Home Football Early Signing Day

Early Signing Day


For those who don’t know, this will span Dec 18th through the 20th, and Nationally 80% of recruits are expected to sign this year. In a way this has replaced the standard, February signing day. So it’s a pretty big deal.

Go Beavs.


Will update the status of the verbal commits throughout the day.

verbal Alex Lemon (JC)
SIGNED Alton Julian (JC)
SIGNED Ben Gulbranson
SIGNED Chance Nolan (JC)
SIGNED Cooper Darling
SIGNED Isaiah Newell
SIGNED Jacob Ferenczi
SIGNED Jake Overman
verbal Joe Quillen (transfer)
SIGNED John Miller
SIGNED Johnathan Riley (JC)
SIGNED Junior Walling
verbal Korbin Sorensen (transfer)
SIGNED Rejzohn Wright (JC)
SIGNED Ron Hardge III (JC)
SIGNED Shane Kady
SIGNED Silas Bolden
SIGNED Sione Lolohea
SIGNED Taliese Fuaga
SIGNED Tavis Shippen (JC)
SIGNED Tommy Spencer
SIGNED Trevor Pope
SIGNED Zeriah Beason

SIGNED Charles Moore


  1. Not expecting any surprises good or bad. Miner seems solid with his recruits. Andersen was more white knuckled, someone was always going to flip a the last minute.

  2. Signees thus far:

    Signee Roster
    Beason, Zeriah WR 5-11 195
    Bolden, Silas WR 5-8 150
    Spencer, Tommy TE 6-6 250
    Newell, Isaiah RB 6-1 210
    Gulbranson, Ben QB 6-3 220
    Nolan, Chance QB 6-3 200
    Darling, Cooper OL 6-4 310
    Fuaga, Taliese OL 6-6 325
    Walling, Junior ILB 6-1 230
    Hardge, Ron DB 6-2 185
    Riley, Johnathan DB 6-3 185


    Julian, Alton DB 6-3 200
    Lolohea, Sione DL 6-3 235
    Overman, Jake TE 6-4 235
    Shippen, Tavis DL 6-3 290
    Pope, Trevor WR 6-2 170
    Miller, John ILB 6-1 220

    Wright, Rejzohn DB 6-3 175 just signed

    • He is currently enrolled and officially joins the team in January.
      Not sure if he will have a ceremonial signing announcement since they announced him in 2019

  3. Kady and Alex Lemon are the remaining to sign. If NB is right, Alex won’t sign due to eligibility issues. no surprise signings, and no last minute flips either way. Glad to have an uneventful quick signing day.

    • Seriously.

      Having so many high quality JC guys actually be solid and sign is so foreign. Still always have that feeling that they’re going to flip at the last minute.

      Maybe someday the Riley shitstains will wash out of my Beaver underoos.

      • I am already past the previous regime’s mantras of recruiting. The fact that the only player that is currently in the Transfer Portal to vacate OSU is Smalls, and he was originally a GA/Hall then JS recruit, while the others were strictly GA recruits tells me majority if not all the players that came in 2018 and 2019 class have bought into this coaching staffs plan. Look at Nebby’s or TPB’s transfer portal and 5 2018/2019 recruits are jumping ship. Looks like Frost’s coaching style and philosophy may not be everything that he’s selling recruits is 100% what they’re wanting to sign on for at Nebraska. We’ll just have to wait and see in the next 2 years how his recruits actually pan out. I remember Nebraska fans saying Avery Roberts and Tyjon Lindsay were high recruits but did absolutely nothing special while at Nebraska; if nothing else were completely garbage. Interesting how a little coaching and mentoring a player helps them succeed. I could see Tyjon Lindsay having a breakout year next year and becoming more clutch now that we have the QB’s and not having to play second fiddle to Hodgins. just my $0.02

  4. I miss the live streams they did on signing day a few years back. It was Parker, which sucked, but he’d interview the coaches and get their take on players. This new format is a big nothing burger in terms of excitement or insight.

    • I think the NU to OSU transfers has fizzled out. If anything, any recruits that signed elsewhere but OSU wants to transfer in a few years, I guarantee you Coach Smith’s staff will look into re-recruiting them for their services depending on why they are transferring.

  5. 15

    Nemec and duck fans are calculating different scenarios to see how high the ducks class ranking could eventually be.
    I’m not kidding. “If we add player x and player y, we’ll move our points up 3.7534 and our ranking will climb to 10! 9 will be tough to crack, but 10 is still possible, yay!”

    For this reason, i do appreciate the low drama signing day OSU had

    • 8

      It’s all about status and glamour for Duck fans. It’s the culture that Phil built. So glad to not be a part of that. I too appreciate the low drama, high performance culture Smith is building.

