Home Football ASU @ Oregon State (Game Week)

ASU @ Oregon State (Game Week)


If this game were on the road, it would be a probable loss, but I think the vibe should be really excellent at Reser given we’re an up and coming team, have locked up a bowl, and still technically have a path to win the North. Fans should be a viable 12th man. Weather, unfortunately, doesn’t look to give us much advantage. Maybe the late kickoff results in lower temps than ASU is accustomed to, so maybe a slight advantage there.

From what I have seen of ASU, they are not a great team. I’d qualify them in the same range as the Beavs – a pretty good team. From what I saw of the D vs Stanford, I think we’ll be able to contain Daniels scrambling, too. Herm Edwards is pretty bad. Might give Smith the edge over him, despite Smith’s continued problems.

28-21, Beavs.


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      You’re a lot more optimistic than I am. It really depends which teams decide to show up for the beavs. The beavs team that beat Utah, USC, WA and Stanford, or Tue team that fell flat against Colorado. I think the beavs need to put a spy on Daniels, play press coverage and blitz on third downs. Take away the short passes and force Daniels to be you long. Oh, stopping the run game would be mice too. ASU will load the box to stop the run so opportunities for fly sweeps, bubble screens and TEs crossing patterns. I’d like to see chance Nolan hit a long pass for once too. I have no idea about this game just like Stanford. If beavers want to avoid the El Crapo Bowl, they need to beat ASU…We will see if Bray can put together a scheme to stop ASU. if he does, I think he lands the job, if not, the beavers look elsewhere. Of course the players must execute and tackle so we shall see.

  1. 4

    I like that ASU went to SEA, back to AZ, then up to Corvallis this week. Might help a bit, would help more if the game had a 1 pm start time though. Hope the crowd is into it. A late start time could discourage some attendance though.

    I don’t think the Beavs will contain Daniels as well. Against Stanford with a true FR QB who apparently hadn’t started since his junior year of HS, I thought the Beavers D still looked slow. Daniels is much more athletic. Maybe with another week under Bray, things will improve but the speed won’t.

    Both teams are handicapped by their head coaches. This should be Edwards’ last season. The investigation ought to catch up to him this off season.

    OSU’s Oline hasn’t been looking special, including in terms of penalties. I’m curious if ASU has a talented D line with speed?

    Should be an entertaining game. Beavs are undefeated at home, correct? Maybe they play loose and free. I’d like to see penalties cleaned up, Baylor with a big night, TQ to keep it rolling, and Nolan with less than 20 throws and an efficient game, and a few INTs and a fumble recovery by the D because I think ASU can get its yards against this D.

    The venerable, hallowed old side of Reser will start coming down Sunday. Grab a chair back, arm rest, or bench section if you can, locate it in a special place in your home, and think of all the glory witnessed from that seating…..slowly sip some Courvoisier…pause, ponder the spectacle and sporting theater that awaits in new seating in 2023….ahhh…”Go Beavers!”

    • That’s why you put a spy on Daniels and change your defensive looks at the LOS. If beavers don’t contain Daniels, it’ll be a long night. Hopefully, the beavers don’t get pass happy so O Line must do their job.. ASU typically doesn’t play well in Corvallis in November so it would be great to see a little funky, cold weather for the sunshine boys from Arizona and send them packing. Oh yeah, hopefully JS doesn’t get cute on any fourth down plays inside our own 40. Go get what should have already been the 7th win…the beavs should already be 7-3 going into this game but….

    • 1

      Run the ball effectively. Keep your defense off the field. Keep Daniels on the sidelines.

      Shhhhh. Should be the game plan. This is not difficult

      • If it is not that difficult, the beavers would be 10-0 0as opposed to 6-4. In the 4 losses, the beavers failed miserably to make in game adjustments so there’s the adjustment factors that male it much more complex than it would appear.

  2. Watched some of the ASU-Husky game during the Beaver halftime, what I saw of Daniels was that he doesn’t have much of an arm and it was basically him and White as far the offense was concerned. Still, they did find a way to come back on the Dawgs in the waning minutes of the 4th qtr. Absolutely need to find a way to contain Daniels though; can’t give him a running lane at all or it will be a long evening.

  3. Daniels is going to rip apart our D with his legs. The only thing that will potentially hold ASU’s offense back is their play calling.

    On defense, they have good LB’s and a good DL, so we’re going to need key throws from Chance to score enough to win. If we get Good Chance, we’ll have a…chance. If we get Squinty Chance we have no…chance.

    Ultimately, this is a winnable game at home. Recent history tells us the Beavs will probably get caught fart-sniffing after gaining bowl eligibility. Recent history also tells us that basically every Beaver game is a crap shoot at this point, so who knows? Embrace the chaos, I guess?

    31-27 ASU

    • I hope that the fact this is the last home game of the season keeps them focused and not distracted by gaining bowl eligibility. I don’t recall when they last went undefeated at home, but it would be nice, meaningful progress to pair with breaking losing streaks against conference opponents.

      Smith is 1-4 in games worth bowl eligibility, so maybe his first chance of an undefeated home season as head coach will make him pucker and kick up the poor decisions.

      • Along the same lines, I wonder if a Nike victory over Utah right before our game would be demoralizing? I have to think JS is telling everyone they’re still playing for a North title. That could end Saturday afternoon.

        • Hopefully he is considering that and managing expectations. I think the idea of an undefeated home season ought to be motivation enough.

          They can’t control other game outcomes.

          • My guess is El Paso pays the conference enough to make it worth their while. The payout in 2019 was $4.5M, and I assume that went up with the re-ranking of PAC-12 bowl games (the Alamo bowl was worth $8.5M in 2019).

            In 2017: “The Pac-12 had $116 million in bowl revenues vs. only about $10 million in expenses.” I thought I remembered that bowl revenue was split evenly among PAC-12 teams, but I can’t find anything to support that.

            Sun Bowl attendance in 2019 was 42k. That’s not too bad compared to other major conference bowl games, which seem to average 50-60k for the higher-tier games.

          • All post season revenues are shared for all sports with the exception of merchandise. Always root for P12 reams in baseball and basketball post season

    • I think Daniels does pick the defense apart. ASU has lost games where Daniels can’t run much and his passing is mediocre, however. I think a win is there though, if Beavs manage some containment, get a takeaway or two, and “home” Nolan shows up. He hasn’t traveled well this year (but of course he’s probably sniffing farts this week); must be rough on his astigmatism. Except for conference leading pass D UW, Nolan has passed well at home, but asu appears to have the second best secondary in the conference. See what we get.

  4. 2

    I may bring my toxic Rodent luck to Reser. Sorry guys! If I do show up, our chance of winning is 25%, based on Beaver history with me in attendance since the Civil War for the Roses.

  5. Latest bowl projection has the Beavs playing Miami in the Holiday Bowl. I believe that assumes we go 0-2 in our last two. The Alamo Bowl and Sun Bowl are the next tier up and would be our landing spots with a 1-1 or 2-0 finish (unless we somehow make the Rose Bowl).

    How terrible is PAC-12 management when our #3 bowl game is in El Paso?

    • Holiday Bowl will be played in PetCo park, San Diego MLB park. Seating of about 40K, but they have to reconfigure for football, so not sure how many seats that would be. Seems like Beavers would travel well there(?), and the stadium could get pretty full.

      I’ll be curious to see how the Jimmy Kimmel LA Bowl looks – half empty? I don’t think a Mountain West Champion and a PAC invitee can fill that place?

      I think Beavers win one or both of the next two. Maybe they get an Alamo Bowl invite?

      I hope the players aren’t talking about these scenarios like fans are!

      • 2019 Holiday Bowl had 50k fans for USC-Iowa in the old stadium. Looks like it could be a sellout in a smaller venue with the right matchup.

        The smaller capacity explains why it moved down the pecking order.

  6. Seeing alot of Utah fans embracing the idea that losing to Oregon this week is in their team’s best interest.
    The thought being that if Oregon wins out, theyre in the playoff and Utah is in the Rose Bowl.
    But if Oregon loses 1 game to (OSU or Utah), they’re not going to the playoff and could push Utah down to a lower bowl game should Utah not win the Pac12 championship game.

    • Yeah, but if/when we beat them they add a loss for nothing, right?

      I can’t imagine Whillingham or any coach teaching their players it is okay to lose. Particularly when losing doesn’t guarantee you anything.

  7. WTF is that in the twitter feed with Herm Edwards checking packages?!? Assuming that was an outtake and wasn’t on-air, but even so, what a weird guy.

    • It’s funny, I found that deep in cesspools of the internet awhile back. But if you try searching for that clip, it’s been scrubbed from pretty much anywhere, almost like ESPN wanted to avoid people replaying it. It did air several years back on a live show.

      Feel free to share it far and wide

    • He’s on the radio right now with Jon Wilner talking about how Smith has a ton of leverage, especially if UW, USC or UCLA come sniffing around and try to poach him this offseason. (Wilner thinks there’s a chance the Chip Kelly wont be around next year at UCLA) They’re saying Smith will be getting a new contract this offseason one way or the other.
      So the article is likely coming

      • I don’t think a contract extension is necessary right now. He’s just not that wanted elsewhere. Not sure how any of those schools can sell the record Smith currently has. Why hire a guy who has just made his first bowl game?

        And smith was just extended last year. I would always agree to up the assistants salary pool.

        Chip will get another year. With so many high profile jobs openings and maybe more coming plus the domino effect of coaches leaving for the top jobs, UCLA would be left with nothing if they fire him.

  8. Why doesn’t JS punt?

    Opponent record on drives starting at their 25 or worse (TD or FG):
    Purdue- 2/8
    USC- 4/11
    UW- 2/8
    WSU- 4/6
    Utah- 3/7
    Cal- 4/9
    Colorado- 2/4 (Clearly a game we lost due to field position when they only started 4 drives deep in their own territory)
    Stanford- 2/5

    Overall, opponents score on 40% of their drives that start in punt/touchback territory.

    We’re only 43% on 4th downs this year (compared to 63% last year), so the odds of converting are roughly the same as the odds of giving up points when we punt. Add on the possibility of our drive stalling after a conversion, and punting seems like a no-brainer.

