Home Football December recruiting

December recruiting


Next 2 weekends will feature several visitors, with the early signing day coming Dec 18th.
This weekend, we’ll see the following visitor and possibly more. I think at a minimum there will be 2 new commitments this weekend.
We have about 8 spots left to fill.

Tommy Spencer – TE OV(OSU commit)
Junior Walling -LB OV(OSU commit)
John Miller -LB OV(OSU commit)
Chance Nolan – JuCo QB OV
Dezjhon Malone – DB OV
Taliese Fuaga – OT OV
Korbin Sorensen – OL Transfer OV (PSU Vikings)
Brandon Casey – OL OV (Montana commit)

Stick to this thread for recruiting updates and discussion and feel free to use this as a general thread too.


    • There had to be some reason we offered, right? You don’t waste time on guys with whom you have no chance this late in the game.

      Sounds like a connection made by Adams from his time spent in FL. Maybe someone told him Porter wasn’t sold on any of his current choices and someone late to the game would still have a chance.

      • We’ve offered pretty much any DB with a pulse. The Florida connection is there with coach Adams.
        But a conversation I had with somebody close to this one essentially said a visit wont happen if he commits somewhere on the 18th, and he really wants to sign somewhere on the 18th. So basically it’s too late for us, unless he falls through all of the cracks and ends up not signing on the 18th.

  1. Here’s the link to that spreadsheet I’ve been maintaining. Might make it easier to take in the big picture. I’ve deleted some names of guys who have verbaled elsewhere and who I think have zero shot of coming to OSU.
    The orange cells are my best estimates of who I think will end up here.
    I have no idea if Jack Sears or Chance Nolan will be our QB. Sears might be the better option in that he wouldn’t count towards our 2020 class total, leaving extra room for other recruits. Nolan may be the more intriguing option amd he has 3 years left. Utah really likes him too.
    I am 50/50 on Theo Howard. He’ll be attractive to several teams and doesn’t need to announce his transfer destination really until the Summer.


    • Thanks for doing this. I’m noticing the coaches visiting some of the commits. I hope to see this with the guys who we haven’t heard much about since their commitment like Shippen.

      The offer to Patu, there was a hashtag by I think it’s his mom on the twitter post about a package deal. Any idea who the other player would be? I wasn’t sure if we had someone on the roster who is a close friend of his.

    • All rumors in the Twin Cities have Kayden Johnson going to Nebraska. ???
      Would love to see him a Beav or a Goph, but it does not seem that either are going to happen. Guess it is better than him going to Madison.

      • The rumors seems to have starter after his visit to Nebraska. I think the recruiting sites have a little recency bias when they predict where a player will go. Like, he visited Nebraska, so obviously he will be going there.
        Same thing happened with Wright amd Colorado, and now some are backing off those predictions.

  2. 1

    Pretty unexciting class again. I would have hoped this class would be the one to start grabbing some game changers. Or at least not competing against port St or Montana!

    This could be a good class if the jc transfers work out. Few jc guys worked out under ga. Hopefully better luck under Smith.

    • 5

      I think we need to be playing in the post season before we can land guys who aren’t under the radar. Remember, we’re still lowly Oregon State University in a small town in the middle of nowhere with no airport.

    • It is unexciting but it’s exciting what this coaching staff has been able to do with the hand they were dealt. They are recruiting for the weak position groups and starting to get respectable depth.

    • I think its pretty exciting.If you look at the bodies we are getting vs the stated recruiting objectives it seems like we are pulling in exactly what we are hoping for. I do love stars but at the end of the day they are not all that accurate. Its been a very long time since we were recruiting and winning on the types of guys the coaches stated we need. How many times did we lose on DE/DT/CB recruits under Riley and then bring in light projects and 5’8 corners. I still have no idea what GA was looking for in recruiting, seemed like he waited for them to call him up or something.

  3. 10

    Nemec on the radio now to talk recruiting. So far it’s all been oregon talk, even though they dont host any players this weekend. Instead he is talking about Keith Brown, his new buddy from oregon’s 2021 class.
    “He’s the #2 ranked blah blah blah and he will get the #3 blah blah blah to come to oregon to play with the #1 blah blah blah….elite elite elite”
    Didn’t even touch oregon state at all in the segment.
    And, the capper, he referred to Oregon as “We” saying “we’ve been known historically as an offenseive school”

    We? Fuck that douchebag and that radio station.

    Forget that oregon state is hosting a bunch of recruits today from the 2020 class.

    • I am sorry you wasted your time listening to any of that. Lesson learned I’m assuming. I literally never follow or read his stuff. I follow your stuff. You are greater than the little man Nemec. I see people screen shotting your twitter posts and put them on FB. I rarely see a reference a nemec article but sometimes the Nick guy. I guess it is sad that they pretend it’s a recruiting show when we really know it’s a quack recruiting vomit.

      Have you considered doing any post commit interviews for Beaver commits? I see those sometimes and I’m guessing high schoolers like that. I’m not sure how much time/big you want your gig to be. I greatly appreciate the insight though.

      • Really? Like what kindof stuff gets screenshots on facebook? I dont use facebook much and havent seen it.

        I have no interest in interviewing kids. Just not enough time, and talking to underage kids just seems creepy, even if its just for recruiting discussions.

        • 1

          Haha true. I was just thinking of a for you to fill that void since I for one don’t want to listen to an interview of an osu athlete with Nemec. I have seen your twitter profile and a tweet maybe about a visit or something posted on PO, Beavers Behind Enemy Lines, or Beavers4Life. It’s not often but people take notice. Some people don’t use twitter so it’s new news to them when it shows up on FB. I think it says something about you that people consider you a reliable source. If I see it again I’ll send you an email of the post.

          • Oh gotcha, i thought maybe people were posting stuff i say about Nemec on his facebook page(which would be funny)

            Thanks for the kind words

    • I listened to some of it, the part where Brown said the Beavs recruiting him the hardest early and the first program to offer a scholarship, then his stock blew up — says OSU changed his life…..then Uncle Phil comes calling….

  4. Hearing from great sources some major news about a particular Samoan 5* prospect… “SERIOUS mutual interest after an informal discussion at a recruiting event, program changing talent…”


    Big if true

  5. Ducks in a blowout? Wouldn’t have expected that. Hell I took Utah -6.5…
    Utah looks defeated in the 2nd Q. Going to be a long night for them. Probably the 2nd worst fanbase in the PAC so good on that front.

    • They obviously want to run the ball north-south in the a-b gaps. But Oregon is going all out in shutting them down at the line of scrimmage and they’ve been so slow to adjust even when they had success on the edge and getting Huntley out of the pocket. Smh.

  6. Momentum killer with another bad fourth down attempt. Utah is acting impatience. Plenty of game left to punt it away. Now you are screwed.

  7. Conference championships are completely pointless — just another cash grab, nothing more. Happens way too often, I hate seeing rematches…UO vs Baylor, seriously?!?? Fucking dumb!