      • 9

        Yes… couldn’t agree more. We would hate to be 10-2, rated #6 and playing in the stupid old Rose Bowl. Who needs that type of hype and publicity? Much better win a few games and be home for the Holidays every year.

    • What a concept that you sign all the players in one day who have been committed to your school the whole time. You can tell they know how to recruit and get recruits to trust, buy in, and believe in the staff with the commitment and signing of Rejzohn Wright today. Commits yesterday and signs the next day. That’s making a decision and sticking with it.

    • Anecdotally, it seems like the “drama” signings we had in the past never worked out. Even a lot of the guys that we lost out on during the stupid hat-picking ceremonies don’t seem to have realized the potential the recruiting services hyped.

      Can anyone think of a counter-example?

      • Not a counter, more an example. Owa Odighizuwa was one we missed on that really hurt at the time. He had an alright career but nothing to write home about. Hes in the NFL but I don’t think he has ever recorded a stat.

        • Ridiculous drama queen hat picking ceremony bullshit.

          The best thing ever would be to call that attention whore on his cell when he’s sitting in the gym in front of his cameras and tell him you’re pulling his offer.

    • 1

      I mean it’s fun to play with the math but at some point it’s a useless number. Like you said on Twitter the stars are maybe a third. How they got in the system, coaching, conditioning and their own intangibles mean more than stars with eventual success of an individual or team.

      Anyone who thinks it really matters how many stars they collect should just play Mario lol

      • 3

        So we are back to the Riley motto?

        Come in at 2 or 3 stars, leave as 5 stars

        Overall this class has a lot of guys who would be stars at non power 5 schools. Pretty much all the high school guys will redshirt. Only Newell looks to be a college ready guy and he looks more like a linebacker than RB. Sounds like he wants to be a RB though. If he can catch, he’ll be a superstar.

        I always say it but if JC guys don’t come in and start right away, it’s a waste of a scholarship. Good to see most will arrive in January. Hopefully Nolan can push Gebbia in the spring. QB battles make for good seasons.

        • 6

          I think getting guys that fit the system is better than chasing stars. Also chasing stars and ending up with no recruits is a bad strategy for a low/mid tier P5 school. I guess you think stars mean a lot but mostly it shows who has offered, measureables and how many camps a kid can get to. I think your assessment of our class is wrong but whatever, we will find out next year. I also don’t see whats wrong with a freshman redshirting? Isn’t that just a sign that we have proven depth that they can’t beat out immediately?

          • Agree 100%. I would much rather have guys come in that are tall, lean, and can add muscle in their redshirt year by becoming gym rats vs. 4-5^ players who may seem like they have the right size and weight, but may be the wrong weight aka fat like Elu Ayden. I also recall JS stating that they’re looking for kids that aren’t done growing and are multi sport athletes. So by being a multi sport athlete, they may not get to go to winter workouts and spring/summer camps like other kids who are strictly 1-2 sport athletes. When I played Football, Basketball and Baseball from 3rd grade all the way to my 6th to 8th grade year, I was in much better shape for the football season than when I got to high school and became just a Football player. I got lazy in the off season and didn’t continue to run in the winter and spring like I had when I was in grade school to middle school. So it’s all about priorities and desires from the kid who’s playing the sport(s) and which one matters the most to them. Look at Dukart. He was a football player at first at OSU, but then switched back over to baseball when he felt he was better suited for it.

            Remember Jordan Poyer? He played Football AND Baseball at Oregon State. Remember a guy by the name of Terry Baker? Ya, He played Football and Basketball at Oregon State in his time.

        • 3

          Realistically, there are no flashy highlight reels in this recruiting class. Lolohea is probably as close as it gets. What’s mildly concerning is the skill positions, where you’d expect at least some flash in the film, are solid, not spectacular. This even applies to highly rated guys like Beason, Newell, and Gulbranson.

          BUT, the group checks a lot of other boxes. The competitive offer sheets are a promising sign, there aren’t really many ‘weak links (aka Friends of the Riley family),’ and we got positions of need, especially JC guys.

          Overall, we seem to be trending in the right direction compared to the last few years.

          • I think with this new group of JC’s our defense will take another jump upwards. I expect the Offense, with the loss of Hodgins and the uncertainty of the OL to drop off a little.

