even if the defense knows it is coming" I ve seen it work time and again at Linfield, where they have numerous National Championships and the longest season winning streak in the history of College Football, some 60 years and counting. When my brother played, I saw Linfield run the same play 10 times in a row, only moving from the left and right sides, the defense knowing it was coming and couldn't stop it. Linfield blowing the D-line back as the running back gained 8 to 20 yards a clip.
     I belive in Riley's system, and I know you have seen it work before in the past. Looking back these last two seasons, Riley has had a lot to deal with losing guys to injuries and other things that were in or out of his control. I m not making excuses for him, but he is one of the most respected coaches in the NCAA by other coaches and anybody who is somebody in college football. Just in that says volumes, I believe that the problem with Oregon State is not Riley, but Oregon State itself. Corvallis, and Oregon State is a hard sell for most recruits wanting to play Division I football. Seriously would you go to Corvallis if you had a chance to play at USC? Every coach will have to deal with this whether it is Riley or Nick Saben, it doesn't matter. So getting the 5 star recruits will always be a problem for Oregon State until they get that break out season and win a Rose Bowl, believe me Riley knows this and knows where the team is and where it needs to be.
      Right now is an interesting time in Oregon State Football, with the young kids and this recruiting class, I do think Riley and Company will have a chance with the players he has now and the ones coming in. I like the mix with so many freshmen who are getting the chance to play. Think about how good Sean Mannion could be in his senior year with the offensive line that is coming in with Agnew or Chris Brown running up and down the field opening routs for Brandin Cooks beating up the opponents secondary. Or Scott Crighton as a 4 time All Pac-12 Defensive End as he eyes the NFL. How about Jordon Poyer as he continues to hone his D-Back skills and everyone calls him "Pick Six." Yes I see positive things on the horizon at Oregon State and I can't wait to see it unfold these next few years. It is very exciting to me watching this team get better.
     As far as the X's and O's, well think about how you would set up a game plan , and how you would make decisions on the fly during any given game and situation. Now remember that our coaching staff has hundreds of years in experience in coaching football as well as making those types of decisions.  Now when it comes to coaching and you are winning and you have the right guys in the right spots with good experience, it is easy to coach, you can basically throw a football out onto the field and say "Go get-em boys!". That is the best case scenario, now imagine this year and the situation with the injuries, losing Quizz, Katz with the inability to be consistent, starting all those freshmen and  all the other things in between. So as a coach you have to make decisions with all these intangibles, not knowing if your players are even going to be able to execute. You can't pull Remmers if you don't have a suitable back up, or if you do its like letting the D-tackle in on every play.
     I really don't think the problem with Oregon State is calling the X's and O's, if Riley has the right guys in there, the team has success, you and I have seen it in the past. Look how Quizz came in  and had so much success with the running game these past years. Now all of a sudden Quizz is gone and Riley has a problem calling a game because our running game stinks, come on you're an intelligent guy, do you really think we now have a problem with game calling when your O-line can't block anybody and you can't find a guy who can run the ball? As far as Riley with his Game Plans, well Riley is one of the best coaches when it comes to studying an opponent and coming up with a game plan. He believes strongly in his homework like a coach should and he seldom deviates from the game plan, look at his bowl record. Yes he doesn't make many adjustments during the game, when it comes right down to it, the difference between a good game plan and a bad game plan is execution.If you don't carry out those things that make a difference in the ball game you are going to lose, no matter what adjustments you make on the game plan.  When people start talking about Oregon State in those regards, well to me it only shows  how the guy who wrote the comment is uneducated when it comes to football. Unfortunately I see a lot of that on your website. I believe fans like players need to believe in their coaches and the program, not tear it apart with nonsense rhetoric about how Riley and company can't coach when the players did not execute.Even the players know its not the coaches. So what a waste of time when a website gets critical of a program when it needs its support for the program so it can  be successful, it is very elementary. As much as I hate to admit it, University of Oregon fans get it and we don't because we want to be critical of something that is out of our control any way.
       I really dislike the Riley haters and all the talk about how he should lose his job, and to be honest if he doesn't get it done soon , well then Oregon State will need to look for changes at that point, not now. This has no bearing on the fact that I like Riley, I would feel the same if it was Erickson or anybody else. We want the next coach to know Oregon State is a good place to coach, not a place that gets rid of you after a couple of bad years. To be honest, I think we are lucky to have Riley, not many of the top notch coaches in Div-I football would come and coach at Oregon State, and those guys who want Riley's head, well be careful you don't know who we may get in return. Im old enough to remember the Avazono, Kraigthorpe and Pettibone years. Is Riley Oregon State's version of Joe Paterno? well I don't know, but I do know this, to have a program like that of Penn State , before this year, our team would need way more support then what it is getting right now. If we are going to be that kind of fan, well I think you would agree we need to support our team, even to the point of blind faith if we are true Beaver Fans. That is what fans are about, not second guessing the coach and posting critical comments on a website labeled Angry Beaver? I always liked how Oregon State fans had it figured out, not like our cousins from Eugene who win the Rudest fans in the Pac-12 year in and year out, with their bush league and arrogant behavior.
     Well thats about all I wanted to say to the creators of this web site and I hope this enlightens you a bit on how us Beaver Fans need to be, and I hope you were able to take some of these things and do a little soul searching and figure out how this web site could attract more then the bottom feeders and really get some good positive blogging going on supporting our team and our coaches as we watch this team improve and get us to respectable bowl game.