  8. 17

    FYI…..Got sick of UO calling themselves the “flagship” university for the state of Oregon, so being that OSU is quite larger in student body and endowment, I edited Wikipedia to call OSU the rightful flagship of Oregon. Fuck you Uncle Phil, your money can’t buy a title this year….HA!!!

  9. So ducks v Wisconsin in Rose Bowl?
    Playoff winner of OK/Baylor + Ohio State + Clemson + winner of LSU/Georgia?
    Utah off to the Alamo?

  10. 7

    I spent part of the evening watching a condensed version of last years final CWS game. Still can’t believe Abel finished the game retiring 21 straight!

  11. 5

    The only thing that will bring Oregon back down to earth and mediocrity is NCAA sanctions. In today’s college football it only matters who has the most money. The teams with the most money recruit the best players. If you have the best players you can do the minimal and just get by. That is oregon football right now. Mario Cristobal looks like a good coach because he says all of the right things and he recruits the best players. They’re benefiting from being mostly injury free in the key positions, and USC isn’t recruiting well at all. Oregon is likely too big to fail and then failing is bad for business. For whatever reason they are the media darlings of college football, and have been for the past decade. They get all of the breaks and controversial calls go their way. They get the best TV times, most air time, and constant spotlight. It’s not all grassroots and organic, they’re receiving help. Let’s just hope they lose the Rose Bowl and the NCAA finally hands out a long awaited and deserving justice.

  12. I can’t tell if this Fuaga guy is really slow or just so much bigger than the competition it makes him look slow in comparison. Also tough to glean anything from his tape, it is just him pancaking guys half his size.

    • Not gonna lie his junior year film makes me laugh. He takes every opportunity to plaster guys half his size for no reason. I think he’s a project with good size. Not great leverage or technique yet.

  13. 2

    For just a little while, I figured having their first string center back was a positive for the ucks, then there was that errant snap. So much for that theory.

    Two helmet to helmet hits by ucks and neither called; so the zebras are finally gonna use some judgement here? I actually think this is the way they should have been calling this all along; obviously not intentional.

    I see Brady Breeze is a Jr. so we’ll likely face him again. Too bad Beavs missed on him, an in state guy who’d be nice to see along side a healthy David Morris.

    Is Arroyo now off the hotseat in eugene? Could be good for Beavs.

    Oh, and this from Pete Thamel:
    “The Pac-12 conference, with its lagging revenue, intermittently blindfolded officials and star-crossed flagship programs continued a searing streak of infamy on Friday night. No. 5 Utah’s face-plant in its 37-15 loss to No. 13 Oregon in the Pac-12 title game continues the dueling droughts that define the league.”

    Anyway, the Beav Gals whipped the Rainbow Wahine (is it Wahine or Wahines?) 64-32 at Gill.

  14. How does recruiting look for the offensive and defensive lines? Also does anyone know if overall team speed is improving? Speed is what allows the quacks to be opportunistic and why they won so many games this year. If OSU can improve team speed with the current coaching staff…. look out! But OSU also needs some road graders upfront.

    • 1

      Offensive line is pretty down this year for recruiting. Looks like we are bringing in a few and possibly some game ready transfers but nothing to wet our pants over from the recruiting data.

      Defensive line is great if you consider the system. We don’t have any big DT/Nose recruits but we have 3 defensive ends coming in that are all 6’4+ 275 lb+. 3-4 hybrid we use doesn’t really need a nose tackle, its nice but not necessary. Having 3 gigantic athletic DE in rotation across the line is essentially the same as having 3 fast undersized DT on the line. The point is for them to take up blocks and disrupt lanes so we don’t need the traditional recruiting of DT/Nose we did with Bankers 4-3.

  15. 1

    Last night at the NCAA volleyball tourney I heard the best cheer ever. Fairfield University, after each point scored….

    “F You”…….

  16. I noticed some of you got hit by the spam filter. I approved everyone. If that happens just send a request, and I will get to it eventually and approve you. I think it has to do with roaming/mobile IPs.

  17. Do people really give each other trucks for Christmas? GMC has this commercial (during LSU/GA) where these people who look like Ken and Barbie give each other trucks for Christmas!

  18. 2

    Just saw a blurb that TraJon Cotton has left the program. I recognize the name, but he didn’t play this season. My only concern would be that if he has potential it’s another safety checking out. Doesn’t that make three that have left?

      • Seems likeost the guys leaving are Anderson recruits who can’t make the depth chart.

        Onu -Riley/Anderson 2015
        Wetzel – Anderson 2016
        Cotton – Anderson 2017
        Manning – Anderson 2017
        Tufaga – Anderson/Smith 2018

        Looking back at the Anderson classes it’s wild how many guys I have never heard of again since they committed or never seemed to show up.

        Huge and obvious uptick in 2019. 2018 Smith recruits are making an impact too.

      • I wonder if all these safeties leaving are being told that they dont fit in the system because I think that’s like 4 or 5 guys leaving. Cotton, manning, whetzel, onu, ?

          • They won’t fit in the system because in all honesty they weren’t getting the job done. Onu was pretty bad this year. Not bashing the buy because he is a better athlete than I ever was but it’s a d-1 program. Not everyone makes it.

  19. 4

    Looking back at old classes I had a realization with recruiting that makes me pretty happy.

    Riley – Recruited guys he could develop and tried to meet team needs. It always felt like pieces were missing and things were THIS close.

    Anderson – Honestly never had a clue wtf his strategy was. Seemed like he recruited players and then tried to find a system that worked for what he had. It was garbage whatever it was.

    Smith – Set his system and laid out clear requirements for all to hear. Length and athleticism on defense and speed on offense. Heavy emphasis on finding kids with the attitude he likes and who like Corvallis.

    I think we are seeing the start of what a good plan and objectives can achieve. I think our defense will be top 3 in the conference next year if Rashed stays, sounds crazy but feel free to save this and Mick me in the future!

  20. Watch Rob Mullins and Phil Knight pull a magic trick and somehow get the d-cks to sneak into the top 4 of the college football playoff. Not likely, but the fact that they are sitting at #5 is just as ridiculous. Georgia, Alabama, and Florida would destroy them, and hopefully Penn State will.

  21. On the pregame show they are not getting talked about. Most assume it’s oklahoma. Mostly what they are arguing about is who should be number 1.

    It would certainly cause controversy.

    • The committee had to put Oregon at #5 to save face. They had Utah at #5 and Oregon (#13) dominated them. They’re just showing how flawed the system is. Humans cannot accurately choose THE four teams that deserve to play for a “national title”. There are just too many factors that are constantly changing or not seen. It’s as bad as our 12 person jury system.

      • They need to convert all bowl games to a play-off system. You can still have main sponsors for each play-off game but having only four is just stupid.