          • I don’t see a drop off. 2 legit P5 QB’s at the helm next year will open this offense up more this next season. More QB designed draw plays, more roll outs, maybe even a 2 QB or 2 RB set with 2 TE’s for goalline/short yardage situations. Special teams and punting is where I’m the most concerned about right now. Offense and Defense will both look and feel different next season. New wrinkles, fresh ideas that are more of what Lindgren wants to run. Remember, the offense the last few seasons were designed around what the offensive personnel was available. Now we have faster WR, more/taller TE’s, and still deep at RB. Bring on 2020.

          • Well, you missed a major pun opportunity not saying the WRIGHT direction.

            Otherwise not sure why you got down thumbed. The only video from this class besides Sione that got a big reaction from me was Fuaga pasting 150 lb freshmen all over.the field. I saw plenty of video I liked but wasn’t wowed by much.

          • Fuaga’s video made me think of a recruit from a long time ago (early MR2 days). Michael Marks was an OL from Oregon who went to a tiny school and played 7v7 ball, but he was something like 6’3 280 in HS.

        • This isn’t Nick Saban and Alabama. It will take winning and trust to get some better recruits. The improvement on the field and in the recruiting department is promising.

          Question: If we take off our orange colored glasses, where do honestly think Oregon State should rank nationally and in the conference in recruiting? Given the talent in the state of Oregon and the location of the school compared to other Pacific-12 schools, where should be the Beavs be? I know we have a better team than recruiting rankings show but if you were a casual fan where would you expect it to be?

          • If I were a Big10 or SEC fan and looking at the Pac-12 I would expect Oregon State to be somewhere in the range of 8 or 9 in the conference and maybe 50 in the Nation. So I think they are doing about as well as outside expectations would guess. If we could consistently get to 5-6 in conference and 35-40 nationally we can compete Every few years with some player development. I would be good with that.

        • Riley’s classes were always peppered with half a dozen or more 2 star guys. I can never remember an OSU class that was all 3-star and better.

        • 1

          The go-to response to “muh for star bettr then yer three star” hole bullshit:

          You pick-

          3* Marcus Mariota


          4* Braxton Burmeister


          0* Vernon Adams

          • I can’t rennet where I saw it but there is a direct correlation between stars and plying in the NFL. Obviously there are 5* busts and 2* first rounders but they are few and far between. I wish i could say stars don’t matter but there is a reason Alabama, Clemson, and Ohio St are at the top of the rankings and top tier programs. We don’t need 5* guys but we do need 3-4 4* each year to become really competitive.

    • I get the feeling when Smith took over we shy’d away a bit just due to the pre-madonna aspect, but the main thing that happened is Herm being hired by ASU. Ocho’s close to Herm.

      • Pre-madonna would be prior to 1983. I was at OSU at the time watching Craig Fertig and Joe Avezzano make poo all over themselves.

        Of course you meant “prima donna” which is Italian for “first lady” referring to the star soprano of the opera.

        Normally I let this stuff go, but work sucks right now and I’m feeling ornery. Looking forward to my Christmas break.

  6. Was looking at Pac-12 ranking and USC was 12th and 78th nationally.

    USC only had 11 commits, is there enough unsigned talent left out there for them to significantly upgrade there class?

  7. 2

    I’m amazed how the d-cks are able to get 5 star recruits to come to Eugene! They got 2 in this recruiting class. There’s much more going on than just free clothes and futuristic looking facilities! It’ll be interesting what the Prima Donna types will do if they’re not getting the playing time they want. I think some will enter the transfer portal in years to come.

  8. Also, I’ll be watching the film on these guys and ranking them over the next few days. Any of them possible academic casualties or switching positions?

    • Thanks, sounds like a nice way to kill some time before going to bed.
      What’s the men’s team’s best win?
      They keep touting their record, which is pretty good with only 1 loss, but aren’t these all games they should be winning as a Pac12 team? And why is our non con schedule such garbage?
      It’s exactly how I’d like to see the football team schedule non-con games, but in basketball the lack of quality opponents is pretty lame and doesnt help the resume for post season play.

        • Women have a nice schedule, but I’m wondering about the men. I watched the first couple of games but got annoyed after watching the half hearted effort against Oklahoma.
          Has Ethan Thompson found his shooting touch yet?

          • Yes. He’s made something like 44 of his last 68 FG’s.

            Agree about the Oklahoma game. Stanford blew them out by 25.

            They seem to lack focus too much. They should win these last two non conference games. Texas A&M is 4-1 at home though.

            Still think this is an NIT team at best.

            Utah leading Kentucky with just over 5 minutes left tonight. I think them, Oregon and Arizona are the top teams in the Pac. Im not sold on Colorado either. Cal, WSU and ASU are terrible. Everyone else is just meh imo.

            St Mary’s curb stomped ASU by 40 tonight.

      • I think the MBB scheduling was actually well done. The tougher non-conference opponents this year are better than last year’s.

