Slow day, so let's take focus off the Beavs and shift it onto an internal affair.
OS_Beaver is getting on my nerves, is a broken record, talks about new uniforms or expanding the stadium in every post, responds to comments with unrelated "build it and they will come" Reser propaganda, etc.
I've been patient, but can't take it anymore. If it were up to me he'd be gone, but I want to be democratic here. Tell me why this guy is okay and shouldn't get the internet version of a good sock in the eye.
So, should I ban him?
Comment "yes" or "no".
…majority will rule.
Haha this is too funny. I was just on Cliff’s blog and he was talking about stadium expansion… again. Banning him is a harsh move how about giving him one more chance and the moment he comments on stadium expansion, give him the axe.
Is this the post you’re referencing?
It’s about Pat Casey and baseball…there’s OSB, talking about Reser expansion.
No. That’s not what we’re about.
However, “fool me once” should be applied to all who attempt to interpret his lone, unyielding idea.
He should just receive the response “FMO” when he goes off the rails.
Maybe he’ll show up here and explain himself. Maybe there is a good reason, like he is handicapped. Then I’ll feel bad.
Thing is, if I/we ask him for an explanation he’ll just talk about how great Reser can be with 55k. Look, Kevin Costner, Reser does not sell out at 45k, so next time you hear the voice of the Great Pumpkin whispering “if you build it they will come” pop a lithium, watch some porn, Google the word “lobotomy”, and seriously consider the results.
But have you considered how great Reser could be stacked to the rafters, 55k people strong proudly sporting self induced lobotomies, popping lithium and watching porn on the jumbotron?
I think Sir Thomas More wrote a book about such a place…
No vote.
I’ll take it easy for awhile Angry. I am looking for work right now so I have too much time on my hands I guess. Mostly it is just wanting more from our Athletic Dept. I share a similar mission to yourself and most others on the board of wanting Oregon State to be a stronger national program. Just get carried away a bit at times. I will tone it down on angrybeavs and take my frustrations out elsewhere.
When a fan is talking about a new verbal and how the recruit fits in the system, and you show up talking about seating 55,000 asses in an expanded stadium, it is annoying. Do you understand why? I’ll tell you: because it’s off topic by a Texas mile. Not that off-topic is unwelcome or bad (many people do this, and it’s no big deal), but you bombard us over and over. It’s the combination of the two.
The idea of the site is to take out your frustrations, but not to the point where you frustrate equally frustrated people.
Talk about expansion all you want where it’s relevant or in the forums (that’s what they’re there for–so YOU can create topics about what YOU want to discuss).
Angry is the person who is in charge of this site for one thing. The second thing it’s called common courtesy in a blog/forum type place that you talk about the subject at hand. I can see how the excitement of money and wanting to spend it on lavish things especially since you yourself are out of work/looking for work. So seeing the fact OSU will now have money, you want them to try and spend it on making things look lavishing when in reality, we have other things we have to do first. The cart before the horse so to speak. We can’t move forward with things that are fine as is, i.e. Reser Stadium(it will generate plenty of revenue and we’re doing fine right now in recruiting) until we help other programs the AD is in charge of such as Softball, Baseball, M/W Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Wrestling, Rowing(Crew), Golf, Track(get it going to help it to become self sustaining). Mainly these non-generating revenue teams rely so heavily on the success and revenue from the football team that it’s only fair to give back to these sports so they can compete. This is what we need to sell to recruits, “By coming to OSU, you will help build the Athletics of OSU with how much success you create on and off the field. All of our sports at OSU rely on the Football teams revenue for the Athletic Department, would you help us make OSU Athletics become the best they can be?” This right here should be spoon fed to recruits on every contact with them because they really do feed the Athletic Department. I’m off my soap box. Hope you can find a job. How old are you and what do you do? just curious.
The second thing it’s called common courtesy in a blog/forum type place that you talk about the subject at hand.
For the record, in general, I don’t care if people go off topic. Most people either (a) preface it with “off topic, but…” or (b) say their idea once and are done with it.
