Home Baseball Baseball: Mississippi State and San Diego State

Baseball: Mississippi State and San Diego State


If I can find audio or video I’ll watch and try to get a feel for the game and Mitch. So far not impressed, but it is early. After these two series we will have a lot more data and may be able to draw some conclusions.

Go Beavs.


    • No, good enough teams in conference to get quality wins. The loss looks bad knowing how the collapse happened but losing to the #9 team on the road isn’t a killer. Young nucleus here with coaches getting to know which players to use when. I don’t want the trend to continue though.

    • 9

      Really? I want to believe you actually know something about baseball, Angry. You are not make it easy, baseball is a grind unlike basketball and football… It’s a fifty game season… if you are panicked at game 6, you are an uniformed fan… now if this was game 20 I might be concerned still I am withholding my judgement because I know the ebb and flow of baseball… I played the sport and any person who actually has, maybe understands it a little better… or you are just trying to be negative on purpose cause you are still pissed about Casey’s warts

      • 2

        I know a ton about baseball, but I’m not going to waste my time waving my dick around sword fighting with you.
        Think whatever you want. All I asked was a question. Your race to assume is a you issue.

  1. 2nd straight game with a blown save, Beavs now 2-3. We need to figure out who is going to be coming out of the pen, because we don’t have the right guys on the mound in these situations.

  2. I did not see the game but if the Beavers had the lead going into the 8th against a highly ranked team that is not bad just need to find the closures; If the starter can last until the 8th then I’d think they’ll be ok. It might take some time this team is rebuilding after all.

  3. Veberg coming back next weekend will help, but it is going to be a rough ride counting on so many frosh arms. Kevin Abel should be our Friday guy. Luck o da Beavs.

  4. Close but no cigar for SR’s crew. Pivec a TO machine. SR’s decision to not use the full compliment of scholarships is coming back to bite him. If Slocum goes to the WNBA this year, next year could be bad. Why not give Morris more minutes?

    • Good point about Scott not using the full compliment of scholarships, I hadn’t considered that.
      Pivec does TO, but she’s such a factor in RB, energy, and (usually) clutch shooting. BTW: last time I checked she was at 55% in the fan voting for the Senior CLASS thing.
      Speaking of TO’s, the team had just 10 last night, and shot 100% for FT’s, both good signs.

      Generally, I’m a sucker for Scott’s “We are Family” story; I’ll keep following these gals as long as they keep fighting.

  5. 10

    I miss not having any excitement around Beavs sports this time of year. Men’s basketball is an underachieving dumpster fire with no prospects for improvement, women’s hoops has been devastated by injuries and turnovers, so they are merely OK in an outstanding league and baseball looks like it will be a transition year and probably won’t be good enough to make any waves. I’m actually looking more forward to football then I have in years because of the noticeable improvement last season. I didn’t bother watching any hoops this week or try to find the baseball game on the SEC Network. I am officially apathetic.

    • 4

      Same, buddy. Agree on all of it including football. I’ll tune into this baseball series and the next one to confirm my suspicions. If confirmed, I’ll probably check out on baseball.

      I think I watched 5 minutes of basketball — that was all it took. Bunch of no-names who looked like D2 talents running around and then the two sons playing street ball. After 5 minutes I knew that team was going nowhere fast.

      • I wonder abt the team dynamics: players aren’t playing well for Tinkle – how does that work with the favored sons? Do the other players grumble amongst themselves? This might have worked with team success but wo it – a disaster. For that matter, how are T and t getting along?

    • Apathetic? Could mean different things to different people.

      I’m with ya on FB, lookin’ forward to both offensive improvements and DEFENSE becoming a big factor this year. Beaver colored glasses say top third D in the PAC, at least!

      I checked out on Tinks a long time ago but still plan to follow closely the WBB and Baseball teams. While WBB is “…OK in an outstanding league” there is the slim chance that they adjust to the injuries and make a run; sweet sixteen is a longshot but worth watching. For me.

      Way too soon to check out on baseball, I’ll give ’em at least a few full series.

      • 2

        I think after Miss State and SDSU we know if we can check out. That’s what 11 games or so? Losing to BYU and Gonzaga said a lot to me, but I think double digits is when you know how the season’s going to go. In general. There are always miracle runs and teams that gel late in a season, but in general that will be enough.

  6. What’s all this about some collapse at Miss St? Must be some kind of mass delusion, last game I remember was the CWS championship where Kevin Abel shutout the piggies :)

  7. Pfennigs walks 5 in less than 2 innings, including walking two runs home with bases loaded. He also walked the first 2 batters of the game. We are really a mess.

  8. 4

    That Prentice Gill message about Cristobal sure seems legit.

    Another Beaver fan(@bucktoothchains) received a screenshot that was posted in the scoopduck forums where the coach was DM message with somebody complaining about Mario being a phony guy.
    The scoopduck message thread apparently got locked, but the screen grab was saved by some duck fan who shared it.
    I retweeted it, but shortly after received a DM from Gill asking me to delete it, saying it was fake. I let him know i was simply retweeting something that was already making the rounds and the original messages still exist in twitter land.
    Anyway, when looking through his recent tweets/replies, you could see a back and forth where he asked somebody to check their DMs. I’m assuming that’s where the screenshot conversation took place.
    Gill has since delete that message thread, which leads me to believe this is all really from him and he’s just doing some damage control now.

    It’s more entertaining than baseball has been today.