        ISU and Oklahoma were both considered tourney teams before the season. ISU will count as a Q2 win come March. We’re their worst loss and the only one outside the top 25 (the others being Michigan, Iowa, and Seton Hall, who they beat the week after they lost to them).

        I think the rest of the scheduling logic is that to make it out of the P12 and into the tourney, you’re probably going to have to get at least 4 quality wins, anyway. Why not pad your win total with the rest of your games? Playing a schedule like Oregon’s this year wouldn’t help us. Realistically, we’re not a tournament-quality team until the depth starts stepping up, and it usually takes 10 games or so for that to materialize.

        The challenge now will be to take care of business against the better P12 teams at home. We’ll need wins over the likes of Arizona, Oregon, Utah, and Stanford to even be a bubble team.

  9. Who’s our best recruiter? Seems like an impressive haul in the secondary. Was that all Coach Blue? I knew nothing about him prior to the hiring. Big upgrade!

    • Idk about best but I don’t see any that did nothing. They don’t only recruit position either, looks like they take regions and use their connections.

      Someone else might know better but as far as contact goes it seems like whatever coach has a connection or the region makes contact then the position coach is brought in to help sell. Smith is Keria Sedgwick (closer).

      • 1

        This seems different from the past two regimes. Riley always had a few active recruiters and a few guys that were strictly ex-NFL ‘coach-only types.

        GA-era recruiting was basically just Brennan, Hall, and Kauha, with Lockette getting RB’s from Florida.

      • Seems like it’s a group effort. All coaches are asked to recruit. Initial recruiting is region/pipelines. Then it’s identifying the talent within that region based on the needs of the team. Then once those players are identified, the coach in charge of that region gets in contact first then gets the position coach involved with giving the recruit the contact information. After that, it’s up to Coach Smith to go and visit with the position coach and/or region coach to get the commitment and assure the parents. It’s a methodical approach and it’s obviously working.

    • I dont know if he’s on scholarship or not. Or if they want him on OL vs DL. He’s played both, but also not your typical Pac12 level athlete. It may be just an opportunistic addition of a guy who wanted to come home for school. And it just so happens that his younger brother will be one of the better in-state OL recruits next year.

      • Sorry, what I mean to ask is he in? I’m working on my rankings, and I don’t want to spend time on guys who aren’t in.
        Is Lemon the only casualty? Do you guys know if any of these guys plan to change positions? That will help in ranking them.

        • Oh, yeah, I think you can count he and Sorensen as in.
          My guess is the team learned the hard way with Devon Williams, that you don’t announce a transfer until they have actually attended a class at OSU. Otherwise they could still technically back out of their commitment.

        • Nothing official but here’s where I have them.

          Sione – OLB
          Shane Lady – OLB
          Qiillen – DT/DE(Not big enough to compete with guys on roster at OL)
          Newell – hybrid rb/wr
          Beason – WR/S

          • NuclearBeaver

            Nothing official but here’s where I have them.
            Sione – OLB
            Shane Lady – OLB

            Is Shane Lady gender fluid? He would be playing LBGBT……..

          • Haha, you can always tell when I’m posting without music or s podcast going. My type of dyslexia is cured with secondary attention lol. Sometimes I’ll go back and fix them at my desktop but they are usually too amusing

  10. 1

    WannaBeav mentioned that our class is all 3 star and that its a big change from Riley who brought in lots of projects. Here are my findings based on Rivals rankings (247 only goes back to 2009). Second set of numbers is NFL players in class by star (practice squad minimum).

    2020 – 4 (1) 3 (16) 2 (3)
    2019 – 4 (1) 3 (12) 2 (8) 0 (1)
    2018 – 3 (14) 2 (8)
    2014 -3 (19) 2 (10)) NFL: 3 (2) 2 (1)
    2013 – 4 (1) 3 (21) 2 (3) NFL: 4 (1) 3 (3) 2 (1)
    2012 – 4 (2) 3 (16) 2 (5) NFL: 4 (1)
    2011 – 4 (1) 3 (15) 2 (9) NFL: 4 (1) 3 (2) 2 (2)
    2010 – 4 (4) 3 (12) 2 (2) 0 (2) NFL: 4 (1) 3 (3) 2 (1)
    2009 – 4( 1) 3 (10) 2 (13) NFL: 3 (3) 2 (2)
    2008 – 5( 1) 3 (9) 2 (7) NFL: 3 (3) 2 (1)
    2007 – 4 (2) 3 (16) 2 (16) NFL: 4 (1) 3 (1) 2 (2)
    2006 – 4 (2) 3 (14) 2 (14) 0 (3) NFL: 4 (2) 3 (6) 2 (2) 0 (2)
    2005 – 4 (3) 3 (8) 2 (11) 0 (7) NFL: 4 (2) 3 (1) 2 (2) 0 (2)
    2004 – 4 (2) 3 (17) 2 (12) 1 (3) 0 (1) NFL: 4 (1) 3 (1) 2 (4)