    • He talked about it in the press conference today. His analytics said go for it and he let the team know they might go for it on their half of the field. I think he implied that he did make a mistake of not having Colletto in.

  9. Reichle’s offer was a PWO, so that slows down my thoughts on him coming to OSU. If he gets legitimate offers from other schools, that will change things. Will be an interesting recruitment to follow

  10. 2

    Miami has fired their AD and most are assuming Manny Diaz is next. Whenever people talk about Miami coaches, Mario Cristobal comes up as the top target because he’a an alum and he’s having success. Makes sense.
    But one major sticking point has always been the AD, Blake James has beem terrible and Mario would never leave Oregon to coach for James.
    Welp….he’s gone now.
    I expect the Mario to Miami rumors to start flying around ASAP.
    Especially if oregon loses one of their remaining games and misses the playoffs.

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      Perfect timing, too, as the ACC is relatively weak and the nation is waiting for a team to rise to prominence.

      The only downside to Mario leaving is that Tom Herman could take over at Hole.

      • Tom Hermann at Nike feels like it would be similar to Tom Hermann at Texas. Consistently good, but not quite able to wrangle the egos in and around the program.

    • 1

      I hope crystal ball stays. He will never reach the potential of the recruits he gets. Pac 12 is down right now and they still aren’t dominating. I give them credit for winning games. You see many teams slip
      Up this year. Eventually usc and others will improve. Smith coaches well against his teams.

      • 2

        I’m all for shake ups though. If coaches view oregon as a stepping stone job, recruits will be skeptical their long term role on the team

  11. now that the team is bowl eligible, let’s see how the bowl selection works,

    Rose – Champ or runner up if champ is in the CFP.
    Alamo – Is not bound to take a team based on record. They can select any team as long as they are within one game of the best record remaining.
    Holiday/Vegas – Same rules as Alamo. They alternate who picks after Alamo. Holiday has the pick this year.
    Sun Bowl – obligated to take best record remaining
    LA Bowl – Same as Sun

    Here’s how it currently shapes up if the standing holds,
    Rose – Utah with Oregon in the CFP
    Alamo – Can choose between Beavs, ASU, UCLA
    Holiday – If ASU is selected by Alamo, WSU is eligible here if they qualify.
    Vegas – same as holiday
    Sun Bowl – Beavs could fall to here if they aren’t picked
    LA Bowl – Beavs lose out, this is where they might go

    UW, USC can still qualify for a bowl by winning out. WSU will most likely beat Arizona Friday to get eligible. That would be three teams going bowling without their head coach at the beginning of the year. I don’t think that’s ever been done.

    So if Beavs take care of business on Sat, it looks like Holiday or Vegas are good bets.

    • Thanks for breaking that down. I was looking at standings and wondering how things could potentially shake out. Seems like any time a bowl decision is left up to the bowl itself, Beavs will get screwed in favor of the bigger market teams(USC, UW, ASU)

  12. 3

    Nice beaver mentioned a 2023 QB recruit coming to Corvallis this weekend.

    Brayden Dorman. He’s the kind of QB that fits Smith’s system very well. I watched some of his highlights.

    Here’s the scouting report,
    A pure pocket passer. No wheels to speak of. He’ll have to work on that to at least extend plays.
    Great arm, can throw every route. No funky mechanics.
    Has the old NFL QB prototype build. 6’5 200 pounds.
    He’d have the potential to be a 3-4 year starter.

    Basically a blend of Mannion and Luton but with a higher ceiling.

    Would be a huge get. A true 4 star QB. Chances are pretty low of getting him as he has offers from Wisconsin, iowa st, miss st and others. 247 prediction is already saying Wisconsin. But getting an unofficial visit is always a good thing.

  13. I’ve only watched 8 minutes or so and I’ve already seen Hunt with two unforced error turnovers. To his credit, he also forced a really nice steal on the other end.

    • Small sample size, but I’m not seeing any improvement from Hunt. Same out of control player 60% of the time. I think Tinks would do well to cut his losses there and reduce his playing time greatly.

      • Haven’t seen Davis yet, but I’m looking forward to it. Sounds like he’s been similarly up and down through his first two games.

        Akanno has done some nice things today, but he doesn’t look as confident with the ball as you’d like.

        We don’t really have any other options to replace Hunt.

        • Davis has real potential. I think he just hasn’t been in the system long enough. He hasn’t hit many shots but I feel way better when it’s in his hands compared to Hunt.

    • The announcers nailed it. He moves before he sees the court. I just haven’t seen him improve in that aspect throughout his career. Things like that are the difference in becoming an NBA player and becoming an everyday joe.

      Edit: mckalk is spot on. That’s exactly what I see as well.

  14. Man, Silva has been useless through two and a half games. I was getting excited about him as a factor after the tourney and then the article about him getting stronger. I know, I know it’s early, but….

    • It looks like the game is moving too fast for him. He seems slow to react to everything and he’s trying to compensate by fouling. In his defense, no one’s fed him the ball in the post (that I’ve seen), so he hasn’t had many chances to contribute on offense.

    • I thought he was working on his shooting touch for the next level? He is out of sorts tonight. If not for Calloo, this could be a Tulsa blowout.

      • Calloo is the only guy that isn’t playing timid. This is the Mo we need this season! But everyone else is playing scared and hesitant. Lucas doesn’t seem to want to shoot and Alatishe looks like he barely slept last night.

  15. Tulsa has way more confidence than we do. They’re willing to go 1-on-1 in the paint. Our guys are shying away from contact.

    This one’s over.

    • Ball movement isn’t nearly as good as it was late last year. I think we miss Reichle’s ability to keep the ball moving in the middle of a possession. Some of that is chemistry and will hopefully develop as the season goes on.

  16. Tough to win any game when you shoot 36% on freethrows. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a team at any level that was this bad across the board with their free throws.
    Maybe my brother’s 6th grade team, but it’s close.

  17. As long as Hunt remains our point guard we will struggle. Davis didn’t play at all, Taylor played 5 minutes. I think both of them give us a better chance than Hunt. Hunt can’t create and can”t shoot.

    • Hunt has been a disappointment.

      Plays great defense and can get steals, but he’s got to be able to set up plays and make good passes as a PG.

      He’s not a scoring threat, and defenses know that, so they don’t collapse when he tries to drive inside.

  18. How can Davis getting a DNP possibly be justified? He has legit potential where we need it most and he certainly hasn’t played any worse than a number of guys who did play today

  19. I think we have the physical ability to be a tournament team, but so much of basketball is psychological. We played timid tonight and Tulsa didn’t. We need guys like Lucas who have the mindset every night they’re going to score 20 and they can defend anyone.

    Alatishe is so athletic, but he doesn’t look any more sure of himself on the court than he did a year ago. We have good size and athleticism, but Tulsa seemed to always have one guy against our two winning boards while one of ours just stood there. Hunt is really athletic, but plays scared with the ball in his hands (probably because all his TO’s get in his head).

    I like Akanno’s court presence. He was vocal and active. I’d like to see more of him. I was disappointed we didn’t see Davis at all.

  20. Apparently Tinks didn’t get the memo.

    These are the games you’re supposed to win if you don’t want to have to win the conference tournament.

    • Why do we run an offense like we’re slower and smaller than the opposition when the opposite is true? Where’s the motion or guys cutting at all? We never run w Hunt and that seems so counter productive

    • This was as much of a throwaway game as you get. Tulsa will be a Q2 or 3 team at the end of the season, so a win wouldn’t make our resume and a loss won’t break it.

      Oddly enough, the next game against Samford is more important.

  21. Tough losses but they need to learn early that winning on the road is tough no matter who you play. There are still a lot of games to be played and by no means do a couple road losses in November ruin anything.

  22. The tournament run bought Tinkle a decent amount of slack – nice to see the upgraded pre-season schedule, which in season’s past would feature only one or two major conference opponents. The free-throw disparity – whether you are talking about make pct or just number of attempts – was the difference against Tulsa. This might be the most interesting season (all the way through) since Tinkle’s first year with GP II. Once the Tinkle/Thompson era began the team’s defered to the sons and it was predictable.

    • You bring up an interesting point. ET got a lot of flak for “selfish” play, especially when the shots weren’t falling. Last night, we looked like a team that wasn’t sure who to turn to when we needed buckets. Alatishe was really the only guy trying to create anything on his own and he just looked out of his element. Calloo and Lucas are both good shooters, but they aren’t going to create on offense.

      We desperately need a PG that’s able to at least try to create some offense when things are stagnating. Hunt is not that player. I hope Davis or Akanno can be.

      • I knew we’d be bad with no ET. Huge loss. Haven’t had a chance to watch any games yet, but we didn’t have any obvious player to take over and replace his production, so my thinking is we’d be starting a bench player in that slot and see a huge drop. Looking at the margin of defeat, it seems that’s exactly what is happening.

          • Davis is the best bet. He has the do everything skill set of ET and the scoring prowess. I think he is still adjusting, but you can tell Tinkle already thinks highly of him. He is a contributor. I honestly think missing him was the difference in yesterday’s game.

          • Davis should have the mindset of being The Man already from JC ball, too. Akkano (and Hunt, really) will have to think of themselves differently if they want to step into that role.

        • The thing about Ethan Thompson is he was super clutch. He knew how to manufacture points when the game was winding down. He would shoot 3’s when he was shooting well and work inside and score/make FTs when his shot wasn’t falling. Stephen was the same way. I think Ethan Thompson is super underrated.

  23. The Packers are issuing 90mil of stock, yet they’re saying it’s not stock in the common sense of the word. What is it, a bond? Either way, sounds like an awful investment. Sounds like fans giving the Packers money for nothing.

    Anyway, since everything is a big joke now, the Beavs should just go public via a SPAC that’s selling player NFTs, and we should fund our stadium and rise to prominence that way. It would actually be pretty cool if I could buy stock (in the traditional sense of the word) in the Beavs.

    • It’s a stock certificate that gives them money and allows you to say you are an NFL owner. It’s how all pro franchises should operate. The fans pay the freight and the burden on the general taxpayer is greatly reduced.