    • 4

      Rob Mullins their AD is the playoff committee chairman. It’s amazing to me how hard they’re trying to get uo all of the spotlight and attention they can, even though they’re not in the top 4. I never thought I’d see the argument for a 2 loss Oregon being better than a 2 loss Alabama, a 2 loss Georgia, a 2 loss Florida, or a 2 loss Penn State!

      • And was Utah really a number 5 team? I was never convinced of that just like Oregon was never a true number 6 ranking. I don’t think either of them are a top 10. Pac-12 football is sucking hind tit in football – as it deserves. It’s been all down hill the last 3 years.

  22. Is Jonathan Smith’s biggest accomplishment to date the attitude of his players throughout the season?
    Sure, there were quarters where the O, Sp Tms, (and, maybe, the D) faltered; BUT did they ever flat out give up?

    Looking at Utah vs nikegon, seems Utah was F L A T.
    And, seems the effort of nike vs Utah, compared to the CW just wasn’t the same.

    I’m beginning to believe that short, quiet, little niner is one heck of a motivator. Andersen tried the loud mouthed, tough talk and Riley, well hip hip; Smith’s approach seems built for longer run success.

        • I’m embarrassed I had to Google who Rueck is. Don’t do auto immune diseases kids, turn your brain to shit.

          I was referencing stuff Smith has said in interviews lol

          • Well, now you know. I think you’d enjoy following Scott’s gals.
            His mantra is two part: 1) we are family, and 2) why not us?

            Jack (I’d say “rest his soul”, but he’d not appreciate that) used to downplay the women’s game and their small balls (cue BG), but many enjoy the team play and emphasis on D which Rueck teaches.

            Something to ponder, “Women can’t win unless they are having fun; Men can’t have fun unless they are winning”, pretty sure Rueck is the first I heard say that.

  23. Regarding the Pac 12 who was up and who was down this year

    This is mine:
    UW. Down
    WSU down
    OSU up
    Up up
    Cal down
    Tree down
    UCLA down
    USC down
    ASU same
    Arizona down
    Utah up
    Colorado up

    • It’s hard to argue with this. The Pac12 was very down this season. Stanford, UW, and USC won’t stay down for long. Every team had the injury bug with the exception being Oregon. Sure they lost a few receivers, but they’re QB and both lines remained injury free.

    • Using same head to head logic of old school rose bowl selection criteria, OSU ended alone in 4th. When was the last time Pac10/12 4th place team was bowl ineligible. Anyways, I think there’s too many bowls. The bowl naming criteria is ridiculous. NCAA should mandate long term Bowl Naming criterium. If you want to have an ‘Academy Sports + Outdoor Bowl’ you should be required to buy the name long term.

    • 2

      Nikegon was up with senior OL and QB.
      Did Cristo make a serious mistake in not getting game time experience for next seasons QB?
      I think so.

  24. I’m very curious to see how this recruiting class pans out. What do you guys think is missing for Niner to have the pieces needed to be successful? I think it’s offensive linemen and overall team speed. The heart, hard work, belief in the system, and responsiveness to coaching is there. Just need more play makers who can fly around. Side note will OSU ever have a top 25 recruiting class? Or does not having flights come into Corvallis nullify this (j/k)? Without Nike cooperate headquarters annex at uo, is Eugene that much better than Corvallis? That’s why I’ve always suspected that there is much more going on behind the scenes than Nike swag, Jordan’s and Star Wars lookalike football offices.

  25. Eugene is terrible, even if u of Nike wasn’t there. I’m there for work a few times a week and constant have to deal with tweakers and grime. The beavers need to ditch Nike and go with Adidas or under armour imo. I’m guessing both those brands would throw big money at the school as well to complete with Nike in their home state.

    • Nike has outsmarted the OSU AD. They offer OSU contracts that they can’t refuse then supply them with sub-par designs and low quality equipment. They’ ll always keep OSU under their thumb.

      • Some will think I’m too old to be a pollyanna, but here goes:
        “They’ ll always keep OSU under their thumb.”……….always is a long time, Pat Casey as AD would quickly slide OSU out from under the swoosh thumb.
        At least I’d like to think so.

        • I almost think Casey would take the opposite approach and embrace Phil Knight and convince him the only way he’ll experience an NCAAF title is if he supports the Beavs financially and lets them get the job done.
          He went to Phil for funding of the baseball program and Phil stepped up, early on in Casey’s tenure.
          That investment paid off.

          • You could be right, nothing is impossible.
            However, I point to two small indicators:

            1) I once met a guy who got a great deal on a hours old Kubota tractor (orange and black) from Uncle Phil’s landscaper. Phil was livid when he go home and saw the color; immediately sent the landscaper out to buy a John Deere (green/yellow).

            2) As I understand it, Casey was quick to change to DeMarini bats when he found the quality of nike to be lacking.

            I think both men are set on their principles. We may never find out, has Casey ever indicated that he’d be interested in the AD position?

    • Yes it’s a bit underwhelming, but that’s where we’re at. We need OL, but I just don’t see how a PSU OL is (a) the best we can do (b) going to bridge glaring talent gaps.

      • How do you feel about the guys we have? To my count we have 4 with starting experience and 5 that should be pushing to play in the R-Fs- Jr range. My hope is Sorenson never starts and some of the young guys make the jump. With how much our lines have improved I struggle to believe that coach M can’t make any of those young guys into a PAC 12 starter. Next year we have to pull in some talent on OLine or were going to end up with a bad gap.

        Your thoughts AB?

        Edit: Sorenson had gained 50 lbs and an inch since high school so there’s an argument for late bloomer.

        • He might be a late bloomer. Does anyone here know PSU/anything about this guy?

          I’ll be digging into tape soon and will have a more informed opinion on the guys who have signed after that. Probably some time this month. I’ve been impressed with the prep QB and Nolan. Haven’t watched much film other than those guys.

      • I agree on the underwhelming part. However, coach m knows what he is looking for. Maybe this guy plays here and there or has really good technique and is worthy of a starting job. Either way, I hope to see two or so more o lineman joining. A fews years back we had zero lineman in a class and the following year I think it was 6. Gotta keep the pipelines fluid in all positions groups.

      • It’s one year. We’re not bringing in some 5* offensive lineman that’s going to be instantly better than this guy and start all 4 years he’s here.

        Sorenson is flexible, he started a bunch of games at G and even a couple games at C. He’s a solid stop gap player for one year.

    • 2

      Its a competitive field. Offensive line is probably the second hardest position to recruit besides DT/NT. You just don’t find the mix of size and athleticism easily and if you do there is probably 20 other schools that is after the same guy. As we improve we will get better hopefully but It will always be rare to get a 6’4+ 300 lb+ beast right out of high school. We will likely always be in the range of 6’4+ 270+ or 6’1″ 300 lb+ and have to develop them a bit.