    • 5

      Sure was. Mario is a lack of institutional control sanction waiting to happen.

      Hilarious guys like Canzano fall for him. He fell for Slick Willie, too.

      • I’m just suspicious of a program that was in disarray after Heimlich’s 4-8 season and then the “Willie fiasco” who then hire a coach who was 20 games under .500 and fired from a Sun Belt conference program, yet they bounce back almost immediately with recruiting classes that are pushing the top ten as if nothing happened?

    • There was definitely something to the Heyward part so I’d believe all of it. Maybe the mustache guy is a contract killer (tickles them to death would be my guess of his tactic) for anyone who talks bad about the flock.

    • 11

      6 games into his coaching tenure and you’re comparing him to Yeskie? Many said the same thing about J. Smith after his 2-10 initial season….he was in over his head, he wasn’t prepared, he couldn’t recruit, etc., etc, etc. At the end of his second year, it looks like he’s headed in the right direction.
      Give MC the some leeway at least for one season. Furthermore, did you expect they would go to MSU and win? The fact they were in both games late is pretty remarkable given all of the new faces on the team and essentially a new coaching staff. At least give Mitch C. seven games (LOL) before you start making comparisons to Yeskie or even Casey. Some fans just need to chill and give the coach some time to recruit and develop players.

    • All I’ll say is pat f’in casey lobbied for canham over Yeskie. That is good enough for me to give canham time to get his coaching and culture imprinted on the program before I’ll start criticizing him. He can’t make good bullpen pitchers magically appear. I do hope he gets the small ball going to put pressure on the opponents early and often.

    • In Casey’s first year in Corvallis he went only 25-24-1 (14-16 in conference) – and this wasn’t even his fist HC gig.

      Nevertheless, he turned out pretty good…

  9. 4

    Men Hoops lose yet again. Team gets swept in the Pac-12 more than anyone else. With Tres gone they will be cellar dwellers next year. Poor coaching in general. Cut bait and move on. Team isn’t going to be playing any postseason ball with a veteran group. Apathy going to get ugly from here.

  10. 2

    Crabby ass tinkle wtf you son of a gun and your son is a son of a gun too! Take this false hater troll business back to Idaho state or wherever this coaching worked, arghhh!!!

  11. Baseball doesn’t seem to have an arm it can count on yet. That said, I’m glad they’re finally taking some roadies into SEC territory. It’s good for the conference, good exposure.

    Hoops – I got nothing. I’m hoping Tucker can keep his redshirt and won’t transfer. How this team wasn’t able to match last year’s record is mind-boggling. Though I do think there will be pressure on Barnes if multiple people do bail out.

      • 7

        Regarding men’s hoops, a losing record is a possibility. I don’t think they beat the Quacks in Eugene. Stanford will probably get their revenge. Boils down to the Cal game as the most winnable. 6-12 in league play would still be sad. I know you are including a first-round loss in the P-12 tournament for them to finish with a losing record.

        CR finished 16-16 in his final season, ending with an embarrassing loss to Radford in the CBI tourney. He thought he was safe until BDC took a little time, reconsidered then lowered the boom. I doubt it’s going to happen this time because of financial considerations, but based on actual performance it should. With your scenario, they finish on a seven-game losing streak and no post-season once again.

          • 6

            I’m not sure, someone broke it down in a previous thread. Tinkle now makes over 2 million a year and is signed through the 2022-23 season if I remember correctly, so it will be in the millions to fire him now. He received an extension last year for NOT making post-season play!

          • Owed 6.6 million for the next 3 seasons. Contract extension and was for 2.3 million. I knew Tinkle wasn’t going anywhere after this season regardless of his record due to the last 2 years remaining on his contract. Barnes really fucked the program with that extension. Unless things really get bad next year and Tinkle decides to get out, we’re stuck for another 2 seasons.

  12. Someone posted this in an older thread. Something about Utah State trying it’s best to be the Baylor of the WAC, in terms of how it handled several years of sexual assualt allegations in the athletic department.
    The first 2 years of this period were under Scott Barnes.

    Wonder how long till he bounces from his current job and we start to discover the crap he left behind at OSU?


  13. We actually outhit Mississippi State 7-6 yesterday and we’re outhitting them today 7-3 but the score is tied at 2-2. Gotta pull this one out.

  14. On to the b 9, 7-2 Beavs, heartbreak unlikely.
    Anyone following Jon Warren vs Stats Feed? Confusing if you give any credence to Warren’s call.

    10 hits, 12 LOB today for Beavs

  15. If the Beavers can hang on to the 7-2 lead, it will be a pretty successful road trip to MSU being in games 1 and 2 late in the game only to lose them but winning game 3 would be a confidence builders. Hjerpe no hit ball in 3 innings of relief and Burns only 3 hits. If the pitching gets better in relief, and I think it will when Verberg returns and Molholland returns to the pen, this team will be very competitive. Their defense is outstanding with only 1 error on the weekend.
    It’s over 7-2….nice win for the Beavers over the #9 team in the country.

  16. 3

    WBB: Win over last place Cal by 13, second game in a row with only 10 TO’s.
    Scott pulls most of the first string to start the second half; result?….51 second half points (off 13 assists) compared to 25 (off 1 assist) in the first.

    Anyone holding out hope that this team is making the adjustment to the loss of TC and KB?
    Enough of an adjustment to make noise in PAC12 Tourney?