      I got a stock certificate as an Xmas gift from my deceased wife the last time they did this. I like to say they are both priceless and worthless.
      Since I grew up with a Bart Starr poster over my bed as a young kid, it is priceless to me. Bob Craft and I talk all the time since I became an NFL owner LOL.

      • Haha. So it doesn’t even bear interest? So it’s not even a bond? You just give them money to say you’re an owner (an owner with no voting rights, no revenue, etc)…? That’s a good deal for them! I’d do it if the Beavs issued them just for the laughs. Laughs are worth something.

      • I’m with BeeG, on this. My wife and I went on a tour of Lambeau almost a decade ago. At one one, the tour guide asked: “are there any owners in this group?” I raised my hand, the only one out of 30 or so people. In that moment I felt I had gotten more than my money’s worth from the same offering that BeeG’s wife must have bought his

  24. A “Beaver moon” Friday, when people historically set traps for Beavers w/thick fur for winter…

    Longest partial eclipse in 580 years occurs at about 2 am Friday morning, lasting nearly 3.5 hours?

    What might this portend for Saturday’s game? Thursday/Friday parties at OSU?!?

  25. Jonathan Smith isn’t the only one who has his team bowl eligible now, good ‘ol Mike Leach has also.
    Leach talks about his good road record in this vid, maybe JS could learn something here? FF to 9 minutes.

    A taste of classic Leach near the end regarding the bus ride back to Starkville.


  26. Weird, I mentioned last week on twitter that I didnt want to subscribe for an additional ESPN+ account to watch Beaver games when I already have ESPN, and Buffalo Wild Wings tweeter to me that they saw that and want to offer me a free 12 month subscription. Not sure what the catch is, but if it works out ok, I’ll set it up as a “Beavrecruiting” user name and see if I can share the account with my friends at AB who dont have ESPN+. (Or maybe you each should post a complaint about ESPN+ and see if you get a similar response from BWW)


  27. MBB is gonna be just fine. They are already playing better earlier. Tulsa, Iowa State, and Portland State are decent, not terrible teams. We shown that we can compete and are playing at a better level early than we ever showed last year. To me this team looks much improved, I think by pac 12 play we’ll be dialed in.

    • I’m optimistic too, but the free throw shooting is a major problem. With decent ft shooting they’d be undefeated so far.
      Calloo and Lucas are the only decent shooters so far.
      Alitishe is a good offensive option but if teams just foul him, it’s basically a turnover because his free throws are so terrible, which makes him a libility late in games.

      • Yeah the free throw % has been directly affected by Alatishe. He’s the only one getting fouled and he unfortunately can’t make them. Calloo, Lucas, and Hunt are pretty solid. It seems a lot of our season rides on Alatishe. If he gets it together, look out. He’s already shown improvement. Him hitting that three at PSU, showed a big improvement compared to last year. I think he’ll become more consistent as the season progresses, and the wins will follow.

    • 6

      Iowa St went 2-22 last year and was picked to finish dead last in the Big 12. Not a tournament team.

      Tulsa went 11-12 last year and was picked to finish 7th in the AAC. Not a tournament team.

      Portland St went 9-13 last year, got a new head coach and is picked to finish 7th or 8th in the big sky. Not a tournament team.

        • All three teams landed multiple Division 1 transfers. All have talent. But yeah spin it anyway you want. This is the same stuff I heard all season last year.

        • 3 home wins. The other two over Kennesaw St and Alabama St.

          They may be better than last year. I never said they weren’t. I wrote they were picked to finish last in their conference and aren’t a tournament team.

          • Weren’t the Beavs picked to finish last in 2020?
            I guess my point is it’s way too early to say which teams will end up as tournament teams or last in their conference.
            Beavs have plenty of issues to work on amd dont look like a team thay will get there this year, but I can’t count them out already.

          • It’s meaningless to compare our opponents to their performances last year, because everyone’s roster has changed so dramatically due to the transfer portal.

            The lack of a scoring PG is a real problem for OSU because we cannot create space. Defensive rebounding would be next.

          • 3

            Y’all can spin it any way you want in your little heads.

            The point still remains the same I wrote after the loss on Monday night.

            If you don’t want to have to win your conference tournament at the end of the regular season, these are the games you NEED to win.

            None of the first 3 opponents will be in the NCAA tournament. Transfers or not.

  28. Way too soon bowl projections……for those who wanted a trip to Vegas, The Sporting News says it’s the Beavs vs Purdue in the Las Vegas Bowl on Dec 30.

    Maybe we’ll get an answer to that question, “What if Chance had played 60 minutes vs Purdue to open the season?”

    • Something I’ve learned the past few days: bowl projections are now mostly meaningless because the bowls just pick who they want and the assignments aren’t nearly as rigid as they used to be.

      • Remember what we said about no bowl? It’s unlikely, but a small possibility, if eight or nine conference teams are bowl eligible. According to a Pac-12 spokesman, if the conference’s contracted bowls are filled and eligible teams remain, the conference uses its bowl relationships to land additional berths. But no guarantees.

        That’s why it’s important Oregon State wins one of its final two games to reach 5-4 for a conference record. The bowl pecking order is based on conference record, not overall.


        • That said, the possibility of 9 teams getting bowl eligible is pretty remote…..

          Colorado, Stanford and Arizona are all eliminated with at least 7 losses.

          WSU – Arizona at home and the crapple cup in Seattle. Pretty safe.

          UW – Buffs in Boulder and WSU at home. Possible. They need to win both. But I could also see them dropping both.

          Cal – would have to win out. At Stanford, at ucla and home vs USC.

          USC – home vs ucla and byu and at Cal.

          For both of those teams to get to 6 wins, usc would have to beat ucla and byu but lose to Cal. I don’t see either of them getting to 6 wins.

          I’m of the opinion that WSU gets bowl eligible and that’s it. But stranger things have happened.

          Beavs just need to win. And let the chips fall where they may. Start by beating ASSU

        • I remember some concern in 2013 with the Beavs losers of five straight games, but after the fact, those in the know seemed to indicate a bowl bid was never in doubt. I don’t think the Hawaii Bowl is possible with the affiliations even though Hawaii is not bowl eligible.

  29. 1

    A maybe outside the box hire for d coordinator. SDSU d coordinator looks pretty good. Stat wise. Kurt Mattix. Just don’t look up pictures of him. Runs a 3-3-5 defense.

    I’m on the lake train for sure but this is a guy who should get a call.

    • Maybe. I’m still hoping bray has good results for the next 3 games and he gets the nod. A lot easier to find a good linebackers coach.

      • I think Smith should interview multiple guys no matter what Bray does. If Bray is kept on, the other interviews will solidify the choice.

          • I wouldn’t go the keep it in the family route. It’s a nice thing but family gets more chances than others which end in disaster.

            It’s a business, make the changes when they are needed. Smith has taken a step in the right direction but needs to hire the right coordinator.

            If Bray has great outing vs ASU and Oregon, it’ll be hard not to give him the job.

          • 1

            One thing I don’t know about Bray is his ability to manage position coaches and establish overall scheme, those are important parts of being a DC.
            In some ways he reminds me of Cristo, great recruiter and high energy on the sideline. We’ve seen Cristo fail at in game mangement, enthusiasm and talented players may take you a long way, but there are limits.

          • 1

            I get a little concerned about Bray’s talk of “physicality” and “tackling with violence” without talking about reads and secure tackles. Making the right read and taking the right angles are huge to saving yards. Sure, tackle hard, physical, violently, but make the right read quickly, get there quickly, and wrap and tackle.

            I hate seeing players dive, leave their feet, and miss as we saw last week. Stupid. I’ve seen Grant literally try to shove a ball carrier sideways rather than wrap and tackle, and of course the runner kept going. Years ago, under Banker, I remember an OSU DB running up to a ball carrier, and turning his back, and running into him backwards, as if he expected the impact to end the play. it didn’t.

            Someone pointed out the other day how Baylor’s coach has the D – and the DBs – bought into defeating blocks and making tackles. it was huge in their victory last Saturday. Its a complete difference maker because most teams don’t do it.

            Hamilcar in his best year was wrapping and securing for TFLs and sacks, as opposed to going for non-wrap hits that look dramatic but don’t get the job done.

            So, lets see if Bray can get them to diagnose plays quickly, take the right angle, and tackle well. If he doesn’t, don’t give him an interview. If he does, make him part of a competitive interview process with experienced DC candidates.

          • 2

            His comments sound like a red flag.

            You have to be physical to tackle properly. “Tackling with violence” is how players get hurt, recklessly. The defender should never leave his feet when the ball carrier is coming right at him.

            His words should have been “block with violence”. Reason being is that you make the blocker think twice before throwing another block. Jaire Alexander does this perfectly.

          • His “tackle with violence” line he even ised back when he coached LBs in the Riley days. I bet a youtube interview from back then exists with him saying the same thing

            *edit* found a video from a decade ago pretty quickly. He says “with violence” about 10 times. Basically he wants everything done violently, haha.


      • That was me being sarcastic. Maybe being fat and rockin’ a mullet gives him the perfect look for the job. As long as he has good defensive numbers, I don’t really care what he looks like.

          • Well, if your job is to win college football games and one of your employees is making idiotic decisions and costing you games then managing him is your responsibility.

          • It’s always the bosses fault? Come on, let’s be real. He trusts Lindgren, Lindgren hasn’t been consistent. I don’t put that on Smith, especially when he has proven he will fire you. Keep blaming him though. Fire Smith, keep Lindgren? Lol

          • If Lindgren has actually been the one making these boneheaded calls for 2+ years then yes, it’s Smith’s fault for not recognizing that it’s costing his team games and he needs to put a stop to it, like a year and a half ago.

            While we’re at it I’d be looking up stats on how many yards per game Cookus is costing the team having Champ return kickoffs out of the end zone to the fucking 12 yard line.

            His job is holding his staff accountable.

  30. Bruce Feldman on the twitters say Chip Kelly to UW is on the table…….

    Would be hilarious to see duck fan heads explode.

  31. Nicebeav, what’s the scoop on Tristan Davis? Out of Wilsonville. Sounds like the Beavs have him visiting. 6’ 7” athletes are not super common. I wonder if the Beavs have a shot.