      • Iowa has the perfect template. They put a ton of O lineman in the NFL and a fair amount are HS TE’s or underwight OL’s.
        They get good athletes, then develop and put weight on them. Ferentz is a former NFL O line coach so he knows what he is doing.
        Hopefully Coach M sticks around and we get some consistency in the recruiting and development of that group.

        • Yeah, that’s why I was asking if that TE we got, Overman, would actually play TE. He seems a good candidate to move to OL. Spencer looks to be a better TE, and Musgrave should be good next year. I like the model of recruiting TEs and asking them to put on 50lbs. TEs are naturally athletic, hands, etc…good model.

  26. “Arizona State: Bruce Feldman is once again touting Hue Jackson as a top candidate for the ASU offensive coordinator role this morning. Our update from a few days ago on a couple of college offensive coordinators who have been interviewed for the job as well.”

    This was posted on The Scoop (not always reliable but who is these days).

    Stay away from Lindgren.

    Baldwin to be the new head coach at Cal Poly. Wow, I’m glad the Beavs didn’t get him if that’s where the market see’s him fitting as a head coach.

    • Well, he was probably on the way out of Cal after two bad offensive years and wanted to be a HC instead of OC. It’s tough to get a HC job after the last few years he’s had. It doesn’t mean he’s a bad HC or a bad OC, for that matter; two years with QB injuries is a small sample sizes.

      I’m happy with JS!

    • This is why I was against him as our HC during the coaching search. Groundwork for the EWU pipeline was set up before he got there and he really lucked out with Vernon Adams who put him on the map. That plus having 2 NFL wideouts on the same team in Bourne (GO MILWUAKIE MUSTANGS!!) and Krupp I was worried that he wouldn’t translate well to Power 5 once he didn’t have way better talent than his week in/week out competition.

      So glad we chose Smith instead of Baldwin or Wells.

        • Luckily we don’t. That guy couldn’t produce on offense with top 5 talent in the country what Smith’s done with the worst ranked talent in the conference.

          • Totally agree. Miles underachieved endlessly with the talent available. LSU does probably have the hardest schedule in football year In and year out though.

        • Miles didn’t work any special miracles with the David Beatty talent he inherited, KU finished 3-9 just like the previous season. That’s not to say they won’t have success in a couple of years because of possible improved recruiting under Miles. I get that it is an investment in the future. I’m just saying any mastery of X’s and O’s didn’t improve the Jayhawks much this year. Miles seems more like the CEO type, I think Smith is in the trenches. I like that.

          • Kansas currently has the #3 ranked recruiting class in the Big 12, after being dead last last year. They were better this year than last year, and Miles definitely has them trending up.

            Still, Smith is way cheaper, and knows the region. Miles is still largely recruiting his old backyards in OK, TX, LA, etc.

  27. Yikes, Sorenson didn’t even make Honorable Mention All-Big Sky this year when a few of his teammates made various all-conference teams.

    • surprising he didn’t get all conference after being all conference the year before. well there are 13 football schools in the big sky conf. regardless, he looks like a guy who will contribute, a replacement for cordasco

    • Pretty sure Sears is out of the conversation now. Rumors have him headed to San Diego State.
      Probably best to have the 3 year guy, so he’ll be around long enough to learn the playbook and have a solid senior season.

    • I like the fact that if Gebbia (assuming he is the starter) has to miss a game or so, the backup will be a similar style qb so the offense won’t have to suddenly change a lot.

    • 1

      Good get and he’s the right kind of guy to bring in to battle Gebbia for the job.

      I’ve been a bit worried about Gebbia heading into next season just because I feel like it’s a challenging environment for a player with limited game experience to take on the heir-apparent role.

      I like Gebbia, and his performance in the civil-war was reassuring, but the psychological burden of heading into the offseason with the responsibility of being “the guy” come Fall is no joke and tough to take on without having substantial in-game experience with which to build confidence.

      Gebbia should be able to assert himself as the starter throughout spring and fall camp, but bringing in a JC guy that has a similar skill-set and talent trajectory to battle him helps everyone stay present and focus on developing their game and competing for the job rather than be distracted by looming expectations.

      Would have liked it a lot less if they had brought in a Power 5 backup grad-transfer or a player with an asymmetric skill-set/trajectory.

      It also shows clear intention in what they are looking for at the QB position; Football IQ, mechanics, good-feet and ability to improvise and be productive on the run, but an actual QB and not an RPO ATH. With less of an emphasis on prototypical size.

      He’s looking for the Jake Browning and Kellen Moore types and the QB room is starting to reflect that from top-bottom with Gebbia, Nolan, and Gulbranson.

      Hope they bring back the Colleto-cat package too.

    • The tape is what matters to me, which says Nolan looks like a significantly better QB than Luton. In this case, the stats back it up.

      Completion percentage:

      Luton 56.5%
      Nolan 65.9%

      Yards per attempt

      Luton 7.7
      Nolan 9.3

      Touchdown to interception ratio

      Luton 40:15
      Nolan 38:6

      Luton threw 100 more times and ended up with more yards, but Nolan was much more efficient.

      Overall QB rating

      Luton 143.1
      Nolan 175.4

      Good get and no matter who is the #1 next year, I feel pretty solid about that position.

      Edit – He was also the#6 rusher in all of California JUCO. That’s really nice. I’ve heard they’re looking to do some 2 QB sets, so he could actually see the field early.

  28. Chance Nolan did not have a star ranking on 247 over the weekend. Today he is magically a…..wait for it…….3 star!!!!

    BeaverBump is undefeated.

    They must have been waiting to see if he would commit to oregon or utah first. I noticed Cristobal started following Nolan in recent days.
    He could have been a 4 star if he went to one of those schools. what is he thinking??

  29. Not sure of it means anything but we are twelve 247 composite points from matching last year. That’s about 4 three star guys. Last year’s total got seriously bumped by Moore.

    By my count we have 6 more spots.

    • I have 19 total verbal commits, so technically room for 6 more if these guys all sign, plus they could pad the stats by adding an LDS verbal commit like Nu Tanuvasa to get the number a little higher.
      Not that it means anything. Theo Howard would be gravy, but I’m less and less optimistic as he seems to be a pretty hot commodity.
      Still think they’ll add 2 more OL and 2 more Safety/CBs and possibly a DT. And they’ll likely leave 1 or 2 spots open to accommodate transfers as they come up.
      Also, still lots of time between early signing day and the later Feb day. They try to get most guys signed early, but the class probably won’t be completed on Dec 18th.

      Position Verbal commit
      QB Ben Gulbranson
      QB Chance Nolan (JC)
      RB Isaiah Newell
      WR Zeriah Beason
      WR Trevor Pope
      WR Silas Bolden
      TE Tommy Spencer
      TE Jake Overman
      OL Cooper Darling
      OL Jacob Ferenczi
      OL Korbin Sorensen
      DE Shane Kady
      DE Tavis Shippen (JC)
      DE Alex Lemon (JC)
      LB John Miller
      LB Junior Walling
      CB Alton Julian (JC)
      S Johnathan Riley (JC)
      S Ron Hardge III (JC)

  30. Wbb moves to 4th in the AP rankings. Stanford #1, ucks #3. They also received a first place vote. I think that’s the first time that I can remember them getting one.