      • I’m thinking the number of assists is somewhat a measure of the comfort with your teamates on the floor, particularly as the pressure mounts. As the post KB lineup gains more experience, assists should increase but in addition to scoring a slight increase in TO’s may be the result. JMO

  17. Aaron Fitt writes today in D1:
    Three times in the latter stages of Sunday’s 7-2 win at Mississippi State, an Oregon State defender did something special that ignited the Beaver dugout…As the web gems piled up at the end of an error-free weekend, I was left with one clear impression: Now this is Beaver Baseball. During its decade-and-a-half run of excellence, Oregon State has always fed off its defensive prowess. Former Oregon head coach George Horton once called an Oregon State defense “suffocating,” and that was the perfect adjective for that time. The personnel has changed, the head coach has changed, but one thing has remained constant: Oregon State can still defend with the best of them.

    More (apparently) behind paywall.
    Caveat: 1)It’s Fitt, 2)small sample
    Certainly makes the SDSU series worth following, anyone have comments on the caliber of competition they present?

    Surely BIG Jim is up for a free trip to sunny San Diego, no?

  18. 10

    I’m going on record stating we should get rid of Wayne and replace him with Damon Stoudamire. You heard it here first. Coaches at Pacific, fourth place in conference in a league that has Gonzaga and st Mary’s. From Portland but went to U of A. 46 years old. Let’s start the buyout fund for a Wayne.

    • I’ve thought the same thing as the story was always that OSU finished second to Arizona in his recruitment.

      Probably a stretch but if he hired ex-OSU guard Pat Strickland (current Jefferson High coach) as an assistant, there might be a nice pipeline sending Portland kids to Corvallis. Pat has a freshman player who will probably be a 5* recruit in a few years.

  19. https://www.nfl.com/prospects/isaiah-hodgins?id=3219484f-4453-7222-c7f0-678f7be73ebc


    Hodgins and Luton at the combine this week. NFL scouts write ups are basically what we know. Hodgins draft is all about his 40 time. Projected 4.6. Runs well, mid round pick, runs bad, late round or undrafted. Must hold his own because it’s a deep WR class.

    Luton won’t get drafted but will definitely get a mini camp invite. Then if he impresses there he could be a training camp arm. If XFL lasts, I can really see him making a team there.

    • I thought Paea would have a bit better career. Playing him at DE in the 3-4 was clearly a mistake but I thought he might bounce back in Dallas. Never heard much about injuries, but maybe that was a factor.

  20. I never understood tuning in for the combine, especially since the results are all posted online. Watching dudes work out in their underwear just isn’t my thing.

  21. 1

    Any boxing fans out there who caught the Wilder vs Fury fight?… Wilder is saying his walk out costume is what cost him the fight… it was a predator looking suit that apparently weighed 40 pounds… he’s claiming that the suit wore out his legs, this is coming from someone who trains for 12, three minute rounds… anyone who watched the fight knows his legs looked fine until he got knocked on his ass the first time… just shows that egos know no bounds

    • 3

      Read about it, it wasn’t as interesting to watch as they made it sound. I just watched the youtube link providing by steveEbeaver and was pretty underwhelmed. Wilder lost his legs after the 2nd round, and seemed like he couldn’t figure out how to get inside and under Fury’s jab – which is understandable when a 6’9″ 270 lb guy is jabbing you….

      Was creepy weird when Fury appeared to be licking blood from Wilder’s neck…maybe it was just the camera angle but whatever he was doing was weird.

      I think a arger, more interesting question is how there is controversy and efforts in a sport like football to reduce concussions in football, but boxing continues, where the whole point is to concuss and knock somebody out. Not much societal consistency in the judgement of sport.

  22. 6

    Sabrina EgoNescu gets another triple double and to think she was almost a beaver until what’s his name left OSU to become lead recruiter at Oregon. If he doesn’t jump ship, she would have been a beaver but I still wouldn’t like her diva act.

      • 3

        2014-15 conf and tourney champs.
        2015-16 conf and tourney champs, sweet 16. elite 8 final 4
        2016-17 Conf champs, sweet 16
        2017-18 sweet 16. Elite 8
        2018-19 sweet 16

        So the beavers have won the conference titles three times, been to final four, sweet 16 and elite 8 all without Sabrina Egonescu.

        • The Sidney Wiese effect.

          I think her impact on WBB in the state of Oregon gets overlooked. Without her, oregon and oregon state would not be the programs they are today.

          • 4

            Faulty memory history: Ionescu and father were making some demands with which Rueck wasn’t comfortable – was there concern also about how she would fit in with the nice girls? I think she wanted to play point guard but Beavs already had one. She then talked about going to Washington and tried to get her club coach on staff. That didn’t pan out, and with her brother at UO, Oregon it was. I’ve wondered why she didn’t go to UConn or Baylor, Tennesee – any of those schools. I watch Oregon wbb and think of old movies with Amazon women rulers.

          • 3

            Ionescu has not been the starting point guard at Oregon. Maite Carzola started during Ionescu’s first three years and Minyon Moore starts this year. Mark Campbell left the Beavs and moved to Oregon in 2014 (two years before Ionescu showed up). Ionescu’s brother was not at Oregon until last year after playing JC ball in California for two years. Scott Rueck has done an INCREDIBLE job and continues to do so. Injuries hurt this year but the future is bright. He is one hell of a recruiter and a great coach but there will be times where a player Scott recruits, chooses another school despite all the effort and all that OSU has to offer. He built this program to where it is today and I am DAM PROUD of these young ladies and their coaches.