    • Hard to read much into him visiting, but it’s still good.
      2023 guy, so more than a year to go in his recruitment. Hopefully the Beavs can keep him interested

        • BYU has had a solid hoops program for several years now. Always seem to be up there in the WCC with Gonzaga and St Mary’s.

          Unlike Oregon, they play team ball. Last nights result wasn’t surprising. I felt they would beat Oregon. The margin of victory is what was surprising.

          I think Oregon just expected to show up and they’d win.

  32. Smith isn’t quite the robot he seems to portray. His quote about the Fiesta Bowl team reunion.

    “It’ll be great to see a lot of those guys,” he said. “I know there’s a function Friday night. I’ll be able to see a few of them quickly, coaches included, coming back and celebrating that. We’ve got the uniforms for it. It should be a lot of fun. Meaningful relationships with those guys, memories of wins, the locker rooms, the times in downtown Corvallis.”

  33. 2

    Okay Angry Beavs, someone on reddit is trying to convince me that old school Benny is called “sailor Benny”. Is this true? I’ve never once heard him referred to as sailor Benny. Please confirm.

  34. MSU reportedly working on a 10-year, $95M deal to keep Mel Tucker. For perspective, Tucker has roughly 2 years experience as a head coach and had a 7-12 record before this season. This is as much as Nick Saban makes (assuming the pay is evenly distributed rather than progressive/regressive).

    If you were a MSU fan, would you be in favor of this?

    • Mel Tucker sucked at Colorado. Is almost always dumb to overly reward a coach based off 1 good year. The next year is usually reversion to the mean and now you have spent most your dollars you have for several years and are in a long term deal.

          • I was responding to the comment that he sucked at Colorado. He already has MSU doing well without his recruits. I just think he’s a really good coach. They are in a tough spot because he is a popular name for big openings like LSU. Isn’t Shaw making about 9 a year…lol

  35. 3

    While the final official list of this visitors hasnt been shared with me yet, I have a new name on my radar who I’m suspicious about as a potential visitor. Also interesting because he doesnt fit a position I thought we were still recruiting, but things change so you never know.
    4* RB Jadyn Ott. Has playee HS ball for Bishop Gormon(NV) and Norco HS(CA).
    Not sure if this means something is happening with Martinez, or if we’re considering taking 2 RBs this year?
    Maybe he’s just one of those guys who is just too good to pass up if he is available?


  36. 5

    We are Oregon State

    We always lose the big game

    Luck of the Beavers

    Loveable losers

    Oregon will roll our asses

    Buttfucked in Eugene

    It is not baseball

    This is Oregon State football

    Disappointment reigns

  37. Keys to the game will likely be turnovers and limiting big play touchdowns for both teams. If Beavs can get the lead early and momentum they should be able to play steady, but ASU seems like a front-running team that will try to be more physical and more aggressive.

    ASU hasn’t played very well on the road this year either so maybe advantage Beavs.

    Warning: ASU will stick with the run game and try to keep pounding the dline until they break a big play. SPeights needs to bring his freshman self to this one.

    Good Nolan must show up early and not fumble or gift interceptions. Hopefully Baylor is back to full speed/strength.

    Beavs win a shootout 38-35

    • I’m sitting courtside and #3 for Cal Baptist is very quick and solid. Beavs giving too many open looks from the 3 point line, 9-19. Cal B was 26-1 last year. Beavers not looking sharp and Tea Adams didn’t dress down and is not on the bench so don’t know what’s happening with her.

  38. Kord Shaw will be on his Official visit this weekend too.
    That might be it: Oliver, Knaak, Cooper, Shaw

    No word on any potential transfers, but those usually get discovered right before a guy actually signs.

    • I was at the game and CB is a very good team but they’re not Pac12 good…OSU had a great third quarter but letdown in the 4th…from what I’ve seen in 2 games, thisbyeam will finish 5-6 in the conference. Lots of new faces trying to acclimate to D1 ball on the same team and beavers have some solid pieces but mix in some youth and that’s the beavers this year.

      • Thanks.
        Any thoughts on Brown? Seemed back to 100% on livestream.
        Nice to see that 15′ jumper by Jones.
        Noelle got more minutes than I’d expected, any idea why?
        Beavs sure showed lack of communication on D early, agree?

        • I think brown is slowly returning back to form as she looked more comfortable than she did against W. Washington. Jones needs to NE more decisive going to the hoop.. She’ll often make her move but allows the defense to collapse around her……get the ball and make the move. Rueck said that she has been working on her perimeter shot but again she needs to just shoot and not hesitate. She just needs to be more aggressive IMO. Mannen got plenty of PT last night but I think OT was more out of necessity with Tea Adams missing (she wasn’t on the bench so not sure what’s happening with her). I thought Mannen gave them quality minutes hitting a pair of 3’s and another 2point FG…so she definitely showed that she earned more PT. That said, I’m not convinced she’s got the quicks to play meaningful minutes when conference play starts but you can see she really puts in the effort and confidence is a big factor for any player. Her performance last night may go along ways towards her continued development but only more PT will tell. My overall impression of this team is that they will struggle against more athletic and quicker teams but when they decide to play defense, that could help balance out the those two deficiencies. I hope I’m wrong, bit I think this team finishes somewhere between 4-6 in conference.. Teams like Stanford, Oregon, UCLA, ASU are usually very athletic so I think it will be a challenge for this team that’s not very athletic or very quick. They’ll have to rely on the defense and length. If last night was a barometer in prep for conference play, I would rate overall a C level performance with the third quarter being an A+. I think this team is a year or two away from being very good but too young right IMO.

  39. Rooting for the Holiday – since the Beavs have never made that bowl game – of course the Rose would be ideal – but I don’t see that happening.

    The LA Bowl is on ABC, 4:30 local on the Saturday before Christmas. Decent amount of eyeballs out there for this one – though Pac-12, MWest is kind of a downer.
    Vegas Bowl seems great – but its played at 7:30 p.m. PDT – half of America will be asleep.

    Sun Bowl is a standalone game on CBS leading into the CFP semis – a really good chance for a national audience.

    The Holiday Bowl doesn’t even have a set date or time yet.

  40. According to Daschel, Lindsey will “hopefully” be back for ASU.

    We don’t have any real game breakers at WR, but it’s been really nice having the depth that we do. We’ll miss Bradford next year, but I’m not worried about having someone else step up.

  41. It’s funny, when I ask around about HS recruits, I usually get a pretty good response ratio compared to questions asked. But when I ask anything about potential transfers, it’s usually radio silence.
    Still dont know anything about Marcus Banks or Beason’s brother. Wondering if you’ll get a leaked story this weekend sortof like how Andrew Chatfield was “spotted” dining with a couple coaches at Broken Yolk, by someone who messaged Andrew Nemec? (as if some random fan is going to see a Florida DLineman in public and recognize his face, haha)

      • He said his brother’s agent is giving him advice and he’s leaning towards coming back. Nashon played better than Rejzohn has to this point.

          • Yes, his tackling is not good. His bro was better I think at that aspect and he’s playing special teams now. If you can’t tackle, no roster spot even for special team help. I think he’d do himself a big favor by staying another year.

  42. 2

    Back to the game,

    Checking Nolan’s home and away splits. There is a stark difference.

    At home, 70 percent completion rate, 9 tds and 1 int.
    On the road, 57 percent completion rate. 7 tds and 7 ints.

    That’s a plus for sat but a big minus for civil war.

    • I’d be curious to see pass protection splits. Not that Nolan hasn’t had his share of issues, but it seems like our big letdown games on the road included a lot of Chance scrambling for his life.

          • 6

            Weren’t you the guys that got mad at me for saying that Nolan only was beating bad teams? Angry literally said that I wouldn’t admit Nolan is good. Alot of people on here are so reactionary. Nolan for heisman, rose Bowl, we suck its going to be a blowout etc.

            19-26 and 3 TDs is bad? QB play has been wildly inconsistent not bad. Is it Lindgren’s fault that he’s so wildly inconsistent? He can’t know that Nolan will have such a bad game after he looked like an all-star the week before.

          • 2

            Nolan has the intangibles for a sophomore QB to be an OSU great. His deep ball accuracy will improve.

            Lindgren is the primary reason why Nolan struggles. The dude is calling plays that take 4-6 seconds to develop, with receivers that don’t have blazing speed and an O-line that is not great at the guard positions. Meanwhile, Nolan takes hits, gets happy feet, and misses medium throws.

            If the receivers aren’t getting much separation 10 yards down field, why not call slants? Cross routes? Drags? Curls? We saw some of those combos in the Stanford game (finally) and it clearly works.

        • 2

          I actually agree on Lindgren. We have a very good offense, but we have an absolutely elite O-line. Per PFF the unit is the #2 in CFB. Credit to coach M for that, and in that context I think we’re actually underperforming. Some OC gripes:

          – Mystifying WR usage. Where’s Gould? Why does Beason get so many chances? Why does Champ line up outside, ever?
          – Abandoning the run when it’s such a massive strength. Relatedly, not attacking the edges with the run game (fly sweeps and screens). We want to run everything up the middle and when it doesn’t work when the box is loaded, we give up and just pass.
          – making life unnecessarily hard for Nolan. Where are the slants, screens, and easy + quick developing passes? The short stuff? It is absolutely nuts that Nolan is 1st in the conf in yards per pass completion & pass attempt. There’s absolutely no reason for us to need to push downfield.
          – Some awful 4th down play calls. Imo the play calls have been worse than the decision making to go for it. Smith even threw lindgren under the bus a little on the Fenwick run vs Stanford. No excuse to not have Colletto on the field for 4th and short. Run him or fake running him- those are the options.

          • 1

            1) Smith is pretty heavily involved in the offense, so I would give him a least a good chunk of the credit. As well as Coach M for a truly dominant unit.
            2) Award nominations are often just based on stats…doesn’t mean much in my opinion
            3) I would definitely blame Hynson for personnel decisions but gotta think the OC can question them. Especially in a case like this where the same bad decisions keep happening and don’t change.