  31. Former South Carolina QB Jake Bentley grad transferring to Utah.

    Solid but unspectacular in his SEC career (much like the rest of Utah’s QB’s before 2019).

  32. So with the addition of Fuaga tonight, we’re at 20 filled spots in the 2020 class with room for 5 more, plus any LDS mission non-counting signings.

    Likely candidates for remaining spots:
    Rejzohn Wright – JC CB
    Sione Lolohea – DE
    Brandon Casey – OL
    Nu Tanuvasa -DT (LDS mission)

    I’m starting to doubt we land Kyle Griffin. I’m also not sure if he is an LDS mission candidate too?
    We should know more depending on where he visits this weekend. If he comes to OSU, our prospects will be trending up.

    I really doubt we fill all 5 spots. Maybe 3 more plus Tanuvasa?

    • Do Sorenson and Moore count towards the 2020 class? I thought D1 transfers counted against their original recruiting class? Or is that just grad transfers?

      • (Apologies for the long post, but I think it’s necessary to point out how convoluted the counting process is for NCAA scholarships)

        There’s conflicting information on the inter-webs on how transfers count.
        My understanding is the 25 class size limit is counting “initial counters” as part of that 25.

        The grey area is some sites say a player receiving their first scholarship at a school are initial counters (which would mean pretty much any player signed would count). I disagree.
        Now, here comes the bylaw interpretation. Feel free to read through and see if my understanding is off.

        To me, there is no mention of how a transfer student/athlete would be an initial counter, so my logic says they are exempt from the 25 rule, so long as they are transferring from another NCAA institution and were previously receiving a football scholarship at the prior school.
        The rule specifically says “initial counter is a counter who is receiving countable financial
        aid in a sport for the first time.” Key words = “First time”


        The NCAA definition of an initial counter is: Initial Counter. [FBS/FCS] An “initial counter” is a counter who is receiving countable financial
        aid in a sport for the first time. (See Bylaw in football for instances in which the institution is permitted
        to defer the counting of such financial aid until the following academic year.) Initial Counters—Football (Also see Bylaw Recruited Student-Athlete Entering in Fall Term, Aided in First Year. [FBS/FCS] A
        student-athlete recruited (see Bylaw 15.02.8) by the awarding institution who enters in the fall term and
        receives institutional financial aid (based in any degree on athletics ability) during the first academic year in
        residence shall be an initial counter for that year in football. Therefore, such aid shall not be awarded if the
        institution has reached its limit on the number of initial counters prior to the award of institutional financial
        aid to the student-athlete. (Revised: 1/15/11 effective 8/1/11) Recruited Student-Athlete Entering After Fall Term, Aided in First Year. [FBS/FCS] A
        student-athlete recruited (per Bylaw 15.02.8) by the awarding institution who enters after the first term of
        the academic year and immediately receives institutional financial aid (based in any degree on athletics
        ability) shall be an initial counter for either the current academic year (if the institution’s annual limit has
        not been reached) or the next academic year. The student-athlete shall be included in the institution’s total
        counter limit during the academic year in which the aid was first received. (Revised: 1/15/11 effective 8/1/11) Recruited Student-Athlete, Aid Received After First Year. [FBS/FCS] A recruited student-athlete (per Bylaw 15.02.8) (including a student-athlete who was not a qualifier) who first receives
        athletically related financial aid after the student-athlete’s first academic year in residence shall be an initial
        counter for that academic year in which the aid is first received, if such aid is received during the fall term.
        However, such a student-athlete who first receives athletically related financial aid in the second or third
        term of an academic year may be considered an initial counter during the academic year in which aid was
        first received or the next academic year. In either case, the student-athlete shall be included in the institution’s total counter limit during the academic year in which the aid was first received. (Revised: 1/3/06,1/15/11 effective 8/1/11) Nonrecruited Student-Athlete Receiving Institutional Financial Aid. [FBS/FCS] A
        student-athlete not recruited (per Bylaw 15.02.8) by the institution who receives institutional financial aid
        (based in any degree on athletics ability) after beginning football practice becomes a counter but need not
        be counted as an initial counter until the next academic year if the institution has reached its initial limit
        for the year in question. However, the student-athlete shall be considered in the total counter limit for the
        academic year in which the aid was first received. (Revised: 1/15/11 effective 8/1/11) Midyear Replacement. [FBS/FCS] A counter who graduates at midyear or who graduates
        during the previous academic year (including summer) may be replaced by an initial counter, who shall be
        counted against the initial limit either for the year in which the aid is awarded (if the institution’s annual
        limit has not been reached) or for the following academic year, or by a student-athlete who was an initial
        counter in a previous academic year and is returning to the institution after time spent on active duty in the
        armed services or on an official religious mission. In bowl subdivision football, an institution may use the
        midyear replacement exception only if it previously has provided financial aid during that academic year
        to the maximum number of overall counters (85 total counters). In championship subdivision football,
        an institution may use the midyear replacement exception only if it previously has provided financial aid
        during that academic year that equals the maximum number of overall equivalencies or overall counters.
        (Revised: 4/20/99 effective 8/1/99, 6/8/99, 4/26/01 effective 8/1/01, 8/2/05, 12/15/06, 1/14/08 effective 8/1/08,
        4/2/10, 1/15/11) Aid First Awarded After Second Year. [FBS/FCS] A student-athlete who has been in residence at the certifying institution for at least two academic years may receive athletically related financial
        aid for the first time without such aid counting as an initial award, provided the aid falls within the overall
        grant limitation. (Adopted: 1/11/89, Revised: 1/10/90 effective 8/1/90) Recruited Student-Athlete, Varsity Competition. [FBS/FCS] In accordance with Bylaw, a recruited student-athlete (per Bylaw 15.02.8) receiving institutional financial aid having been
        granted without regard in any degree to athletics ability becomes an initial counter in the first academic
        year in which the student-athlete competes on the varsity level. (See Bylaw (Revised: 10/27/05
        effective 8/1/06, 1/15/11 effective 8/1/11, 1/18/14 effective 8/1/14) Returning Two-Year Transfer. [FBS/FCS] A student-athlete who previously was an initial
        counter and who transferred to a two-year college shall not be an initial counter upon return to the original
        institution. Delayed Initial Counter Who Does Not Return to School. [FBS/FCS] A student-athlete
        who receives countable financial aid but whose status as an initial counter under this bylaw is delayed until
        the following academic year shall be counted against the initial limit the following academic year, regardless of whether the student-athlete reports for participation or attends the institution in that academic year.