        • 1

          Edit: if Ionescu committed to OSU.

          16-17 – conf champs, final four
          17-18 – conf champs, national title
          18-19 – conf champs, national title
          19-20 – conf champs, national title

          19-20 GreatSwammi – talking trash to duck fans about how Nike couldn’t buy Ionescu years ago.

          • 1

            Sabrina has yet to win a national championship with the Ducks and the Ducks have better talent than any of the Beaver teams you just mentioned so you can’t make the leap that Sabrina would have brought a national title to OSU. Your last comment makes no sense at all. Like I said, SI is a diva….great player but a major diva too.

  23. 5

    Ironic someone calling himself “great” complaining about someone else’s big ego. Sorry I don’t see that in her. A tough team oriented baller that our entire state should be proud of. Watch her seven minute tribute to Kobey for more on what makes her tick.

    • As much as I like Pitre having a bigger hand in recruiting, I don’t know that a full time position coach should be splitting duties with another full time position. I saw Doctor also got a promotion with the recruiting team, which is a good move.
      Pitre and Doctor will probably be more relatable to most of the guys we recruit. Both are former players, and it helps to have more diversity in living rooms.
      But those 2 jobs were held down by Guinta and Yray before, with the help of several assistants. Those are full time jobs. They’ll need to back fill some assistant roles in recruiting because they move Doctor up and just lost Brian Watkins to UW. Alfieri is probably taking on a bigger role, but I think there will be at least one more full time addition.

  24. Some funny comments from a humble quack writer regarding strength coach possibly going to Alabama:

    “Ducks fans need to get away from the idea that every guy on this staff is irreplaceable and that you can’t find someone else that can do a quality job. Maybe you can’t find someone that’s 100 percent equal to what Aaron Feld is, but maybe you can find someone that’s 98 percent and that 98 percent is still 30 percent better than anybody int he conference.”

    Even if Crystobal hires good replacements due to having a high salary pool, it takes a very good coach to battle through staff changes year to year and keep the same message and culture.

    • Maybe I am crazy but i could see Luton having some Eli Manning like success if he falls into the right situation. I mean he will never carry a team clearly but behind an all-pro line with a few weapons he might be serviceable. Mist likely though he just washes out.

  25. 2

    Something I’ll never understand, for years I have been coming across tweets about Michelle Obama and Oregon State. Tons of different accounts and always from right conspiracy theory bot accounts.
    They make up and perpetuate an elaborate story about how Michelle Obama used to be a man, Michael Robinson. And Michael Robinson used to play Linebacker for….Oregon State.
    People have even doctored team photos to include a player with “Michael’s” face. It’s really bizarre.

    The thing I don’t understand is why this story continues to be shared, even though Obama has been out of office since 2016? Maybe the bots just never get turned off?

    Just google or twitter search “Obama Oregon State” and you’ll see what I mean.

  26. BASEBALL: San Diego State series begins tomorrow, Sunday’s game to be live streamed by SDSU, otherwise no TV.

    Early to rely on statistics, but here goes:
    SDSU RPI is 49 (next up for the Beavs is RPI 10 – Gauchos from angry’s old stompin’ ground)
    Their ERA of 2.28 ranks #32 nationally, they’ve committed 18 errors in 8 games and have a BA of .281.

    They have wins over Costal Carolina, Fullerton, Nebraska, Iowa, and UC Irvine. They ain’t gonna be scared, especially at home.

    Jake Pfennigs set to start, lets see if he can improve on his 6.75 ERA.
    Gotta wonder if Jake Mulholland will get a start, hard to believe Canham/Dorman have already decided to keep him in the pen.

    Angry sets his benchmark at 3 of 4, is that too much to ask?

  27. Just me or is Ionescu and the ducklings continue to be the media’s darlings here on out. They are all over ESPN and Fox sports like they already won a championship and ESPN pushing their story big time….is this the writing on the wall…..duck ladies to become WBB champions???? Seems certain to me at this point. Its all a nice fabricated story to keep interest in an otherwise ignored sport…..funny how all this shit works out. The Beavs doing good in anything is a precursor for UofNIKE to up the ante and go even bigger — goddamn I can’t stand all that money down there, it’s ruining college sports in the long run.

  28. 3

    Jeremiah Mastoli’s old stomping grounds closes their doors forever after losing their liquor license. Duck fans keepin it real classy in their own back yard……

    “The Oregon Liquor Control Commission voted to cancel the bar’s license last week after citing 42 “serious incidents” since June of 2017, including theft, assault, druggings, rape, DUIs and a fatal drunk driving crash.

    The problems at Taylor’s aren’t limited to the last two years, the paper reported.

    “From Oct. 11, 2008, to Feb. 20 this year, officers were called to Taylor’s 492 times, Eugene police call logs show,” wrote reporter Jordyn Brown. “By way of comparison, there were 89 calls over the same time period to Rennie’s Landing, another popular bar near campus.”

    Tells you all you need to know about the majority of Duck fans. And they wear that badge with pride.


  29. Where, oh where is BIG Jim?
    Hard to tell from the commentary by Jon W., but sounds possible that a baserunning mistake killed a potential for more; Beavs pick up 1 run in the t2 to tie the game.