            I don’t think Lindgren is horrible, but I do think we’ve underachieved on offense and we’ve had a few games with absolutely terrible game plans and playcalling. Colorado was an F for coaching on both sides of the ball. Tibesar got the boot for it but Lindgren dodged blame…

          • I think it’s funny how the Lindgren detractors here ignore the massive body of positive results in his favor. Ohio State fans have similar complaints about their coordinators, even when they’re blowing people out every week. It’s either offense or defense, but there’s always a chorus of complaints and naysayers.

            We’re tied for 10th in the country in yards per play. Tied with Alabama, Cincinnati, and Michigan State. Ahead of Michigan, ahead of Nike. Our offense has been productive enough for us to be in the CFP picture if we had any kind of defense whatsoever.

            There’s a difference between wanting to let your OC walk and recognizing he’s not perfect. Lindgren’s not perfect, but he’s the best OC we’ve ever had and I’d love to hear ideas on who should replace him on OSU’s budget. There are only 9 teams ahead of us, so the options are limited and I don’t think Ohio State, Georgia, or Oklahoma’s OC’s are coming to Corvallis any time soon.

      • 10

        We have the best offense in the conference. I think Lindgren is doing pretty well. The universe of OC candidates that can get an offense performing at that level is not huge. Remember when everyone thought Beau Baldwin was The Man?

      • Really? I think that’s a little drastic. We can do better than best offense in the pac with a third string qb? I agree he’s had a couple of bad games where he should’ve just ran the ball more but it doesn’t help that Nolan is so streaky and couldn’t hit the same throws he did last week or take care of the ball. Better defense will only help the offense. Lindgren isn’t the problem.

      • 3

        The dream scenario in a Lindgren departure would be if Auburn lost out and they dumped Harsin in flames. That BSU Kellen Moore offense would be fire with our personnel.

        Or better yet, pay whatever you have to and go get whoever was coordinating the offense for Peterson at UW when they made that CFP run with Jake Browning.

  43. Hey do you guys know where I can find a just plain straight billed black hat with the old school Benny on it. Having a hard time finding 1. Thanks!

  44. No one has any thoughts on tonight’s must-win MBB game against Samford?

    Seriously, this is the kind of game that tanks tourney resumes. We need to figure out how to score 70 points tonight. I’m hoping Davis is healthy enough to play and start taking minutes from Hunt.

  45. 4

    Tinkle shine is gone after a couple of road losses. Back to the mean…no point guard and no shooters. Tinkle needs to just go old school Georgetown Hoyas with full court foul everywhere/man pressure and get the guys out filling lanes off turnovers and see how they do. Without good foul shooters and good 3 pt shooting, they will be in too many tight games that they will ultimately lose because of missed fouls shots.

    If they keep losing close ones due to poor shooting, Tinkle will just slow the pace and go back to trying to control every possession from the bench and it will become unwatchable anyway.

  46. Lucas air balled a three. What is going on. Turnovers and letting their players get to the basket. They either kick it out for a 3 or our rotations are bad and they get an offensive rebound.

  47. The actual problem I see with the team is the point guards.

    Hunt is not playing with any consistency. Not getting the offense going. It’s hurting the other guys production.

    Davis is clearly not in sync with the team yet. If he gets going, the team will be all right. But he’s still getting used to the speed of the game and learning his teammates tendencies. That was expected.

    Hunt not improving his game is an issue. He would have been able to cover Davis’s growing pains.

    • Hunt’s lack of progression is a big disappointment. I feel like he would show flashes at times and hoped that he would become more consistent. Obviously not. He stills plays out pf control at times and doesn’t finish around the rim.

  48. Tinkle seems to run a stagnant, old-fashion offense where four guys stand around the outside and try to force it into Alatishe. Then if they can’t get it into him and the clock winds down, they are stuck putting up contested shots. They’re starting to run this half tho and getting easier shots.

    • But yet Tinks throws Hunt out there and he immediately commits a turnover. Atrocious three-point shooting again and the looks have been open. Looks like it may be another loss.

  49. Hint needs to play 15 minutes a game. Bring him in to break the press if the other team is using one. Otherwise, get someone in there that will run the offense and protect the ball.

  50. See-sawing between a 2 and 8 pt deficit pretty much all half.
    Beavs cant grt over the hump and then allow Samford to score 6 or 7 quick points, repeat, repeat, repeat

  51. Looking like team can’t get over the hump tonight. Put it at just over 60% odds right now we lose this game.

    Team better WAKE UP quick or it will be another disappointing loss. Not a good start to season so far.

  52. Close game and Tinkle over coaching in the wrong situations… No inbound defense, switches to press too late, wrong guys in late, no shots or rythym for Lucas or Calloo.
    Rand should be on the court as much as possible with Alitishe and Davis

  53. Two terrible shots. No timeouts left to call a play I guess. Hopefully this game shows tinkle who should be getting minutes. Embarrassing.

  54. What a crappy end. In bounds pass beyond the arc and Davis can’t control. Has to waste 3 seconds tracking ball down then gets off a bad shot. Should have been an easy catch and then either Alatishe or Lucas taking a much better shot. Tinkle off to a very poor start. 1-3 coming off Elite 8. Awful.

  55. 1

    It seems that during each football game we see a decision made based on analytics. It is frustrating to see coaches relinquish all responsibility for in game decisions to some algorithm that cannot possibly account for what my eyeballs are seeing on the field. The university pays these coaches plenty of money to make decisions using their brains and their experience. It could be argued that analytics led to a few of our losses this year. Who creates these algorithms? How does one plug in the variables necessary for the algorithm to reach a conclusion? Who is responsible for keeping that algorithm and associated database updated? Are they only used for 4th down situations? Is this a service we contract out? As for the next firing, I think Smith should consider the source of his analytics.

    If anyone can link more information about this subject, I would appreciate it.

    • Is the analytics strictly % based or does it take into account the actual game situation. When we went for it on our own 34 or 35 yard line, our odds of winning were almost 90% at that point. Even if it is 60% odds to make a first down, not making it quickly lowered our odds to win to barely 70% as Stanford had superb field position and a surge in momentum. Making. First down there where we still have 65 more yards to go only would have increased our odds by 1% or abouts to win the game. But missing it dropping it by almost 20% in 1 play and making it a very real chance to lose where there wasn’t much of one, a d that is smart analytics? I don’t think these analytics analyze enough of exactly where you are in the game. That requires more thought and doubt the analtyics we are using are that complex.

      • I think it was Daschel who posted something on the subject thos week about OSU missing that 4th down attempt from our own territory. The comment was something to the effect of “despite missing that 4th attempt, the analytics still show that OSU is more effective on 4th downs than most teams and they will continue to use that stategy”

        But that’s just it, not every 4th down attempt should be considered equal.
        Sure, if you’re at the opponent’s 35 and it’s 4th and 1, go for it. Makes sense. Punting gains you nothing. But that’s not the same thing as going for it from your own 35 and risking a turnover just outside the redzone. They’re not taking the risk into account.

        Has OSU has a successful 4th down attempt below their own 40 yard line this year? Maybe in a game where they were behind and had no choice, but what about when it was a choice vs punting?

        • One other angle I’d consider is the effectiveness of the D. If you can’t get a 3rd down stop, field position doesn’t really matter that much. And you may not be able to afford to waste a scoring opportunity. I feel like this has been at play for many of the 4th down calls this season. Or at least, I was ok with them for that reason.

          This was very much the case vs WSU- we absolutely couldn’t stop them. They scored on every 2H drive, including mostly long fields (including a 95 yarder).

          The Stanford playcall does not have an excuse. Our D was doing ok and seemed capable of getting a stop. That was very bad. You could maybe argue the same @ Colorado due to how inept their offense was, but our defense was extremely inept in their own right.

          Imo the rules really change when you have a D as bad as ours has been.

          • Hey Alex, I saw your PFF post about the Rodent O lines being one and two. If my Gophers could complete a forward pass they would be sitting at one loss. #stupid coaching decisions!!

        • Yeah it’s not the % likeliness of a 4th down conversion succeeding that should be main aspect of analytics. Its the risk vs reward analysis of what you are gaining vs what you are losing when either scenario plays out. Plenty of that is nuanced and will involves several more plays beyond a 4th down decision, momentum, team morale, field position, time remaining, impact on odds to win the game, season goals, division race, etc.

          Our team is just good enough to compete with pretty high anyone in conference but the margin for error is small. These are significant gambles that when they don’t work out, as they definitely have not this year in our own territory, it makes it very hard to still come out on top, when without we had a small edge in a few games this year. They played a key role in the Cal and Colorado losses.

          I just want Smith and his staff to be the best they can be, and dialing back their gambles by atleast 20% would be a greatvstart and help the team to maximize its opportunity to win and play to their strengths.

          There may be some truth to if your defense is bad you have to take some risks to have successful drives, but handing the other team an easy opportunity for 7 that raises the opponents excitement and confidence is dangerous and costly. We know our team isn’t at its best when playing catchup. They are much better getting a lead and sustaining it.

  56. 4

    Another horrible loss.

    I think 5 games is enough of a sample size. They suck. Not wasting anymore of my time.

    Fucking Samford? Seriously???

    • They sucked pretty bad last year too. Still a lot of basketball left to be played. It’s pretty clear that this team has a different makeup and they finally looked like they were figuring things out in the second half.

  57. We look really great when we use all our athleticism to our advantage. We look really horrible trying to be the same team team as last year. I think the second half of this game finally showed the team we need to be.

    • Completely agree – the team looked confused on the last in-bound play, but they seemed to have found their offensive identity in the second half. Looked so much better with Davis (and sometimes Hunt) pushing to ball.

  58. You’d think the gameplan against Samford would be to force it inside and take advantage of their poor interior defense, and then defend the 3 pt shooters because that’s their offense.
    But OSU only choose to do that for short spurts, and would always regress to trying to shoot 3’s and leave Samford’s shooters wide open.
    Samford’a coach was probably beside himself that OSU was just letting them play the way they wanted to play.

    • Yeah, no kidding. I only caught the second half but they should have been forcing guys inside to take on our shot blockers. Instead we let them get a ton of open 3s. Credit to Samford because they were finding ways to get open. There is a reason they are 3-1 and we are 1-3

  59. 1

    Hunt should not play more than 10 minutes a game. Calloo if he isn’t shooting good gives you nothing else. Davis and Rand need to play big minutes. I don’t know what to say about Lucas, he is a non factor. Alatshe doesn’t know how good he could be.