    Edit: Missed Collin Kelly in 2008

    • Are the players listed strictly based on numbers signed? Or players who actually made it onto the field at some point?
      Like in 2010, we had 4 x 4* players? Besides Mannion, did any of the other 3 ever play? Shaydon Akuna, Thomas Molesi, Happy Iona.

      Was just looking at our 2011 class on 247. They had Dylan Wynn ranked higher than Brandin Cooks, and both were 3* players on that site. I know Dylan wasn’t amazing, but any guy who starts for a P5 team all 4 years and holds his own is a 4* player in my book.
      And Cooks a 3*? Was it because he decommitted from UCLA and lost a star for becoming a Beav?

      • Shaydon Akuna, Thomas Molesi, Happy Iona. People above asked about misses.
        Those are three guys I missed on big time. Though did Molesi qualify? I don’t think he did. Not sure if Iona qualified either. Akuana is one of my bigger misses. I actually saw flaws in his game but fell for the star rating…gotta learn from that.

        • I think we all thought Akuna was the second coming of Troy Polamalu. I remember he lost 3 inches and 25 lbs between his recruiting profile and showing up on campus. I don’t think Molesi or Iona ever showed up on campus.

        • Akuna had at least three concussions and had to retire. Tough to say what he might have become without that. As mentioned, Molesi and Iona didn’t even get here.

          Your worst miss that I recall was Tyler Trosin “Notes: Extraordinary body control and hands. Good speed. uncanny ability to get open. high football i.q & winning h.s. program. Staying healthy will be his biggest d1 challenge. Tyler Trosin is, in my opinion, the top prospect in this class. ” Over Cooks, among others.

          Though, to be fair, Trosin was a cokehead, so maybe he would have been okay if he didn’t get into trouble?

          • Trosin actually did really well at JC. “Helped lead ARC to an 8-3 record in 2013, recording 825 yards total offense for a 75.0 yard average per game . . . Finished the season with 1,757 all-purpose yards and 16 touchdowns.”
            All that while on coke. That’s the kind of thing (drugs, etc) nobody can know. He had really good ability. He was even decent at Arkansas State in a limited role.

      • Verbals and Transfers. I didn’t have the energy to do signed, never showed up and transfered out. Some of the NFL guys are guys who left OSU and still made it. Simi Kuli is that sweet 5 star.

        Hard to say, considering how many 3 and 2 star guys (and even 0 stars) made it to the NFL under Riley between 2004 and 2010 how can we say if they came in NFL ready or if Riley and his staff were just amazing at developing guys.

      • I don’t know if it’s changed, but 7-8 years ago, the Scout (now 247) rankings were really bad and Rivals had a reputation for being more “accurate.”

    • thanks, Nuke. Good work. If I understand your typology correctly, Riley brought in a lot more 2-star guys than I remembered being the case in real time. If you recall, who were his best 2-star guys, whether they made the NFL, or not?

      • I would say the narrative that Riley brought in 2* and developed players is a good one. He seemed to avoid JC and have terrible luck with them. Not a lot of transfers either but the new rules have changed that obviously (Smith is pretty good at that game). I would say Riley’s weakness is that many of the two star guys never got past the practice squad and we always had positions that lack depth. Smith is getting guys that are closer on the measurables so we should have a higher level of size and talent in depth and a better chance of getting really strong starters. I don’t see many players in Smith recruiting that I would expect to start in year one but I would expect them to be contributing in rotation or as starters by year 2 or 3.

        Off the top of my head notable 2* or less were Keenan Lewis, Andy Levitre, Slade Norris, Al Afalava, Victor Butler, Gregg Peat, James Rodgers, Colin Kelly, Jordan Poyer, Obum Gwacham , Fred Lauina.

  11. 1

    Do recruiters go to actual games? I have only a slight interest in recruiting and I have the impression it’s all about film, star ratings,and camps.

    • Riley did, based on the inglorious Colin Kaepernick story:
      -We were set to offer Kaep late in the game and the word was he was set on OSU if we did. Riley went to one of his games and he had his worst game of the season, so we didn’t offer. We ended up with Kaulin Krebs (and Lyle Moevao, but he was a JC).

    • Not great but it would be an improvement. If I have to watch the same ******* P12 commercials on streaming for another second I will lose my mind.