    Runners were on 2 and 3 with no outs when Armstrong SAC flied to CF, but McMahan was out trying to go from 2b to 3b.

    Any AB’s on the ground to weigh in on that base running??

  30. It’s been a pretty underwhelming season, but would be nice to see MBB take the streak to 4 games vs the ducks tonight.
    Anybody tuning in? Or will this be the lone MBB post of the night?

    • 1st half was respectable. 2nd half they scored 4 pts in the first 8 minutes and I gave up.
      Shooters who can’t shoot open shots for us. Not even close most of the time.

  31. 1

    I finally figured out the team the Beavers have reminded me of this year – the Washington Generals. Good enough to give the Globetrotters a show, and they play hard, but ultimately destined to their fate.

  32. Two buckets in the final minute allowed the OSU bench from being shut out to go with their five TOs, 4 rebs, and 3 assists and 2 fouls. The starters weren’t much better.

  33. 1

    Hey ok this might be the last straw for Rinkle. No post season + Tres gone = toast for Dwayne. Who could we get? Move Reuck over from women’s bb? So confused HAHAHAAH… Thanks

  34. 5

    Hell of a hitting performance, 17 hits, most by any pac 12 school in a game so far this year. San Diego State is not a bad team. We lead the Pac in total number of hits. Armstrong and McMahan are on fire batting over .400. Jake Dukart has reached base safely in 18 out of 28 plate appearances. Micah McDowell has been a pleasant surprise with now a .419 on base percentage.

    Only downside is 2 errors yesterday. Now 3 total on the season. Matt Gretler got another shot at 3B last night but he had one of the errors and he is now 0-11 at the plate. Lineup may be settling itself out and I imagine Mascarenas will be getting most of the playing time over Gretler. Seems like Joe Casey and Preston Jones may share left field duties based on lefty or righty starters from the opponents.

    Starting pitching is solid with Chamberlain, Burns, Pfennigs. Chamberlain is looking like an all-American, excited to listen when takes the mound tonight. Middle relief has settled in since the 2 blown saves. Hjerpe and Frisch, and other freshmen, have the talent just need the experience. Looks like Mulholland is fully back to being the closer – good move.

    Stanford was picked 3rd in the Pac in preseason and has lost 5 in a row, they’re 1-7 with an RPI of 257, lowest RPI in the league. They’re digging a hole close to being too big to climb out of. Quacks RPI is at 230 after sweeping a Nevada team that has 0 wins this season. UCLA is really good. ASU started a little slow but has won 4 in a row. UW started 0-2 but has won 5 in a row.

  35. 3

    Was going to mention the hitting last night. Lots of guys around the 400 mark. Good to see 17 hits against a respectable ERA in SDSU — still have more games to go though so, not getting too excited.

  36. I read Tres is only 6 pts away from Payton’s scoring record?
    Guess that means no CBI will be necessary this year. They can bow out in the 1st game of the Pac12 tournament gracefully.

    • So we pulled Tinkle, our best scorer, out of a game with 4 minutes remaining and a 14 pt deficit, because we were saving his last few points for Corvallis so he could have his moment?
      I know the comeback wasn’t likely, but I’ve seen bigger deficits overcome in a shorter amount of time. Didn’t they overcome a large road deficit to beat Colorado late in the game last month?

      Maybe they were more than 14 pts apart when he came out. Does anybody know the score at that time?


      • ok, it was a 17 pt game when he came out.

        But still, seems weak to pull a healthy starter when there’s still a minute chance of winning because you don’t want him scoring his next 6 points on the road. Similar to Angry’s favorite Tinkle maneuver of starting 3 walk ons on senior day when the team was in contention for the post season.

        For reference, in the Colorado game, Beavs trailed by 12 with under 13 minutes to go and won by 8.

        A comeback last night wasn’t likely, but not impossible.

  37. Report from SDSU. Risking life, limb, and seven lanes of traffic.
    Jake Pf pfitched well after a shaky first inning. SDSD treated this as the fourth game of the series and kept running pitchers out every inning or two.
    They had the ball boys warming up by the ninth. Supposedly we get their normal rotation tonight.
    My homeboy, Will F, was very effective in relief, despite almost killing a couple batters with fastballs that missed. Got them to make weak swings.
    Mundt was effective, but all they hit him hard with balls hit deep to the outfield. Surprised to see Jake M come in in the ninth.
    D was very good. Gretler had a booted ball for an E, but had a couple of fantastic plays including a dive to the line that robbed a sure double. Caught it about a foot off the ground. Venue was nice and they had a hilarious loudmouth fan that was a one man cheering section. Beers more expensive than at pro venues! Coed rating is five stars. Go Beavs!

    • Thanks for the report, I now understand your comment above. BTW, did you notice who was in the 3rd base coaches box at the time? Per Jon W., there was at least one time that Canham was NOT there. (maybe Daniel Robertson???).

      Jon W. did describe Gretler’s play in a way that sounded spectacular on a couple occasions, still need BIG Jim (sounds like he’ll show up at Goss for the Gauchos).
      Jon W. promises a “crowd mic” so we all can enjoy the hilarious loudmouth for the balance of the series.

  38. From the combine, Luton and Hodgins didn’t hurt or help their cases.

    For Hodgins, the workout went fine, but he might have gotten passed by others. I’ll bet teams spread more negative news about Hodgins so he can be drafted later and be cheaper. His 40 time wasn’t slow for a guy his height who isn’t regarded as a freak athlete. I think he’ll end up being drafted now somewhere in the 5th/6th round.