    • It seems like teams have Lucas figured out, run him off the three-point line because he’s not an effective dribble driver. Don’t let him spot. He frustrates easily and will take wild threes.

      • He’s pretty much a one trick pony and he might find himself on the bench bc Davis and Taylor are much more athletic and can create their own shots.. Lucas might be better served as a spark plug off the bench but who knows if his ego would accept that role.

  60. If Beavs lock up Knaak, Oliver and get the 23 qb Dorman. I would say this is the most successful weekend of Beavs program, at least since 07 range. Those 3 players are game changers, and what is needed for the next step. A game changing db, a dominate tackle and a qb who looks like he’s ready for the combine as a junior. Serious potential to change the course of the program this weekend

    • I was told some 2nd hand info, from a dude who’s had good info over the last couple years, that Marcus Banks is supposed to visit OSU(not sure when) and that we are the favorite to land him right now. He’s the Bama CB transfer.

      Again, not my direct info, so take it with a grain of salt. Same guy tipped me off about Treshaun Harrison and Trey Lowe coming to OSU before either was on any of the 247/Rivals radars.

    • I don’t know, I just looked at the schedule through December. What’s a winnable game anymore? They needed a last-second shot to beat a DII team, had to come from behind to beat an also-ran Big Sky team at home. Got their butts kicked on the road and just lost at home to a mediocre Big South team. Do they beat Princeton? How about Sacramento St?

    • 1

      Too much basketball left. All that really matters is he has them playing their best basketball come January because we could have an excellent preseason and it don’t mean jack if we go 7-11 in conference.

    • The opponents are a combined 9-2 so there’s that. Not what you would like to see at the start of the season after the run last year. It seems like Tinkle doesn’t understand his personnel or doesn’t know how to put a team together.

          • I get the sarcasm, but there actually was some talk about him not being retained when they were at .500 and underachieving again last year. Basically, three weeks of superior performance possibly saved his job. His overall resume at OSU has been pretty average, but the bar was pretty low for men’s hoops.

    • 5 minutes to go in the game with game on the line and probably the most effective player on thr floor fir the game is on the bench..a real head scratcher just like JS insistence on going for it on 4th down. It looks like tinkle decided to punt when he should have gone for it. I like the talent on this team but if you can’t recognize who the key players are in this game, then talent doesn’t really matter as you’re handicapping the team.

  61. A lot of the same problems for Wayne as early last year. He keeps trying to play 2 power forwards and a C together or 3 power forwards together and when they faced a quick team that wants to jack up perimeter shots, they look terrible with all their bigs having to guard so much on the perimeter. How Wayne thought this would work defies all logic. Kills the offense too when these bigs all want to isolate and drive to the hoop. No spacing for Hunt, Lucas or Davis to drive. As soon as they moved Lucas to the 3 then Davis and Hunt were able to get into the paint and get their bigs easy shots. This is what should have happened game 1, not game 4.

    Wayne benching Jarod for a bad shot for like 10-12 minutes of game time was ridiculous. He took a bad shot but he was the only making pretty jumpers and they needed the shooting. Davis should be the team’s PG moving forward. Overall, Wayne’s coaching has been really bad this season. Team has some talent but so many guys have been misused

    • Almost too many transfers and there’s not enough time in a game to use them effectively. I mean Key-Malone was a two-year starter for a mid-major and average double digits and he can’t get on the floor. Need to settle on nine players, but some who don’t get the minutes are going to leave.

      • It’s kind of odd, but it seems like there’s more talent on the team that creates a challenge for Tinkle with regard to finding the right guys to get on the court at the right time. Then combine this with the more veteran Beavs who start playing weird – cold shooting, out of place, and making poor decisions. I’m confident it’ll get sorted out by January.

        • 2

          “butbutbut the sky is falling!1!!”

          The shooting will come around. Tinkle will learn to take advantage of the roster’s athleticism. Players will find their roles. The chemistry and ball movement will improve.

          Tinkle owned the loss yesterday in his comments, and rightly so. So long as we secure a first round bye in the tournament, I’m not panicking.

  62. 2

    I said it earlier in the thread. But Tinkle needs to be using all this athleticism. More subs, more pressing. More drive and dish. More defense to offense. We saw a bit of it in the second half. Harness that and we will start winning and winning a lot. Samford was outmatched and on the road and we spotted them 10 in the first. We need to jump on teams with our athleticism.

    • There’s no reason why this shouldn’t be OSU’s identity. Play relentless defense for the first ten minutes and make the opponent feel winded, then crush them in the last 10 minutes of the game.

      The one glaring issue that I don’t see getting fixed in the span of the regular season is the free throw shooting.

  63. Tinkle hasn’t adjusted to a new season and thinks the guys who were complimentary will naturally become big contributors. Even at the D1 level guys often don’t make that jump. They may have been the guy in high school but cannot overcome the added pressure/talent.

    Tinkle is limited in how he prepares and game-plans and will always struggle to get beyond .500 simply because he isn’t quick to adapt to his roster strengths. He recruited these guys but somehow envisions a completely different identity for what he has assembled…

    They brought in 6-7 new guys and lost Ethan as the singular bailout player from last year. I might say be patient with all of those changes, but not when Tinkle seems to think he can play Hunt 20 minutes a game and doesn’t adjust the style of play to fit the type of talent.

    This team should be going full court man pressure and switching to traps everywhere to create easy attack opportunities for these athletes. Anything else is foolhardy because you cannot slow the game down and expect to win in an extended defensive struggle without elite shooters and great free throw shooting. Maximize opportunities for the athleticism to generate transition buckets and use the depth and athletes to your advantage. Guys should be rotating in and out enough that everyone is involved.

    Seen enough of Hunt. Long active defending guards are a tough match-up for any team but Tinks doesn’t use them.

    If your team’s 2 best shooters are streaky, don’t create an offense geared towards the streaky guys, recipe for losses. But if you have elite athleticism without shooting skill but willing to play defense, then gear the entire approach to featuring these guys and go all out pressure all the time. I think of old school Hoyas or Arkansas 40 minutes of hell approach.

    Instead they put all of their eggs in the “Davis can replace Ethan basket” but that recipe only got you to a .500 record last year until they caught lightning in a bottle, and it will be unlikely to repeat such a feat again, and with this roster.

    UCLA got on a roll, but they have the same guys who are shooters and scorers, Beavs have lost the key shooter and scorer. Poor preparation from the staff on the approach to this team and this season.

  64. The panic is real with some. I don’t share those same feelings, this is the exact same thing we saw last year. To me it looks like Tinkle views out of conference as preseason. He tries different strategies, different personal, and it never makes sense. I think he finds out what works and then settles on a strategy come conference play. Honestly it’s not a bad way to go about things. We’ll see how it shakes out. If we play like this in conference play then the panic is real. However we have more talent then we’ve ever had while Tinkle has been here.

    In other news someone got on the Wikipedia page lol. Was this you WhiskeySoakedNapkins? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_State_Beavers_men%27s_basketball

    “The Oregon State Beavers men’s basketball program is quite literally the embarrassment of all of NCAA basketball. On November 18th, 2021, they lost to Samford (I repeat, yes, Samford) by the score of 78-77. This college basketball team should forfeit all games going forward and go to NCAA division 4 ASAP”

      • I am hoping this guy put up a YouTube of his reaction lol… reminds me of that duck fan who was crying and yelling after the Ducks lost to the Beavs last year. It’s astonishing how personal people take this sometimes.

      • Lmfao!!!!

        Samford owned wins over Maryville college and Springhill before tonight. Ever heard of them? Cause I haven’t.

        They got blown the fuck out by 22 at San Francisco.

        But they’re not terrible rofl

  65. 6

    And wow people think we should fire Lindgren? Wasn’t it Smith last week? I am guessing/hoping that none of these people are managers or business owners. He’s doing a heck of a job with subpar QB play. It’s weird to me that no one recognizes just how bad our D is. Literally record setting bad, the fact that we are in our first bowl game in 9 years should tell you everything about our offense. It’s crazy that folks can’t see this.

    • 1

      I don’t know who would want to fire Lindgren, this is all on Smith.

      Lindgren obviously has some tendencies that need to be reeled in by his boss, and that’s Smith.

      Walk up to him like a man and say “We’re punting on 4th down. Unless it’s the 4th quarter and the game is on the line, it’s getting punted away. Copy? ”

      ” Uh… Yeah.. well.. but, that one time.. ”

      ” I don’t give a fuck, punt the fucking ball. ”

      It’s not hard to do after the first few times. Just have to man up and make the call.

  66. When you are allowing a visiting team to shoot 50 percent from the floor and 40 percent from the three – it’s all about defense. The Beavs need to rotate some new players into the line-up – a) to shake things up b) to keep the reserves interested enough not to hit the portal before December. I do think part of it is that an Alpha needs to emerge. Doesn’t need to be the best player on the floor, just someone everyone on the team respects and will listen to. But geez, bad defense is on the coaching – because it always is.

    • No way hunt should be starting over davis and I’m bit convinced that Lucas should be starying either. The beavers have quite a bit of talent so it’s a matter of finding the right mix. From what I watched so far, Rand should be a starter and so should Davis..Thete isn’t enough sample size on Taylor but he looks the part. The other major issue is their offense is so disjointed with lack of motion, back screens, cutting to the basket and they don’t use what I refer to as the Boston weave which is all about movement, cuts to the hoop, etc. This team will get better but it might be too late in the season and too many losses before that happens.