Like I said above, it’s the abrupt bombardment with this same idea over and over. It feels like spam/propaganda. I don’t want to dissuade off-topic posts, because 99% of them are interesting. Hell, even OS_Beaver was fine until he kept pushing the same issue in every thread.
Just use common sense and if you’re gong off topic say so, and don’t club us over the head with the same off-topic idea in every unrelated thread. That’s not a “rule”, but it is a way to keep me from hating you (just kidding OS_Beaver, I don’t hate you, and in fact I sort of feel bad now…just be normal and reasonable please).
I am in my mid 30s and do IT work. I worked for Nike for awhile.
I get to vote for my favorite mascot, Benny, to be on the next Gameday commercial. What better way to take some attention away from the Duck. I have been Benny in real life as the mascot too. I took Sparky’s pitchfork from him and poked him with it.
Oh yeah, you are the guy who was the Benny mascot. I remember talking to you via email.
If you want to be productive with your free time and use those IT skills you can help promote the site, fix up some code, etc. There’s a lot of stuff I’d like done here…you seem like a hyper guy with a lot of energy to burn. I could put you to work!
haha….good talk guys! Its all better when we all get along.
This may be off topic but when are they going to expand Reser?
Just playing. I really don’t give a flying….
You guys, we need a POWERFUL brand. Tinker is trying to give us this brand. When BDC wake up realize this? He needs to complete the expansion of Reser to 55K+. This will get us elite recruits, guys. Not coaching, but stadium expansion. That is the key, guys. Look at Oregon, guys. They do everything PERFECTLY. They’re awesome at marketing, they will leave us behind because BDC doesn’t know what he’s doing. Oregon is awesome at everything they try. I envy them soooooooooo much. When will we all wake up?
This Pac-12 deal is certainly gonna give us all this. BDC don’t let the time pass. Expansion man, expansion. We need it. The stadium would be beautiful. Expansion, expansion, expansion. That’s all I care about. Expansion, expansion, expansion. Let’s be like the Ducks, guys.
Uff da! That’s all we need, dontcha know?
JackBeav is from Wisconsin, eh?
North Dakota for many years.
The only hoops coach that scouted our area was Dale Brown, and the Bison were perennial D-2 champs while I lived there. Does that date me?
Have you guys seen Oklahoma States uniforms yet? And looks like ASU is stealing the Beaver’s colors. We need establish a look…create a recognizable brand! Then we’ll fill the stadim to capacity and finally get the stadium expansion rolling!
I should have:
1) read all of the posts before posting, and/or
2) logged on so I could delete my post.
The joke’s already been played…late to the party again, dammit!
As far as OS… I usually read his first sentence then realize it is the same rant as always. The thing I don’t get is why we would expand Reser when we NEVER sell out. Yeah we have had a few “sell outs” but there are always a significant number of empty seats. Lets fill it up first. It is like a night club…. everyone wants into the packed club with the long line. As soon as there is no line out front no one wants in.
I really hope this is what OS_Beaver needs as a wake-up call for his communication. It is absolutely great to have ideas on how to make OS better. These forums are a great way to get your ideas out there and begin a buzz. But, if you put the same comment on every outlet and then on every story in that outlet you just become noise. I have seen the same comments on multiple sites and when I see your name I have a tendency to skip the message.
As far as banning him, I would vote no but if he can’t help himself, you may have to intervene.
Expand Reser’s? Hell yeah, it is about time Reser’s got off of their asses and created a “bucket o’salsa. The container I bring home is too damn small. I get a nice bag of chips and am plowing away and then I run out of salsa and have to go downstairs and get more. So, yes I think it is time to expand Reser’s.
Oh, if you are talking about OS, I just keep scrolling if it is the same topic, but I know Angry has to view it from a different perspective. Sounds like OS is reasonable.
NO. Don’t give the boot to OS_Beaver, that’s my vote.
No boot to OS_Beaver.
Boot his ass!