    Luton got positive praise. Didn’t see it but the rumor was he didn’t miss a throw. Still will go undrafted due to scouts watching his film vs good teams. I really do think he’d make a good XFL QB though.

    • As long as Luton has perfect pass protection at all times, he’ll be fine in the pros. I stand by my argument that he’d be a better clipboard holder than Herbert. Watch Philadelphia’s season of “All or Nothing” on Amazon and tell me who seems like he has a better personality for a backqup QB.

      I don’t understand why teams bother drafting QB’s in the late rounds when none of them ever play and there are plenty of serviceable guys with decent arms that go undrafted.

  39. USC’s AD alludes to potentially leaving the PAC-12. I don’t blame him given the direction of the conference, but where would they go?

  40. The only thing holding conferences together – really – is the travel costs of the non-revenue sports. USC could easily go independent in football or join a loose confederation with BYU, Texas, Oklahoma, Boise State, and Houston – all schools that are either extremely well-funded or whose conferences need them more than they need a conference.

    • The LB’s look tough and deep. If the d line take another step up then the front 7 could be pretty solid. Worried about the o-line on offense.

  41. 11

    Lot of folks here still waiting for Luton to fail so they can chime in and finally be right. Don’t understand it but I guess there are a lot of fragile egos out there.

  42. Good guys up 4-0 and Chamberlain pitching a 1-hitter T6th. Beavers WBB team wins tonight and Aleah was on fire as she hit 6 3s and had I think 22 points.

      • Beavers only had 7 turnovers so that’s a positive sign as it’s gotta be close to a season low. For the life of me, I can’t understand how Thropay gets any PT at all. She’ll get a rebound or two but she looks like a deer in the headlights out there. I’m not even sure how she made the roster…

  43. So any of you structural engineers. Our fifty year old house has an 8″ X 10″ X 30′ beam running the length of a car port. It has developed a visible crack in the middle, which is causing the roofline and attached gutter to sag a few inches. A buddy and I supported it with a post, which is just to keep it from collapsing and destroying the cars parked beneath. We have a carpenter coming on Monday but a non-engineer friend, actually a lawyer, suggests fashioning some type of metal brace, secured by bolts to cover the crack and secure the entire span. That would probably be less expensive than tearing off roofing and replacing the entire beam. Good idea or not?

    • Good idea, but and I stress but, if anything happens with that beam in the future and you need to make a homeowners insurance claim, you won’t have a leg to stand on. An engineer has to sign off on that to cover your ass so to speak. I guess the real question is do you want to pay now or later. Also if you want to sell in the future you need that engineer signing off on the fix.

      • Way off topic, I was at my bank the other day doing banking stuff. I picked up a pen to fill out some forms and looked at. Much to my surprise it said Golden Gophers on it and had a link to the school printed below that. How’d a Minnesota pen end up in small town Oregon? This one’s for you Beavergopher, I kept it

    • If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trolling Jack with this post.

      What you describe sounds very similar to what this guy did. But this looks like a DIY job, and probably not up to any sort of building code. I saw in the comments several wrote about how to improve this patch with staggered drill holes, etc. It may be tempting, but I think you definitely need a structural engineer to sign off on whatever you do. That’s alot of structure being supported by that 1 bandaid fix.
      If it’s not too much in the way, I’d feel more comfortable with an extra post supporting the beam.
      Youtube is full of bad advice, trust the professionals.


    • Get an architectural engineer to take a look at it, and brace it in the mean time. They can do the calculations and determine what you need. It might be worth at least getting a quote then having insurance send an adjuster out. I have seen some pretty spectacular beam replacements before. In most cases they replace with structural steel i-beams, which is perfect for a garage, laminated wood beams are where you start really opening up the wallet. With something that important, dont go do-it-yourself unless you’re confident in your work.

      • 30′ unsupported is a long I beam. Have an engineer look at it for sure, I’m guessing they’ll recommend a fabricated through bolted U-channel to fit the broken beam with a post underneath to support it.

      • Thanks for the generous offer NB. We have man coming over on Monday. Husband of one of my wife’s friend. Just retired after long career with his own structural engineering company. May come back to you.

    • Thank you all for the great responses and ideas. I will definitely pursue many of them. Despite a lot of the silly stuff we get caught up in here, at AB. as I’ve told my wife there are a lot of smart guys in this bunch. Thanks again.

  44. OK, so maybe referring to the recent performance of the WBB team as “peaking” was a stretch; I’ll try my hand at baseball.

    Peaking, hitting their stride, or showing promise, either way the recent performance of Beaver pitchers is nice to see:
    Oregon State’s pitchers have held opponents to 28 hits over the last five games – and 43 innings – for a batting average against of .184. The staff has a 3.35 ERA in the last five.

    What’s a good target ERA for this squad? For reference 3.27 did the job in 2018.