        • yikes! Maybe I shouldn’t have used the block quote function, haha.

          Also, any early enrolls could potentially be classified to the prior year class if room remains there, per bylaw

          Charles Moore fits under bylaw, which is why he counts towards 2019 for purposes of the 85 total scholarship limit, but I don’t think he technically counts towards the 25 class size limit for 2019 since he transferred from Auburn. Bylaw might even apply to Moore, if they didn’t technically “recruit” him and gave him financial aid to attend classes prior to joining the team. A sneaky maneuver if you ask me.
          (to be clear, I’m all for sneaky. Gotta use the rules to your advantage whenever you can. Every team does it, but the smartest teams find the best loopholes, i.e. the late fall registration date at OSU working to their benefit with transfers and the 1 year academic enrollment waiting period)

          So, from my understanding, the transfer student athletes who received a football scholarship at their prior school do not count towards the 25 “initial counter” cap for each class.
          They do count towards the 85 total scholarship limit, however. There is some wiggle room to move them around between prior year and current year classes when counting up the 85 total scholarship limit.
          This comes in handy because signing 25 players every year wouldn’t be possible unless guys came off the books early. By classifying a player to a 2019 class scholarship instead of 2020, they come off the books earlier, which can help us sign more guys in later classes.

          • Holy hell haha!

            That all checks out to me, thanks for doing the work! Seems like Smith is all for stacking in as much talent as he can find into each class considering how depleted we were with Anderson and all the transfers and retirements we had. I have no idea what our total scholarship count is but It seems like we keep 2-3 open all the time so we can pick up random transfers.

            I think Smith might be in the running for best adapter to the transfer portal award!

  33. 5

    I’ve been suspicious for a couple of weeks that OSU could be interested in a local transfer, Joe Quillin who was previously at Air Force. Was an all state center prospect at Jesuit and has a brother in the 2021 class who also plays OL for Jesuit.
    Quillin played DT for Air Force and was class of 2018.
    Not saying anything is imminent, but a name to keep an eye out for.

      • https://247sports.com/college/oregon-state/Season/2020-Football/Commits/Preview/

        Fun tool for anyone who wants to play with their algorithm. Quick reality check, before Moore was added to the 2019 class our total score was 160ish (now 186). For 2020 we are currently at 178.33 if NB is right (hes pretty good haha) we will end with 184ish. That means with 22 commits we will score almost as high as 2020 (22 commits) even with a dude who was nearly a 5 star (69th ranked in the country) added late. If we pull Moore out that means the 2019 class averaged 7.62 points per recruit and the 2020 class averaged 8.36 points per recruit (10% increase).

        I think this is a pretty decent demonstration that Smith is recruiting well and only improving.

        • Now that you’ve compiled that data, 247 will go and rerank a bunch of players right around the Feb signing day which will throw off where everybody currently sits on the bell curve.
          It really feels like the have a pre-determined range where they want teams to end up in their final ranking and they can tweak things up or down as they go in order to make that a reality.
          Oregon State 2019 class ranking is a little higher than expected? Lets move Speights from 4* to 3*. That’ll fix it!

          • Yeah the more I look into it the less great it is. Idk if it’s malicious, I think once people commit they become pretty static. After early LOI guys will pick up offers and either be rated for the first time or be up rated based on new film review, camps or offer sheet. This pushes all the committed guys down the curve as the party gets bigger.

          • which proves that recruiting rankings for teams and star rankings for recruits gets a +/- 1 star based on who the top teams are in the AP rankings?

        • Yeah kinda. The higher the rank at commitment the less likely they drop and the more weight on a schools offer the higher a player will rise.

    • 247 just got around to ranking him gave him an 88. Seems that Smith is finding some good talent for 247 these days. Nolan was unranked to 86 and Riley unranked to 83.

      Technically Sione is now the blockbuster of the class.

  34. Is there going to be a bowl pick em contest much like the regular season one we did?

    I missed too many weeks during the regular season. Sheer laziness. Or I’d have smoked all your asses!

  35. @NB, any chance we go after Juergens (que the jokes) who decommitted from USC on Sunday? He is the second lineman to recently decommitt from them. According to 247, Beavs haven’t offered either of them at this point.

      • I don’t know, lol. Good point, he is 240 but almost 6’5″. Maybe you redshirt the kid and try adding some weight, IDK. I’d like to see another 0-lineman in the class and figured some of these guys decommitting could be possible to swoop up. I’m guessing smith will keep a few spots open for transfers when players enter the portal when realizing they won’t be getting the PT they hoped for. It’s worked out well for him in the past.

        By the way AB, I was looking through blog posts when you first started this thing around 2009. It’s funny the kids Riley was recruiting then and some of the complaints you had about offense and defense. Some of those same issues came back about 4 years ago. I am very thankful we are recruiting kids other p5 teams have actually heard of. Let’s hope Smith keeps this thing climbing and doesn’t have the peaks and valleys Riley had.

        • Is it possible Riley’s best classes came because he was able to sell playing time better and when it got more challenging to recruit better players because he couldn’t sell PT he went out and got development projects in hopes to fill future gaps?

          • Not sure really. There was ALWAYS a major hole on Riley’s teams. We could never get the stars to align across the board. Personally I think its cause he recruited too many projects so if only 1/3 ended up a solid player and 1/8 ended up a star it was never enough to fill the starting positions.

        • NucB, on Rivals Jeurgens is listed at 6’6″ 265 pounds. Figure put on 20-30, not too bad for an o-lineman. They have his as a 2 star. Seems he was recruited there as a dlineman though.

    • There’s a good chance we’ve already contacted Juergens. That’s how I came across him last night. But it also looks like several teams are interested in him. Would be a tough battle to land him, but not impossible.
      Given that we are new to his recruitment, I dont like our chances.

      We have not invited Juergens for a visit at this point, but he “would love to take a visit to Oregon State”. Planning to sign during the February signing period.

  36. in the 2013 class, there were 25 signees in all. 6 early enrollees, 19 signed LOI. from those 25, these are the players i recall making impacts:

    Early Enrollees:
    Steven Nelson CB 6-0 / 185
    Sean Harlow OT 6-5 / 260
    Kyle Kempt QB 6-4.5 / 199
    Darrell Songy OLB 6-1 / 220

    Signed LOI:
    Dashon Hunt CB 5-9 / 175
    Hunter Jarmon WR 6-0 / 180
    Kyle Peko DT 6-3 / 290
    Jordan Villamin WR 6-5 / 215
    Brandon Arnold S 6-1 / 195
    Victor Bolden WR 5-9 / 160
    Justin Strong CB 6-0 / 180
    Fred Lauina OG 6-3 / 260
    Manase Hungalu WDE 6-2 / 225

    13/25 out of the names of players I recall making impacts. that’s 52% of the class of recruits actually became starters at one point. It will be interesting to see how many players from this years class makes an impact in the next 2 years.