    This will be ASU’s fifth trip to Corvallis since 2014. All were scheduled Nov. 15 or later, when the weather is decidedly different from what they are used to. ASU has won 5 of the last 8 in the series (3-5 ATS) but has dropped 6 of the last 8 here in Corvallis (4-4 ATS). Last year Arizona St racked up 375 rush yds (6th most in Sun Devils history) in a 46-33 victory (-7’). On a rainy night ASU led 13-7 and on first play after OSU fumble got a 63 yd TD pass and led 26-15 at half. ASU 53 and 55 yd runs for TD and had 42-375 rush yds in 46-33 (-7’) road win (514-474). Arizona St opened 5-1 and were the favorites in the Pac 12 South after knocking off UCLA and Stanford in B2B weeks. They led Utah 21-7 at half but lost 35-21 and then, after a bye, trailed Wash St 28-0 in 34-21 loss. They got a late TD to beat USC by 15. Last week Washington led 14-0 and 17-7 at half. UW was in control but a pitch to the RB was fmbled at midfield and ASU return to 9 and got TD 2 plays late. UW went 46/9 for TD 24-14 ASU then went on 81/20/9:09 drives with 2 4th down conv and then 56/8 for TD 1:11 left and add 37 yd IR TD 4 plays later. UW 63/3 TD :01 left 35-30 on a rainy night. Oregon St lost at Purdue by 9 then switched QB’s to Chance Nolan and won the next 4 including upsets of USC and Washington. The Beavers then dropped 3 of the next 4 being upset on the road 3 times (WST, Cal, Colo) and upsetting Utah at home. Last week Oregon St became bowl eligible with 35-14 win with 29-15 FD and 475-230 yd edge as Stanford started a true frosh QB Ari Patu (7-14-51). I used OSU as my Red/Green game of the week on Phil Steele plus and OSU led 35-7 before Stanford 75/14 TD 6:25 left. OSU runs the ball slightly better and surprisingly the unheralded Nolan has a 16-8 ratio while VHT Daniels has a 8-8 ratio. ASU does rate the defensive edge but OSU has the ST edge (#37 vs #58) and should have a large home edge vs the warm weather Devils. Oregon St is 5-0 SU at home this year wining by 18 ppg and +116 ypg and 7-1 ATS the last 8. Arizona St is 3-8 ATS as an AF and are +146 ypg at home but just +36 ypg on the road.



    Arizona State QB/WR’s vs Oregon State DB’s: AZST +0.04
    Arizona State RB’s vs Oregon State LB’s: AZST +0.07
    Arizona State OL vs Oregon State DL: AZST +1.88

    Oregon State QB/WR’s vs Arizona State DB’s: AZST +0.98
    Oregon State RB’s vs Arizona State LB’s: AZST +0.14
    Oregon State OL vs Arizona State DL: ORST +1.28

    Special Teams: ORST +0.69
    Kicking: AZST +1.40
    Coaching Staff: AZST +1.00


    Projected Rushing: 206-203
    Projected Passing: 207-209
    Projected Yardage Total: 413-412
    Projected Final Score: 30-31
    Experience Rankings: 12-43
    Team Schedule Strength: 68-59

    Las Vegas Line: Arizona State by 3
    Las Vegas Total: 59 Points
    +/- Ratings: Arizona State by 0.3
    Game Grade: Oregon State by 1.9
    Computer Yards: Arizona State 413-412
    Computer Points: Oregon State 31-30
    Spreadsheet Prediction: Oregon State by 0

      • 1

        Well he does have it as a pick ’em with OSU by 0. I kind of agree.
        OSU has proven to be a great home team. I think we have a big edge there, and a slight edge in coaching (Herm is really bad).

          • 5

            Because Herm is worse. Record means nothing…Smith could have had his calls work out and we’d be 9-1, and they’d still be really bad, stupid calls.

            The outcome of a call isn’t what determines if it’s a good call. That’s Machiavellian thinking (end justifies means), which is rarely right.

          • If OSU is focused, and at least limits Daniels footwork and extending plays, they can win this.

            I think the differences will be if Scratch Ticket Smith shows up, and if ASU’s front seven outplays OSU’s offensive line this is probably my biggest concern – OSU’s O-Line hasn’t recently looked like it’s early season self.).

            Next, it’s TO advantage. Nolan has much better numbers at home.

    • Temps tomorrow at kickoff, low 40s/high 30s, clear but 95% humidity.

      As a customer from Arizona told me this morning, ‘how do people wear shorts here? I’m bundled up and still feel cold.’

      Maybe that’s our edge to get over the OSU by zero. Well, that, and the home crowd/home field advantage which is generally considered in the home teams favor; pac-1 refs aside.

      • I do think the temps being in the high 30’s is an advantage. Thinking back a few years ago when ASU came in ranked #6 and OSU took them out of the National Title conversation, I think the weather played a role. Those warm weather players looked like all they could think about was going back home.

        • The back to back travel is more of a factor than weather. ASU played in a rainstorm in Seattle last week. Didn’t affect them that much.

          I think opposing teams stay in Eugene when they come. They fly in there for sure. So not only a flight but a 45 min drive into town. And with a night game, all day to sit around.

          • 5

            Have to also factor in the classic Oregon State overcelebration of a win. We’re so jacked all week about “going bowling” which makes me think we’ll come out flat and unfocused this week, as is tradition.

          • There’s always the Chad Johnson factor. If he shows up to the fiesta bowl reunion, he’d get the team pumped up. Not sure housh or simonton would get the guys up out of their seats.

        • Last year wasnt typical though, with it being only ASU 3rd game after a long stretch of Covid cancellations, and OSU was playing for the 7th straight week.
          Felt like we were already done for the season and they were just getting started with theirs.
          This year both teams will be playing game #11

  68. 5

    Another chance to use Tibesar. Make him the DC for basketball. Surround the key with five tallest players, put their hands in the air and shout “booga-booga” when the other team shoots. Can’t hurt.

  69. Don’t know if these players are any good, but they’re out.

    BREAKING: Curtis Hodges and two other ASU players will not play at Oregon State due to a traffic accident the took place after the team’s Thursday practice.

    • The newest generation has so much more access to different things at their fingertips. I’m always browsing on my phone about non sports when watching sports so older generations are headed that way too. And I don’t need to watch other games when I get the score instantly. And social media keeps things in bite size pieces. So watching a three hour game can barely keep really anyone’s attention these days.

      So sports will have to adjust. As the article mentions, when radio broadcasts were invented, the initial reaction was negative, but it turned into a plus. Sports will have to figure out how to connect with fans or non fans with today’s tech. It’ll be a net plus until vr is invented where we can attend a game virtually that feels very real.

      If you’ve seen the movie wall e, that’s the actual future of humans. And toss in a bit of Idiocracy.

  70. 1

    Beavs start game with three butt fumbles, so JS hits the gambling hard going for it on all 4th downs for the rest of the game, ASU with zero penalties and zero turnovers — Daniels with 666 yards rushing.
    Satans 60 – Beavs 17

  71. 2

    With the WSU win tonight, the Beavs now have one path to a miracle North title:

    WSU loses to Washington
    Oregon loses to Utah
    Beavs win out

    Not impossible, especially considering both the teams we need to lose are going on the road into difficult environments. I have a hard time believing we win or are even competitive in Eugene though. 7-5 with a bowl win after that would be an accurate record for the team we’ve seen this year. Good in certain moments, but overall a ways off from true competitors.

      • Curious how the 3 way tie between uo wsu and Beavs would determine the team that plays in the championship? That is if the scenario of Beavs winning out and Utah winning, but wsu beating uw next week also

          • not 100% correct……………

            This depends on which team finishes 5th (or 4th . Since Oregon, OSU and WSU all went 1-1 against each other, results against everyone else in order of finish within the division are used to determine a tiebreaker. All 3 beat UW. So it would come down to which team finishes in 5th.

            Cal or Stanford. IF Stanford finishes 5th, then yes, WSU wins the tiebreaker (Stanford beat Oregon. WSU And OSU both beat Stanford. Oregon eliminated. WSU beat OSU. WSU wins tiebreaker). IF Cal finishes 5th, Oregon wins the tiebreaker (WSU and Oregon beat Cal. OSU did not. OSU eliminated. Oregon beat WSU, Oregon wins tiebreaker). IF they finish tied, then whoever wins the big game tomorrow would win THAT tiebreaker to determine the 5th place finisher. Cal could lose out and finish below Stanford in the standings.

            If Cal, UW and Stanford finish in a 3-way tie for 4th (still mathematically possible) things get even further muddy as it would take the combined records vs the tied teams. OSU and UO went 2-1 (vs UW, Cal and Stanford) and WSU would be 3-0. WSU wins that tiebreaker.

            In no scenario does OSU win a 3-way tiebreaker. Basically we need WSU to lose the crapple cup, Oregon to lose to Utah tomorrow and the Beavs win out. It is the only way. I am not confident. I’m not even convinced Utah beats Oregon tomorrow.

            Current north division standings………..

            Oregon 6-1
            WSU 5-3
            OSU 4-3
            UW 3-4
            Cal 2-4
            Stanford 2-6

            Clear as mud?

          • I have no idea where you are getting this info from.

            It’s clear as day right here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/pac-12.com/article/2020/07/31/pac-12-football-tie-break-procedures-determine-division-champions%3famp

            Tie breaker #1 in a Multiple-Team tie: Head to Head record amongst tied teams. In a scenario where we have a 3 way tie with Ore, OSU, WSU, this means that all 3 teams would be 1-1 against each other. (Ore def. WSU, loses to OSU; WSU def. OSU, loses to Ore; OSU def. Ore, loses to WSU)

            So then we move on to the 2nd tiebreaker which is record in games played amongst division. Again, given a 3 way tie with those teams this is what it would be:
            WSU 4-1 in North (lost to Ore)
            Ore 3-2 in North (lost to Stanford, OSU)
            OSU 3-2 in North (lost to WSU, Cal)

            It’s as simple as that straight from the Pac-12 website. As it currently stands there is no other possible way for there to be a 3 way tie since both WSU and OSU have 3 conference losses each and Oregon only having 1 with two games to go. Again, no idea where you’re getting your random info about this 5th place nonsense….

          • “Record against the next highest placed team in the division (based on record in all games played within the conference), proceeding through the division.”

            It’s right there in your own link

          • I can’t fix stupid. You are right that it says that, however that is the THIRD tiebreaker that comes AFTER record amongst teams in division.

          • You’re missing a key piece and it’s right there at the top of the link you provided………………

            Multiple-Team Ties:

            “The following procedures will only be used to eliminate all but two teams, at which point the two-team tie-breaking procedure will be applied.”