  45. SDSU game two…..
    Chamberlain looks to be a legit Friday night guy. A slight hiccup in the first he got out of and then he dominated before running out of gas. Only issue is will he have the stamina to go late into games as we were used to with Yeskie.
    Sebby came in and threw three strikes to clear the inning for Chamberlain. They left him in too long as the Aztecs hit him hard.
    Hjerpe was very impressive again. He looks the most polished of the frosh pitchers. Got into a jam in the 9th, but the staff left him in and he worked out of it.
    Kid can paint the corners. Situation set up where the previous staff would have pulled him and put in Jake M, but they let him go and he delivered.
    Armstrong looks like the player we expected last year after his great play filling in for Madrgial. Gretler had another glove gem. He does not have the arm that his brother did, however. Outfielders can really cover things with the speed. D looks really good.
    One difference I noticed was in the last inning. Mitch left in the backup catcher, rather than go with the more experienced guy like Casey/Bailey did to close out the game.
    SDSU had their dance line perform on the top of the dugouts every other inning last night! The coed factor went from a five to a six on a five star rating system. Have to bring sun glasses to tonight’s game:)

    • Not only leaving him in to close out the game, but getting Hamilton a few starts this early in the season is certainly a fresh approach. Don’t recall Casey/Bails doing the same.

    • I think the beavers have committed only 2-3 errors in 9 games so far while not playing one game at home. Great defense and solid starting pitching will keep them in many games this season. Hopefully, the hitting continues to improve as the season progresses. It’s going to be interesting to see how this team develops this year.

    • 3

      I think it’s cool that Smith and company have landed the #1 JC QB in the country and now the #1 Fullback. #1 is always good. I know it was the GA era, but Ricky Ortiz made the NFL, so there is a little bit of a tradition. Horton looks like a tough bowling ball, he should be good on special teams in the future.

      • Also cool he’s a student of the full back game, as Gebbia is the passing game.

        So this kid will be on campus this fall as PWO? Develop some TE packages, let him gain weight, implement new packages in last 3 games of regular season (+ bowl game) and maintain his RS capacity. : )

    • Hopefully he gets a significant amount of carries on 1st down and 2nd and short. 2-3 yards a carry and chew the clock.

      It’s also good to have an additional pass protector on third and long to buy the QB and WR’s some time.

  46. I like that Smith is so married to what he does that he’s willing to overlook a player like this. Plus having another Jesuit kid can’t hurt.

  47. 2

    I like the pitch counts with the baseball team. Quite a few post seasons it seemed like the starters were really wearing down come playoff time with multiple 110-120 pitch outings. It might end up costing a game or two in the regular season but it will help develop depth a bit and maybe leave guys a hair healthier come postseason and the dangerous gauntlet that is Omaha should we ever make it back.

  48. Anyone have a link for the beaver combine data? I have Gould as my player to surprise this year and I’m betting he had a top 5 40 on the team. Would like to see how some of the big corners faired too.

    Edit: per Twitter he’s 3rd in agility, 3rd in vertical and 1 in broad jump. If the kids speed is legit and.he can catch I think we got a special threat.

    • Is Gould really a surprise since he was already top 5 last year? If last year is any indication, Irish and Gould should be in the top 5, and I would imagine Lindsey is up there, too.

      • Gould didn’t play at all last year. Season ending injury in fall camp I believe. He was a good 3 star Oregon recruit but who knows what that means nationally. Roster is loaded with experience and speed. Here are all the with experience and/or talent on him.

        WR: Bradford, Lindsay, Fleming’s, Irish, Taylor, Harrison (waiver?), Stewart and Lowe (waiver?).

  49. Random college baseball question – how much have analytics filtered down to the college game? Are SBs and bunts still frowned upon? Do defenses shift much? Just curious if his experience in the minors influences the way Canham makes decisions, sets line-ups etc. Will we see more pitching changes going forward?

    • The range of skill in the college ranks is too wide and sample sizes are too small to use analytics for things like defense shifts, bunts etc. College is more about execution and talent. Pro players are much much more consistent at the plate and defense. For example, bunts are much better defended at the pro level. College defenses can be much more shaky. Pros don’t bunt because it’s an auto out. College does because the guy on deck most likely isn’t power hitter who could make up for the batter striking out instead of bunting.

      I’ve mentioned it before but analytics like swing speed, launch angle, spin rate etc. Those kinds of analytics work at all levels.

  50. SDSU game three…
    Aztec starter was fantastic and dominated. Burns, not so much.
    Weather was cold…..for San Diego.
    No dance line:(
    World’s slowest concessions.
    Casey had a bad jump on a ball, that appeared he could have caught for an out, that dropped for an RBI. Only bright spot was a good relief appearance by the frosh Washburn.

  51. Maybe they haven’t “peaked” yet, but nice to see the TO trend continue today. Second game in a row with 7 TO’s.
    Good Gals outscore Cougs 3 of 4 quarters on the way to a 15 pt win.
    Morris 10 minutes, Simmons 15 minutes today………on to Vegas!

    Oh, how ’bout that………7 steals!

    • I was at the game and their D intensity really picked up midway thru third quarter. Aleah found her shot and only 7 turn overs is a great sign.

      • Looks like it will be Beavs vs Stanford if they can get by WSU (again) Thursday night. Is that the best quarterfinal matchup for the Beavs? Seems better than Ucks, UCLA, or U of A.

        Will 2 wins in the PAC tourney assure home court for NCAA? That seems to be the consensus.

  52. 3

    Horrendous pitching by Mulholland today. Similar to how he got blasted by Gonzaga. Three extra base hits including a grand slam. He needs to be on a max pitch count of about 20 pitches. He cannot go multiple innings. Thinking of how he got torched against Nevada last year when he was in for multiple innings, the Gonzaga game he started, and now today when trying to go long relief.