    Which players in this class do we see starting anywhere on the team as a true freshman? maybe use the 4 games and redshirt rule by splitting it among the incoming recruits on Special Teams and rotation guys?

    • I think Smiths classes will initially have huge impacts due to the hole we have to fill. Also you would expect the transfers and JC to come in more game ready and competing. Finally current football uses high rotation of skill players and defense.

      With those factors I would expect atleast 50% of LOI to see the field. I think it’s probably closer to 70% due to the defensive nature of this class.

    • Just to get the ball rolling on this discussion, I counted 27 (Fisher was listed twice) new players in 2019 including transfers. I did not include the 1 LOI.

      Fisher-Yes when healthy
      Franke-? maybe on ST
      Gould-Yes I thought on ST
      Green-Richards-medically retired
      Gumbs-Yes until injury

      Maybe 13 out of 27? What I like is of the guys that were highly ranked, all qualified. In years past sometimes we get “good” players but they can’t ever play.

      • -Bennett rotated in for acouple games but red shorted. 2 TK.
        -Hennessey, I think same as Bennett but no stats. Remember seeing his name in the uni.
        -Franke Yes, 1 TK
        -Gould hurt his knee (I think) in fall camp, out all season.
        -Austin, 4 games with 7 TK, 1PD and a FR. I liked his hustle alot.
        — Rawls, thought I saw him in rotation. Not definite.
        -Sandberg, 11 TK and 1 SK

        I count 18 or 19/25 if you pull out Gould and Green.

    • Speights and Roberts are the biggest impacts of last class. Not only are they great in themselves but the way they read and attack is a great example to the other LB. I think they had a huge impact on the shift in LB play this year

      • It reminds me when it seemed year after year we had a stud linebacker in there like Doctor that we could count on. Oddly enough, I had a comm class with him. Super quiet. I’m like how do you go out and try to take a guys head off and then you are this gentle little mouse in class.

        • Thats funny, I had a Coms and Phys Ed class with Dwight Roberson. Same deal, very reliable guy and vicious guy on the field but was a super sweet nice guy in class.

          Showing my age a bit lol

      • Worth a small mention Speights’s journey to Oregon State is impressive itself; if you haven’t read any of the articles concerning him, you should.

  37. So of the 6 guys who had Official Visits without commitments we landed 4 of them in 36 hours. Thats a killer weekend.

    Chance Nolan – JuCo QB OV [Commited]
    Dezjhon Malone – DB OV
    Taliese Fuaga – OT OV [Commited]
    Korbin Sorensen – OL Transfer OV (PSU Vikings) [Commited]
    Brandon Casey – OL OV (Montana commit)
    Sione Lolohea – DE OV [Commited]

      • 6’5 265 lbs out of high school…Not sure what we are selling a kid that size. Unless he really loves Oregon State I don’t really think we have that much to offer in terms of playing time unless he works extremely hard and gains 30-40 lbs. I also don’t really think its a bad thing that guys like this are options for us but not necessities. People seem to think that the cupboards are empty at OL and we are in desperate times but I don’t see it at all. We have 4 guys with starting experience (Clarke 310 lb, Kipper 305 lb, Keobounnam 285 lb, Eldridge 300 lb) and are bringing in Sorenson who is 6’6 305 lb with a year to play. We have a wealth of young guys that all have size and height and now a year or two in Smith’s system getting good coaching and good conditioning. Next year is a critical year to maintain depth but this year its more about pipelines and picking up some guys that have the personality and size to help the program.

        Here are a list of underclassmen on our roster that are that size or bigger (his direct competition).

        1) Rob Vanderlaan 6-5 267 So (redshirting I think)
        2) Tanner Miller 6’1 277 lb Fr
        3) Josh Gray 6’4 287 lb Fr (redshirting)
        4) Nick Suing 6’3 288 Fr
        5) Brian Espinoza 6’4 279 lb Fr
        6) Thomas Sio 6’4 344 lb Fr (redshirting)
        7) Cooper Darling 6’4 290 lb (incoming Fr)

        Not to mention these R-So
        1) Onesimus Clarke 6’4 310 lb – Starting Experience
        2) Brandon Kipper 6’6 305 lb – Starter all year
        3) Brock Wellsfry 6’5 293 lb
        4) Keldon Littell 6’4 300 lb
        5) Jalen Bush 6’7 280 lb
        6) Dakota Napierkowski 6’4 264 lb
        7) Travis Mackay 6’7 307 lb

    • I don’t think Malone ended up visiting, so now we’re 4 for 5.
      Casey, the Montana commit could be a late add if they don’t land one of their top remaining OL targets, but I tend to think he will remain firm with Montana when all is said and done.

      Now watch, he’ll commit to OSU today now that I’ve said that.

  38. Reposting as this seems to be coming to fruition …

    Power 5 Conference Teams + BYU with lower Sagarin Ranking through 12 games than Beavers.

    I would think, based on this it seems reasonable for us to start recruiting Top 40 type classes instead of Top 60 classes. This does assume that most recruits would choose a Power 5 school over a Group of 6 which I understand is not universal. And how the heck did Arkansas get to be so bad!

    #59 Beavers
    #60 Boston College
    #61 Pitt
    #64 BYU
    #65 UCLA
    #66 Syracuse
    #67 Colorado
    #69 Purdue
    #70 Stanford
    #74 Duke
    #75 Northwestern
    #77 Illinois
    #81 Arizona
    #86 Kansas
    #95 Maryland
    #100 NC State
    #105 Georgia Tech
    #108 Vandy
    #114 Arkansas

  39. Nemec tweets: Oregon State fans should watch signings carefully for Alex Lemon, the nation’s No. 1 JC DE. Sounding like his status is very much up in the air at this point.

  40. And 247Sports National recruiting rank for the past decade:

    2010 #62
    2011 #42
    2012 #44
    2013 #45
    2014 #60
    2015 #61
    2016 #58
    2017 #51
    2018 #70
    2019 #53
    2020 #46 (so far)

  41. Update on USC decommit Juergens from earlier today.
    Oregon State and Juergens are now working towards finding an official visit daye that will fit their schedules.
    Alot can change in a short period of time.

  42. Any of you good at digging up info on recruits? I’m stumped on this dude.
    He’s a DT from Narbonne HS and supposedly has an Arizona State offer, but I cant find a profile for him anywhere other than his HUDL page.
    He’s a bit of an enigma, but I noticed coach Smith started following him.


    • I heard on the radio this morning the complaints about ducks winning the conference championship and having a total of 4 players on all conference teams. It sounds like coaches in the conference don’t like Cristobal and the theory is they refused to vote for his players.

      Good for Hamilcar!

  43. 1

    Nicebeaver, are we going to do a bowl pickem? I got an email from cbs referring to a bowl pickem, but I didn’t read it and now cant find it.