            ELIMINATE ALL BUT TWO TEAMS. Your scenario eliminates everyone but WSU. So then it goes to the third tie breaker to eliminate ONE of the three remaining tied teams. At which point said written scenario above by me applies.

          • I’ve explained it. And it’s right there in the link you provided. Canzano is a dipshit and only a fool would believe him.

            Multiple-Team Ties:

            The following procedures will only be used to eliminate all but two teams, at which point the two-team tie-breaking procedure will be applied.

            1. Head-to-head (Best record in games among the tied teams).
            2. Record in games played within the division.
            3. Record against the next highest placed team in the division (based on record in all games played within the conference), proceeding through the division.
            4. Record in common conference games.
            5. Highest ranking by SportSource Analytics Following the last weekend of regular-season games.

            Since 2 eliminates all but one team, it goes to the next tie breaking procedure. I’ll just keep sitting here being dumb

    • Before the season started, I posted my prediction for the season here. I picked 6-6 or best case scenario 7-5 so we will see how it ends but I’m sticking with 6-6.

    • Have to give Dickert some credit for taking over in a cluster of a season and getting WSU to 6 or 7 wins. Not sure where the Apple Cup is this year, but Cougs have to have chance of winning it.

      Also, cool that all 6 WSU TDs were scored by seniors in their last home game. I hope that OSU is similarly focused tonight.

  72. 1

    As seen through my IPA lenses tonight. Luck of da Beavs goes like this:

    Recruit German forward who is actually a 6 star player.
    Same forward projected to graduate first in his class OSU Engineering
    Speaks several languages, namely “Offense”, “Defense”
    Attempts to travel to airport in Corvallis (problem) at the same time COVID remerges and International travel is shut down.

    Yeah, I’m a Beaver fan…

  73. 3

    Nvidia is supposed to be the next trillion dollar company. You telling me OSU can’t get a tiny sliver of that by renaming as Nvidia Stadium?

    • Nobody seems to know how attached Huang is to OSU. Unconfirmed rumors he’s made large donations. Who knows. Nvidia is definitely going to be a trillion dollar company soon. So many secular tailwinds.

    • Naming rights to a stadium that might have 32-35K people in it 3x per year, 40K every other year (CW), and is rarely featured in national telecasts and prime tv slots, likely has limited value to a company like Nvidia.

      What might be more meaningful and impactful is if there tech could somehow be used to distinguish the quality of OSU sports telecasts for football, men and women’s basketball, and baseball, and somehow make it leading edge and immersive. That’s something – if possible – they’d more likley have to offer the conference than one team.

      Otherwise, as Angry suggests, they can continue with likely quiet donations.

      • He might be a Stanford fan for all we know. BS OSU, MS Stanford.
        So who knows. Until he comes out and says where his loyalty is, if it’s anywhere, we just won’t know. We’ve been latching onto the dream (nightmare?) of him become our Phil Knight for a decade. At this point I just assume he’s into computer science, not football, until I hear otherwise.

        • And if they’re main market is gamers, what percentage of those care about conventional sports as opposed to first person shooter or fantasy games? I honestly don’t know how that market is distributed.

          • Esports is becoming huge, and it will be a larger market share than traditional sports within a decade, so there’s that part of it that could interest them. But Huang has so much going for Nvidia with AI, metaverse, quantum, etc that I’m not sure he’s focused deeply on this more developed market.

  74. The Beavergopher Steele (Steal) report:

    OSU is 3 and 12 with Beavergopher in Da House attending a game in person. (I am, so sorry guys.(-
    OSU chance of winning 25%
    Attending away games:
    Chance of winning….Fuhgeddaboutdit
    Attending at Home in the Big Burrito:
    Chance of winning 43%
    Other factors:
    Luck O Da Beavs
    Luck O Da Gophers
    Luck O Da Beavergopher
    WannaBeav convincing JS to go for a 4th and 25 from his own 2 yard line in the first quarter.

    Feel confident betting your 401k on ASU…..
    But 42-35 Beav’s.
    Go Beav’s!

    • What’s the pregame plan BeaverGopher? Anything at the Peacock? Block 15? Slice of Amercian Dream pizza? Local Boyz? Tailgate BBQ? Run naked through the quad but for a beaver tail, gopher ears, and rodent incisors?

      • The last sentence is a for sure! You know a good bail bondsman?
        Actually meeting up with infrequent poster Jason the Beaver out at the fairgrounds. He made an awesome steak last night.
        Hit the farmers market this morning down by the river and then try to go to the first half of the WBB game to see a great coach in action.
        Out to the fairgrounds to catch the end of the end of the Gopher game with Jason and crew.
        Actually sitting with the the king of 4th downs….WannaBeav. Best part of the site is that I have become friends with several posters and all are great, funny guys. Have to set foot in Clods, as that is about the only thing left from my undergrad days.

  75. Game thread set to go up at 6pm Pacific. This is what I wrote in that thread. Where am I wrong?

    I’m sticking with 28-21 Beavs.

    My thinking is Daniels’ mobility is key to this game, and Bray will put a spy on him. I liked seeing more 4-3, too. Just works better at this level. Put a spy on Daniels, sell out on the run, and then run the ball on offense. That’s the formula.

    Some wildcards like crowd, weather, coaching are all in the Beav’s favor.

    Of course…Smith’s degenerate brain is the true wildcard!

    • “Where am I wrong?” I don’t think you’re considering ASU’s Dline and LB, which according to very brief reading I’ve done, are pretty good. OSU’s OLine hasn’t been its early season self, and I think this could be a key to the game. If OSU doesn’t run well, and the answer is to have Chance air it out, that could be a problem.

      OSU and Nolan have done better at home though this year, so as you point out, advantage Beavers.

      • Why hasn’t the O-line been “its early season self”? Was Levengood really key to the top level performance?
        Anyone seen an injury report for today’s game?

        • The run blocking has still been pretty good. Pass pro has gotten worse as the season has gone on and Brewer is partially to blame. He gets off balance really easily.

    • I agree as you have tp contain Daniels and you do that by spying him……make him beat you with his arm. If the beavs can’t stop the running game, it’ll be tough sledding and sets up play action and Daniels could have a big day. You got win this game at the LOS as is the case with any game. The first possession for ASU will set the tone for the beavers defense. If ASU scores on that first possession, it’s going to be tough and the defense needs to turn them over too.

  76. MBB for a minute. So Big Tinks is calling the team “very selfish right now”….my question is who is selfish? Calloo? Lucas? Hunt? Tinks also said something like “obviously I’m doing a bad job coaching”. Not sure if he’s being sarcastic or serious?

    • They had very few assists last game so I suspect his comment is directed at the entire team. That said, their offense has no continuity and is disjointed with no flow. Hell, Run the weave to get players moving, back cuts, screens, etc. Their offense makes it easy on the defense.

      • Tinkle tends to blame the team – gets in good players but doesn’t seem to know what to do with them – not much improvement most years. Has he kept Rupp too long?

    • FW!W, they shot 4-19 from the three and lost by one. They got better looks in the second half with Davis/Hunt driving and pushing the ball. Hope that continues, but wonder if our PGs can get around Pac 12 level PGs. They looked confused and disorganized on that final in-bounds play – I would put that on Tinkle. I didn’t get the selfish comment – unless he thinks they aren’t helping out on D. (Beavs roast the Devils 28-24)

  77. Someone or someones in here has stated more Flemings shouldn’t be lining up outside. I suspect they don’t line him up in side for fear a LB or Safety would break him in half and de-cleat him…which goes back to the point that bigger, more physical receivers should be playing instead.

    I expect at least one-two deep throws to Flemings on the sidelines tonight…I bet Lindgren is going to be trying to get Chance successful on deep throws.

    • Champ is averaging almost 22 yards a catch, which says outside receiver to me. I don’t mind where he lines up. I’d rather see the staff develop someone else to return kicks although kick returns are not what they once were with the fair catch rule.

  78. 2

    Just off the phone with a buddy politely declining a trip to Corvallis. Dude wants to leave at 2:30 to tailgate for three hours before kickoff. Add in a three plus hour game and a two plus hour drive home that makes it roughly an eleven hour commitment. Sorry… too late, too cold too old. I’ll take high-def, cold beer within arms reach, two minute bathroom break anytime.

    Besides all that, I don’t think it’s going to be a great game. Beavs jump out early and treat the Sun Devils to a long chilly night. Beavs 42-14.

    • Hard to say, did they even care about bowl eligibility? That’s gone now. I guess the passion to beat your state rival? The program is a mess, which does not help The Beavs.

  79. Beavs need to win the turnover battle probably by 2. Win the run game on both sides. Good Nolan needs to show up today. If all those things happen I think the Beavs win.

    31-28 Beavs!

  80. AJ Marotte and Greta K looked the part today against an inferior opponent. If those two continue to develop and hit the open three, this team could do better than expected. We shall see with upcoming games vs Michigan and N.Dame. Taya C. is a beast on the boards along with Kennedy Brown defense so this team has potential to be pretty good but we shall see just how good.

    • Beavs +1 in TO’s, you’ll not see that often. Inferior opponent.

      Really like what we’ve seen of AJ in particular.
      Little Noelle continues to get minutes, 14 today……I like it but am surprised, figured Talia would be getting more.

      • I think Rueck is still figuring out who is ready and who isn’t…While Mannen has had some nice moments, I’m not convinced that she has the skill set or athletic abilities to play against top notch talent. She had some moments under pressure today and turned it over. That said, I’ll give her props for her effort bit I’m not sure effort will be enough against the likes if Stanford, UCLA, Oregon, etc. It’s the eyeball test thing. With Michigan and ND coming up and that should tell us more about this team…

        • Agree completely.
          I just think Noelle is such a story. She is an example of Rueck’s “Family” creed. Now, AJ, she could develop into a star,IMHO.

          • Both AJ and Greta. Both played at a very high level today and their confidence is growing. You’re correct that Manner is a very nice story and she’ll get more PT but as conference play starts, I think her deficiencies will be exposed but she has shown a lot of moxie so you never know. I’m rooting for her..

  81. McKinley fir Oregon goes down with an injury.. Karma baby, karma since he was the one that intentionally injured Gebbia last year pulling and twisting his leg in the scrum.. I hope he’s out for the season the piece of crap!


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