  12. I’m watching video and trying to do rankings. Isaiah Newell is surprisingly difficult. Not a ton of film. Great offer sheet suggest 4-star, but I’m not seeing it. I think high 3-star. 3.5 star if we had it. Really agile and nimble runner for his size, but he doesn’t seem to have breakaway speed. Give me some opinions on him. I’m thinking high 3-star, but I’m being persuaded to go higher by the offer sheet.

    My rankings should be done in a few days. I’m doing five or so guys per day.

    • Depends on the position. He actually looks pretty fast to me, just not necessarily explosive. Seems like more of a WR or TE body.

      -Good downfield speed (like Pierce)
      -Good balance for his size
      -Good vision

      -Doesn’t use his size. For a guy who’s supposedly 6’3 215, he dancing around tacklers instead of running through them.
      -On a similar note, I’m not seeing a ton of yards after contact
      -Biggest question is whether or not he’s quick enough that his jukes will work at the next level. If he’s not a bruiser, he’s going to have to make guys miss to be productive.

      I’d say he’s a solid 3* because there are some good tools on display, but definite questions about how he translates to the next level. Compare to JJ’s film from his senior year, where his quickness and vision REALLY standout, or Pierce’s HS film where he’s just running right through everyone.

    • I think 3-star is fair. I was a bit confused at first when I watched him, although as it went on and I saw some of the plays he could make it made more sense. I think his offer sheet reflects his unique combination of size and athletic ability. But 4+ star guys you expect to be able to meaningfully contribute as freshman, and I feel like he could really benefit from a redshirt year.

      He seems like a guy who was dominant in high school by going beast mode with his size/ability, but maybe wasn’t the most detail-oriented in his training and the weight-room, and maybe didn’t get the best coaching at his position.

      He’s legit and I think he’s got the potential to be great, but he’s got work to do to refine himself into a D1 athlete/running back. If he struggles I could see him switching to linebacker.

      • To your point: if I had to guess, he may have turned down some of those other offers because they weren’t willing to give him a shot at RB. Just a guess.

    • 1

      I don’t think Newell’s game or body translates well to playing rb in college. Steven Jackson is about as big as you want to get at Rb and he was 6’2 220-235 in college. Played at about 240 in the NFL. I’ll eval as a wideout.

      Negatives: His acceleration needs work, avoids contact (not what you want from a huge back).

      Positives: top end speed is really high and is nifty for a big guy. His height and stride length make him look slower than he is, guy moves. Not sure if he can block but I would expect a guy that size to handle a safety. He seems to have pretty good vision so he could be sneaky dangerous in space.

  13. One thing I dont like about 247 is they don’t stand by their own analysis. They put the “composite” ranking front and center(the mean rating of 247, Rivals and ESPN) and they stick their own 247 rating down in smaller print, out of the way.

    I can see the value in having composite ratings(more data, less volatile) but isn’t that sortof cheating, when you rely on your competition to come up with your main scores?
    And can’t Rivals and ESPN say F.U., don’t include our stats on your site?

    • I don’t mind it, I prefer the more ‘accurate’ data to be front and center. Idk what recourse ESPN or rivals have if it’s published publically. They could throw it behind a user name or paywall with a use agreement and then they would have a case. Ofc then their data wouldn’t be used nearly as much and they would lose traffic.

    • He’s a good player, but I’m guessing his size really limited his outlook at his position. He’s listed as 5’10 170. That means he’s prolly more like 5’9 160, and he looks it on film.

      From what I recall, OSU/Oregon and other Pac-12 schools were high on him after his sophomore year, but then cooled off as his high school career went on as he didn’t develop physically as expected.

      He’s the ideal FCS/D2 recruit, great skills as a player but cursed by the gods with average size.

    • I posted some info on him up above if you need some background on what he’s been doing the past year. Think of him like greyshirt. No scholarship for him in 2019 and he couldnt enroll full time in order to prevent his 5 year clock from starting. His scholarship starts in Jan 2020. Up to this point he had to be a part time student and he has been working out on his own time. Couldnt work out with the team. Smart kid and big. Should be up close to 300lbs by end of Summer

  14. Can anyone tell me anything about John Miller? Looks like a very stiff athlete who isn’t much. Film is old from Sophomore year. He looks like a hard hitter at least. Maybe some of you have seen him play?

  15. 3

    Anderpants’ recruiting class is currently ranked 126 by 247, aren’t there only about 130 FCS teams? Granted, he only signed seven recruits.