    • Looks like there will be another round of games for Bowl season, but they haven’t set the point spread’s yet, so I have to wait before I can select the games.
      In the meantime, if there’s a specific list of bowl games you guys want included, send me your recommendations.
      I’ll pick every game with a Pac 12 team, the then other games to get me up to 12 total.
      I’d imagine the point spreads for the different games will trickle in at different times since bowl season get spread out over several weeks.

  44. Hamilcar makes Sports Illustrated AA list….note that OSU Cowboy RB Hubbard is on there too…quite the productive season for him.

    “LB: Hamilcar Rashed Jr., Oregon State

    The Beavers aren’t known for their defense, but Rashed Jr. is the real deal. His 14 sacks this season trail only Chase Young, and he’s made 62 tackles, 42 of which were solo. Five of the junior linebacker’s 12 games featured multi-sack efforts. ”

    Too bad they didn’t provide a count of his TFLs, but great he’s on the list.


      • Not that he appears to need motivation, but that snub may furtter inspire Hamilcar next year. He’s also likely to come back about 10 pounds heavier. Going to be fun to watch.

  45. Tonight’s Hala update.
    I spoke to someone who shared a little interesting info.
    John Hala is in fact class of 2020. He also has apparantly already made a visit to Oregon State. (Has anybody seen this mentioned on any of the other recruiting sites?)

    His brother is Tui Hala(class of 2022) as was mentioned above.
    Both guys appear to be friends with recent Oregon State commit Sione Lolohea.

    That’s all I have for now, but will share more as I learn it.

    Film for John is pretty non existant since he didnt play this year.
    He’s 6’4″ 285 and is listed as a DE/DT. I would assume he’s pretty raw when it comes to American football, bit with his rugby background and physical measurables, I could see him being an intriguing project.
    And his brother is already a beast as a 6’1″, 265lb Sophomore.
    His film is below.


      • From the G-T:

        When Tibesar first arrived on campus, he knew that before introducing the players to the defensive schemes they would be running he needed to lay a foundation and set the expectation for what he and the defensive staff wanted from the players.

        “This is how we’re going to operate,” he said. “You’re going to be on time, you’ve got to take notes in meetings and you lay down the foundation that way.

        “And then we told them right from the beginning that we’re going to be effective on defense not because of the scheme, but because we’re going to hang our hat on four core fundamentals.”

        Those core fundamentals are pursuing the football, tackling, block destruction and creating takeaways.

        “That way no matter what scheme you’re running, if you’re good in those four areas on defense you’re going to be a good defense,” he said.

        That kid nails the core fundamentals and demonstrates the staff is adding their kind of players to fit their system. I’m repeating myself, but this defense is going to be fun to watch for TFLs.

        • Great grab OC. Total agreement that the staff is getting the players that fit their vision over chasing pretty stars. I think there is already plenty of young players on our roster that show that the right attitude and skillset mixed with clear vision gives results greater than 247 estimates.

          I feel it deep in my gut that our defense will be returning to the terrors of the PAC 12 we had under Erickson. I was telling my Husky friend last year that we might end up with a defense similiar to UW’s when Shaq Thompson was on it due to all the young guys getitng so much experience.

    • Exactly. I don’t understand why Bill called him a “developmental prospect”…rankings don’t suggest that, offer sheet doesn’t suggest that, and film doesn’t suggest that.

  46. Question on offering strategy. Is it better for us to be a first offer early or wait to keep kids under the radar? I’m thinking about Declan Quillin, he has no offers but he’s gonna get some. Is it better to offer him now and hope or wait it out for a bit? Keith Brown is another good example, we found him and offered first and he signed with the ducks with many thanks to us.

    • For a guy like Quillin that plays at one of the top programs in the state, he’s not going under the radar. Might as well start building the relationship early and hope it pays off.

      The guys that may slip under the radar a little are the ones that play at smaller programs and who are less active on the camp circuit.

    • I don’t know much about recruiting but I think it’s a good sign that the Beav coaches don’t just chase a player because of ratings or all of the offers they have. They have to actually know how to recognize talent and be comfortable with their assessment process. Because of this, I think more times than not, they will end up targeting the right players and get guys that wouldn’t normally go to a smaller p5 program like OSU. The commits are recognizing these coaches are smart and authentic.

      • And if you’ve followed OSU recruiting in the past, you know there are definitely lazy programs that swoop in on guys uncovered by other programs.

    • 1

      Keith Brown? Seriously?

      Some of us have watched this dude in person multiple times. And don’t get the hype. Overrated as shit. Ducks can have him.

      • oregon got interested in Brown as soon as he was invited by 247 to visit their 5* camp a year ago. At that point Nemec started throwing around the word “Elite” and Cristobal got a star boner and decided to offer the kid.

        • 6

          I think what I’m hearing you say NB, is we can throw Oregon off the trail by attracting them to a false scent. We need to start an “elite” camp. Someone can pretend to be 247. Say a whole bunch of stuff and nemec will take it from there. Not only will they be recruiting the wrong players but they will be paying the wrong ones too!

    Aaron Fitt says, “I’m more convinced than ever that the *******are the team to beat in the West this year. That team is loaded. Pitching staff should be dramatically improved.”

    ******He is talking about one of the Arizona schools, and NOT the one Yeskie went to.

  48. A little more on Hala. Didn’t play last year because of the CIF sanctions that were put on Narbonne. I think somebody(Zen?) posted about that yesterday up above. Sounds like residency issues prevented some players from being allowed to participate. He wasnt part of the academic related sanctions.
    He did visit OSU, but the person I spoke with was unsure if that resulted in an offer. Just guessing that he did get an offer though. We dont usually have guys come on official visits unless they have an offer or are getting offered.(Brandon Casey, the Montana commit did visit recently but doesn’t have an offer that we know of, so it’s not unheard of)

    Also hearing that somebody is taking this info we ‘ve dug up on him and posting it in the Sedge forums. Thanks for being a hero.

    • lol. What a journey. Makes sense that I couldn’t find stats/game photos for him now. Crazy that a guy can come in and receive D1 offers without ever getting to play a down of high school ball. I wonder what his chances are of academically qualifying with the international transfer issues.

      If he ends up in Corvallis (and hopefully his lil bro too) I’ll forever refer to him as “Pepe Silvia”.


    • 1

      I’m sorry, you guys are just such rock stars.

      “And if you’ve followed OSU recruiting in the past, you know there are definitely lazy programs that swoop in on guys uncovered by other programs.”

      Replace programs with journalists. We appreciate you.

      • It’s the other forum actually. And it’s not the site owners, it’s readers who probably frequent every site possible and then dump information in the forum to get discussions started.

        The thing i dont get, is why pay to be part of a site, when you’re using content that’s already being discussed on the free site?

  49. AP All Pac 12. Hodgins First Team. Ham First Team. Also a shout out to Elijah Molden (West Linn/UW) First Team.

    Brandel and Lavaka Second Team.


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