  53. Down 12-6 in the t8 and McGarry a 2 RBI double to make it a 4 run game. Hope BG comments on Armstrong scoring from first on that one, hard to tell from Jon’s radio description.

    BTW, sounds like Canham has abandoned the idea of coaching from 3b.

  54. 15 hits, 9 LOB in a 1 run loss.
    Time to panic?…………not clear, depends on your definition of “panic”, finishing 3rd to 5th in the PAC still seems possible.

  55. 1

    Spring roster observations,

    Harrison is listed as a true jr so, he does have two to play two with a redshirt. If he struggles in spring/fall camp, can always redshirt him.
    Lowe listed at RB but is only 180pds. Was a WR at UW. Prob third down back right now.

    Early enrollees
    Kady at olb. But only 195 vs all others over 220. Start eating!
    Gulbranson is the tallest and heaviest QB.
    Beason is a WR. He looked bigger than 6ft 190 on film. Maybe he played small schools.

    Other observations,
    Tallest wr is 6’1. Looks like TE will be getting the redzone targets.
    Deep LB and DB group.
    Curious to see Colletto in goal line packages. Listed at 238! Was 224 last year. Maybe paired with a FB, QB power will be featured a lot. Rather not see him throw it.
    Flemings can’t add weight ever. 142!
    Moore listed at 267, that’s really light for a 3-4 d lineman.

    First time is a while that there aren’t glaring weaknesses on the team.
    QB room has legitimate depth. Spring battle will be worth watching.
    RB has solid guys with Lowe as a wildcard.
    WR group is fast. But can they turn that speed into yac? Can they catch consistently?
    TE is fine. Not expecting anyone to emerge as a go to target.
    OL has some holes to fill but it seems like coach M is up to task.
    DL has some good depth. Wildcard is Moore. What can he do? If he can be disruptive, it takes some pressure off Whittley. Would like to see them make more plays this year.
    LB can be as great as the 2000 group. Tibs will be able to run fresh bodies on the field all game without much drop in production.
    DB is probably the group with the most questions. Do the JC guys come in and take over? Will that elevate the play of the group?

    Punter – just don’t punt it backwards
    Kicker – just don’t miss the xp
    LS – when’s the last time there was an issue here?

    Coaches – everyone stayed which is nice for continuity. If Beavs have a good year, should see some guys get poached. It’s a good sign. And change in the staff is good to get fresh perspectives.

    • For Harrison, when you say ” he does have two to play two with a redshirt” doesn’t that mean “3 to play 2”?

      Just making sure I’m not missing something

    • I’ll be interested to see the fall roster, I’ll do a comparison then. Some guys haven’t updated at all which is hard to believe (Sio really stayed 340 after a full year in D1 strength/conditioning and nutrition?!?).

      Notables – Whittley up 9 lbs, hard to think that’s good. A bunch of DL gained 5-15 lbs. Hodgins dropped 10 lbs, possibly moving outside and looking for more speed. Shippen at 288 could be a real tough assignment inside.

  56. OT, but speaking of combines, at the nfl combine Iowa OT Wirfs was 6’5” 320 lb., had a 36.5” vertical and a 4.85 forty. Insane.

  57. Angry’s strangely silent after the SDSU series, busy building that night stand? Willing to give Canham another series? Time to panic??

    FWIW UCSB comes to Goss this weekend with an RPI of 59 vs OSU 65. Before they get to Corvallis the Gauchos have a game with UCLA.

    Gauchos are 9-2 with a win over LMU (RPI 58), other than that they haven’t beaten anyone with a RPI nearly as good as the Beavs, but they have one heck of a pitcher. Aaron Fitt says of Michael Mcgreevy:
    ” Man, has he been good: 0.42 ERA, 23-4 K-BB mark in 21.2 IP…(he) stands out for outstanding command, good life and deception, which makes his rather pedestrian raw stuff play up.”

    Now, can McMahan, Armstrong, and McGarry hit that “pedestrian raw stuff”?

    • I’m painting the entire interiors of the house with any free time. A real pain. I’m getting flashing in certain light where I did repairs and/or use a brush instead of a roller, and I’m using SW’s paint/primer in one. It’s taking priority over baseball, though I did see they went 2-2 and didn’t get the 3 they needed. More disappointment there.

  58. With angry busy painting I’ll try to post a new thread later today, assuming nicebeaver is busy with recruiting efforts.

    Meanwhile, the GT is up with a piece on spring practice, complete with plenty of evidence of the lack of attention to detail brought on by, I suppose, the decline of newspaper budgets.

    Quite a list of players who will miss the opening today of spring practice:
    Nathan Eldridge (hammy), Isaiah Dunn (groin), defensive lineman Jordan Whitley (knee), linebacker Andrzej Hughes-Murray (slight setback with his foot) and defensive lineman and Auburn transfer Charles Moore (upper body). Hamilcar Rashed Jr.(limited) and both Addison Gumbs and Jeromy Reichner out recovering from ACL injuries.

    So it starts!


    • All those players are veterans now aside from moore and maybe gumbs as far as actually playing the system. I would imagine that its precautionary mostly. This is when the coaches need to see what the young guys can do and get them up to speed.

    • Nicebeaver’s just been busy with barely paying attention to OSU athletics for the last couple of months. That may be changing with Spring football for a few weeks, but I’m looking forward to a quiet Summer break from OSU until fall camp starts up.
      That being said, I’ll probably still be on here daily


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