  16. 5

    This is kindof funny. The LB from Lebanon who committed to oregon recently, Keith Brown, was given a post season award today. Nemec and 247 say he’s the top linebacker in the nation. State of oregon says he’s 2nd team all-state.
    A fan asks him how he gets 2nd team when he’s the top rated LB in the nation? He says it’s because he lost in the 1st round of the playoffs.
    Hmmm…ok….so how does one of his teammates, defensive lineman Gatlyn Anderson get 1st team all-state with that 1st round playoff loss?
    Maybe whiskey is right.


    • 4

      I just find it hard to believe that a 5A LB in the state of Oregon is the best in the entire nation. I think it will be funny if Miller has a better career than Brown, he’s certainly faced tougher competition in high school.

    • 4

      Anyone who thinks this kid is the best LB in the nation or a 5* recruit hasn’t objectively watched him play.

      Side note……i have nothing personal against this kid. I watched 3 of his games this fall BEFORE he committed to UO. I don’t see the LB hype and thought he was better as a bruising type RB. Unless he has a monster senior season it is of the personal opinion of mine Brown is better suited as a Mike Alstott FB type player. Dude could be unstoppable as a FB with that size.

      But sadly the fullback position is rarely used in this day and age of gay ass spread offense gimmicks.

      Nemec needs to get Brown’s ball bag off his chin. As another poster wrote, he’s paid to write everything rosy and unicorn farts concerning UO football recruiting. I’d take anything he writes with a grain of salt and highly doubt he’s even attended one of his games.

      • How much are they projecting growth and skill increase senior year. It seems like early ratings are based more on expectations than reality.

      • 2

        I just talked to my buddy from Lebanon about Brown. He laughed hysterically about the kid being the #1 LB in the nation. Said hes super soft, and doesnt have a killer instinct. Almost like hes scared to hit or get hit. He did say from what hes heard, the kid has done well at the combines hes been too, and has the ability to be good but his attitude will ultimately be his downfall. Basically hes super cocky and has a shitty attitude.
        He said the other LB from Lebanon is half his size and twice the player Brown is. He also said be glad he committed to eugene because hes most likely going to end up being a problem because of his attitude.

        • 1

          Well there is film on him, so you can view that and see if he looks soft.

          I personally am not seeing that. He even plays RB and seems to like the contact. Looks like a good player not seeing anything elite. Just looking at his picture he looks like a douche, though. A Springsteen “Glory Days” type of guy who will be in a bar one day talking about how he was ranked #1 etc. I know that’s a lot of assumptions and judgement to base off a guy’s face so…

        • I hate the Ducks and Brown seems to love himself. But come on man your friend needs to put the pipe down. No way Lebanon has another linebacker better than him.

          • To elaborate on the other LB he was talking about. The kid is half the size of brown and is all over the field making plays where brown is taking off plays that dont go in his direction. He said that other kid pursues the ball on every play. He said hes not going to the next level because of his size.

    • Walling made first team all-state in 6a and his team wasn’t very good, nemec’s argument is totally garbage. Btw John Miller was first team all state TE and LB.

  17. 10

    Interview with Fuaga here from a local paper. He says OSU was the first team to recruit him and he stuck with them despite a late push from Oregon and USC. Says he likes the underdog role.

    Interesting to hear since we were told by Nemec oregon and usc offers came and went early and OSU came in late.
    Pretty polar opposite stories.

    • My evaluations are pretty quick (look at the prior years since you’re new), so don’t expect anything in depth. Just a star rating and a quip on each guy. I mentioned some comments about Brown above after watching that film. I see a good player and don’t see the criticism that he doesn’t like contact, but I don’t see the best LB in Oregon (though, maybe he is, I haven’t watched any others just hard to believe) or the Nation on that film. I do think the 4-star rating is warranted. Good speed, good vision, good tackling, strength, etc. Seems to follow through very well on the tackles, too. I get why he’s a high star guy.

  18. Haha. “Oregon State University sues former athletic director Todd Stansbury for breach of contract”

    Evidently he still owes OSU ~1.5M.

    • So how does that work exactly?
      I’m assuming you dont pay an employee the price of their full contract the moment you hire them, bit rather spread the payments out over the life of the contract. So what exactly is it that Stansbury needs to pay back? Did we just give him a huge lump sum payment when he took the job and them now we’re waiting for a slow repayment of those funds? And who pays the interest on this transaction. That’s a big chunk of change to be floating out there with no consideration of interest.

      • No you don’t pay as a lump sum. It was the buyout cost of his contract. Think of it as a penalty for leaving. If OSU fired him for reasons other than the exemptions in the contract (criminal stuff typically) then OSU would have owed him for the rest of.the contract. It’s basically a way of keeping people for the full term of a contract.

        • “Think of it as a penalty for leaving” Well put, Nuclear.

          Stansbury’s buyout was $2.1 million. Between leaving in Dec 2016 and stopping payments in July of this year he paid $594,510 (a little less than $20k/month). He still owes $1.5million. It would take about 6.5 years more at that monthly rate to satisfy his obligations under the contract.

          If you think $20k/month is a stiff payment, consider that he is paid about $76k/mo by Georgia Tech, (that is only a couple thousand dollars/month LESS than Scott Barnes !)

          In fairness, Barnes hasn’t had his MBB team banned from postseason play as has Stansbury. Maybe that extra $2k/month to Barnes is worth it? …………..Naw!

          The remaining $1.5million does include interest. The calculated monthly payment above relates only to principle.

  19. 2

    Hearing if Beavers beat Texas A&M to have an important win for post season play, that GP2 will sign with the Washington Wizards. Making OSU earn it if they want another player in the NBA.

    • 10

      Why would the Wizards give a fuck whether OSU wins a game or not to sign someone?

      Congrats. You win the dumbest shit posted for the month.

      Try better if you want to troll.

      • 1

        Basically, OP says Helton should have some integrity and resign like GA did when he couldn’t meet expectations, some posters reply that was NOT the reason he resigned and point to a likely impropriety and getting pushed out by the admin.
        Thought it was interesting that made it down to Trojanland, as you have to be a member of the USC site to post, but just a member of the 24/7 network to read (which is why I found it… bit on the Black Friday sub deal)

  20. 1

    OSU is getting way too 3 happy. Were up 8 at half and now are behind. Have to have Tinkle work inside with Thompson also doing some drives and mix in some Kelly too inside.

  21. Wayne Tinkle can’t get team over the hump or win a game when that has implications and matters. NIT is ceiling of this team and CBI just as likely if this is team that goes on the road in the Pac-12.

  22. Beavs lost this one because they insisted on taking 3’s even though the 3’s weren’t dropping. I’m going to sound like the old school grouchy guy but the 3 point basket has ruined basketball in all levels of basketball.

  23. That was the ugliest basketball game in Tinkles time here. No fire, lack of hustle, sr.s not stepping up. I dislike the ducks but if the beavs
    had a leader like Pritchard they don’t lose this game. Thompson has regressed, Kelly is no threat on offense and doesn’t rebound, Tinkle does most everything but doesn’t lead like he should and is a turnover machine. Reichle is not a pac 12 player but he is all we have. We will be very lucky
    to reach the NIT

  24. 6

    I refuse to watch basketball until we have a real program. Tried. Just didn’t know any of the guys except Tinkle and Thompson, and I didn’t see a well coached team that would do anything. That took about ten minutes of my life to figure out. Now I can do better things with the time.

  25. 6

    Tualatin High School Football sent “contractions” to John Miller in their tweet to him regarding his all-state recognition. I hope they meant “congratulations” or Smith may want to reconsider the offer.

  26. Yup. I quit watching two years ago. Same problems with the bb team year after year. “This team needs more discipline”. Need a true point guard. Don’t not play the point guard you have. Play the son at that position instead.

    It never changes. Tinkles best coaching was his first year imho.

    • 7

      WT tried Vernon last night, but he’s fucked with his playing time so much, that he’s now ineffective. Sort of like what happened to Hollins last year. Also, what was the point of transferring in Dastrup if you’re not going to give him a few minutes each game? Yes, he looks a little out of shape, but he’s big and he has some skills. He may have been able to get their shot blocker away from the basket. He also doesn’t look afraid to mix it up. Kelley and Silva were lost against men last night. When little Tinks leaves it’s going to get ugly, we will be discussing the coaching search in a couple of years.

      • His first year he had all CR players and did a hell of a coaching job I thought. Made the players do what he told them to do.

        The second year the sons showed up and he coached differently. It’s been all about the sons and a suitcase parade with the other players coming and going each year.

  27. 3

    Well I picked the wrong game to watch. Following current hiring trends…any beaver bball players out there learning how to coach?

  28. Post signing day depth chart
    Would love to hear your thoughts
    QB-Gebbia-Nolan-Moore Gulbranson RS
    LT-Gray OR Sorenson
    OLB-Rashed?-Hughes Murray-Tago
    CB-Dunn-R Wright-Forest
    CB-N Wright-Julian-Austin
    Special Teams
    KR-Irish and Champ

    • Dont want UW to poach Lindgren, he’s from Washington — hopefully their money isn’t too far from what ASU was asking — dude is a hot commodity. Nothing like f*%!@$& your conference opponent to improve your own.


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